The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1876, Image 1

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    VOL. 1 No. 11.
Rcsiders in cities but seldom enjoy
the truly grand iiml beautiful of Nu
turc's handiwork. During the early
Summer months a ten days1 trip into
the Caseadc range of mountains will
bhow anyone more of the beauties of
nature than a twenty years residence in
an over-crowded and smoky city. Our
nrtist has, on this page, portrayed a
scene which once viewed will never be
effaced from memory's tablets. Inline
diately where the snow (Winter) leaves
off, Summer appears in all its glory.
Wild flowers of the most exquisite per
fume and of all hues are seen every
where, such as would be ornamental in
our most tastily kept city gardens.
William Hume, the pioneer salmon
packer on the Columbia river, was horn
in Wadeville, Maine, in 1S31, and com
menced active life
ten as boat-puller for his father, who
was a fisherman on the Kenebec river
for sixty years. Hearing the wonder
ful stories about salmon in the Sacra
mento river, young II. left his native
town at the age of twenty-two, arriv
ing in Sacramento in 1S53 where he at
once started fishing, wherein he was
very successful, finding a ready market
for all the salmon he caught at $2 per
dozen, although sometimes receiving as
high as $3 and $4 for a single fish.
Mr. II. being an excellent marksman
and fontl of hunting, used to often, dur
ing the Winter
season, indulge
in that sport
and finding that
money could be
made nt it em
ployed bis time
fishing in Sum
mer and hunt
ing in Winter.
Ducks at whole
sale then sold at
20 cents a pair
and geese at $1
a pair. Mr. II.
has withaio-lh.
gun and four
ounces of shot,
brought down
11s many as 81
ducks at a single
shot and as high
as 65 geese.
For shooting
on the wing, be
used an 8 -lb.
gun and one m.
of shot, bagging
from 20 to 20
head per day.
Besides other
game, Mr. II.'s
winter shooting
figured up 4,000
to 8,000 head of
ducks and geese
In 1S64, Mr.
II., his brother
George and Mr.
at the early age of
Ilapgood, started
canning sal mo n
on a small scute
at Washington,
opposite Sacra
mento. At this
place they stop
ped for two years.
During his hunt
ing excursions,
Mr. II. often fell
in with old trap
pers who related
to him wonderful
stories about the
amount of game
and fish in the
then far oft Co
lumbia river, and
in 1S65, George
Hume started for
the Columbia, lo
cating and secur
ing Eagle Cliff.
Win, and Mr. Ilapgond followed, and
whilst William did the actual fishing,
George and Mr. Ilapgood attended to
the canning. At that time II. N. Nice
and Joachime Reed were the principal
fishermen on the river. They, how
ever, preserved their lish by salting.
In the year 1866 the actual canning of
salmon was commenced on the Colum
bia by George and William Hume and
A. S. Ilapgood, under the firm name
of Ilapgood, Hume & Co. Although
but ten years have passed, there are ly
diflerent canneries 011 the Columbia
river, each one of them employing
T.rn a y'-
anv form iisintj
A-le recent inundation of the sub
urbs of this city and other localities is
likely to leave swampy places, we re
commend to our readers, on the advise
of several physicians, to immediately
plant as many sun-flower seeds as pos
sible in every available place about the
yard. The common suu-flower is the
best disinfectant known, and any mias
matic locality can be made exceedingly
healthful by the growth of masses of
Mr.i-tlnwers. Ten
from 150 to 350
Mr. Ilapgood
has retired from
active business,
George i in the
shipping business
whilst William
still runs the old
place and which
he very seldom
leaves except for
a short hunting
excursion, which
he is still a lover
of. In his bach
elor's hall at Ea
gle Cliff may be
seen the numer
ous trophies of a
successful hunter.
In his habits, Mr.
H. is very tern.
perate, never in
liquor or tobacco.
cents worth of seed
will grow sun-flowers enough to pui ily
and sweeten the air
The Tidings published at Ashland,
the most southern town in Oregon, by
J. M. Sutton, formerly of this city, has
reached ibis office. It is a live and well
printed paper and deserves success.
Wii.n Ki.owkus of Mount Hood.
The well known
Messrs. C. II. Woodard & Co. aiythe
inventors, is made from the wjjd flow
ers found in the Cascade mountains.
Our engraving on this page gives some
idea of the different varieties. To con
vince any one that they arc fragrant,
one has but to call
Messrs. C. II. Woodard & Coahd ob
tain n bottle ot tlw 'Wild riowersof
Mount Hood."
Strttble's Wehfoot Magazine has
made its appearance. It is 32 pages,
neatly printed, full of good things, and
published at $2 per annum by Wallace
R. Struble, of this city.
7 he Daily Zfcr, with its usual com
mendable enterprise, gave illustrations
of the prizes awarded in this city dur
ing Centennial week.
With this issue, we furnish as a Sup
plement, a fac simile of " The Declara
tion of Independence," reproduced by
photo-engraving from the original copy
on file at the Patent Ollice in Washington.
The Tavlor-st.
in a circuit of five
perfume, of which
at the Drug Store of
M. E. Church, of
which we give
an illustration
tm the 4th page,
is a handsome
edifice, built en
tirely of brick
most beautiful
ly finished in
side and out, and
cost $o,rx)0. It
was finished in
186S. Rev. K.
Bcntlcy is the
present pastor.
To pa rents
who desire to
give (heir chil
dren a thorough
musical educa
tion we take
great pleasure
in recommend
ing Mr. J. II.
Brenner, lie
possesses more
than ordinary
ability, and tak
ing special pains
with his pupils,
is certain togive
general satisfac
tion. He hUo
furnishes music
for lulls & par
lies. Leave or
ders at Gray's
Music Store,
first Street.