Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, December 14, 1923, Image 1

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    E mil B ritt
Jacksonville High
News Items of
School News
Local Interest
Presbyterian Church.
Painting and Calcimining.
NO. 33
Notice for Publication.
Notice of Tax Land Sale.
I guarantee satisfaction at reason­
The special meetings which have been
Public Notice is hereby given that
Department of the Interior,
in progress since the first of the month able prices. See me when in need of U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, the undersigned. Sheriff of Jackson
County, Oregon, under and pursuant to
will close on Sunday next. Mr. Hart, work of this kind; also plumbing.
November 24, 1923.
Roy Martin, Jacksonville.
Notice is hereby given that William a certain order of the County Court of
The basket ball teams have who has been conducting the meetings,
Christmas is coming. So
will be with us until this Friday even­
Edward Eaton, whose post-office ad­ Jackson County, Oregon, duly made
been practicing every night ing.
is 4th of July.
dress is Jacksonville, Oregon, did, on | and entered on the 9th day of Novem­
In the County Court of the State of I the 5th day of April, 1923, tile in this ber, 1923, will offer for sale and will
this week in preparation for The services next Sunday will be as Oregon,
for Jackson County.
Judge and Mrs. F. L. Tou
follows: Sunday school at 10 o’clock
Sworn Statement and Applica­ sell, at the front door of the Courthouse
the games with Sams Valley, sharp. We have classes for all ages, In the Matter of the Estate of Ben­ office
tion, No. 014780, to purchase the SE1, in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Ore­
Velle left Saturday in their
w’hich will take place soon. and it is hoped that every teacher will jamin Franklin McCrary, Deceased.
of NW1, of Section 2, Township 38 S, gon, to the highest bidder for cash in
car for San Diego, where
To Viola McCrary, Mary Broad and Range 3 W, W illamette Meridian, and hand, all or any of those certain lots,
be present with his or her class.
The line-up for each team is: 11 o’clock —morning worship, subject, John McCrary, heirs-at-law of Benja­
they will spend the winter.
timber thereon, under the provi­ pieces or parcels of lands heretofore
Boys—center, Eester Hod­ “The Conversion of Children.” It is min Franklin McCrary, deceased, and the
sions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acquired by Jackson County, Oregon,
Alf Norris is back again son; forwards, Art Davies hoped that every boy and girl over ten j to all other heirs or persons unknown, acts amendatory, known as the “Tim­ for delinquent taxes, and now owned
of age in this community will at­ if any there be, claiming an interest in ber and Stone Law,” at such value as by said County, upon which lots, pieces
for awhile at his old job of and Dick Hartman; guards, years
tend this meeting, also every parent. I or to the Estate of said decedent:
might be fixed by appraisement, and or parcels of land, the said County
clerking in the Cash store. Chase Oftedal, Jack Moore. We will have preaching service at In the Name of the State of Oregon: that, pursuant to such application, the Court of said County has set a mini­
Y ou and each of you are hereby noti- land and timber thereon have been ap­ mum price as indicated in said order,
As an artistic counter-jumper Girls—centers, Cora Long, 7:30 in the evening with a half hour of ' ' fied
that on the 13th day of November, praised, $160.00; the timber estimated and as said land and said price is set
song service. The subject of the ser­
Alf has few equals.
Ona Varney; forwards, Clair mon will be “Pilate’s Question.” Spe­ 1923, S, A. Peters Jr., the administra­ 60,000
board feet at $2.00 per M, and i forth in Vol. One Delinquent Certifi­
tor of the estate of said decedent, filed the land $40.00; that said applicant will cate Record of said County, reference
cial music at both services.
The State Teachers’ Ex­
Edwin H. Edgar, Pastor. I in said Court a Petition, duly verified, offer final proof in support of his appli­ to which Order and to which said Vol­
■ praying said Court for an Order of Sale
- -----
aminations for December guards, Marguerite Sparks,
cation and sworn statement on the 4th ume One is hereby made a part of this
! of the following described real proper- day of February, 1924, before Chaun­ notice.
will be held at Jacksonville
O. A. C. SHORT COURSES | ty situated in Jackson County, Oregon,
sale will commence at 10 o’clock
A community Christmas Intensive practical instruction in ag­ to-wit: The North half of the South- cey Florey, Clerk of the County Court A. Said
beginning at nine o’clock on
M. on Saturday, the 15th day of
of Jackson County, Oregon, at Jack­
quarter of Section 20 in Township
December, 1923, and continue until 12
Wednesday, 19th and contin- tree will be held at the Pres­ ricultural specialties varying from one | j east
40 South, Range 2 East of W. M., less sonville, Oregon.
week to 20 weeks as follows:
o’clock noon of said day, and in case
uing until Saturday, 22nd at
General Agriculture .-Jan. 2-March 19 about 20 acres used for highway and this purchase before entry, or initiate all of said property is not sold within
before Christmas. In addi­ Horticulture_________Jan. 2-March 19 ! railroad purposes.
four o’clock.
a contest at any time before patent is­ said time, said sale will be held and
tion to this, each room in Dairy Manufacturing....... Jan. 7-Feb. 2 Now therefore, in pursuance of the sues, by filing a corroborated affidavit continued at the same place, between
Hillah Temple held its
Order of said Court duly made and en­ in this office, alleging facts which the same hours on each succeeding Sat­
the school will have a “Christ­ Herdsmen and Cow Testers
Jan. 2-June 12 tered upon the filing of said petition, would defeat the entry.
urday until all of said lands so to be
regular annual election of
you and each of you are hereby notified
mas tree” w ith an appropri­ Farm Mechanics, Tractors,
sold have been sold, or pending the
officers in Ashland Friday
that you are required to appear before n30 j25
ate program. Mr. Cook has Trucks, etc._______ Jan. 2-March 19 the
Register. further orders of the County Court of
said Court on Monday, the 17th day
and was attended by a large
Farm Mechanics (one week)
said County.
appointed several girls to so­
Feb. 18-Feb. 23 ! of December, 1923, at ten o’clock in
A list of all property to be sold, to­
number of Mystic Shriners.
the forenoon of said day, at the Court
licit money to buy candy for Third Annual Canner’s
with the minimum price at
Department of the Interior,
Mayor Emil Britt was re­
School_____________ Feb. 4-Feb. 23 room of said Court in Jacksonville,
which each lot, piece or parcel thereof
the community Christmas Land
Jackson County, Oregon, to show
Classification and
can be sold, is open to the inspection
elected chief rabban.
November 19, 1923.
Appraisal__________ Jan. 7-Jan. 12 cause, if any exist, why an Order of
of the public at the office of the under­
Sale of the whole of said real property
Mrs. A. H. Maegly and
signed Sheriff, in the Court House at
John Hueners has been ab­ Agricultural Economic
shall not be made as prayed for in said E. Starboard, of Medford, Oregon, Jacksonville, Oregon.
daughters—Mrs. Erma Tom­ sent from school the last few Conference_________Jan. 21-Jan.
who, on June 11, 1919, made Home­
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, Nov.
linson and Miss Monta Maeg­ days, as a result of being For further information regarding Service of this Citation is made upon stead Entry, Serial No. 011903, for the 10, 1923.
any course address
non-residents by publication in the SEJ4 of Section 32, Township 38 S,
ly, who spent the last couple scalded. The radiator of a
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
J acksonville Post by order of the said Range 3 W, Willamette Meridian, has
of months in Los Angeles, car he was driving was fro­
County Court dated and entere'd the filed notice of intention to make Final nl6 dl4
Corvallis, Oregon
Three-year Proof, to establish claim to
13th day of November, 1923.
are returning to their homes zen, causing the water to
Witness the Honorable G. A. Gard­ the land above described, before the Jacksonville Lodge No. 10,1. 0. 0. F.
in Portland this week in their heat quickly and when he Notice of Sheriff’s Sale
ner, Judge of the above entitled Court, Register and Receiver of the United Meets every Saturday Evening at 7:30.
All members and visiting brothers are
car. They stopped over here took the cap off steam rush­ In pursuance of a decree and order with the Seal of said Court hereto af­ States Land Office, at Roseburg, Ore­ cordially
invited to attend the meet­
gon, on the 27th day of December, 1923.
several days to visit their sis­ ed out, scalding him.
of sale rendered in the Circuit Court of j
D avid D orn , N. G.
the State of Oregon for Jackson coun-1
George Buckley, of Ruch, Oregon;
ter and aunt — Miss Stella
A lfred T. N orris , Sec. Pro-Tern.
ty, on the 3rd day of December, 1923, County Clerk of Jackson County, Ore­ Tom Forrest and William Penney, of
gon, and ex-officio Clerk of said Court.
Capt. O. C. Applegate is in the suit of C. E. Pratt and Florence I By Delilia Stevens, Deputy.
Medford, Oregon; Ruben Pitts, of
Highest quality jewelry
Jacksonville, Oregon.
E. R. Jones, who moved in town for a brief visit with
I jC
repairing, diamond set-
ey, Mollie Songer, trustee of the estate
with his family last summer his relatives.
tinK’ watc'1 repairing,
of W. F. Songer, deceased, Hans Igna­ -, »
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
n23 d21
Register. ■ k ” ~ “A a8ate mounting and jew
tius and Margaret Ignatius, his wife,
to Escondido, Cal., renewed
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
e'rV manuf‘“’turlnK-
A. L. Bixby, an old and and their Attorney, L. A. Roberts, An­ ; of a decree and order of sale, duly
Subscribe for the Post
Martin J. Reddy,
his subscription to the Post
experienced newspaper edi­
made and entered in the Circuit Court only $2 per year.
this week. Ed writes that
her husband, defendants, and of an ex­
tor and lecturer and at pres­ ecution duly issued out of said court in of the State of Oregon, in and for
J ackson County, on the 6th day of Oc­
they are well pleased with
ent one of the editors of the said suit on the 3rd day of December, tober, 1923, in a cause therein wherein
their new home and that
1923, I will expose for sale and sell, as J. B. Andrews was plaintiff and John
State Journal, published at the
law directs, at the Courthouse door j E. Moore was defendant, and which
Mrs. Jones’ health is better
Lincoln, Neb., visited here in said county at the City of Jackson­ ! decree
Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 1 of Jack-
was duly docketed and enrolled
than it had been for years.
this week at the home of his ville, on the 7th day of January, 1924, in the docket of said court on the 6th son County, State of Oregon, that a School Meeting of said district will be held
at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. the
He says it would be up-hill
the schoolhouse on the 26th day of December, 1923, at 3 o’clock in the after­
brother, R. A. Bixby, one real property described in said decree day of October, 1923, and wherein said at
plaintiff recovered judgment against noon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levy­
work to keep house without
and order of sale, situated in Jackson , said defendant for $1200.00 with inter­ ing board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax.
mile east of town.
the J’ville Post.
County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the fis­
thereon at 8% per annum from
Mrs. M. J. Swinden is re­ Beginning at a point 5.24 chains west est
cal year beginning on June 20, 1924, and ending June 30, 1925, is estimated in
The wild goose family
covering from her recent ill­ and 2.11 chains south of the northwest further sum of $122.00 attorney’s fees, the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county
corner of Donation Land Claim No. 54
dwindled in number pretty
fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, and
ness. Thursday she enter­ in township 39 south, range one east of and $19.00 taxed as costs, with interest school
on each of said sums at 8% per annum all other moneys of the district:
rapidly for several days last
tained Misses Tharp, Moy the Willamette Meridian, Oregon; j from October 6th, i923> and wherein it
week in the Klamath coun­
thence south 35 egrees 0 minutes ¡g decreed that the mortgage alleged in
and Spenker of Medford and west
3.42 chains; t lence sout 3 e- tbe cornp[aint and as recorded in Vol.
try. Dr. Oftedal and Dave
Mrs. L. H. Wakefield and grees 30 minutes east 15.05 chams to fit pages 267 and 26g ()f the Mort. Personal Service:
Cronemiller returned Sunday
Mrs. Al Boggis of Jackson­ center of County Road; thence along gage Recordg of JackBon County, Ore-
the center of said County oa nort j gon, is owned by plaintiff and consti-
from that region with their
ville. Miss Spenker gave a 50 degrees 15 minutes east 3.24 chains;
Teacher, Commercial__________ _____ _
! tutes a first lien upon the hereinafter
cars loaded to the roof with
health talk on Viavi treat­ thence north 35 degrees 30 minutes' described real property, and wherein it
7th and 8th................ . ...................
as toothsome a bunch of geese
mortgage be "fore-
5th and 6 th__________ ________
— containing
- five acres. ' 1 «serving cjO8ed and jbaj gajd property be sold as
as ever gladdened a stomach.
3rd and 4th ......................................
Some candidate for the a right of way for an irrigating ditch upon execution for the satisfaction of
< "
1st and 2nd ___________
They treated a number of
across the above described premises. ' the aforesaid judgment, costs and ac­
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this cruing costs.
their friends to a goose feast
Clerk.......... . ............. . .....................................
day of December, 1923.
Now, therefore, pursuant to said de­
—the Post among them.
from Rev. Edgar’s car in his
cree and order of sale and by virtue of Material and Supplies:
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. an execution dated November 8, 1923,
Among the several new garage at the parsonage—
Furniture (deskB, stoves, curtains, etc.)__
By L. D. Forncrook, Deputy.
business enterprises to be es­ which entitles him to the _____________________________ d7 j4 issued pursuant thereto by the clerk of
Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.)......................
and under the seal of said court, I, the
Flags _______________
tablished here soon is a mov­ title of champion thief* of
undersigned Sheriff of Jackson County,
Notice to Creditors.
Playground equipment . ....
ing picture show by a man this district. History records Notice is hereby given that the un- Oregon, on the 5th day of January,
Janitor's supplies______ ______ _________
at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M.,
who has had considerable ex­ that the lowest-down thief dersigned has been appointed Adminis ' ­ 1924,
at the front door of the Court House
Light ................................................................
perience in this line of work. in the world was the wretch deceased, by the County Court of Jack- at Jacksonville in Jackson County, Or­
Water..____________________ ________
He proposes to erect a con­ I who stole the hide from a son County, Oregon, and has qualified egon, will offer for sale and will sell at
Postage and stationery . .. ............ ..........
public auction for cash to the highest
$ 690.00
crete building for the busi­ blind tumblebug and then All persons having claims against said bidder, subject to the statutory right
Maintenance and Repairs, building and grounds .
estate are notified to present the same
$ 100.00
ness, but if it can be had, will started it home on the wrong ( to me, or to L. A. Roberts, attorney of redemption as by law provided, the Assessments (highways, roads, streets, bridges:
following described real property and
Water main tax.......................... . ..................
open up within a few weeks road.
for said estate, at his office over th*
$ 64.00
all interest that the defendant John E.
Citizens Bank of Ashland, with proper
in a portion of the U. S. hotel
Moore had therein on the 30th day of Indebtedness:
In circuit court this week vouchers and duly verified, within si* April, 1923, or that he at any time aft­
$ 700
Bonded, and interest thereon.......................
building, now the property
Warrant, and interest thereon _________
in the case' of the state vs months from the first publication here­ er acquired or now has therein, to-wit:
of the town of Jacksonville. James Moore, charged with of, which is December 14, 1923.
Total .....
The North three-quarterB of Lot 1, and
$ 225.00
all of Lot 2, in Block 16 of the City of Transportation of pupils..........
Amy Dow is moving her stabbing “Blackie” Moore
$ 100.00
Gold Hill in Jackson County, State of Insurance.__ ____________________ _________
L. A. Roberts, Attorney for said es­ Oregon, as the same is designated and Miscellaneous___________ _____________ ____
$ 50.00
restaurant and stock of gro­ at Medford, the jury Wed­ tate,
Ashland, Oregon.
dl4 JI described on the official plat of said Emergency_______ ______ __________ _____
$ 100.00
ceries aftd confectionery from nesday evening returned a
Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year $12,884.00
city, or so much thereof as may be
the telephone office corner verdict of not guilty—taking
necessary to satisfy the aforesaid judg­
Estimated Receipts
to her building opposite the the view that it was a case Selling out ranches, $2 per acre ip; ment, costs, accruing costa and costs From county school fund during the coming school year......... I $1983.75
of this sale, after crediting thereon the From state school fund during the coming school year ------- 375.55
U. S. hotel. This is the two- of self-defense. The case of 10 years time. Ranches for rent.
sum of $2.00, the proceeds in excess of From elementary school fund during the coming school year 1330.62
Gold Ray Realty Co., Medford, Oe. the costa of sale, derived from the sale
story brick building Mrs. Homer Tellett of Medford,
Estimated amount to be received from all other sources dur­
of the personal property included in the
ing the corning school year, including high school tuition__ 622.71
Dow recently purchased from charged with driving a car
Corn for Sale.
aforesaid mortgage and heretofore sep­
Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax____ $ 4,312.63
Luke Ryan. It has just been while drunk on jackass booze, Shelled corn $2.50 per 100 lbs; groind arately sold pursuant to the aforesaid
decree and execution.
re-calcimined, painted and is on trial today. After to­
.. $12,884.00
L. H. Wakefield
Dated thus the 7lh day of December, Total estimated expanses for the year
fitted up in elegant style and morrow, what court business
Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax ...
Farm Wanted.
Balance, amount to be raised by district tax ...................... $ 8,571.37
is now one of the neatest and is left, will be postponed un­
Dated this 5th day of December, 1923.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
Wanted—best farm $5000 will buyin
most comfortable places of til Jan. 21st—after a session Jackson County. RobL Thomas, 51 By L. D. Forncrook, Deputy Sheriff. Attest: MRS. ROY V. MARTIN,
d7 j4 I
District Clerk.
Chairman Hoard of Directors.
is held at Grants Pass.
N. Harding Ave., Chicago, 11L
the kind in the county.
Notice of School Meeting
Real Estate for Sale