Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, June 19, 1920, Image 2

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    W. T. Estep vs. Southern Oregon
Lumber Co. Suit for an accounting on
1 contract. Complaint, summons.
Gold Ray Realty Co. vs. Thornes
Official Paper of the City of Jacksonville Oregon
Bailey et al. Suit to quiet title. Com­
plaint. Or Jer for publication of sum­
A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson mons.
County. Oregon.
T. J. Grieve el a), vs. Western Sheep
1 Co., John Due French and John Doe
Torn W. Fillion, Editor.
White. Suit for injunction. Complaint,
injunction bond, injunction order, Bum-
Entared as second-class matter June 22 1907, at the post oilice at Jacksonville m ms.
Oregon,<under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Would like for ion to See
S4 7 URDA Y. JUNE 19. 1920
Est. Mary E. Ritter. I roof of pub-
SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail «2.00. Advertising rates furnished on lication and order.
Estate Cherles Erlwein. Proof of
publication, order, proof of mailing,
Est. Chas. H. Basye. Final ac-
: count and order.
Est. H. S. Evans. Proof of 'boating
i notices. Proof of publication.
Est. of L. A. Neil. Answer.
The nomination of Senator Harding of Ohio for Chester Wayne Diess and Ira Earl
president at the Chicago convention last Saturday came I Diess. Guardianship. Order and
proof of publication.
as a distinct surprise. While events transpiring during Est. John Nyswaner. Report of
the last few hours of the convention made the nomination sale.
George Crigmire.
of a dark horse inevitable, it was thought by many that Admitted
to urobate
either Hughes or Knox would be the party choice. How­ I Est. Joh i V. Smack. Order. Proof
ever the public mind is rapidly becoming adjusted to the i of publication.
Est. Emma H. Fuller.
new situation and the republican presidential ticket is ap­ Vouchers.
parently being greeted with approval by all with the pass- I Fst. Henderson Hash. Order, proof
of publication. First and final report.
ible exception of Hiram Johnson’s adherents. Regardless Est. Chauncey D. Stoddard. Order.
of rumors of the possible formation of a third party with Proof of publication.
Chester Diess and Ira Earl Diess,
Johnson and Borah as its leaders, it is the general opin- : guardianship. Inventory and appraise­
ion that peace will be declared between the factions and ment. Oath.
Est. Katherine Spath.
the republican party will make ’‘a long pull, a strong pulUj and appraisement.
and a pull all together” to land its candidate in the Charles H, Hash and Eva J K.
Hash, guardianship. Admitted to pro-
White House.
| bate.
Information elicited as the result of an inquiry set on
L. Huston and Cleopatra
foot by County School Superintendent Ager a few weeks
E. Shotta.
ago, indicates that a very large percent of the schools of Edwin N. Eldridge and Jessie Ba:-
the county have not as yet secured teachers for the en­ rum. .
suing term. Most of the schools want experienced teach­ Thomas T. Cook and Alta Dnnlap.
Tom A. Campbell and Mary Vir­
ers and salaries offered range from $100 a month up, ginia Keeder.
some rural districts having contracted for as high as Reed Charley and Myrtle Farlow.
Ralph U- Boutelle and Martha A.
$1200 a year.—a substantial increase compared with sal­ Bullis.
William E. Norris and Lillian June
aries previously paid but still low enough.
Supt. Ager reports that it will be difficult to secure Clarence Cartwright and Mancie
experienced or trained teachers for $100 a month this Vandorfv.
Graves Davis an 1 Gwendo­
year. However a few training class graduates have not lyn William
contracted and some others lacking in training or success­
ful experience are willing to contract at that price. It is
Judging Materials.
When buying woolen materials hold
poor economy to employ a poor teacher at any price. An ;hem up to the light nnd look through
the best qualities are free from
investigation should be made by writing direct to refer­ them;
uneven and broken threads.
ences or by personal consultation with those who know
the teacher and of her work as a teacher. Hand-me-down FIRST PARLIAMENT IN 1265
recommendations are usually valueless. It is considered From That Time Dates the Entry of
the Commons Into Power In
unethical by the teaching profession generally to give or
the State.
accept open recommendations.
Court House News
The Reaper
C O O I, I D G E
The 20th of January, 1265, was a
great day not only for the English-
speaking people but the world; It was
the time appointed for the meeting of
the first parliament In England.
Mathew of Paris In his chronicles
first uses the word In reference to a
council of the barons In 1246, but It
was in the year 1265, during a civil
war which very much resembled that
of the seventeenth century, being for
law against an arbitrary power as ex­
pressed by royalty, that the first par-
llamcnls, properly so-called, were as­
sembled. It was at this time that
Simon <1e Montfort held King Henry
In Ills power.
This parliament was summoned In
such n manner that there should bs
two knights for each county, and two
citizens for every borough; the first
clear acknowledgment of the commons
element In the State. The meeting was
held In that ningnlflceat hall at West­
minster and the representatives of the
commons sat In the same place with
their noble associates, probably at the
bottom of the hall, little disposed to
assert a controlling voice nor Joining
In any vote. Hut there they were
and, notwithstanding the fact that De
Montfort was shortly overpowered
and he and nearly nil of his associates
slaughtered, the commons were never
again left out. It was an admitted
power entitled to he consulted In 911
great national movements nnd to have
n directing voice In the matter of
davit of non-military service.
Mary A. Moore vs. James J. Moore.
Divorce. Summons.
W. B. Jackson vs. Eutha Ann Pack­
J. C. Power vs. J. E. Barkdull. SuitJ ard et al. Suit to recover title. Sum­
to recover inonev. Complaint. Sum­ mons.
John M. Love
for publication
Talent Mercantile Company vs. W.
T. Estep. Suit to recover money. Com­
plaint, affidavit for attachment, under­ ( has. E. Wikstrom and Mary E.
taking for attachment, summons.
Wikatrurn vs. G. H. McElroy and
Bullock Merc. Agency vs. J. W. Josephine County Bank, a corporation.
Dressier. Suit to recover money. Affi- Foreclosure of contract.
Air tor y our tires
Free as the air you breathe
What Hath He Done?
Repairs, Supplies and Gas
At prices that please
Fick’s Hardware
A man pnsses for what he is worth.
Very Idle Is all curiosity concerning
other people's estimate of us, nnil Idle
Is all fear of remaining uuknown. . . .
’•What hath he done?” Is the divlue
question whli’h searches men and
transpierces every false reputation. A
fop may sit tn any chair In the world
uor be distinguished for bls hour from
Homer and Washington; but there can
never be any doubt concerning th«
respective ability of human beings
when we seek the truth. Pretension
may sit still, but cannot act." Preten­
sion never wrote nn Iliad, nor drove
back Xerxes, nor christened the world,
nor abolished slavery. . . . Never a
sincere word was utterly lost. Never
a niagnnnlndty fell to the ground. Al­
ways the hearts of men greet and
accept It unexpectedly. A man passes
for wimt be ts worth.—Emerson.
The Best Work Shoe
at the Lowest Price
John M. Williams Co
The Peoples Store
Phone 112
Weather Report
Following is the report of U. S. Vo’-
unteer Cooperative Observer, E. Britt,
Jacksonville, for month of May.
Latitude 42 deg. 18. min. north; longi­
tude 123 deg. 5 min. west.
Date maximum
Temperature—mean max. 32.12; mean
min. 39.0; mean 55 5; Max 83 on 7;
minimum 31 on 25.
Grc atest daily
range, 44. Total precipitation 0.78 in.
Precip. for season 13.33. I’recip. for
last season 22.75.
E. B ritt ,
Cooperative Olwerver
Notice of Final Seulement,
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has filed his first ai d final
account as administrator of the estate
of Adelins Schoenfeld, also known as
Adaline Schoenfel d, deceased, in the
County Court of Jackson County, Ore­
gon, and that said court has appointed
Saturday, the 24th day of July, 1920,
at the hour of ten o’clock in the fore-
•.oon of said day as the time and thi
courtroom of said court in the court
house at Jacksonville, Jackson County,
On-yon, as the place for hearing ob­
jections thereto, the settlement there
of, and the distribution of said estate.
Ail persons interested are hereby
notified to appear at eaid time and
place and show cause, if any there be,
why ««id first and final account should
not be approved by the court, said es
state be decreed to be fully settled, a
1 decree made for the distribution of all
of said estate to the persons entitled !
thereto aad said administrator c’is-
charged from hie said trust.
Dated and first published June 19, i
T. W. S ulks ,
Administrator of the estate of
Adelme Schoenfeld, also known
a« Adaline Schoenfeld, deceased.
Miracles in Money
A city skyscraper seems a miracle in
steel and stone. But it is only a vast
number of girders painstakingly placed
together —a vast quantity of bricks
placed end to end and one above another.
Miracles in money are seeming miracles
only. Yoa can work miracles in your
own life.
Saving Wins Success
You can have a big prosperous farm,
own a car, or travel wherever you wish.
Men who have really euc-
ceedcd spell it S-A-V-E. You
can win the same success.
You do not need a lot of
money to do it You need
no great education.
You need only the determi­
nation to start now and con­
tinue. Let us help you.
To Save
Your Motuÿ
ani Mak«
Yourbfoiwy Safe