Local Personal I and Arrangements were completed last week for the eompU tion of the new Red Men hail which is being erected in the Tomes Addition. The bttiklinl is to b* to ts bj ninety feet two stories. w ith » spacious auditorium on the lower floor, and lodCe hull» upstairs. H. I. Stetrts l relight the Stearns cattle in from Prinevilk last Satimiav and turned them out to pasture on the St earn * p' ruperty adjoining the l,a Pint T ’ownsite. Joseph Waddell, son of A. L. Waddell, who has a homestead in this vicinitv, is here for a sum mer'» visit with his father. George Mayfield and faniilv 0 . R. Parks, from Iowa, who owns lund in the West Unit, has •ame uo from Silver Lake tor i w ritten the Irrigation Co. that h* irief visit with local folk last Since leaving lui Pin* is soon L> start work on his place week. He wi I have a large amount o George has been more or less un- atisfieii with the necessary at - sence and he slips back for a brief visit at every opportunity. J. O. Huffman has been ii. Bend on business in connection with the Red Men l/xlvfe. W. R. RILEY’S WEEKLY CASH DAY SALE C o ffe e , R iley ’ » B est, . 3 lbs. C offee, R iley 's Special 4 lbs. W h ite Navy Beans 14 lbs. R d R ose Head R ice . 14 lbs. C lea rb rook T o m a to e s , 7 can s W h ite C ross S alm on 7 can s W A N T -A D S $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 l‘ he l.iM lr A da w ith th«* Hin Pull j D on 't lay yutir paper .side until yoL have looked over rJ O ften it’ s as important columns any day. FRED L. M AH N, PR O P. FRESH MEATS EVERY MONDAY LAPIN E, OREGON ( I ' Iti IX SlUINbMAl U CI-aRLM.! MM IN He knows how! at the American Garage these l 'A P f R N » u ar k**»kef ata#. «u l •bt for al oner e# in ( nm nU pr at« ti M b . b*a»jr Sto itiv k tote« M* anta RY W«HH> W # hai* f* r i m m e la t e «b liv»r* thirty n *k * **f dry I* m« h w«<w| a I.VS r a h . W ho »a n ta i t ? B»*a F , Iute tl-'untaiiv IIO\ IE n | ' " 1 COOKING V V A N I H ' Î D H I’ Y tewal asaonU hand auto "H 'b 'l* *«» g'*»*d rk a n u tr **f«|er . m u ti he a a ra a m for ra»h and «land righi m *p*rtiu r W *a C. Inte» Mount*.n tC rrr.H VV K A I T i KS O regon «tale ) * » • d not f*<m »i it e market i »4 **f buttai » 4 1 ut i»n 1 *r «an dar« w ta H 'ttg con tent* an a tte of make« moat be printed on the » t a i «* Butte« » ta p p e r * s i r printed tu you r«br a» »h« In t.» M»»unt*in *«4lSee . 40 At R t «Il #a*. A«* fi»r «a*h. rato m l«-.»cr • ¡l .l u .V a m. «w w ill rotuhW r go»> H. s H. Intrr M« un t E S I l ’ EN« F I t l T lu t A«#, bi.vV •#%«» M i s t AiidBtog to I m F ' ii «. »'ifrts.1 f»«r $10 »*h 1 *i'à at It. W «ik »r H a*m Realty C«> V il i. R F V T 440 vi NL.4 We hare U rental th * year the II O F a » r * t t p ’ a» »f î.’ i f r n I m advance Th«* *a t* # he -n t a l |*f«I - dH n » e have to «»<T*r thU >«* t II * 0 quirk . « W alk# a»«n K s 'H i'«K M E N IT Aprii T»onty-lu«irth Ovater Soup R c liih i'» Fniit Sala»! Itnkcd Salinoli «ith Croato Sauro licci l’ut Koa»t L im a Ileana .Maahed Poi aloè» Sonda» «h*» »ant* It1 'W FN M i" D F POI I ARii an arr# h»t>* « »»f th« b -»t 4 » ) f a 'm »• r» !»«.<• <t»•*«**» in Ih r* turn «*f th# «fat# 140 arr«m . n r r li r n t i n ^r*»v«im* ut a «««ad |*r«-v#n i»r<>|Mw.t««»n r im » W alke» It* n R«*tty t*«». Will. *H«t irto, S trw cd Iff ' Y g—ni «rutto. Ititi# « « M i r |w»n * Mto u) 't !•> «ai# f«»r « hit Ir« u t K a rlv Jiuic IVaa lu 'iu on P i« R -th I. Iiitrt Vouiitrn INF. R M I PENI F I.OT U «at~ i ■•riton. - fferuil ft*r $400 ra*lt. ‘V T ' QTi W hen you Dat at the Hotel La Pine you get the best the market affords, cooked cleanly and wholesomely, served prop- erl\ and promptly, and at prices as low as is consistent with the ijif*h class service we offer I • « just «»utauto Ihr irrigai*« »mplvYwd _________ . g u . _ d _ |)ridu» liv « sui) trart . s i •t »Uy fetu eti; canto t v#turn t»» l «F«n«. in gmo Hot J K aiain P io ( nifi I' 60 C. M ilk lue Crealo and Cakr $$ C- '. ntri M« uni*<n itoti TRAPK •to n la m i in Hut«! f*rm y W «Ikn |»r*'i-vrtY i I ligniti Hr* *n A HOTEL LA PINE W alk#« MRS Il \Nt II D llil i T o ltY LA P IN E . T h u f o llo w in g lis t glv«*« Un» 11 a it 10 ¡»ml o w n e r » o f III»» v a r im i» r * n c h « i a m i fa r m » In th»» v ic in it y « f l.a l'im » "* M I. 111.1 M E Y I (Ï R IX X ) N Z 4« Ufulfu 1 1 »>n 1 •■• t••.«<I. I. I, Orr. Illach Pin« Ranch. Mi» ( ‘ K Wl»t< Muri Ranch, lloury H otel, Oakland 1 LA PINE GARAGE AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES utili)) Lini» Rum-h, M n ()«<> Sic illusoli d o v e r Ranch. C. Il Clow for ra*k Ihm |. litt*« M>iiit«tti licer Cru»»iliiK, S Harry, l.a l'ln « IH i Orui» In. Slanlcy .1, l’ Icrct» FO R S A IT . D ir bc*t IN acre dry farm prupositHiit in t'e n tral Orrgnti «•«■t Orcanilund Ranch. J VV Aahc la n d . tntpruvrm rnta . a !•!*«»• that ha» Kulr l'al»» Stock Kurin, M ìhm N»«lll»» proven itacif . nu tra ie». ft«.* t;. Inter M untal i. llaatlo, l.al'lm» Korcnl K> ho. Mra I* Parker (•OOI* K A K M ► «n# uaUnyï •»«»! 1*0 n thr r iv e r , ail I n t j la n d . ««*>*1 » a t e r , on *•- « SreenwiMMl Ranch, K N Jom»a autom obile n a l » . #!<■** to m ail rmite . »Ill Half Mo iii Ranch. <> \V Kaper. •arrider to rio»# out an retatr 1*1»»« offri cannot be n iu a llrd in th» a»at* M in for Himtli'inor»» lIoincNtcud, J .1 Hn( mati«»» from W alker H s«m H e»l*e « h I.iurcihiiiNi. Mr \V fi Pordbam FO R S A I T l.« l ten. blotk thirty fl*» I.* Linear L n n i«r, Mr». K C Kiah. Fine I M - 0 ea*h. $400 on term « »»nr of Lon« Star. Mr» S M Klndlny. th « h«p*t buildin g «de» in the tow n. il» « h Inter M ountain L oiik Pralrla. Korcal 8«rvlc», Bcnd Mcadow llrmik, t* Il Alien, Homi FOB HALF G»»*i quarter seeti«»n «n re er unim prtnm i . situated on m am aut -irv-biU M u lin i, un Vlew Ranch. Or tì. H r**a«l *«»al w a te r , c h a t l«i t o w n , will tnak» licynold», Cornlna. Cui an eseellent *l»»ry ra n ch , prue*I ver, low f»»r Imm wliate action Lav» other Intere» ta t'»at NoJoijul Ranch, Mr» f K Street demand my a lent ton Horn ü . Inter-M oun tain . Olir Pine», Rie hi*» Lutato, SM.N I’AIN I IN«» All kind, of win l'hix'iiU Ranch, Mrn K Stroot d**w rarU. and l*iilt»»ard advert i»lng If you believe in sign« une them. Ut the riglt Pica .»ut View Ranch, J J Kn« painter put one up f- r you . I.eav* In« at Soldom In Ranch. Itay llovl». Km» the Inter Mountain «>#»rr. llm», Alhoria, Canada S«v«n ■ Il Ranch, Win II ItuIRn» IK R ItiA T K D I O R T Y T h r. to ^ - it i v e l y t|, only irrigate«) fa rm we have lu t n i to sell . licad. lai Pino. illneoa o f very aerimi» pro|Hirtii>n« mak»v thi» Kollow. Il O Kacccolt «a i» neeeusary . | ru ed at ff».*» an a» re for Sloop» •lurrk a rtion I f you want a r« al bai gam in .»miK llarbor Ranch. Aita llrownlns. j irrig ated lam i. act now W alker Haain I,»n A ii ««I m , ) ’al R ealty Co. Sunnu«r»lde, MI»» Dorothy Ridillo. IIOIKI. W'a have a r»»«l h»d«| pr»»j »»»it >• n I.oa Annoio*, fa i in t’entrai Oregon that will prove a wmnei f**r the right party I’arty ha» irrigated Sunti) Siilo. K K W hllo. laiPIno lan*t in the Walker Ha»in fra* t amt want* to let hotel go, t«i devote time to farming Tu imi» «orni Atro». K K Whllo A k ’ iu I money imsking hotel, on mam auto Talinobhorat, Alfred A. A )a roa-l thr«»ugh t entral Oregon. M our prn« Tho ohi llomoictoad, W m II Vallilo and term» on U»i* W alker Ha» n Ready t « »•ri. Homi FOR SAI f t*R IRAIT! th»d l«o ace ««air Ih« l'oliera Ranch, M A P. Itahor. ranch, ami impr»»« « m.*nt» e« mist ng ««. Rond. Ore. gara» a. rMck«n houae. la «¿e Ua n and a •»«relient rssYlrflcr |>ractca.»Y al’ UM >* Thla'll r««r. K J Oeedun fence, *txd tea*« n* for aelltna one • f th boat p'are* in ha Wa'ker Hsnih Ad«ire> \Vel-('utn«-In Rauch, Robert Miller. Spokutie. Waah Ro« A. Inter M'-unta n W n o d i»«il, O II Wood UNE DAIRY RAN« H I » fa.rn pr* 1 » tb I» . aerea at ft ran t b*- b^at . wd Wmna o Ranch, K J Wallace, Mot »»and fuira* invest .«at «»n mu«t *ell at «or aline Kalla. W e .li e W a k*r Ita» I a R alfv L Wuudlamla. A K Knihleni ' ¿OOI» »lOMIbS? LAM All pr.vrt up. on th W lldauod, Mia» Clara J Ridille rhsr ant on mam n#i, lait’y c' a »*«! an Will»»»* hurat, W K Arnold fenced, »«»me ha* been in cult vat'»-n, g place, a1 'I sell very rcaeonab'e a* our r!*rn Wlllnw Ranch, Mr» J S II ukui » M JR T Y A C R E 'T R I’ CK ►ARM el.*»# t»» t.w ri vacant a ml un mpr« vr.| at p i « e n t t me * An# piece o f land, on the rivet . n«> ir»»;*r«*>* m ent*. Sa# W alker H aon R«alt> <’« v f«r tei ma If you get stuck f>n the road phone us. we have j a regular “ Eix it-Shop ' on wheels at your sen ice T I It^ lC tato land a i«* H» » M» AI'KK.1 Ih# Urti iinck raw nc pr»,v»*el*»ui in W «lh # r H ».tn n n m lr » . I- ^»l-cl in klnrnalh c.u n lj . i « n r h »' •»»«•mi t»n,-S l»,»Hln.» an i msal ... «,f ¡n .1 tlci*l*nl OHM frean nudo ) IJIho Tilt* w il. fc -uni •' • ccnniteifatlv !*'»» Aulir». <<»n»il- ni* o r. inni v»lun ot *h» l«n I : lc-m i. ,)»h u. »1, il Ibi» r ia I) »««i « m i a elicli t»rin W.cihc Bau» H c-nliy Co. D I NI R « I . • / G a so lin e , Oil* an d G rease T ire» and S prin gs A lw ays o n H and f * '-J %. ' fjnratad no th# Mam Automobtto Highway TH E BEST S T O R A G E F A C IL IT IE S III. I F r i i O O M Meet your friends at- t-.. THE IDLE HOUR B IL L IA R D S & PO O L Henry < avat»*t«gh. iV«*|» N#%i l> » t to i.ai'in# I hurl Confectionery. Cigars. Tobacco and Soft Drinks ./V (*»! When you ship y our goods to I aPine un the lull o f l tid in g V Send We «viti tako Ibent out o' tho frcinht houac, Ciannno thr IO for p .. i' |" ,|<tn . iri incorro I m i trauM t. »tuie throi - in t il ynu arrivo and dclivor theiu tu voo fami Vini iio.-«l bave no worrv nor I ut li i ni "Hit I bolli, -uopi » poi t hem oli I he tram al Vour t io» n and bave thoio dclivcroJ tu vuoi hoo*o ber« or rarcfollv li»‘ld in alor»«(c ootil voo are ready for thcio L A P I N E TRUCK C O M PAN Y Ln P ine, O regon ¡3 is in CalifotYi«a and eipacts to rema n tnerc Walker Fa am Realty Co. LA PINE. OREGON « Co temiti «MC ii MR* COWH WANTED R II . laifvr.»»* Miwt | l |if'» l Mvi 1 , an i .Ui| L A P IN E M EAT M ARKET L et F el A C l I ». H A N » 'l l W. h«v. » Ai». rail» 1 •* fort K - a fut m on ii»tv w«wt «uuntrv t » forasi a retin a * » » to»'«** . t » e te h un tre i an I n » tv #0# h. t .» » m o t . Sse W a kei California W . R. RILEY, LA PINE . n. A ‘*R K S (>« iHjwhuIrs r n v f Janet nui « I a rt m b .« etc«-'tent dan r«.l»a t • *» • *>*l n i r r u y a i .n f i ; n * « t i n . g » • •«» » * «« t « »!..< t1 I ,et * .* at iJ .iu a It. W s kii lia o n « . s ty Ch, mail. A fortuiie may stare CANNED FRUIT , d. li i D. ut ut ut ic» hanv. t>r#u«»n. vmnHv. f"r #«--*t rlvrt ho$ up at you from » ¿ /( T Aitrlcullur« C. T. ¡V illic i I S u p oi in t e iid e u t u f P u b lic Inai r u c C oa m iv « lierL«rt Mo«»«, tio n * J . A C h u r c h ill l-»bor J»m «» J. U i h I M . lami Oltli o, Lakr» low. 111o^tm Pr«aid«nt g « hi W »'hri»t(«i. 'annoi K B uri««» Re.lator itP c d .S v u ilu r » ( 't a . . . t II C Lilla, ('»unnilealoner lloi.d McNary and ( W St»ntt«l' K L ('lark. CommlaaRuier L u P ii . o t*l'ro.iontativ«a in. ('oliare TOWN W C llawley ; lai Dial N J Sin liuti j Notary Public ïnd Dial VVui G K«»rilh»»n C N McArthur Notary Public , 3rd Dial Geo M Mavtteld Amy CavauauKh ¡ovornur Hon W Olcott Notary Public W it '■ecretary of Stato San» 1. Kuler Sch»»ol Director» Kli«v. L I. ('lark and I Z<«rlofT tate Troasurer O P Hoff Mr* W (1 KordbalU tlorne) General I W Van Winkle Pont ill Lt i e» n ‘I d WMF A nd h e re ’ s a few o f o u r ord in a ry everyday prices th a t we w ant you to co m p a re w ith o th e r sto re s: , »J£ the ‘Classified." as your morning $ .85 .90 .65 .70 .90 1.25 .65 1.25 F10 .90 •c'y »•c'y •«c'y •c’y H O M W m .A D H H I N w l h l l M L N J 1*0 *r i e l ,nui>»*»i*»t« nt » ftered for m «m#diate »a* it f ? ,ki «< »I p la .e , c-n m ain h u h « a > . » m m tu«»veniro ta Hui i Inter kl»>artaia. Last week’s Cash Prices on the items listed above, hold good for next Saturday also. P eaches, gallon ca n t, *9 A p ricots, »» A pples, ft P lu m s, ” tt P in ea pple ” t » A pple B utter » t P runes, t* B lack berries ” ft C herries »> Pears »w i irinst.l |.>rty I» Wskr ‘ «»*h If I i*n Ant a* iiK' une ». .»»• **»> k »l emovh i f «Sii It I k» f r* . I »** tone» l i re pro|wsila m fonsalsi J. J. Blew was in town iron his homestead on the Pringlt •alls K >a 1 Fridav. He na^ got iis new tractor working in g««» diape and is rapidly making a .'lounsliinK farm of the home stead. A few more men like Mr Blew would be a wonderfully valuable asset tuthe community. A. G. Cholick anti family went to Rend on a combined business anti pleasure trip last Sat unlay. The Dance given by the Red Men at the Commercial Club Hall last Saturday night was a very successful affair and was very well attended. Several carloads of members of the Red Men and li—# Two truck loads of wool were hauled thnmgh l.aPine Friday, 1‘rom the south. Tuere are many ¡Hivers interested in the i»rvK«»i wool pnniuct this year, and art «.cenimi prui'essmna! fingers on (he puise of the local situation. J. A. Knight went to Bend 01 business Saturday. L. M. Burke, of Strasael, Or«*, who has land in the west unit it coming to the Waiker Basin in a short time to put up a house and cultivate his land, according to a letter he has written to the Irri gation Company. All 1 | 1*1 V do îe, and will im n » H- PM,h""lM from Bwd clearing aM y erect a home on hit p.ace. D i l l i < T O IIV Pro Idem U arroti lì IlardltiK Vico Pronldent Calvin CoiilMao telar» nf Stale Cha» K II iik I io » soi’roiary of Mio Troasitry Andro»» \\ Molimi Si ' rotar)- of Wnr John W Week.» Attuiney (¡onerai A M Pa'inhorly Pontioanier Oonoral W lll H (lava e oc1 ) uf thè Nav> Kdwln llenhy Si" v uf tho Interior Albori II Pali H IT », c m MKN'M AND H'»V H C l.n l HIN») AND ait'iKM • V* R. H. LOVEN MEND OR BOON * W* lusva a fintili'^» #-|*i«p*n#nt f ► » wt'nto «ti 1 *at-«f*'t wv •*» «• *at>a;Mng A*«» 1 y«*«iv «»I l *h «as t». t?» h* fa c t l fw* • m 1 « M || f«« tl #m t r d tend thrm ha#k th# r>#af day 4- A, ,» « •y >■ ' Ü Ü IN fift O P T flË VAN~Z00UM There’* reason for Smart to be worried! M A V t i y o u «C A D N O N o » v » i /\ N n t s ‘ v n o i * A i .p i i _ ^ » y i o « a V of» rar »ha» 1 MO C H I L I t . __ NONE. > vota rfcut^ V r> fy »H 1 \ H^viäN* r v o u a « o « o » i» A C » « • j v n ■ A » A c c n i U i J _______U n m M l h n ,; f o i o J o .r 4 i u o r»«i • T ALL • t»< > '>I«,N o • T * ___- f AND K»v«a T V« o u .J h c . o o n H l.r. n n n iA A n t : »«AVI n to u R t «n u i f o) »H P J }* o a » *»vee» to n a i ___ p ,o r » i « o n vou t V4S.LLO D o t y CH ’ m ) t ) «-in 5*viAn.r • m V vev BRTTlin CO enfi O f» a n d IM » fi M V w i f e ' Tweats’i ■lOMI- rOINC r>«N-lpF 0 LV « p * O * # ,