- -T OREGON PEAR SHOW Unequaled by Any District nr County Fair on the Pacific Coast $20,000 IN PREMIUMS For the exhibits of livestock, poultry, products of farm, orchard and gar­ den, fancy work, school and boys’ and girls’ clubs. Marvelous exhibits from ten communities, includ­ ing Jackson, Klamath and Siskiyou counties. $5,000 PURSES, HORSE RACES THE AERIAL THOMPSONS Sensational Wire Walkers TWO THREE- THE DIXIE SYNCOPAT’RS REEL FILMS of Motion Dancers Pictures Singers, Jazz NIGHT Sham Battle on Nat’l Defense Day NIGHT Sept. 12 A Battle As in Actual Warfare Sept. 12 ! I near Highest quality jewelry repairing, diamond set­ ting, watch repairing, agate mounting and jew elrv manufacturing. REDDY & CO. MEDFORD. OREGON » SEPIE MBER 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 MEDFORD J I In ‘he Circuit Court of th' State of Gup iu ..aiks> i. tounty. E. B. Barron, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Boon, also known as Anna Boon, and also all other persons or parties un­ known claiming an;, right, title, estate, lien vi interest in the real estate de­ scribed in the complaint herein, defend­ ants. In the Name of the State of Oregon: To the above named defendants, and each and every thereof: You are hereby summoned and re­ quired to appear in the above entitled Court and Cause and answer the com­ plaint of the plaintiff on file therein against you within six weeks from and after August 29, 1924, the date of the first publication of this summons. You are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer said com­ plaint within the time aforesaid, plain­ tiff will apply to the Court for the re­ lief demanded in said complaint, a succinct statement of which is as fol­ lows: For a decree of the Court that the defendant may be required to set forth the nature of her claim to the following described premises: South one-half of the Southwest quarter; Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 39 South, Range 2 East, Wil­ lamette Meridian, and that all adverse claims of the defendants to said prem­ ises may be determined by a decree of this Court. That by said decree it be declared and adjudged that said defendants have no estate or interest whatever in or to said land and premises, and that the title of plaintiff is good and valid. That the defendants be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or to said land and premises adverse to the plaintiff, and for such other relief as to this Honorable Court may seem meet and ‘Í agreeable to equity. Date of order for publication of sum­ mons herein is August 23, 1924. Porter J. Neff, Attorney for Plaintiff, Medford National Bank Bldg., Med­ ford, Oregon. aug 29-sep 26 I i 100 trotters and pacers and 40 runners entered, making the BIGGEST HORSE RACE MEET EVER HELD HERE Grants Pass Ashland Medford BANDS I i Real Estate for Sale Freight Line Selling out ranches, $2 per acre up; 10 years time. Ranches for rent. W. A. BISHOP, Prop. Moving and all kinds freight handled. Offices: CALIFORNIA Yreka Dunsmuir n —or mail this coupon —today! cAddresa I ¡¿POSTED SPORTSMANS- ‘SERVICE I). E. HARDMAN, Prop. Main Street I Odd Fellows Jacksonville Phone 282 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY REAL ESTATE In Jacksobville. A r.