August. TIIE iWEST ; SIIOllE. ;-7 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The month of Juno opeued wit It a very quiet state of affairs In our local money market, which had been In the suiue condition far nearly nil of Slay, and hoi to continued until the present This was not so much because of any prevailing dullness In the several departments of trade, for the past spring was not specially characterised by any want of Activity in business generally; nor was Hie apathy, In strictly nnanolnl circles, owing lo any unusual lack of available fundi, for the banks havo held rather more ttinn the nver age supply ol capitnl during the quarter ending Juno JUili, and with the offers at outside parties the loanable means In the market was and still ' Is, quite Inrgafor the times and the locality. He mlttances from ttio Interior In liquidation of ac counts for storks of merchandise purchased ear Her in the spring have also been coming forward In a volume at Ipiisi rqiml to, mid wc think above, the nvernKo of former years. Merchants, as n nile.huvesuflVred but little from bad dobts, and have been able to meet their engagements promptly out of the resources of their business, and lmvo forwnided a very large amount of spe cie both to the Kiisteinmid Him Francisco mar-, kots lo offset the accouuts standing against them for nn umitiiially heavy Importing business done since tlie first of January lust. The rates for lottos and discounts have been lower on nn uvor nge thlK seimnn than ever before in the Portland market, and our moneyed Institutions are now well set l led in the conclusions to which they have been brought by tbo inevitable " loglo or events," that as the profits on all mercantile and other business pursuits and enterprises have di minished as the amount of business has In creased, the worth of the uo of money Itscll must decline uud rates of Interest comedown lo a proportion to I ho margins which men might reasonably anticipate on Investments. Compe tition In ail departments of business, too, has had nn indirect etlect In establishing n better comparison between the profits on the business of ninney Icr.dlng und other department of trade, TJie capitalist who louns.rnn no lunger expect to renllto two per cent, per month, while the morchimt whom he accommodates, by the closest attention, cannot, after paying expenses, reasonably ant leipatcn margin more than linirns Inrge. This "settling down " piocew has been going on for several months, and the results nrc made more obv(-us by comparing tbo transactions at present with those of ono or two years buck. Flrst-clnts commercial pnjer is now freely dis cmi tiled at (land 10 percent, in Inrgo sums vrjien otrered.aiid real estate loansof mngnltudocan be effected on nearly as moderate terms, though In regard lo the latter, the Inquiries of i he lender cover a wider range; and the value and looallon of the security proffered are questions which often inndiry the disposition with which accommoda tions nrc granted. The trnnaotlons now current, however, both In commercial discounts mid tonus on real cslate, are by no means large In the aggicgiite. A lull lu the demand, which set In several weeks ago, is still reinnrked, and with a limited Inquiry for finnncinl favors, at least an nvemge supply of nvolluble fm ds, and no oppor tunities offering, with special inducements to make investments, wc can only report the money market In an cosy condition at present, with ev erything Indlcallvc oflls being very wills factory nt the commencement of the next harvest year, Tho prom (so of an abundant grain and fruit harvest throughout tbo Btato gives a cheerful nped to the outlook In I rude matters for the fu ture. In regard to hreudsiufT, tbo leading com modity in Oregon's products and exports, the prospect, In our Judgment, Is much better than H was nt a corresponding date last yenr, and iho low prices now prevailing are more likely to ex perience an advance than a decline when the harvest In oilier countries shall have sufllclcntly ndvanred to enable dealers to arrive at some defi nite calculations as to i ho probable wants of the markets of the old world during the yenr. Ad vices from Kngland, Hid great grain market of the old world, Indicate fiilr crops at least nnd she will probably produce as much of tho amount he usual, so that ihedeinniid for our surplus In that direction will depend entirely iiH)ii tho surplus in (bono other countries which compete Willi us In her markets. These coun tries aro California, the Northwestern Htates, France and Hussia. In these, the reports of la test duto show lu California a two-thirds to thrca fonrthi or an average; in the Northwestern Wales, not more than half average; In France, n yield shorter by nt least one-fourth than In 1874, while In It umI ti tho reported condition of the crop was moderately good for an avemge crop. The trude In domestic produce during Uie pnst month hits been ftiir for the season, but In vol ume, consldeiably below the average lor Die two months preceding. Wheat has seldom bocnoF lered.aiidlhal coining foiwanl has beea mostly taken by tnUlers, Hxpvrters being urged by qo neeensiilcs pressing iliein intolhc market to com llc with the millers who can place their pur chases at any time. Flour has been Infalrsup ply aud shipments have been qullo largo both to ports to Hie north of as and to Han Francisco, wlille tho ship cvy rf Virnm has loaded with W barrels for the Liverpool market, probably Hie last shipment to Kumpe for the harvest year. I'rovbdui.s liavecome forward quite liberally and the supply of bacon, hams and other cured meats has bvon in excess uf the demand either for export or home consumption, though lord has been steady at a round figure. Tiie old crop of oats and barley In about ex hausted ami hardly enough is held In the Hi ate to supply the local trade until after harvest, this being especially true la regard to hurley, souie Import from California having already been made. The hay crop of this yenrs harvesting Is eom Ing forward lu auulcluiit quantities to supply the local trade uud la otreml ut low flguraslo ad vance as tbo yield throughout tbo Htate Is re ported large. The article of potatoes, usually considered of uilnor Importance lo the list of our commercial commodities, has orn pled n large share of the at tention of some or our nmtmiuioa houseavho bava realised in soma Instances qutu hand somely en them. The old crop Is now well cleared out. ...,. , , ... Apples have been In fan-demand with but very few lots and these of an Inferior quality. Dairy products have also been In rather dimin ished supply for the season, but receipts of tho week just pastrhow a slight Increase Eggs have been steady at a better figure (ban usual for the period of tho season and are yet held at good prices. Poultry is In falrsnpply at moderate quotations. Tho shipment of bides Is becoming an Import ant feature In our trade- nnd though It would bo bettor to have theso hides tanned at homo nnd made Into articles of uso and wear, thoir ship ment Is the source of quite a large addition to tho capital of tho State. Every outgoing steamer carries a lurge Invoice, and prices have during the entire period under review been steady at the quotations which we give below. Wool has attracted more attention recently In our market than almost any other article of do-uii-nllu pioduce, aud (Uuiojli Urn cold wuuilier whlch prevailed early In the shearing season kept back that work, for the past fortnight, tho receipts hero have been very considerable and tho number of buyers In tho market being largo, 1 prices have boeu up to about the best figure which tho demand abroad Justifies,. The ship montsso fnr during the season havo boon about 600,000 lbs., begfdo which our State manufactories havo purchased quite extensively for their own uso, and several hundred bules aro held In store hero and nt points In the Hlutc, In the line of Imported goods, tho Interior trude having been supplied prior to the period spe cially under review, importers nre doing only a modorato business In seasonable goods nnd ship ping selected articles to fill up broken stocks, Bool and shoes have ruled steady, ond with a lively competition between importers nnd some Increase in homo manufactures, tho margin to dealers has been small. , Hags aud bagging material show some anima tion as harvost approaches, and with a liberal mipply in the hands of importers, quotations are rathor below those which ruled lust yenr. Groceries of all classes were very largoly Im ported during the Spring nnd the trade has been good. Stocks In some article aro now lower and a disposition in prices to stiffen a Ditto Is shown. Staple groceries nre firm at Sftiftl cts. por pound for Old Java Coffee, Costa Rica, 22 affl, andOunte inala,21'i!,with a good article of Konn at tho same figure. Sugars are quoted at UolOc. rorNond wlch Inland, Halloo for (lolden C, 11012 for Crushed, and l'j);oi3M for Powdered and Granu lated, extra fine. Teas nre In largo amort men t nnd supply at figures ranging from 3576c por lb. Snlt is also plentiful quoted at, IJvcrpool, (fine), per ton, Carmen Island ?I8 I'nlon, $N'i)lR,nnd Ut U., tli. Syrups nre firm at T0ct72)jo per gallon In hbls,7'a in hf bblsnud SOa in kegs. Our quo tations nre wholesale nnd Jobbers' prloes, . Tho question of freights Is ono hnff nl ways btten an Important one In Oregon's com mnrolal Interests, and as hor products Increase and her exports assumn a magnltudo that nt tracts the attention of the trade In all countries with which she deals, this question becomes one of more and more consideration. In the year 1K74, It required 200.C0Q Ions of tonnngo to move tho various product of our Stale over those required for homo consumption, nnd tho wnnts for the current yenr will bo at least W.0W tons greater. During the pnst six ycnrsofir exports have shown a greater percentage of Increase than any other Slate In the Union, and (his Increase will bo kept up this year. Tho outlook for a fair supply of foreign tonnngo to move our bread h lulls is good, but most of It will arrive seeking and will have to bo chartered on tho spot. Grain freights in ohj market are entirely nominal nnd In Sun Francisco, nearly so, a few charters having been recently effected there at SAiSS ft, per ton Air Im mediate dispatch, while fil Is asked fur vessels to lond with the now crop. Wo hnvo now only two grain vessels In port, the CUyitf Vh nnii loaded, and Iho bark Stmthnlm awaiting ordeta. In Han Francisco thoro uroSniiO tons of disentailed tonnngo and enough under engagement and nn the way to thut port to bring iho supply Tor the year up to what will be re quired to move tho entlro wheat crop of Cali fornia. The quotations at this time for domostlc pro duce In our local market are slondy generally at the following fliiurcx: Vheat,l 50 pur cental. Flour, extra, l lha V 00 per bbl. duts, (&m7c por bushel, snuked. Itarley, $1 HVifl M perewt, Itmn, $ Hot Id per ton. Chopped Feed, fff COrtl-IO (10. Shorts, fi2 NW35. Hay, IKMll Potatoes, old. Sc por lb now, l)jn 1C Onions, W!I 2Tiper lOallw. Dried Apples, 7u8e per lb. Uncon, lial2e. Shoulders, fringe Hams, lSVjrilfr, Lard, hV, nutter, 2ftr2e. rheese, 17ilHc. Kggs, 'jnaxte por do. Uhlokens,$3a4i per dos. Dry Hide, choice life per lb., Inferior do fa lOc, Green, 8c. Tallow, 6c, Willamette Valley Wool, in gisid condition, 2i2ifl. Inferior, Ifti 20c, Eastern Oregon, 2Ucl for fair lo choice and Ito for Inferior. Voiij lo Lou od M Estate Securities BY TIIK OnFGON AND WASHINGTON TRUST INVESTMENT COMPANY Of Scotland, Capital 7AO,OOU-Jold, Prmhlrnt, Right Hon. tho Kaii. or Airlis, K.T., Corlachy Castle, HcuMand. Oregon Ioenl Board: R. (Inldsmllh, Iortlnnd, lonal-l llsicleay, Portland. W I i.i.i am llKir,(Aiikcny' Uullding, 9 First HL, 1'ortlund, Munngtr. Ians mnde from Iwo In flv, or In speehil ca ses, eight years, repayable by liiNiiiluieiiU each year or in on i sum, secured by uiortgnx dis'dn upon utilnciimberi'd fur in liiid only, uud oceu pltil city property in l'orlluad. , Application must be made penonnllv or In Writing to WILLIAM HKII1, Manager O. and W. Trut C.,u First St, t. V4JV FltlDAGlt, In porter, Whotrrafo ai Krtsll tVs)r In DR-JT OOODS, ; 4 Fancy I Milliqery Goods 8HAWLS AND MANTILLAS, 79 First St., bet. Washington anj Surk, PORTLAND, OKVMOS. JAMES LAIDLAW & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, V, First Street, Portland. BOLE AGENTS FOR GIANT POWDER, Lea A Perrln's Worcestershire Sauce; Agents for Dundee Grulu Bag Manufacturers, And Exporters of GRAIN, WOOL and SALMON, nnd other Olt EUON I'UODUCK. Dwuld Maclut, KmJCSKTH Maclsat. Pitrtlunil. WM. COKIIITT. Mi SlUTIHllullllt H nM pnnclMO. CORBITT ft MACLEAY, 13 1 15 Front8t.,Biid 10 A 12, First Ht., 1'ortlnnd, O. wholesale orocern, Hlilpplntr and Commission Merchants, Importers of TEA, TOBACCOS A LIQUORS. Rxporlera of Whmt, Floor, Wool, and all kladi of Ore. iron Produc. Mheral CiibIi Advnnee. on Colmlitninpiitii. J. MoCRAKEN & CO., S111PPINO COMIIINNIOX MH1U IIAXTS, M, 6S, U .nlMi North KninlSt., IVHIndil, Orogoa AOENTS FOR UIMIUV'M D1INDHK H.M1H and Biilr.t! JI,. Murray mid w. K. I.owl A llro..1 COM) uimdHi Ohwoko KlnK"fnnl Mtr-h: inmii.wi.ll', spire., Cronni Tnrlnr und OrynUI Mnauil: Oron ro.' uud Umi'r.v. Hon.' Cun ll"; Huloin Und l'o.' Whllo l.d. ,.'nl""if"r Il"'.r'.'"'."vl" fl"'irln Mill.: M.i. N. 11. Rppelnl nttentlon nid.l to Htili.'n Im.lueM nnd imrchusliin i:urgiH'ii of Whom nnd Flour. W. JACKSON CO., Imuortvre, Wholeanlo anil retail tlcnlori In flnit nimlltv CItOCKEllY,UI,A8SVAItE,KnKNCH CHINA, lATKU WARM, SKTH T1IOMW t'LOC K-l, Ami it jroui-nd ItMniiiiiMit of House Furnishing Goods. A 1m), PAINTS, OILS, &C &C, No. 30 Front P tract. .- . Portland, Oreuoii. A. I. llirTAUItt ' . K ! LdHt,. Huii rraucUco. . . , I'-rll mil. A. P. HOTALINO ft CO., Sub AKfiitt lbr hs J. H. Ratter OLD BOURBON WHISKY, And Importers of , FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, 4-11 Jnck Bon ft., Rnn Pmncheo, Anil 33 Front Nlreol, PortUnrl, Orotfon. JJARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, HUBS, SPOKES, RIMS, OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK NOIITHKIJP THOMIIUW, Cor. Front nntl Yntnhlll, Portland. J; A. STRO WBRIDGK, IMPORTER AUD DKAI.KR IB Asn 141 Front St., Poi-tlimd iiiti mmm u. MANIIPACTITHRUS AND IMlOltTERS, Wholciale and ltelall llealers In FurniVars, Esddiaj, Cirpsls, Kirron, Stc, Kiw. W, , W bdiI 96 Front it., lift. W,l.tirtiii. and Alder I3EDROOM SUITS Made in Walnut, AMi, Maple, Alder, Malutuany nnd Hpruee; tnade of kiln ilrlcl (.uuiImt, by iho very Im-hI Workmen iiiul Miii-hlnery. Wnrranliil WTIUN(KK AND IlKITI'.ll than any Itniioned Kurn luirehy the Oresn Furniture Hanuferturlns; Co. City Foundry Oachine Shop. JOUX IIOXEYMAN & CO., Cor. Columbia and Front Hts., l'ortland, OrKon. IRON ij'. BRASS CASTINGS Of Kvvrf Description Furnished at short notice at lowest markot rales. J8S Repairing promptly attended io. t COIIT. . L. KOSRKrRLO. COHN & R0SENFO.D, Commission Merchants, Oregon and California Produce of all kinds, Vrmt BL. bL Morttaon sn4 Tsmlilll, rortktul, Offt Cash paid for Butter, Vxv, Poultry and Hldrr. . tfOoxiioaiiurs Solicit u. Caidy. Manufactory, ektaiimhiTkii is iivi DEKUM $ LICK EL, MasfM4iiRra and ImtMtrlrrs of AMERICAN. GERMAN ft FRENCH tXSt XI J" Jt (I'i Mt JC1 4 r( No. U First Htreet, - - fortlsud, Oregon. STOCK BOARD OFSAN FRANCISCO. ON AND AKTRIt '1'UIS ITE I AM HUE pared to huy and sell on lllinral torni. Htm-ks tiuotfd at iho alHive Uojird, thereby oircriug lo those desirous of InvMting Money in Stocks Facilities superior to any hurutuforo obtainable In Oregon. Throntfli Tickets sold to and from and Nltflit Kxehan Drawn On all the princlpnl Kuropean cities. Loans and Discounts tnado on Heal or Per sonal security, on udvuntiureous tortus. Colieetlnns nttendml lo thmuchout the United Stntnand Uiltlili ProvliwM, and )iruin.t rttiuiii iuuU. Ntitnry riililln mil rommiiMldiirr of IWrti for nil tlm Stolen uuil IVrrllurk'S. fuiiveyauvhtii In nil it brautlirs. A. 8. CROSS, Oenenil llroker. Afiit i..r 1 in- Mute Due Sl-'iiniMiip fa. Vtiol ol 8trk St., Port laud On-Ku, ia7da jsTca, 71 Front Htrevt, - Portland. Ore iron, IIIPOHTKH AVI1 WIIOT.1MAI.KUH or DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ANlt- DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Sole Airen t a ftir Hie ' , AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. FOR BARGAINS Dry Goods IIO TO & L. MARSH CO., Comer l'irst nnd Siark. anaaiiiHBiiBamiai NEI MEYER & UTTER, 43 First Street. ' Tlie only fashionable Merchant Tail oring Kstahlislnncnt IN PORTLAND. GrH. MEUSSDORFFER, 111 Front St., I'ortluntl, Oregon. Received by each Steamer. HAOHENEY & STEMME, Corner First and Taylor. Portland. Oregon, Urnli'rs suit Julilwn In all kinds FJKST CLASS GUOCKRIBS, Produce, Etc., Etc Full stock eotiHliuilly on hand. Hoods delivered In tiny purl of the oily free of charge; Call and examine our stock. C..13. Hirstel & Co., IMrOBTKUH A DBALKBS lit BOOKS i STATIONERY, NOTIONS, TOYS, KTC, K'l'C. Subscription, received fur alt Rnttcm 1'itblicatiniM No. 77, Front 8t., Portlnnd, OroRon. R2rlll,AiK II0IIKH M.IUK Tl) OlillKII. Schwab & Anderson, JOB PRINTERS, riTTOCK'S BLOCK, Stark Mroct Kerry I,iutdlii. nrKlrst Floor. Kiitnuioe on Htark, POKTLAND, OHKOON. G EO. W7 VOLLU M, Book Binder, Paper Ruler Itf.ANK 1KJOK Manunicturer, No. b Washlnitlon Htreol, Portland, Oaju. fllank llooks made to order, and ruled to any rienired pattern. Nuwriirw, Maiaslnes, MukIc, Klc, Pound In any style with Ktilitu iii liipilth, At greatly reduood prices HI OKO. V, IRAHN. II. WH.MCH. SEARS J- iriLMER, Sale, Feed, Livery and Exchange Stables, No. 31 Washington St., cor. Second, PORTLAND, OREGON.