Town Talk I he Pioneer Church. Ow -g to the fact that Rev. Ed- •«»"!» of A'hlanl was unable to be iiif,*!.' Rev. J. Sasnelt, pustor of the ■I 'I, c| m church at Medford preached is-’ ''inlay morning. Mr Sasnett, who is a splendid speaker delivered an in­ teresting sermon, the subject being 'Infinite Love,” the text wa-i the well known verae of John 3:16. Tomorrow mori.ii g Rev. Edwards will conduct the service. A solo, “One Sweetly oltrnn Thought” will be sung by Mrs T. W. Fulton. Ihu entertainment committee fur the binquet oil N >v. 20. will hold a meeting in the library Monday after noon at £ o'clock. Charles H. Bailey of Eager® Ore­ gon was a guist at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. P. Bailey this week. W. P. Bailey, who spent a few days, at the family home in this city last week returned to Algoma Tuesday. The county court this week purcha­ sed the Luke Rytn build’ng across tbe street from the court house. Consi ler- ation $409. Tbisjs a concrete building practically fireproof and will make an excellent, vault for the storage of county records. County Judge Gardner and commiss­ ioners Owen and Simpson journeyed to Trail Fril.iv to attend a Riad District . meeting in Distract 14. Taxpayers at J 1 the meeting voted to levy a 10 mil| I tax the limit allowed by law, for spec­ ial road improvement. Every district in the county has filed uetitions for meeting® to be held in the near fut­ I ure when special tax levies will in all probability be voted. County aid fur­ nished these special improvement pro­ jects tquais the amt tint of nr.onev raised by taxation in the districts. Mr. an I Mr, RiymmJ R ’.-r and daughter, Peggy Marie of Medford visited rela'ivea in town " , Mrs. M E Hudson mu-ndej high mass at the Catholic ehur- h in fl.- turd Iasi Sunday inornii g. W, (). Garrett, who pm'dissed the Mankill ranch on Pool mana creek about a year ago has moved hx fam­ ily to Butte creek, where hi- will re- side on Sheriff Terrill'» ram h. Mrs Lewis Ulrich is .'-covering from an operation for the rerri.vil of i>. r tonsils performed in a Medford hos­ J. B Culem in, county assessor left pital last Saturd >y. for Portland Tuesday to attend a Deputy Sheriff MacMahon a ,d fam m eting of the'state boijrd of equali­ zation. ily, who have been Hying in Ash have moved to town and are <>■'■ upy- Armistice Day was obierved in ing the Dunnington bungalow on Medford Thursday. Tbe parade began Third street. at-2 o'clock and was composed of the Judge G, A. Gardner arrived home G. A. R , Womens Relief Corps; ex- from Portland Tuesday, v. here he had service men, Elks Ixxlge, Boy Scouts, been attending a meeting of the the D. O. O. K. band and the Nation­ al Guard. A fair sized crowd witness­ state highway commission ed the parale although the rain male Mrs Charles Nunan attended the meeting of the Lady Elks in Medford it moat disagreeable. The American Legion dance in the evening was well Tuesday afternoon. attended Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Noel and Mr. On another page of this paper it is and Mrs. C. H. Butterfield of Medford FOR SALE—One two horse spring stated thai the banquet Saturday Nov. wagon. were county seat visitors Sunday. 20, will be held in 1. O. O. F. Hall. Vf-: R. Sparks, This is an error, it should read Mas- Th® fall term of circuit court was in session this week. One of the cases Miss Alice Hoefs • returned last onic Hall. in court was the Southern Pacific week from a six weeks visit with re- Mr . Childers and family, who have freight holdup in the Sisaiyous lust latives in Portland, returning in time been living on a ranch at Thompson September. The grand jury resumed to cast her vote at the election. creek are moving into the Dunford ¡ its investigation of the bank cases While there Miss Hoefs dined with house on south Third street, this week. Rev C. II Johnston and family, who are i County clerk Florey made a trip .to Mr» F. J. Fick assisted as one of weli known in this city, Mr Johnson Eagle Point to visit his father A. J. the hostesses at the Lady Elks club having at one time been pastor of the Florey, who sustained a dislocated local .¥. E. church. Tuesday afternoon. hip some time ago. J. A. Marsh who has been confined Sunday November 14, has been pro­ Carl Ni.-dermsyer attended the to the house for two months with claimed memorial day for the soldiers Legion dance given in Medford Thurs­ sciatic rheumatism is again able to who lost their lives in the fcorld war. day evening. be out. Flags will be flown at half mast and The committee, having in charge Sue the Perfection oil Heater in appropriate services will be held in the providing of the refreshments for the churches in observance of this Ficks window. $8.50 is the price. Be- the banquet on Nov. 20, will ;meet at ginning Monday Nev. 15 this stove day. the City Hall Monday evening. will be reduced 25 cents each day No better oil heate rs than Perfec­ ■---------- »<*i<----------- until sold. tion, see Fick. Reverend Monsignor Lane of Albany PATRON SAINT OF HATTERS Bert Moses, the new jailor has mov­ officiated at the funeral of Thos. Me ed his family into the Meagley house Andrew held from the Catholic church Why St. Clement Has Long Been Ac­ opposite the jail. last .Monday. Monsignor Lane, who corded Recognition by Makers of Head Coverings. was accompanied by Father John Pow­ Rev. Randolph Sasnett of Medford ers of Medford also renewed old ac­ preached in the local Methodise church St. Clement I» known as the pntron quaintances in Jacksonville, having at Sunday morning. saint of hatters, because of his dis­ one time been the priest of this par­ The county trucks and equipment covery for the making of a compact ish. have been move I from Ruch to Reese fabric out of wool without pressure George and Chester Wendt marched creek and work on the highway resu­ or weaving. The story goes that this in uniform with the D. O. O. K. , band med. Because the rain of a couple of devout priest, while on a journey, lie in the Armistice Day parade at Med- weeks ago made the road so muddy came footsore and tired, and, removing his sandals, sought rest by the road- ford Thursday, the trucks were brought in. but side. with a couple of weeks of dry weather H. J. Giem, manager of the Wes- St. Clement was soon disturbed by tern Union telegraph office in Medford he work at Reese creek would be the bleating of lambs, Looking up. completed. was a county seat visitor Wednesday. he beheld n fox that had just seized Arthur Perry, the "illustrious editor one of the helpless young sheep, ne Dr, and Mr» J. W, Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hanna were Med- of the Mail Tribune "Smudge Pot” cleared a hedge just in time to destroy column has been favoring Jacksonville the fox and rescue the lamb, in the ford visitors Sunday. with his presence this week while re­ process of which act he observed loose Mr. and Mrs. A L. Goodman and porting the circuit court proceedings. wool, which he gathered and exam children visited Medford friends Sun- ined. Tbe pupils of th® local school enjoy­ The priest was struck by the sud­ day. ed a holiday Thursday, it being Armis- den inspiration that here was relief Miss Edith Hoefs was shopping in tise Day. for his lacerated feet. Binding the Medford Wednesday afternoon. Save wocii, Buy that oil haater at yielding wool on his wounds, he was able to continue his journey. On If you want a good oil heater watch Ficks. reaching his destination Sç Clem­ Ficks window. 25 cent reduction each Among the local people in Medford ent removed the sandals from his day until sold. Armistice day were; Colonel and Mrs feet, discovering Instead of the line H. H. Sargent, Miss Issie McCully, soft wool a piece of unfinished cloth, seemingly so firm nnd thick that he John Renault, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest couldn't pull it apart. He called the Highest quality, jewelry j Forman, Mr. and Mrs. George How- repairing, diamond set­ ard, and Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Chapman. matted material "felt.” This accidental knowledge of the ting, watch repairing, agate mounting and jew The stores and post office in this priest caused the basic principle that tjj elrv manufacturing. ; city were closed Thursday afternoon underlies the men's hut industry. November 23 has been named St. Martin J. Reddy, in observance of Armistice day. Clement's day and is a red-letter day lain st., x1! >r ><>. on.RG in The annual drive tor members for for the hat manufacturers of many the Red Cross started last Thursday. countries. Every one snould pay their dues for $100 Reward, $100 NEW YORK GOAL OF PILGRIMS the next year. The readers of this paper will 8e plsuud to learn that there Is at least Tom Kenny, formerly of Jackson­ Their Original Intention Was to Found one dreaded disease that science has ville was visiting relatives here Thurs­ been able to curs in all its stages and a Colony There, but Plans that Is catarrh. Catarrh being day. Were Frustrated. Influenced by constitutional conditions reaulres constitutional treatment Hall ■ Rev. J. Doran of Ashland will con ­ Catarrh Medicine la taken Internally and The Pilgrim Fathers might have acta thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur­ duct services at the- Presbyterian founded New York if it had not been faces of the System thereby destroying church Sunday morning at 11, A. M . for the bribing of the Mayflower skip­ the foundation of the disease. ‘t"“ patient atrength by building up the con­ stitution and aeslstlng nature In doing Its An adjouintd session of the city per by the Dutch, who persuaded him work. The proprietors have so mufh council was held at the City hall Sat­ to keep the Pilgrims from the month faith In the ruratb • power of Hall a Catarrh Medicine that th»y offer urday evening. Beyond canvassing of the great river, which they planned Hundred Dollars for any ewe that It falls to cure. Send for list of ’*•11™°”'*'’ , election returns no business of im­ to settle with a colony of their own The ancient charter of the Pilgrims Address F. J. CHFNKT * CO . Toledo portance was transacted. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 71c. gave them land which probably In­ cluded New York. The patent was grnnted to them nfter they tied from the Virginia company. Tills grant was not exactly the Instrument the I’ll- grftns wanted, because of Its religious provisions. The Pilgrims wlghed to get a patent that would permit them the fullest liberty of worship, but the PRACTICALLY One Million Three king refused to give them a charter In Hundred Thousand Dollars is the which a definite stipulation of rel g- Ions freedom was contained. So tliey total of deposits at thp First Nat­ were forced to content themselves ional B nk. This huge amount is with the Virginia patent. It being sin? credited to the accounts of Firms, gested by their sympathizers flint In the wilderness they would probably Corporations, Farmers, Merchants, not be disturbed. Manufacturers, Families, House­ JUST WHO OUR PATRONS ARE holds, Housewives and private in dividual?, such as men, women and children. Backing up the confidence of II those who carry accounts here are: Large Cap- Investments and OU I! ital and Surplus, Conservative investm Careful Di rectorate Jand Management. M stHationaiBank MEDFORD. OREGON fi ■■'rs ■ w? í ¡tu V.-? l i«-'1 r,■ rnt I PERSONAL service ] is 9 Party Leaders Convinced by Results ol National Can­ vass of Ectors. VINDICATES FORMES Wedges POLL. Overwhelming Veto Like That of Year Before From Both Sides of Political Fence. Splitting Mauls Washington.—In 1er circles of both political parties here are greatly In tercsted In the results ef a imtional poll on the question of government operation among over 5,(MX) newspn- per editors throughout the country. With SC per cent of these editors, re gnrdless of political faith, giving ft as their impartial opinion that the public is more than ever opposed to the gov­ ernment going Into business In coin- petition with its citizens, observers here see little chance that either po­ litical party will find ft a profitable campaign Issue. In the opinion of party lenders this sort of a canvass among neivspap®' editors Is tbe best posMblr index of public opinion. They recall a similar questionnaire sent out n year ago In connection with the proposition that the government take over the rail­ roads permanently. Replies at that time from approximately the same number of editors showed S3 per cent fifulnst the principle of government operation. They recall also that with in ten days from publication of the result of the former questionnaire the sentiment for return of the ruilrouds to their 'owners bad definitely crys­ tallized. Comparison of present results in de­ tail with those of a year ago con­ vinces the political student not only that these editors have been accurate In their Judgment, but that party con­ siderations played no part In form Ing It. From Democratic and sup posedly radical Texas, for example the present questionnaire brought to­ plies from editors of 211 papers, only three of which are Republican. Yet the percentage against government ojeratlon was 92, which Is exactly the same as that given by 200 editors from Republican Michigan, among whom were representatives of only Other three Democratic papers states that pair percentages slgnlfi- ciintly are Massachusetts and Nevada, with 100; Connecticut and South Caro Una, with 97 ; Maine and West Vir­ ginia, with 96 ; Kentucky and New York, with 91 ; Missouri and Pennsyl­ vania, with 89; Ohio and Oklahoma with 87. The result of the present poll as to government operation In each stn'e. are graphically shown by the follow­ ing churt: ftmopposro to 6 ovewment ownershp IN FAVOR OF GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP I—19k OOU3TFUL OR RAKED TO REPLY. Ali Kinds of Handles Cross Cut Saws Fick’s Hardware 4 Shasta Route Trains BETWEEN PORTLAND and fc’AN FRANCISCO Effective Sunday Nov. 11th “ Oregonian” Train Nos. 53 and 54. Hand'cs day coaches, tourist and standard ¡deeping cars dinmg car and observation car “California Express”—Train N"S. 15 and 16 Handb>s day coaches, tourist ami Standard sleeping and dining car “Shasta"—Tra n Nos. It and 12 (No excess fare) A IHJA thlOLgh trail'* Handles cm i.'s, cars stri dard riee, sleeping only, dining car and observation car “San Francisco Express”—Train Nos. |3 and 14 Handles day coaches, tourist and standard sleeping cars and dining car — Through standard slatping rar, Portland to I ms Angelts, leaves Portland on the California I.'.rpress arrives Los Angeles 8:15 a. m. second morning CALIFORNIA—Warm Sunshine and Flowers ¡¿al;e the days delightful in the Wintertime^ Enjoy the fragrance of the poinaettas, violets, poppies and geraniums, or the joys of outdoor sports and pastimes Travel with Pleasure via the Shasta Route ! Redubcd Hound Trip Tickets arc Now on Salo to Southern California FRl’Eon ri qii st, “California for the Tourist,” a new .illustrate bo: klet, graphically describing the different resorts For further particulars inquire of lobal agent» DEL. MASS. I aj NEVADA N. HAMP SOUTHERN PACIFIC UNES VERMONT CONN. 6 JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent 3 CAR. r UTAH MAINE W. VA MO. N. CAR. rr Sia nd a rd Fi re Insurance TENN. MICH. N JER. I represent a number of the best com­ panies in merica and can write you insurance at usual raets TEXAS IOWA KY N.Y. n. i. FLORIDA 91 Lei the Company Carry the Risk 9 90 LA. DO IT NOW ÍQ MO- D. W. Bagshaw PENN. ARK. KAN Ryan Buifding Jacksonville, Oregon MISS. OHIO OKA. OREGON Vi/U VA. WASH. I ILL. IND. MONT WIS. ARI. Work Poor. IDAHO Nyal Remedies h CAL. Charles M. Schwali nt one of his Lore! tn dinner parties was talking about a man who was vainly beseech Ing the banks for a loan. "lie's n rich man, too," said Mr. 8cliwirt>; "but lies work poor.” "Work poor?" said n guest. "Yes. work poor," Mr. Schwab re pea ted. "You see. he’s always got L many operations In hand that he’s •I ways short of money to finame them Work poor. 1 call it.” Then he smiled ami added: "Hi 's one of lliose fellows who dig so much that they’re always in s hole.” Santox Store We Carry Wear-Ever Fountain Syringe» and Hot M ater Bottle», the Best Made WVO. MINN, THE CITY DRUG STORE IDTF.GTSnriM n CENT I RY FOUNTAIN PENS Every Pen Guaranteed I N MEX. NEB. CDLC. ALA GA .1. \V. Robinson, M.D., Proprietor Jacksonville C Oregon 3 DAM. N. OAK TOTAL ¡Post Ads Get Results