TUP. WEST SIIOIIE- Jaawar7. 2 'A V vV r rit nil West Shobb. DE FROFUNDIS. BY WISH UMTOV. Wfl wade kueo-dcep in mira and dirt ; We itand u dwarli amid the light, When to the mountains dizzy height . Our souls should leap with feet alert. Through sweat and blood we reach the stairs That lead to Ood, whose Hamiug ban Hark out a road of golden tan 'Neath bluer ikies-through purer airs. From lowest deaths of earthly woe, We grow from men to gods instead ; We breathe new life who once were dead We soar above Ute herd iuluw. From out the soul of datkust night The fairest morning cnwp full-blown,. As Pallns sprung full-unned, full-grown, From hwi.t of Jove with torch of light. I hold this trutli through nil my life, To ho a cure for human sorrow: That each to-day forbories a morrow That peaco is ever born of strife. That deepest grief bring surest calm, And saddest hearts a healthy bloom Of ruror fruit from out the tomb, For every wound Clod gives a holm. The crowii"tfe-wear aw wait by fa The purest lives grow white and etill Through good, despair and sternest ill, Since niau's Urat curse to till the soil. Uod holds the two extremes of time, With His own hand He mirJwthe wuy Our feet shall treji44rom day to day, Throuih-dcarth and death to purer clime. THE LITERATURE OF OREGON. HV- Juts, ft- it -vrcTOR.- I lave we a literature ? Wli historians, sustarmTrnoTistsTpoeta ? Let lis sce-ifwe can fintl them. W. 1 1. Cray, in his " History o Oregon," rclalca that more tlian thirty years ago there eiistcd at Oregon City then the business. at it was afterwards the political capital of the country a literary society. He says the object of it was to tiring together the American and British occtianls of the country, ami furnish an opiortuiiity for the discussion of certain ticklish points con cerning a provisional government without em-king opioiiion or -alarm. He and others may have used the opportunity for such a purpose, but 1 have never heard that motive ascribed to the society by any other of the members. Undoubtedly it was koicd it would promote concord of feeling tid unison of social sentiment,.. -Hon. Cm. Aliernethv says that one of the customs of the society was to deKsit anon ymous contributions in a receptacle called ths "Omnibus Dox," from which they were drawn and read, and tliat among them .tc many of considerable merit, both cnous and witty. In due course the provisional govern ment was formed, whether by the aid of the society or not. It wm an event to bring out the talent in the country, literary nj executive. A committee was annnini- ed lo lorm a code or draft the organic laws oi the county. 1 he labor, however, finally devolved upon Jesse Applegate, Ksq., leader of the immigration of 1843, a man whose mtural gifts eminently lilted him for a litcr ry life, but who, with so many others, miik his abilities in the wilds of Oregon, here no suiiable arena could lie found (or tin exercise of his powers. The public diKumejji-tWjarly ,imcJi Wnic, -fTTihc author, arc iTtsw-rrartim yle that lias seldom been attained to and ;er excelled by any writer in the State. Sjch public offices as the country afforded K.e oen lo him, but unless he saw tliat lis services were really required, he de dined to accept the small honor and smaller punt, retiring itjun his farm 10 earn his head by the sweat of his brow, and writing bit little. In 1846 a newsvtper called the Sfniatjr wu nUrtcd at Oregon City by company of gentlemen called the Oregon Printing Aviation. In looking over this journal one is struck with the evidence of literary Uleni in the community, and led to con jecture that the editors must have had iveM to the Omnibus Box " of the liter it society. Scissors could m have played a very important part in getting up a paper, when the mail arrived not oftener than Once in six months, and then by private hand. I have made some inquiry with regard to the authorship of contributed articles with partial success. A poem, entitled " Adventures of a Columbia River Salmon," of a good deal more than average merit, was written by Henry N. Peers, an officer of the British ship Modestc, lying at Fort Vancouver from 1844 to 1847. " Lines to Mount Hood " were the production of Hon. Geo. L. Curry, who was at one time editor of the Spectator, and who was then and is now favorably known as a writer. Some verses addressed to " Mary " appear to have been written by an officer of the Moduli on the dearture of that ship, and make us wonder which one of Oregon's earliest daughters captured this British heart. Another contributor' of merit was "J. II. P." his name was Passenger ; and still another, Mrs. Dr. Bally. These were all writers of verse, as well as several others who wrote anonymously, as "Lothario," 'UVjindciing Bjml"Theta,'' "Ulysses," "Posiwat" and "M. J. B." A talented writer injliose-trffies was H. A. 0. Lee, le second editor of the Spectator ; and also G. J. Campbell. Others there were who lived under the provisional government who may at different times have contribut ed to the Spectator, but who are best known for their connection with other matters: Hoik. Peter H. Burnett, J. Quinn Thorn ton, Guslavus'j HTrrcsr-S.A Thurston, Tiite, all of whom, excepting Thurston, have published books about the country. Hon. Geo. Abernethy, who wrote only in his capacity of Governor of the colony, furnished able and finished docu ments of much use to the future historian ; and there were doubtless others connected with the mission who could and did wield a graceful quill whenever circumstances called them out. There were several gen tlemen connected with the Hudson's Bay Company who were elegant writers as well as cultivated gentlemen. J;-'' Here we have presented the jiiclurc of a little colony of one orttfb thousand people, of mixed nationality, sequestered from all the yorld by thousands of miles ; poor as to'money and goods, toilsome, ill dressed, weather-beaten, yet full of spirit, patriotism and courage, with time to culti vate literature. They had, at least, this advantage they brought their culture with them. But how about their immediate descendants? Do they come up to the standard of their progenitors? Talent seldom descends in a direct line from father to son ; yet there is a natural feeling of expectancy regarding certain trails, the impression being that, even in the absence of marked heredity of gifts, there must at all events be a conspicuous inheritance of habits of mind and culture. Unhappily in all new countries the first generation is for the most part sacrificed to fill up the gap between an old and a new civilization. Vet Oregon is not without her men and women of gifts bred on her soil poets and romancista, and possibly philosophers. K. I., and 0. C. Applegate are men with the hereditary strain of literary talent in their composition neglected, as in the caseofjhrjmcle, the sage ofoncalla." The genius oTm.ndyivesterC. Simon is undoubted, both in prose and poetical composition. Mrs. Belle W. Cooke is a paid contributor to the New York Independent. A Salem lady, over the sir plum of " Mem Linton," has also written very acceptably for different jour nals of this State. Rev. The. Condon has contributed valuable and interesting articles to the Overland Monitor on his favorite study, " The Geology of Oregon." Hon. M. P. Deady has, from time to time, when hi could intermit for little his judicial labors, furnished the OvrW MonlUv and journals of California and Oregon with important articles upon the history of Ore gon and its founders. Hon. W. Lair Hill occasionally indulges in truly literary work for which he i eminently fitted between the labors of law and journalism. John Minto, Esq., has written a good deal in the interest of Oregon and agriculture. SJA, Clarke, Esq., of Salem, is a facile writer of prose, an excellent newspaper correspond ent, a journalist, and a versifier also. HarveyScott, Esq., is another good news paper wrtter. His sisters, Mrs. A. J. Duni way and Mrs. C. A. Coburn, have made places for themselves in the newsp-per world under great difficulties, showing that, in this instance, as in several others in Oregon, talent pervades the whole family group. The question naturally suggests itself: If all these writers, and many more prob ably that have been overlooked, are in possession of the " divine afflatus " to any extent, why we have not a literature purely Oregonian? The answer is not far to find. Men of real ability have generally a corresponding ambition, and in Oregon they find their audience too small to e.xcite enthusiasm. Besides, literature, to be of any worth, should be made a profession, and in Oregon the profession of literature will not give so good a living as almost anything else hardly furnish a living at all. Even journalism the only branch of literature that pays is not considered of sufficient importance to be performed really well. The "leaders" of our news papers may have been written with some care, but the local columns with none at all. The grammar, the diction, the paucity of language exhibit small regard for liter ary merit by the publishers of these jour nals. It might be discreet, while thinking they wilt do well enough at home a false proposition to think how they look to the world beyond home, who take our public journals as standards of our intellectual advancement and our social status. But we have yet to notice our most and only famous literary man, who, with his gifted wife, determined to win distinction by seeking a wider field, and succeeded Miller, fantastically dubbed "Joaquin." It is' not necessary to advertise his merits he has done that himself; nor his demerits they, too, have been rendered sufficiently conspicuous. But as a purely Oregon pro duction, he is worthy of particular mention. He has written as one imbued with the very spirit of the wildnesa and beauty of the scenes among which he grew up ; and whatever faults of style he has, he is in that respect admirable. The very noblest utterances in all the range of his produc tions are when he speaks of Oreiron though likely enough he calls it California through the promptings of a mean unity iSJS-telght 10 fclong lo a Slain more 1 Ofcweat endeavor. Brave and true i As stern crusader clad in steel, f They died afield as it was fit. J Made strong with hope, they dared to do Achievement that a nose 10-aay Would stagger at, stand back and reel, ' Defeated at the thought of it. i favored than his own in nuhnrAip pass over some bits of mountain pictures in words that I would like to quote, to give place to his tribute to the pioneers of Oregon, made, as I have said, to seem a tribute to the pioneers of California by putting "the Pacific" for "Oregon," and "Sierras" for "Cascades;" but we all rccognue the picture, and feel to thank him for this evidence of recognition, how ever surreptitiously yielded : PI0KIKRS OP THE PACIFIC. Wn.t Htm they Iliad (. j,,th, a ... AU.oaj.DdcMroiu.d.rkllTiirwidt r,J Blow Siflrm' ilop 0I pridt. WJ Hciy. UMm now. V'l A!oIth...,,dlBd-.tAr;,J,W'U,,1',, Their ghosts are many, Th.tr Tutpoicu. U,U"k"1' Tn. Uwwj nrrkir, will dUpIu Pi1' No ibouniWy witk Uhm. ani Who mm Ihni Ut who Ml thra dlt ttay, l Uu onplowW Mhos ilcp. Th. bMidad, onbrewn.d mm who bom Th. hurt., of Ih.t fnghthl ,r. " Thar iluU tot b. loijottn. Diar And white, th. pUlu of JhornoM. 8b.ll point m to th. hrth.r uon, AnJ k whit, rtuio, tin, ol boo Uk. mum u(n or white mil. Mum. Th. wild miS. u, th. I ' iw mono 1 Th. Ana IW.i 1 Lik.miok.olikttaMb.ul. I Load. ir-TTV -p uot, ud tM 7teihi tew a. u , krtti. olmrfc Atoj, 0tlon,urf knmom. nr. Thoj. bran mu tnlbtin. the Wart 'Jthairoa.ln.whMj; and Ilk. drifting Urn op Uk. a cloud. What brava andearor to anduro I What patient hope when hope was paat I What atill aurrender at the hut, A thousand leasnea from hope I How pure The; lived, how proud they died I How generous with life I The wide And gloried age of chivalry Hath not one page like thia to me. Let all then golden day" go by I breathe beneath another sky. Let beauty glide in gilded car, And liad uiv .uuiIuh'u aeoa afar, Forgetful that 'tis but one grave From east unto the weatmoat wave. Yea, I remember I The still tears That o'er uncomned faces fell 1 The final, silent, and farewell I Uod I these are with me ell the yean I They shall he with me ever. Shall not forget. I hold a trust. They are a part of my existence. When Adown the shining iron track We sweep, and fields of corn flash hack, And herds of lowing steers move by, I turn to other days, to men Who made a pathway with their dust Mrs. Miller, after trying her literary for tunes abroad, has returned to Oregon to reside. Her short poems show the true poetic inspiration, and have a finish re markable in consideration of the little aid she could have had from her associations- proof that the true poet has not to be taught numbers. We now come to a notice of books written and published in Oregon; books written in Oregon and published elsewhere, and books written about Oregon that have been published at home and abroad. Probably the list is incomplete, but it has been with some labor that it has been made as full as it is. The first book printing done on the Pacific ! coast unless the Spanish authorities in i Mexico and California owned printing presses was done on a small hand press , that was sent from the tnteionat the I Sandwich Islands to thefPJgEyTeriaj mis- j sion at Lapwai, about 1840. Mr. H. if""-1! Spalding, missionary at that station, printed a portion of the New Testament and a collection of hymns in the Ne Perc?y' tongue for the use of Indians. Idaho wall then a part of the Oregon territory. There-j fore it is proper to say that the first Oregon l book was printed in the Indian language. ' The first book printed in English was an edition of "Webster's Spelling Book" at the office of the Spectator at Oregon City in 1846. If a copy of this Oregon edidon of Webster could be found, it should be presented to the State library as a relic. The next publication in book form, issued from the same office, was " The Oregon Almanac, in 1848, a copy of which is preserved in Judge Deady's library. The columns of the Spectator were used for the publication of the organic laws of the Ter ritory and reports of legislative proceed ings, the book form being dispensed with. ' In March, 1848, a paper was started by, Geo. L. Curry, Esq., called MitjPrtu in allusion, perhaps, to the censorship to which as editor of the Spectator he had been subjected' Siaterial was not to be had either for "love or money" in those days in Oregon, and "starting the paper" as a much more difficult enterprise than it is to-day. But there are few thiugs that wit and will cannot accomplish. A wooden press of home manufacture and wooden type, with an "m" turned upside down for a "w," and a v" in the place of a "u," proved indeed that it was possible to have a free press in Oregon. About the same time J. S. Griffin, Esq., of Hillsboro, started paper called the Oregon American (ta purpose of which as to expose iffe machinations of the Jesuits, and to prove that the Hudson's Bay Company were concerned in the massacre of she Protestant missionaries ' nd immigrate at Waiilatpu, Mr. Griffin's Pper was Minted on the little press be longing to jhe mission in the upper country, which had been abandoned on account of the Indian war, and was about the sixe of an ordinary magazine page. Both these t :