Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, October 30, 1920, Image 3

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    the PIONEER CHU K H.
Is again open and services will |Le
Dr. 8. A. Danford of Ashland, dis­
trict superintendent of the Methodist held on November 7. Rev. C. A. E d'
church in southern Oregon preached wards of Ashland will deliver the per.
in the Methodist church Sunday. Fol­ mon. There will also bi good mu sic
lowing the service an inform il confer­ | Lets i.II show the old, loyal pioneer
ence was held and plans mad - for the Isffitit ai d “rally once again.”
installation of a resident pastor and
the reorganization of a Sun lay school
Mr. and Mis. John Dellaire have
and young peonies meetings. The fol­ issued announcements of the birth of
lowing board of trustees was elected: a daughter, Mary Elizabeth on Oct.
Mrs Mary Day, Nirs Jasten Hartman, 20.
Carl Niedermeyer, H. C. Callup, Fred
Carl Niedermeyer and iLeora God­
Hackett; secretary, Mrs T. W. Fulton.
ward were !\|pdford visitors Sunday.
A well kno.vu Medford man was in
Initiative measure number 310 on
Jacksonville Sunday desirous of pur­
chasing property. He says that he the ballot to be voted in November
would like to live here and that court1 will give to Oregon a port equal to any
house or no courthouse Jacksonville port on the Pacific coast.
will always be a splendid residence You are vitally interested in the pass­
age of this bill. It will not increase
taxes. The cost is borne by the
Mrs William Johnson and sons, are
now living with Mr. Johnson’s mother, Port of Poftland but all Oregon must
I vote on the measure. Vote 310 Yes
hits P. Hines.
on the ballot November second.
Mrs. G. W. Godward, who was ill
The voting place in the S terling pre
of ptomaine poisoning Borne weeks ago cinct has been changed to the Crump
is still feeling far from well and is un­ school house.
able to be out very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Niedermever,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Conger and children were Jacksonville FEW ESCAPED TAX GATHERER
callers Sunday.
A dispatch from Salem Tuesday an­
nounced that the Medford high school
had been suspended from the state
athletic association until the charge of
violation of association rules is dispro­
ved. Following a football victory over
Klamath Falls some time ago the lat­
ter school entered a protest charging
that Medford players were ex-service
men over 21 years of age,and there
fore ineligible.
The members of Meiford chapter
D. A. R, w-ere intertained Saturday
by Mayor Emil Britt and Miss Mollie
Britt, The chapter enjoyed viewing
the chllectio.i of photos and paintings
left bv Mr Britt’s father, an early
pioneer. They also visited the old
Helms saloon with its fine collection I
of curios, *ns well as Beekmans bank |
which has been left in 'he way >ts ’
owner had it.
Mrs Lewis Ulrich was one of the
hos'esses at a meeting of the Lady
Elks held in the Temple club rooms
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, John F, White ‘ mid
grandchild’en, Dorothy and Marjory
Palty were in Jacksonville Sunday.
O. M. Cornitius, prominent real es­
tate man of Medfo rd visited Jackson­
ville friends Sunday.
A letter received from George Hen­
ry, well known to Jacksonville people
states that he, with his family are
now living in Marshfield Ore. where
Mr. Henry now holds a remuerative
position with the Western Union.
Mrs Anna Schmidt, who had charge
of the Lyden house dining ’room for
some years, has leased the Abbott
property and will open the hotel short­
ly. | Much work is being done to get it
cleaned and in condition. This announ­
cement will be very welcome as a
hotel has long been needed in Jackson­
Highest quality, jewelry
repairing, diamond set­
ting, watch repairing,
agate mounting and jew­
elry manufacturing.
Martin J. Reddy,
-.. *■'. if >¡1'1
There Is more Catarrh In this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it was sup­
posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
greatly influenced by constitutional con­
ditions and therefore requires constitu­
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi­
cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional
remedy, is taken Internally and acts
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. One Hundred Dollars re­
ward Is offered for any case that Hall's'
Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, "Sc.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
The Bulgarian bachelor who now
groans under an annual tax. equiv­
alent to Ss 4d a year, has less cause
to grumble than many a British celi­
bate who shied at the altar a couple
of centuries or more ago.
During the 13 years from 1695 to
1708 the man over twenty-five who
shirked Ills mntrimonlal duty was
called on to pay £12 10s ($02.50) for
a duke, a tax which yielded to the
revenue about £1,000 ($5,000) a week.
More than this, tn those good old
times the Briton had to pay a tnx
when he took himself a wife, and nn*
other every time he qualified as fa*
tber. Thus, a duke’s nuptials cost
him £50 4s ($252) ; Ids heir, ¿30 2s
($152), and for each later male addi­
tion to the family his Joy was discount­
ed by a payment of £25 2s ($127).
The benedict whose Income wns less
limn £50 ($250) a year had to pay 2s
(Id (GO cents) for his bride and 2s (48)
cents) every time he became a father.
Musical Street Criers.
In Charleston, even the chimney
sweeps are musical, and as their tiny
faces appear at the top of the chim­
ney they are sweeping, you hear:
“Itoo roo” sung out over the sounds
of the street below. Also to thlfCtribe
the charcoal boy belongs. He drives
Into town a tiny donkey hitched to a
tiny two-wheeled cart. The cart and
load are black, the donkey Is black,
the boy is black and the only other
color that you can see In the whole
outfit Is the whites of the
s the
as he rolls them around an<
eerie, long-drawn-out “Char-coal 1”
You wonder which Is the sndder and
blackest, the driver, the driven, cart
or contents, as they wend their soli­
tary way onwnrd, crying ever that sad,
minor wall of char-coal I—Charleston
News and Courier.
Oldest Confection In the World.
The greater part of the black stick
licorice consumed Is derived from
Spain, where It Is made from the Juice
of the plant and mixed with starch to
prevent It from melting In hot weather.
The licorice plant is a shrub that at­
tains a height of three feet and It
grows wild where Its roots rench the
water, It flourishes especially on the
banks of the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers. Since the valley of the Ett-
phrates contained one of the earliest
civilizations In the world, the prob
ability Is that licorice Is about the
oldest confection In the world, and the
taste which the hois and girls of to
day like so well was enjoyed by the
youngsters of S.tMJO years ago.
ProfLs by Experience.
Of course others may do as they
please, but,
»anally, we never ex­
pect to invert In another oil well tin
111 It pro’-e- able to grease its own
tuL?hln?.y.—Dallas News.
TWO important reasons exist for
acquainting the public with the
facilities and services of the First
National Bank. One is that YOU
may gain its co-operation and the
use of the convenience at hand.
The other is that we may have the
jleasure of serving your personal,
lousehouid and business interests
Consider features outlined below
Resources over $1,5000,000; Capital and undi-
vided profits over $130,000; Complete banking
«Dnartments,careful and efficient administration
* The
Jackson County Bank
Has been Giving Sound,
Safe and Courteous
Banking Service to Its
R awles M oore .
Established 1888
If elected District Attorney at the
Nov. election 1 pledge the people of
Jackson County the same vigorous and
thorough attention to the public in-
I terests that has characterized my
private practice.
Hallowe’en Party
For County Commissioner
I am the republican nominee
for the office of county commissioner
of Jackson county. You will confer an
obligation by extending me yo tr sup­
port at the polls Nov. 2nd, 1920.
V ictor B ursell .
Fot Coroner
I am the regular republican nom
ineeforthe office of county coroner
and as a fellow taxpayer and one who
hrs the good ef the county at heart,
a-k the support of the voters at the
polls Nov. 2nd, 1920.
J ohn A. P eri .
For County Clerk
Republican Candidate for
County Clerk.
For Prosecuting Attorney
a ;
Your Business is Invited
f ill-, ask the support of the vot­
ers at th • polls on November 2nd
C. E. T erru
Asking for
a second teçm
Many Satisfied Patrons
In Old "Merrie England” His Net Was
Wide and Its Meshes Set
Especially Close.
For 32 Years
civilly responsible,
I will do all in my power to recover
for the County as large a share of
(Li) I these funds as possible, but I do not
ft) I favor any attempt by th» County to
EH I grab away from the other depositors
ft) [in the insolvent bank their share of
y Q I its assets, an I 1 do not believe any
N ■ ■J
’1 I i such thing is possible under the law
bUland the decisions of the Supreme
YlJ Court of this State
I am fudv alive to the imp >rtant
and vital responsibilitys of the office-
of District Attorney, and realize '.that
these responsibilities are not to be
taken lightly; but I do not hesitate to
assume these responsibilities and
have full confidence in my capacity to
adequately and efficiently to handle the
many duties of that position,
I feel satisfied that my three years’
experience as an Attorney for the
United Slates Government dealing al­
most exclusively with questions re'at-
r(-‘; ing to the bonding, taxation and fin­
ancing of Counties, Cities, School Dis­
tricts and ail other public corporations
qualifies me intelligently and effective­
ly to handle the County’s civil busi nes->
and litigation.
Continued from page 1
qow about the tavpaver who lives out
The Jacksonville Parent-Teacher’s side of Medford, who is called upon to
Association gave their annual Hallow­ foot the bill j list to please the people
entertainment in the assembly hall at of M ed foi d.
$500,000 added to Jackson county’s
the school house Friday night. The
tollowing program which WasadmiraMy already enormous indebtedness is too
executed by all the children who par­ big a burden for the taxpayer to as-
I suine when he is already having a hard
ticipated, was rendered:
Piano solo,
Margaret Garrett. struggle.
K K. K ubli .
Brownie and Fairy song,
Primary Department.
Recitation, ‘‘Little Orphan Annie,”
To the E ditor ;
Barbara Fulton.
In Porter Neff’s communi­
“The Pancake Man,”
Primary Department. cation in the Mail Tribune of Oct. 25,
Sing a song of sixpence,” he ends uq his storv by sounding the
Primary Department. alarm that all the valuahle records in
“J ack-OLanterrr, ” the court house are in the greatest
Primary Department. danger from ¡fire. Brother taxpayer
Dramatization, "Three Little Kittens” dont it seem strange to .you that Mr
Third and Fourth Grades. Neff an attorney who has traveled to
Ladies Quartet,
Misses Boone , & from the county seat . these many
Gairctt, Fleming and Ryan. . years just discovered this. Bro. Neff
“The Sniggles Family,” I if in your big hearts love for the
Seventh and Eighth Grades. j county’s f prosperity, if 'you want to
“Cheer up, ma honey,” ■ immortalize your ¡name & shine as a
Tlwl and Fourth Grades, hero in safe guarding this property,
Marguerite Sparks. it seems to us you should have fore
Ghost story,
“In the valley of the Rogue.” stalled this danger many years ago by
Seventh and Eighth Grades. appealing before the county court on
Song and Dialogue, “Autumn Fancies” bended knee and tears in your eyes
Third, Fouttb, Fifth and Sixth Giades and implore to help you in this 'great
The fact ia Porter Neff and uncle
John Westerland are hugging and
TOOK TIME TO DO THINGS blessing each other like two long lost
| brothers in the fact that after many
In "Ox-Cart Days” Men of Genius Did sleeple«s nights and agonizing days
Their Literary Work Leisurely
thdy have solved Jthe great problem
and Well.
by building temporary quarters for
the court house near the old Holland
How did they do It. those old fel­ hote1, the city of Medford to pay ren­
lows? Take a novel by Thackeray, for
example. It Is monumental. Looks as tal for same for two years and the
If one of them would he a life work, taxpayers of ¡Jackson Co. to pavu
The mere penning of It appals a mod bigger rental for the next five -or ten
ern man. Yet Thackeray turned out years until a sinking fund is raised to
volume after volume as If time and ; build a new court house.
energy were Interminable.
And bls
the Holland hotel will ¡have a
work was practically perfect.
No I , building
payed for principally by the
slovenliness, no carelessness, no haste, ' taxpayers of J ckson Co. now Mr tax
no guess tlds-wlll-do-ness. Today we payer which do you think the greater |
have every accessory to speed, every
time-saving device, all knowledge : risk from fire the proposed Neff-West- '
classified and compendlumetl and I terland building which is far from J fire
stored In convenient libraries, But ' proof al .o surrounded bv a lot of other
where are the Thackerays? Or the , frame buildings.
If [you consult any fire insurance
Goethes, Dickenses, Hugos anil Bal-
zacs? ,
■ agent he will tell you ; the great risk
Men of their day were compelled to is from near by buildings. I am a tax-
waste time. A Journey of a few miles i payer and I teel as I believe the .maj­
look all day, or several days. A din­ ority of the taxpayers do.
ner Involved sitting up all night and
We are up in the airjnow with high
drinking one's self under the table. A
message to a friend was not a ten- ¡taxes. Vote right and help to keep
word telegram, but a beautifully them down.
Tax payer
penned and excellently expressed es­
say. Such letters were preserved and
from the county.
handed down. Later they were put In­
— ----- ■—♦qp» — . - - -
to print How many letters have you
written which will be handed down?
A Message to Voters
And how would you like to have the
best letter you ever wrote put Into
print? Chances are that If you write To the V oters of J ackson C oulty :
more thnn two pages you apologize. 1 If you elect me District Attorney nt
And you sign It, “Yours hastily.”
; the coming election, 1 hereby give the
The men of the ox-cart days did following pledges:
things thoroughly and well. In the'
I will devote my beat energies to a
days, of the wireless, we “have no
faithful and impartial enforcement of
time.”—Lynn (Mass.) Item.
all the laws. I will claim neither for
myself nor for my friends any privi­
Forces Within.
leges w hatever, which I do not accord
Trlnls without discover forces to every man and woman of the
within. Says Victor Hugo: "There
arc Instincts for all the crises of life." county.
I will vigorously investigate every
A deep perplexity awakens a flash of
Insight: a hitter opposition sot th- phase of the Jacksonville Batik
soul on fire; n brave peril op-ms our failure, and the possible loss by the
eyes to horses and chariots of fl <•: r- C unlv of the larger part of over
«ev<-re catastrophe evokes n heroism of $100,00t).00 of its fui.ds, and will pro­
which the sufferer had not thought secute every person whether in office
himself capable.—W. L. Watktnsou,
or out of office, who by such investi­
gation is found to be criminally or
I am the regdlar republican nom-
nee for the otfi:e of county sheriff
and feeling that my record as a pub­
lic official during the past two years
entitles me to a second term, I
J. W. Wakefield
Resident Agent
Ranch and City
Good as the best and better
than the rest. All losses—
large or small settled
This policy has built our bank
totals to over
T/ie Central Point
State Bank
PERSONAL service
The tune of year is here when
you should see about a stove
to keep you warm
Let Us Show You
H hat We Have
Perfection Oil Heaters
Stove Pipe and Stove Boards
Fick’s Hardware