Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, February 03, 1922, Image 2

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Better be safe than sorry
Only Details of Phraseology of Treaty
Remain as Conference Problem.
Fire Insurance
Washington, D. C. — An agreement
Salem.—Out of 316 accldents-report-
Will protect you from lose. Six standard companies to choose from.
on all the principles Involved In the
ed by the state industrial accident
plan for return of Shantung province
commission for the week ending Janu­
Also Good Automobile Insurance W ritten
ary 26 only one was fatal. The vic­
to China was reached Monday night
by the Japanese and Chinese arms
Surety Bonds of All Kinds
ator of Grand Ronde.
Monmouth. — The trustees of the
After the two groups had been In
Evangelical church of this city have
conference for nearly seven hours,
purchased the Meador property on
Ryan Building
Jacksonville, Oregon
wrestling with the final problem of
Monmouth avenue, one block south of
restoring the Tslngtao-Tsinanfu rail­
the normal campus. The church will
be moved from its present location,
road to Chinese control, word came
Events of Noted People. Governments from the committee room that only Movie Show Crowd in Uproar at Comic remodeled and enlarged.
When Cave-in Comes Hundreds
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
details of phraseology of the proposed
Eugene.—Nearly all lumber mills In
Injured and Many May Die
the coast section are beginning to
treaty remained in the way of a com­
Thing« Worth Knowing
show signs of activity, according to
plete agreement.
I. T. Sparks, district freight and pass­
The basis of the settlement was un­
J. W. Robinson, M. D., Proprietor
Washington Tuesday held the first enger agent of the Southern Pacific
Mrs. Edwin A. Kraft, a niece of derstood to have been the plan sup­
Jacksonville, Oregon
General John J. Pershing, died at a ported by President Harding provid­ of its many funerals of the 97 who company, who has just returned to
hospital in Seattle Tuesday night of ing that China pay for the road in perished Saturday night when the roof headquarters here after a trip over
the Coos Bay branch.
pneumonia. Before her marriage her treasury notes and that Japanese ex­
of the Knickerbocker theater col­
name was Helen Gene Pershing.
Albany.—Plans for the erection of
perts be retained In the operating per­ lapsed under the weight of snow. Mem­
city hall in Albany have taken con­
orial services were announced by a
Investigation of the cause of the
It was announced, however, that in number of churches and other organi­ crete form in that the city council has
Knickerbocker theater disaster, was order to work out the remaining de-
zations. Social functions and business arranged to submit to the voters in a
begun Monday by several agencies of tails, the two delegations would meet
conferences ceased in honor of the special election to be held in connec­
tlie District of Columbia government, again.
dead and the theaters, again in oper­ tion with the primaries next May a
Prompt Service
Prices Right
with the probability that congress also
In their discussion Monday, the Jap­ ation, sheltered meager audiences. A measure which will, if adopted, clear
might undertake exhaustive inquiries. anese and Chinese centered their at­
number of official and unofficial in­ the way for this improvement.
A society has just been founded in tention on the key problem of Tslng­ vestigations got under way and others
Prineville.—Mrs. M. Thompson, pro­
London for the scientific extermina­ tao-Tsinanfu railway, with which the were announced.
prietor of the Oregon Grill here, this
tion of vermin. It was christened the “good offices" of President Harding,
week gave out notice that she would
Washington, D. C. — One hundred furnish meals free of charge to any-
Institute of Applied Pestology. Alfred Secretary Hughes and Arthur J. Bal­
E. Moore, its chairman, believes it
one in the city who was hungry and
will accomplish a work of interna­ proposal given approval in substance Knickerbocker theater Saturday night “broke.” Mrs. Thompson has been in
provided that China pay for the rail­ when the roof, weighted by more than the restaurant business here for many
tional importance.
road in 15-year treasury notes, with a two feet of snow, collapsed and buried
A secret organization composed of five-year option, and that Japanese patrons of the house under a crushing years and is known locally as "Mo­
O. C. DOROTHY, Proprietor
small boys has been discovered and experts be retained during the pay­ blanket of concrete, plaster and steel, ther” Thompson.
broken up at Ellisville, Miss. The ment : period in some departments of according to official police records.
Salem.—The Yellow Metal Mining
organization had a membership of 22 road administration, but under a Chi­
The official list, according to au­ company, with headquarters at La
and called itself “R. A. R.,” “Run, nese superior official.
thorities, contained the names of all Grande, has filed application with the
African, Run.” It is said the purpose
It i is the expectation of the confer- those whose bodies had been recov­ state engineer for the appropriation
Fresh Eggs, Bread, Meat Products, Cereals and full line
was to run negroes out of town.
ence officials that the plenary session ered up to midnight Sunday from the of 12 second-feet of water from Pine
of canned goods.
Barber shop in connection
creek and Indian creek, for placer
Brigadier General Fred W. Sladen, called for Wednesday morning will be ruins of the theater.
The volunteer workers, Including
commanding Fort Sheridan, Illinois, followed by another that afternoon in
The place to go for soft drinks
Tuesday was appointed commandant order to bring up to date the formal police, firemen, marines and cavalry cost of the proposed development was
of West Point military academy to ratification of various decisions reach­ from Fort Myer, had practically con­ estimated at $3000.
succeed Brigadier-General Douglas Mc­ ed in the armament and far eastern cluded their search of the wreckage,
Klamath Falls. — Announcement of
Arthur, who will be relieved next June committees. A dozen of the resolu­ the only portion of what had been the the Western Pacific railroad's plan to
2,0, and assigned to duty in the Philip­ tions relating to China have received orchestra pit remaining to be searched acquire the Northern California &
committee approval only and the Root being a far corner in which it was not Oregon line and make it a standard­
Mrs. Underwood, widow of Horace submarine declaration also awaits the expected additional bodies would be gauge road is the first definite move
toward railway extension affecting
G. Underwood, was buried in Seoul, official sanction o£ the conference found.
Elimination of duplicated names Klamath county made since the war
Corea, January 30, having died at the proper.
With the naval treaty and Shantung brought the final total down from the halted railroad development, and per­
age of 70. With her husband, who
Ashland, Oregon
out of the way, only a few unofficial peak of 112. The list of sons in touch with the situation scent
died a few years ago, after a lifetime
B. F. Leach, Prop.
big things.
Under new management
of missionary work in Corea, she has
Bend.—John Arnold Payton, 14-year-
been a worker in the Corean mission of a final adjournment of the confer­ as “seriously injured.” Caught be­
ence. None of these promise to take neath the falling roof beams, scores olil boy, accidentally shot himself
tii id since 1884.
long and some of the delegates believe were taken to hospitals suffering with
With no food and insufficient cloth­ they may be on their way home by broken limbs or severe internal, in­ while hunting Saturday four miles
north of Bend. Death was Instantan­
A hearty welcome is extended to Ranchers,
ing, over 100 persons, comprising men, the end of the week.
Many received Immediate eous, the charge of shot entering his
women and children, in 25 automo­
medical attention at improvised near­ cheek and penetrating the brain. The
Stockmen and Orchardists
biles, are isolated upon the Ridge
by stations.
body was found at 10 o’clock last
route between Bakersfield and Los
In the audience but one person was night by a searching party which was
Comfortable rooms $1.00 and up. Meals at popular prices
Angeles, and are suffering much from
found who had become aware of im­ organized when the boy failed to re­
exposure, according to officials of the
pending doom in time to reach an exit. turn home.
Automobile Club of Southern Califor­
Several others worked their way to
Enterprise. — Instructions were re­
Washington, D. C.—Text of the five- safety through scant openings in the
Tuesday by local officers of the
J. S. Farinheit, president of sub­ power naval treaty, to carry into effect
Rescue workers, fighting a desper­ East Oregon Lumber Company from
district No. 3, United Mine Workers of the capital ship settlement, limitations
America, ut Grafton, W. Va„ in a on auxiliary warcraft and the "status ate battle through dark and daylight, financial headquarters at Kansas City
had recovered that number of bodies. to put the remainder of the plant in
telegram to President Harding Tues­
More than 100 others were known to operation at once and to resume log­
federal aid for
day, appealed for
ging in the woods. This means work
"starving miners i and their families of tifications, was put into final form have been Injured.
for about 150 more men. The mill
tills district.” The president and Monday and will be placed before the
other officials of ’ the sub-district sign- world at a plenary session of the arms The majority of killed and injured and camps will be run continuously,
were local residents. Exploration of barring accidents.
Leave Jacksonville 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 a. m.;
i d the telegram.
conference Wednesday.
the ruins went on unchecked after
12:30, 1:30, 3:00, 1:00, 5:00, 7:00 p. m.
Cracksmen placed a dummy safe of
Final agreement on the fortifications dark, but those in charge believed few
city of Pendleton last year was $87,-
cardboard and oil cloth in the window article, for weeks the only provision additional bodies would be found.
Medford 7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 a. in.;
579.89, according to the financial re­
of the United Motor Service corpora­ remaining incomplete, came after Ja­
Normally the theater has had every port just completed. Receipts totalled
1:00, 2:00, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 9:30 p. in.
tion in Philadelphia Monday to fool pan had suggested and the other pow­ seat filled at that hour, and nearly
the police and robbed the real safe ers had agreed that the American- 2000 persons was its capacity, The $88,576.55. The operation of the street
Fare 10c
in tlie rear of the plant. They escaped Aleutian islands, a part of Alaska, same unprecedented snowfall which and lighting system cost $25,808.57.
with a eixle book for making keys for should be included In the area in brought death to the venturesome few the fire department $13,343 23. and
ignition locks and with $800 in money, which no further fortifications or na­ kept many at home, Street-car traffic the police department $iu 133. Re­
sources of the city are set at $1.034.-
bonds and jewelry.
val bases are to be erected.
had been abandoned and streets and 787.57 and the net worth is estimated
As a compromise the provision sidewalks were all but impassable.
By fairly decisive votes, the senate
at $421,136.25.
Most of the bodies were recovered
refused Monday either to require con­ pledges the powers to maintain in
Salem.—The tendency of the popula­
gressional approval of the agreements their present status fortifications of from the floor of the pit beneath the
to accumulate in the larger cities j
wreckage of the balcony or from the
to be entered into with debtor nations
by the proposed allied debt refunding islands and various smaller Pacific front of the balcony. Persons on the and towns, migrating not only from I
commission, or to limit authority of possessions of the United States; For­ main floor had grouped themselves the farms but from the smaller towns,
the commission in deferring the time mosa and other Japanese islands just below the front of the balcony. is disclosed by an analysis of the cen- ■
W. A. BISHOP, Prop.
Tom Dunnington, Prop
wlicn interest payments on the $11,- stretching to the north and south from They were back far enough to see well sus returns of Oregon for the two ’
the principal Japanese group, and the and most of the front and back rows decades preceding 1920. Of 198 towns
000,(100,000 foreign debt shall begin.
British port of Hongkong, together were empty.
and cities listed In the Oregon blue
Makes Two Trips Daily to Medford
Fresh Meats, Sausage,
Gifts for the furtherance of educa­ with a number of British islands lying
book, 16 towns decreased in popula­
and Carries U. S. Mail.
tion totaling $33,196,706 were made to the southeast. The Japanese main­
Poultry, Etc.
ground to a twisted mass. There was tion between 1900 and 1910, and only
during tlie fiscal year 1921-1922 by the land, Japanese Sakhalien, British Sin-
Prompt service and careful atten­
one of the 16 had a population of
general education board of the Rocke- gapore and the Hawaiians do not fall no wood in the structure, It was all more than 1000.
tion to business guaranteed
steel and concrete, but the enormous
feller foundation, it was made known under the prohibition.
weight of the balcony was sufficient
Salem.—Payment of every complet­
in tlie annual report Sunday, Up to
cash bonus claim, estimated at
date the board lias distributed $42,-
460 on Disabled Liner.
tastic shapes.
5000, and the making of the first home County Official Directory Jackson County Lawyers
132.442, plus the income of the total
Firemen plunged into the wreckage and farm loans on March 1, is the
New York.—The liner Princess Ma-
$126.788.094 given the board by John
toika, which sailed for Danzig Satur­ with lanterns. Men with electric mark the world war veterans' state
State Senator—C M Thomas. Med­
D. Rockefeller.
D W Bagshaw, Jacksonville.
day with 460 passengers aboard, had torches came from all sides. And it aid commission has fixed for itself it ford.
Joint Representative—Chas F Hop­
Fee» and wedding licenses for 1921, her steering gear disabled in a heavy was a daunting task they faced. On was learned Saturday at the bonus
F M Calkins, Clr. Judge. M F & H bldg.
pent in Clarke county, Washington, gale and is returning to port, a wire­ the Columbia-road side the single wall commission's headquarters In the kins, Roseburg.
County Representatives — Ben C M Purdin, M F * H bldg.
amounted to almost $23,000. There less message said Monday. Three tugs towered menacingly above their heads, United States Bank building here. Sheldon. Medford, E V Carter, Ashland Gus Newberry, M F * H bldg.
E H Hurd, M F Ä H bldg.
were 2373 licenses issued at $4 50 have been sent to meet her. The ac­ stripped almost bare except for the More than 3000 claims have been fin­
Circuit Judge—F M Calkins.
Lincoln McCormack, First Nat Bk bldg,
John H Carkin, First National Bank bldg.
Pros. Attorney—Rawles Moore.
each. George B. Simpson, Judge of cident occurred 100 miles at sea. high exit signs marking the way out ally approved for payment and another
M Roberts, Medford Nat. Bank bldg
County Judge—G A Gardner.
tlie superior court of Clarke county, Among the passengers are 312 Polish of the balcony, now a crumpled mass 2000 is expected to go through the
Rawles Moore, District Attorney, Medford
Commissioners — James Owen and National Bank bldg.
married 225 couples, but turned in orphans who were en route to Danzig below. Not a window was broken.
Geo A Codding, Medford Nat. Bank bldg.
final processes by March 1.
Victor Bursell.
Porter J Neff, Medford Nat. Bank bldg.
$1125, all he collected, to the county, after having spent a year in American
Clerk—Chauncey Florey.
W S Crowell. Medford Nat. Bank bldg.
central Ore-
so the county actually received for charitable institutions.
H K Hanna. Jackson County Bank bldg.
Sanate to Ask Probe.
M Thomas, Jackson Co. Bank bldg.
this business $11.803 50.
W Miles. Jackson County Bank bldg.
Treasurer—A C Walker.
Washington, D. C—Senator Capper northwest and letters and inquiries
F J Newman, Palm bldg.
Wolf Killed by Hand.
Gordon Woodbury, ex-assistant see­
School Supt.—Susanne Holmes.
N W Borden, Paim bldg.
of Kansas, a member of the senate are being received daily by W. B.
Winfield R Gaylord, Palm bldg.
Coroner—John A Perl.
rotary of war, was swept over the
Minneapolis, Minn. — After using | District of Columbia committee, an- Tucker, secretary of the Crook County
W Mears, City Atty., Liberty bldg.
Health Officer—Dr W P Holt.
E A and Charles Heames, Liberty bldg.
railing of his yacht, "Half Moon," 40 only his gloved hands, Arthur Lenar, nounced Sunday that when the senate Chamber of Commerce. The move re­
O C Boggs, old postoffice bldg.
mil s off t ape Charles. Friday night, Minneapolis, killed a large timber reconvened he would introduce a res­ cently started to bring Japanese farm­
W E Crews, Liberty bldg.
City Directory
Glenn O Taylor, J P and City Judge.
but was returned by a wave to the wolf within the city limits, the first olution calling for an investigation of ers onto the lands in the Ochoco proj­
Masonic bldg.
F P Farrell. Masonic bldg.
ship, it was stated when the yacht, instance of its kind for more than a the Knickerbocker theater disaster, ect, which met with strenuous objec­
Mayor—Emil Britt.
II A Canady, old P O bldg.
formerly the "Germania," private decade. Ho slew the animal by grasp- and also of all large buildings con­ tion from the Americans, causing its
Councilmen—W A Bishop, Chester B r Lindas, Stewart bldg.
yacht of ex Emperor William of Ger Ing Its hind legs and crashing its structed here since the beginning of defeat, has aroused much Interest and Wendt. Peter Fick and G W Godward W E Phipps, Clarion office.
Recorder—D W Bagshaw.
„ ... -
many, was towed into old Point Com­ head against an iron railing when it the war. An investigation was order­ probably will result in the sale of
Nellie Dickey.
Treasurer—J N Cronemiller.
fort in a damaged condition by the attacked him. He collected $7.50 ed by the District of Columbia board much of the irrigated land in central i Marshal—M D Jones
Briggs A Briggs.
Standard Oil tanker Japan Arrow.
Council meets first Tuesday of each G W Trefern.
of commissioners.
j Oregon.
i W J Moore.
97 Bodies Dug From Ruins in
Washington D. C.
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
D. W. Bagshaw, Resident Agent
Wear-ever Hot Water Bottles
Wear-ever Fountain Syringes
Toilet Goods and Stationery
Chocolate Corner
Hotel Ashland
Jackson County’s Popular Hotel
Medford-Coast Railway
Street Car Line
Meat Market
|C B Watson & A E Kellogg, Gold Hill.