Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, July 12, 1919, Image 2

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Official Paper of the I'ilg of Jacksonville Oregon
A wj.-kly newspaper published every Saturday at the county s<at of Juiksi n
County, Oregon. 0. W. B agshaw , Editor anti Publisher
Entered as second-class matter June 12 191'7, at the post office at Jack.-oi.viili
Oregon, under Act of Conirr» :is of March 3, 1879.
ü V J < i I i Ú 1 .
Sa9UKBBiaSa^<.C-^ ' X-J.-.¿'.X
tCopf right,
131:» ).■ cl:.. Mi-ciurv Neu
paper svndb-nte.I
Georgp TI hh ip-1»!», fjimillnr!.'
j to his •Jiipmrih** i:s “J::k»'.” j<|!y turn
SATURDAY. JULY -'2. 1919
I ed over in his bands tin- letter tin
mail orderly hud Just given him. lit
SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50.
Advertising rates furnished on scarcely glanced at it.
It pmhahiv
was from Sister Jo. anyway, as shi
was the only one who ••■rote to h*m
east one hundred and aeveity-fi'e lately, Jake was homesick. Just r
pre sent Ills ship was In drydock for r<
(17') feet; thence south, p.iral e! wi l
pairs, and Jake had a 24-hour •‘III
Oaadale Avenue, sixty (611) feet:
erty” hanging heavily upon hi- hands
" hence west one hundred an I «event
There was no place to go. and noth­
fi/e (175) feet to the east line of ing to do. Suddenly ho remembered
Oakdale Avenue; thence north along his letter.
Without glancing at the
the cast line of Oakdale Avenue, address, in? tore it open, hut repent­
sixty (6b) feet t) the place oi be­ ed of his act the next moment, for
he realized that the letter was not
meant for him. As he looked at the
of Lot fifteen (15) in Block two (2) address on tin» envelope his suspicions
The letter belonged
Tacoma. Wash., July 8.—George H
of Kenwood Addition to the city < f were confirmed.
to “Jacob Thompson” and not “George
Himes of Portland, accompanied by
Medford, according to the official plat
Thompson.** It was easy to see how
Ezra Meeker and Clarence B. Bagley
thereof, now of record.
the mail orderly might get the two
of Seattle, will leave Steilacoom, Wash
Also, an undivided one-half intere t confused, as the Latter was known as
ington, near Tacoma, on July 12 for a
in and to Lots four (I) and five (5) “Jake.” Shamelessly Jake read the
tour of old historical roads. They will
in Block tin (10) of the Queeu Anne short note written In a girlish bend.
go over Naches pass, which was used
Addition to the city of Medford, ar- ‘‘Dearest Jake. I am so glad you are
by the first party to cross the the Cas­
cording to the offi ial plat there if. I home. Please do come up and see me
cades in 185’. Mr. Himes was a mem­
very soon, won’t yon. for I am anx­
now of record.
ber of this group. The pioneers wil
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, July ious to know what my sailor looks
like. With love, Mildred.”
In spite
locate the best spots to pla-e markers 9th, 1919.
of himself Jake laughed.
to be erected by the Washington State
Thompson was surely not much to
Historical society.
Sheriff of Jackson C unty, Oreg« n. look at! He was a short insignificant
The combin* d ages of Messrs. Himes,
By F lora T hompson
looking man. with wisps of colorless
Meeker and Baglev totals 238 years.
Deputy. hair.
Amused and a little puzzled.
------------ »a?-»----------
•Jake went in search of him. He found
PROPER AMERICAN IS SIMS him busily writing, and the young fel­
low noticed what a perfect penman he
Mexico City, July 8.—Carlos San­ Many Reasons Why Rear
Admiral was. “Say. Thompson.” he began. “I
tana, well known in Mexico as an avi­
rot a letter of yours here. The mail
Has Obtained and Retains Gen-
ator, recently established a record for
orderly open»d it. I’m very sorry.”
eral Popular Regard.
A half hour later Thompson himself
the republic in sustained aerial flight,
Rear Admiral Sims came quietly approached .Take. He was gruff as
remaining in the air 15 hours and 15
minutes. The flight was destined as a Into town the other day, made a usual but plainly disturbed. Without
test for a new 130-horse-power motor speech or two, and when he left he a preliminary he said, “You know that
hud Washington hanging to liis very letter you so thoughtfully opened for
which has been built in Mexico.
abbreviated jacket tall, Folks here me?” Jake nodded, curious. “Well,
certainly did like the admiral. A the girl who wrote It is a friend of
Fireworks Start Blaze at Eugene popular idol that obtains the plaudits mine. She made this sweater nnd I
found her name in it and wrote to her.
of Washington Is pretty good.
Eugene, Or., July 5.—An unsched­
These are some <zf the things the I am n pretty decent writer and she
uled event on the Fourth of July pro
people liked about the admiral : lie thinks I am a good-looking young chap
gram took place here last night when suld very positively that he will nor who is in love with her.
tireworks set of on the Butte north of write a hook on the war: he referred
“That doesn’t happen to be the case,
t le city ignited the dry grass on the to the navy’s part 111 the war as Its for I’m no lady’s man, so, my lad you
hillside. The fire flared up illuminating “stunt”; he boosted General Pershing take my place!”
No. 63.
final Pcccuni
“But why,” asked Jake, “don’t you
the entire northern end of the city and Io the skies, indicating that the ad
go yourself?
Notice is hereby given that the un­
I To Haroid D. Kubii of the above nam­
embellished the effect i.f the powder mirai Is without a Jealous streak; hi i
Thompson twisted ills ungainly flg-
dersigned, executrix of the Estate of
ed defendants:
referred Jocularly to himself ns "th',
fire works considerably.
Rcport of the ( ondition of
IN THE NAME OF THE STA1E Georgiana Miers, deceased, has filed
only rear admiral in captivity,” nnd lire uncomfortably.
“Why—er—she won’t
said he was glad to exhibit himself if
OF OREGON, you are hereby required her final account of administration of
Nofice of Sheriff’s Sale
the folks wanted to see liliu; nnd. pointed If you go. while o
j to appear and answer the c implaint of Estate of said deceased with the Clerk
me would knock her air
Bv virtue of an execution In Fore­ best of all, lx- took time to talk with nothing. You’ll go?"
the plaintiff now on tile against you n of the county Court of Jackson County
the above entitled Court and cause, State of Oregon, and said court has
closure and Order of Sale duly issued every one who could squeeze u word
After thinking it over. Jake decided
Into Ills cars.
it Jacksonville in the State of Oregon within ten days from the date of serv­ fixed Monday the 11th day of August,
out of and under the seal of the Circuit
Down nt the Union station, when the
at the close of business
ice of this summons upon you, if sereed 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A . M. of
Court for the State of Oregon, fir admiral was boarding Lils private car, tell her who he was.
June 30, 1919.
within this County, or if served upon said day as the time, and the court
Jackson County, dated July 7th, 1919, il gray-linired woman rushed up and
Accordingly, nt three o'clock Jake
yuu within any other county of, and room in the County court house, in the
in a certain suit therein, wherein R. S. «book Ills hand warmly.
presented himself at the home of Miss
A little serving
within the State of Oregon, then with- City of Jacksonville, Oregon, as the
Page as Plaintiff recovered judgment
“This Is the proudest day of my life, Mildred Campbell,
i i twenty days from the date of the place for hearing objections thereto
and decree against A. H. Miller and idmlrnl," she said. “I now have maid admitted him, plainly confused
lit the sight of the handsome sailor,
Dollie A. Miller his wife, as Defend- shaken hands twice with you."
Loans and discounts________$50.478.33 service of this summons upon you, or and the allowance and settlement of
"All right, my dear lady
the ad- With many bows she showed him Into Overdrafts secured and un-
it served by publication thereof, then said final account.
ants for the sum of Seven thousand
a cozy little room, where, nt one end,
three hundred fifty-one & 52-100 dollars mirai replied, raising his cnp. “I’m
within six weeks from the date of the
AH persons interested in said estate
glad if meeting me pleases you. Come
first publication of said summons;
(7351.52) with interest from June 1,
are hereby notified to present their ob­
around again the next time I’m in
1919, on $3333.00 thereof at ten per town and we’ll shake a third
And you are hereby further notified jections, if any they have, to said final
on a straight-hacked clmir, but he 4roeks,
cent annum, and on $1667.00 of th«
500.00 that if you fail to appear and answer account, or ar.y item thereof, on or be­
ments, etc........... ...................
If any further proof that the ad­ could not resist the temptation and
same from June 1, 1919, at 6 per cent mirai is human were needed, it might settled himself comfortably on the Banking House_____________ 3,5(10.01 said complaint, or otherwise plead fore said day.
annum, and on $1212.60 thereof from be stilted that he plays a rattling wide cmich. soft with many pillows, Furniture and fixtures______ 1,500. Of thereto wiihin said time, plaintiff will
First publication July 12, 1919.
said date at eight per cent per annum, game of handball.—Washington Star. his boyish head buried in tile pillows. Other real estate owned_____ 12,371.82 apply to the Court for the relief prayed
Last publication August 9, 1919.
and for $300 attorney's fees, and $16.00
for in its said complaint on liie herein,
Due from approved reserve
A nna S. N oblit ,
costs, which judgment was enrolled OLD THINGS UNDER THE SUN found him when she came downstairs.
Execut rix of the Estate of
a id docketed i i said Court June 2-,
For a judgment against defendants
115 47
Georgiana Miera, Deceased.
nnd her girlish laugh aroused him. Checks and other cash items
Harold D. Kubii anu Winnie Kubii in
Democracy in Ancient Jewish Days and He sat holt upright in an Instant, a Exchanges for clearing house
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant
the League of Nations,
5,324.48 the sum of $6249.27, together with
deep flush staining his cheeks. “Oh. Cash on hand_______ I______
to the terms of said execution, 1 wt.l
Are Two.
interest thereon from March 31st, 19.9, Oregon Girl Teaches
I beg your pardon, I Just couldn’t help Other Resources, _________
on Monday, August 11th, 1919, at 10
at the rate of 8';i per annum, the fur-
It; that coui'h looked so inviting I”
The democratic idea Is of great antiq­ Mildred soon put him nt Ills ease and
Agriculture in Fiance
$86,341.03 tner sum of $600.00 reasonable at­
o’clock A. M. at the front door of the
Court House in the City of Jackson­ uity. the Christian lieraid reminds its before long ho was telling her nu­
torney’s fees and the costs and dis­
Under the prophets and merous tales of his adventures in til"
ville, Jackson County, Oregon, offer renders.
bursements of this suit to be taxed,
Corvallis, Or., July 9.— Miss Pearl
Judges. Israel was a democracy. It was navy. When he left nt ten o’clock
for sale and sell at publi auction tot
that said chattel mortgages set out in
not until they were fascinated by the that evening ho had promised to come
Leonard, of Portland, a graduate of
cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy barbaric splendor and unrestrained li­
complaint be foreclosed and the prop- the Oregon Agricuture college, is teach­
Thompson was waiting for
S.nd judgment, with the coats of this cense of the beathen nations around him when lie got buck to the ship and Surplus fund____________
1,000.00 | erty therein and again described t as
ing agriculture in the University of
j follows, to-wit:
sale, subject to redemption as provided them that they began to be dissatisfied In his customary gruff way demanded Undivided profits, less ex­
Beaune, France. A Y. M. C. A. pub­
penses and taxes paid ____
by law, all of the rig ht title and I with their own simple ways and to long to know what had taken place. Jake
' i 83 head yearlings, heifers, steers and lication has the following to say about
interest that A. H. Miller and Dollie for n king ami a showy court. It was was only too willing to tell someone Individual deposits subject
calves, 220 head 2 and 3 year old her:
to check____ ____________
A Miller, his wife, jointly or individ­ the lure of sin and worldly vanity. of the wonderful Miss Campbell. Tint
Shropshire ewes, 180 head bands
“.she was a canteen worker, and
ually had on May 12, 1911, or have Samuel warned them against courts young Indy ready for the night was i Demand certificates of de­
months old lambs, about 80‘i ewes,
when professors were needed, the "Y. ”
since in quired, or now have in and to
5 Shropshire Bucks, 40 tuns Barley
loaned her to the University, where
the following described property, situ­ Imppen. but bls warnings went unheed­ her pet cat. "Funny Face." nnd she Certified checks....................
st. aw and 15 tons alfalfa hay. The'
ed. Tito vision of the nge of peace confided to that feline that Jake Time and Saving Deposits .. 21,502.08
more than 500 Yanks are registered.
ated in Jackson County, State of Ore­ began as early as eight centuries B. C.,
83 head of cattle branded and mark­
Thompson was absolutely the nicest Notes and bills rediscounted ..
Her home is in Portland, Or., and the
gon, to-wit:
ed as follows: branded HK right hip;
but It was act until the Christian era man lie ever met I
folks of the Rose City can feel mighty
Bills payable for money bor­
Commencing at a point situated four that the world change In the existing
marked little ear left, and crcp and glad they have a girl who can carry on
The days Hew by and the heart of
rowed .................. .....................
teen hundred and ninety-live (1495) order fully dawned upon tile minds of ■Take was In grave danger. As yet ho
tv. o splits right ear;
like she has been doing.’’
feet north of a point situated twenty men. The Idea of n league of nations had not told Mildred of his deceit nnd
$«.341.03 i 194 head of cattle, consisting of cows,
Miss Leonard ti r several years serv­
(20) feet north and six hundred and
each day made It harder to do.
h< ifers, steers, calves, 2 nd Durham
S tate of O regon . ,
ed as a > assistant in O. A. C. offices.
sixty (660) feet west of the south­ shadowed by .Tenn Bloch, In his re- Thompson paid no attention to him
■ ss.
She withdrew to bec une secretary to
east corner of Donation Land Claim markable book, "The Future of War." whatever except to listen silently to County of Jackson. I
old, and the cows aged from 2 to 6
the president of the normal school at
number sixty-nine (69) in Township
I, Wm. II Johnson, Cashier of the
years old, all branded HK on rignt Lewiston, Idaho.
semi by Emanuel Kant, who. In his es­ dred. At length one day Jake sum­
thirty seven (37) south of Range two
above-named bank, du solemnly «wear
er left nip-inarked little ear left crop .
say on ’Perpetual retire,” wrote that moned courage and told her.
(2) west of the Willamette Meridian, the law of nations must be based on
that the above statement is true to
and two splits right ear,
She did not speak until he had fin
Ridgefield Child Drowns.
and from said point running thence | the federation of free states. At dif­
be sold as upon execution and the pro­
Ished. nnd then she only said: "Von the best of my knowledge and belief.
east eleven hundred and eighty eight ferent times lenders In national nml must bring the real Juke to see me."
W m . H. J ohnson . Cashier.
ceeds of said sale be applied to the pay­
Portland, July 8. — M. Beil. 12-year-
(1188) feet; thence south seven hun­ International reform have bail visions Accordingly Thompson aceoinpan'etl Correct—Attest.
ment of the costs and expenses of this old son of a Ridgefield, Wash , banker,
dred and thirty-three (733) feel and of such a league, but always ns n pos Jake on his next call. Mildred greet­
siit, attorney’s fees and the amount was drowned in Lake River, near his
C. M. Ruch,
four (4) inches; thence west eleven slblllly of the remote future. It has ed them graciously and poor Jake w: «
due on said notes; that the said de­ home, yesterday, occorumg to word re­
R. D. Hines.
hundred and eighty-eight (1188) feet; remained for the United States to quite astonished when she said to
Directors. fendants, and e ich of them, be t ore- ceived by the Portland police bureau.
thence north seven hundred and thir- j promulgate It at a time when the Thompson, "You see, von were really
Subscribed and sworn to before me , cii'Hvti oi all then inteieat, hen and The lad was playing on a pile of rail-
world seems prepared to listen.
more than kind to ns. for If It weren’t
ty-three (733) feet and four (4) inch-j
equity of reuempliu:! in or to the r md ties which were floating in the
9, day of July. 1919.
for you. Jake and I would never have
es to the said commencing point, and
Said mortgaged property, and that said river, and fell into the water.
met. and that would be terrible for we
D. W. B agshaw ,
W ping Out Predatory Animals.
containing twenty (20) acres.
Friends of the family telephoned tJ
Notary Public. defendants and each of them, be ad­
During 1918 hunters of the United love each other, you know-
Also, all of the right, title and interest States department of agriculture killed they were alone for a moment. Jake
My Commission expires Feb. 26, 1920. judged to pay any deficiency that re­ Portland for help. Police were unable
that A. H. Miller and Dollie A. Miller, S3 gray wolves In Non Mexico, 31 naked her. "Why did you say that. I
in tins after applying the proceeds of to assist them, because the
The girl’s eyes sparkled
his wife, jointly or individually had on mountain lions, 15 stock destroying .Mildred ?"
ssid sale, as aforesaid, and for such occured outside the state.
ss. “
Well. It’s «<>. Isn’t
Muy 31st, 1917, or have since acquired, bears, 1,860 coyotes, and 50 bobcats, with happiness.
other and further relief as to the Court
or now have ing and to the following we are told. These animals were It?" she whispered. "Yes. of course
may seem just and equitable in the
Wasco County Farmer DiiM.
described property, situated in Jack- killed nt a total expense of $24,860. It 1«. but how did yon know?" From ,
gin County, State of Oregon, to-wit: nnd the saving effected b.v their de­
Or.. July
. 7,-Carl . Mell, a
came lhe muffled word«. "A« for me. OREGON. IN AND EOI. THE COUNTY OF
Commencing at r point on the east struction. <<n the basis commonly ac­ I knew when I saw yon on the couch
by virtue of an order made by Hun. farmer residing near The Dall-«, died
cepted hr stockmen amounts to $215.
F. M. Calkins, Judge of the First Ju- this morning at the home of |h:s «on.
line of Oakdale Avenue in the City
950 annually. Hunting during the that dnv."
First National Bank of Medfi rd,
of Medford eighty-two (a2) rods, spring period destroys many you ng.
oieiai District of Oregon, on the 10th Fre" Mell, of the ailments incident
The Thompson-Campbell
a c< rporat’on.
day uf July, 1919. 1 he first pub n ation t * advanced ye irs. He had been visit­
seven (7) feet and eight inches north and thus prevent-« Increase, Many was a gay affair, and more
»'□thirty (80) feet eat' »ft <-.-o.ih
of hi.< «un.muns will be made on ’he ing with his «on about a month. He
coyotes not rcconn’-'d for In the tic person troml -r-d V h-
12.h day of Juiy, 1919.
Wthl CuFlivl Ul UuliMllulJ l.diiU I .ufU tiros g'ven wore destroyed by poison throng of good too’ big on
was a native of Germany, 78 years of
Hand. D. Kubii and Winni- Kubii.
No. 44 in Tow nship 37 south of Range The killing of these nnlmnls marks n groom should choose the «h
T. W. M iles ,
age. and bed resided in this country 52
1 west of the Willamette Meridian, long stride In extermination of gray
Attorney for Plaintiff. years. The body will be sent to Th«
and from »aid point running thence * wolves and other predatory animals.
Add ess: Medford, Oregon. Dalles for interment.
The Ci lining Season: Are you
Let us send eut what you need in
Ezra Me ker, George Himes
Clarerce Bagley to
Mark Old Spots.
Econcmy, Kerr Self-sealers
Jelly Glasses, Jar caps and Rubbers
Mexican Jests Plane.
7he Pec pie's Store.
Alias Summons
Phone 142.