Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, December 14, 1923, Image 4

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Jacksonville Post
The teachers so fortunate
as to attend the Oregon State
Teachers’ Association to be
Friday, Dec. 14, 1923
held at Portland Dec. 27, 28,
S. P. and H M. SHUTT, P ublishers 29, will have the pleasure of
Published Every Friday at Jacksonville, Jack hearing one of the most dis­
son County, Oregon.
tinguished educators of the
Entered at the postoffice at Jacksonville, Oregon
—Dr. John Adams of the
___________ as second-class matter._____
University of London. Dr.’
Regular display adv. per inch, each issue....... 20c Adams has held the position
Display adv., less than a month, per inch.......25c
Business locals, per line, each issue..................10c in the University of Profes­
sor of Education since 1902,
One Year............................................................. 12.00 and has written several books
Six Months......................................................... 1.25
Three Months...................................................
.75 on education which are well i
(In Advance)
known in this country. One
book “The Relation of the;
It is a well known fact School Studies to Moral I
> that no larger, better or bet- Training” touches closely on!
| ter flavored fruit and vege- one of the subjects under in-l
I tables of all kinds are to be vestigation the past year by |
[ found in the United States an O. S. T. A. corrujiittee.
| than those grown in Rogue No doubt a lot of fellows
> River valley and other Jack- wish they did not look so
['son county valleys. There- much like the notorious Sis­
| fore it looks quite out of kiyou train hold-ups — the
!) place and is somewhat of a D’Autremont brothers. In
; knock to this part of the about every state in the union
country when the Medford arrests have been made as
grocers advertise “Washing­ suspects of these criminals—
ton and Idaho potatoes for the last one being Alabama.
sale—the best in the coun­ Our guess is that the villains
try,” etc. Of course this is are still in hiding in the moun­
done perhaps in order to have tains, not a hundred miles
Prompt Delivery and Good Service
an excuse for charging a from where the crime was
higher price than our home committed.
product sells for. But the
queer part of this system is
that in Portland and a num­
Jacksonville, Oregon
Phone 74
ber of towns in Washington
and Idaho the grocers adver­ For a real home place you cannot find
their 5 potatoes
as “the a better location than Oregon’s historic
W W *♦**♦**♦**♦**♦**♦**♦**♦**♦**♦**♦* W W WW" tise 1 1 r
of Jacksonville. Best climate in
! world-tamed
world-famed Kotr
Rogue River ! [ city
Oregon. More than 75 per cent of the
potato—the best on earth.” | inhabitants reside in their own homes.
T ---------------------------- - -------- I Good garden and fruit lands. Good
High Grade
Low Prices
Best Grade
Christmas gifts
for all the family
Mill Feed
$1.75 per sack
for men, $3.50
Godward Mercantile Co
lAC.T. C. Tire Î
Ask us about it
is coming. We have a large
stock suitable for gifts
Jacksonville Pharmacy
¿years of
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
to an attachment execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County, dated
Dec. 3, 1923, on a judgment rendered
in an action wherein The First Nation­
al Bank of Southern Oregon is plaintiff,
and G. H. Pease (known as George H.
Pease) and Hattie M. Pease, his wife,
are defendants, commanding me to sell
the attached property therein describ­
ed, to-wit: The Southwest '4 of the
Southwest \4 of Section 10, the North
'2 of the Northwest *4, the Southwest
'4 of the Northwest '4, and the North­
west of the Southwest '4, all in Sec­
tion 28, Township 33 South, Range 4
West of Willamette Meridian, also the
Northeast )4 of Section 12, Township
34 South, Range 5 West of Willamette
Meridian, in Jackson County. Oregon;
fot the satisfaction of the judgment
therein set forth, to-wit: $393.07, and
accruing costs of sale, with interest on
the principal sum at the rate of 8"! per
annum from October 19, 1923. Now,
therefore, I will on Jan. 6, 1924, at the
hour of ten o’clock A. M., at the front I
door of the County Court House at
Jacksonville in Jackson County, Ore­
gon, sell’ said property, or so much
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy
said judgment, with interest, costs,
etc., to the highest bidder, for terms,
cash in hand.
Dated Dec. 7, 1923.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
d7 j4_____________________________
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Jackson County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
McClelland Badger, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the under­
signed to all persons having claims'
against the estate of Mary McClelland
Badger, Deceased,! to present them
with proper vouchers within six months
from the date of first publication here- <
of to Nellie Dickey, Room 6, Mills
Building. Ashland, Oregon.
Date of first publication Nov. 16, 1923.
nl6 dl4
Hardman Garage
Jacksonville Cash Store
Phone 142
All kinds of woollen shirts, $2 up.
Mackinaw Shirts, Wool Sox, Wool
Pants and all kinds of Shoes
Something every woman
wants. A splendid gift for
the girl at school, college,
or in business.
“Rush Hours
Electric Table Stove
Quick — endless uses.
Cooks entire luncheons,
suppers — right on the
Electric Waffle Iron
For delicious, crispy
brown waffles. Mother
can sit right at the table
and yet keep the plates
Electric Percolator
Makes coffee better and
quicker. Anybody who
keeps house will appre­
ciate one.
that do the. Work
Electric Range
Vacuum Cleaner
Electric Sewing
Washing Machine
(On eaay payment.)
D. E. HARDMAN, Prop.
Acetylene Welding
General Repairing
bers always go first
After Christmas when so
many gifts are forgotten and
discarded, your remembrance
will go on being used and en­
joyed every dayfor years— if
it’s something electrical.
If you would like to save
your wife much of her hardest
work—ask your electrical deal­
er about his special house­
keeping equipment. He will
undoubtedly arrange easy
time-payments for you. Check
over this list of acceptable
gifts with him today.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
schools and churches. Electric light
and power. Good water. Wonderful
I shade trees and mountain and valley
| scenery. Good citizenship—all white
Free auto camp grounds.
We solicit full investigation of our
advantages and community by pros-
I pective settlers who want to build a
home and live a long happy life.
Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce.
galore for the children;
remember the best num
Reasonable Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
For cheap car and truck storage call on us.
Main Street
Phone 282
In all lines of business patronage is irregu­
lar. Street cars, stores, banks and restau­
rants have their “rush hours” when some
delays in service are unavoidable. The
public, with the situation before its eyes,
good naturedly accepts a degree of incon­
There are “rush hours” in a telephone
exchange. With business service the
“loads” of telephone traffic are deter­
mined by commercial activities, banking
hours, etc.—the “load” of the residence
telephone varies with household and
social needs.
The demands upon the telephone oper­
ator and a complicated mechanical equip­
ment cannot be seen, but telephone traffic
varies in every hour of every day accord­
ing to the individual desires of thousands
of patrons.
If there should be at times a delay in
answering your call, remember that
trained young women with nimble fingers
are doing their best to serve you, and that
at the moment there may be a “rush” of
telephone traffic.
The exercise of patience and considera­
tion will mean better service.
The Home Tel. & Tel. Co.