Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, July 12, 1919, Image 1

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Enterprises ant
Payrolls and Promot­
ing Develcpmenl
Sioux Falls, S. I)., July 5. —Between
Mineola, N. Y , July 6.—Great Brit­
London. —All but two of the Aus-
of Oregon.
ain's super dirigible R-34. the first It) and 15 people are reported to have i traiian cooper mines and smelters a-e Leaves ti> Bring “Red”
Rupert Back.
lig iter-than- air machine to cross the drowned when an excursion boat on reports 1 to have been closed dawn be-
Denver, July 7.—Sole power to regu
Atlantic ocean, anchored here at Lake Madison, about 40 miles north­ cause of the large stocks of metal on
Salem, Or., July 7.— William Esch, late the raies of public set vice cor
Julv 7.—Oregon City—After 8 years
Roosevelt field at 9:54 A. M.. today west of this city, struck a snag and hand and the very small demand.
former sheriff of Marion county left pora'ions is vested'in the people, the idle, Greenpoint sawmill start- opera­
after an aerial voyage of 108 hours and i overturned late last night.
The American Chamber of Com­ last night for Los Angeles to bring
The accident was the culmination of merce in London reports that this con­ Clyde “Red” Rupert, back to the Ore­ in the case involving question of con­ tion.
12 minutes which covered 3130 knots or
Plat's made to spend $497,<>00 im­
a Fourth of July celebration. Those on dition has raised the question in inter­ gon penitentiary. Rupert was report­ trol in home rule cities in ibis state.
approximately 3600 land miles.
Passing through dense banks of c'oud, the boat were watching a fireworks esttd circles in Great Britain as to ed to have been taken to Los Angeles Telephone, gas, electric light and street proving the Tualatin river,
with the sun and sea visible only at display. Women and children were in whether copper should be imported from Brawley where he was arrested ear rates in Denver and other large
Astoria Clatsop mills start up wit!
rare intervals, the R-34 was forced to I the majority'. Only tneger reports have from the United States to the detri- I several days ago.
cities are automatically reduced under crew of 210 men.
cruise 2050 sea miles to reach Trinity been received here due to poor wire nient of the industry in British domin­
State Chamber of Commerce making
At the time he escaped from the the decision.
Bay Newfoundland, from East Fort­ communication. The boat is said to ions.
The decision was in the case of the state oil survey.
une. Scotland, and 1080 sea miles trom have turned completely over twice and
Sixty per cent of the British im- I months ago, where he was serving a city of Denver against the Mountain
North Bend sawmills raise wages
then sunk.
there to Mineola.
ports of copper last year came from I sentence for the theft of Liberty bonds Slates Telephone and Telegraph com­ ten per cent.
Thirty persons are said to have been United Stales and only a little over 9 in Portland. Rupert had a federal pany and the Colorado ulihtes com­
When the super-dirigible arrived here
N >rth Portland, Oregon is becoming
she had left only enough petrol to keep on the boat. The boat was close to percent from Australia, War alloca- charge pending against him. The gov­ mission Under it the utilities ’ com­
her moving 90 minutes longer. Her land when the accident occured. Fif­ tion of shipping space had a lot to do ernor's office announced today that the mission is practically shorn of its one of the greatest industrial district«»
crew, almost sleepless for four and a teen persons had been rescuded at with this but there is a feeling in Eng- question as to whether his further dis- p >wer, as most of the larger utilities on the Pacific coast and already num­
bers among its industries some of the
half days, were weary almost to the midnight.
land, that imports from the Ui ited nosition will be by state or federal of the state are wiihin the jurisdic­ largest of the west. This is due large­
point of exhaustion, but happy at the
States should now be kept down and authorities will be taken up immediate­
ly to its transportation, power and
successful completion of their trip, 16 Lost in Dakota Lake. preference given to the Australian ly.
housing facilities.
The return voyage will be started
product. This would be a further
St. Johns —Contracts let to build
Tuesday at 8 A. M.
means of reducing Great Britain’s ad­
Lumber Shipments Large. large
vegetable oil tanks here.
Eugene Visit is Pleasing.
Haggard, unshaven, their eyes blood­
Madisor., S. D., July 7. —Nine bodies verse balance of trade with the United
shot from the long vigil and lines of were recovered from the wreck of ihe States.-Ex.
and Lacomb unite to sink a
Eugene, Or., July 8 —Although liv-I
care bitten deep into their faces, Major pleasure boat Reliance here early Sat­
A«»v--- — - --------
ing within 12 miles of E igene, with I Aberdeen, Wash., July 9. —Approxi­ test oil well.
G. H. Scott, the commander, and his urday which foundered 4u rods off
Portland -Plans ordered made for a
good roads and rail communication, 1 mately 14,000,000 feet of lumber were
officers showed plainly the effects of shore'after striking a stump. It was Military Transport Across E. J. Bristow, a pioneer of the Pleas­ shipped from Grays Harbor mills for ' large county hospital.
the anxions hours through Which they estimated that 32 persons were aboard
ant Hill neighborhood was in Eugene Atlantic and European ports during the
Canneries at Newberg, Lebanon.
live! yesterday while they were cruis­ the boat when the accident occured.
Friday for ihe first time in 12 years. ' month of June, t according to figures ■ paqs City and Gresham consolidated.
ing over the far reaches of Canada and Reports say seven bodies are still in
He came to attend the celebration and compiled at he local custom house. j | President Shaw, West Coast Lum-
the Bay of Fundy, beset by fog, heavy the water.
These figures do not include any coast­ I bermen’s Association says sawmills
Washington, July 7.—The first com­ to see the airplane.
winds and terrific electrical storms.
Early today the lake in the vicinity plete military motor convov to at­
Mr. Bristow has been in good health wise or rail shipments, which according ever sorfirosperous.
---------- ----------------
, of the spot where the boat foundered tempt a trans-continental journey, left all these years but says he simply had to conservative estimates, will bring I
Albina Engine and Machine works to
Pardon Denied. Offender. ' was being dragged. The accident took Washington today for San Francise >, no business in town and had no partic­ ; the total mill production here up to build
3800-ton steel ships.
place when the boat, which was, com­ Colonel A. Owen Seaman of the motor ular desire to make the trip before this ¡40,000,000 feat.
Marshfield—Upper Coos Bay to have
ing from the south end of the lake, transport corps, was in charge. It was time.
Local mills are running at full ca-
Olympia, Wash., July 7.—Governor rounded a poinn.
shoals removed bv dredge.
I pacity.
expected that the trip would be com­
L. F. Hart tonight refused to grant a
The pilot is said to have cut in too pleted within sixty days.
Klamath Falls Fifty million dollars
Mill Nearing Completion.
pardon to Logan Billingsley, celebrat- close to the shore when making the
Sixty-three trucks, including ambul­
irrigation, includes
Rail Strike is Failure. ; two million to for
el Seattle bootlegger now held it the point and a stump tore a great hole in ances, repair shops and kitchens, com­
Dallas, Or., July 8. -The new saw-
finish project
King county jail on an old state charge the bottom of the launch.
prised the train. The train was re­ I mill of the Valley Lumber company,
I math county.
after release from McNeil’s Island
Many of the passengers jumped into viewed by Secretary Baker and a num­ | being erected on the O. C. S.nlth pr<>p-
Spokane, July 8.— Unsuccessful in I Sutherlin Roach Timber Co. to re-
prison, to which he was sent under the water. Sixteen succeeded in reach­ ber of army officers.
I erty near Lewisville, is nearing com- their efforts to cause the shut-down of •I
----- . Work,
—i. Large mills to be erect-
I stime
federal prosecution. Sheriff John ing shore.
The purpose of the trip is to develop ' pletion and wili be ready to begin op­ the
tka nifir
nnrl interuban
• nf-xi »«11 1» u H service
uaruti«» rtf
I't» , J ed. Will ’ I give
. employment to hundreds
city and
of ’ t the
Stringer and other Seattle citizens are
The passengers were residents of a thru route from coast to coast for erations within a short time. The mill .Spokane and Inland Empire railway and means large payroll here. Lum-
listed among those who asked clemency tow ns and viliiages near here who had motor transport and to demonstrate | is to be operated by Captain E. B. here by a strike Thursday, officers of I bar outlook reported bright.
for Billingsley.
come out to the lake for the Fourth of the practicability of long Distance com­ ; Hami'ton, who recently returned from ' the electrical workers’ union planned i
j Cottage Grove cannery starts big
The acting governor said he would July celebration.
mercial transportation by motor trucks. France, where he served with an engi- j todaV( it wua reported, to demand that 1
, season. New equipment increases pro-
not interfere with the administration
Recruits for the motor transport corps n ei regiment in the Argonne forest, . foreman at power sub-stations who '
i duction and lessens cost of operating.
of law by granting the pardon asked. Bomb Kills Lire Captain will be enlisted.
and O. C. Lm'th of this city. Ihe com have remained on duty shut down the
| Bend —Boston mills buy 3744 pounds
pany will engage in a general lumber machj, ery and cut of the uoWer.
pounds of wool here at 541 s cents,
Beer Starves Germans.
1 This information, received by
Midgley Mill Sold.
setting new Oregon price record for
Seattle, July 5.—James E. Maloney,
( ceiver F. E. Connors of the Spokane &
Coblenz, July 4.— A Muhlhausen age 39, captain in the Seattle fire de.
Eugene, Or., July 6. — Midgley plan
Inland, brought the statement from tins season.
Eugene Farmer Bound Over.
newspaper published recently an article partment, last night was killed when a ing mill here was sold by George
him that such a demand would be re- Portland livestock budding will cover
stating that 5,000,000,000 pounds of bomb falling from a great height fell Midgley to S. B. Schmeiding and David
Eugene, Or., July 6. —John Cheezem, j sisted, and that if the union was suc- seven acres.
barlev were used in Germany during on his head and exploded.
Graham this week. Midgley has op­ a farmer of Spencer creek region, was I cessful in halting operation of the sys­
Oregon has 4,083,000 head livestock,
the war for making beer, although
Maloney was in his automooile in erated and owned his mill here for 38 bound ever to the grand jury yesterday tem he proposed to rent the entire worth $109,695,000.
500,000 persons died in that time ow- front of the building from the roof of years. Schmeiding is a Eugene con­ on a $5“0 bond charged with assault
p ant and equipment to the Washing-
3 he canning industry of fish, fruit
n; to lack of proper food. The news which the the fireworks display was tractor. Graham is a member of the with a dangerous weapon on the per-1 ton Water Power company here,
to be and vegetable will be one of our great­
paper advocates reduction of beer pro­ being shot off. His wife was in the firm of Burden & Graham, shoe deal­ son of George E. Orswell.
The trouble conducted by that concern.
est employers of labor.
duction as a patriotic duty.
machine with him.
started Sunday night at Cheezem’s
Roseburg to get higher hydrant rate
home when an argument arose over
to meet cost of labor and material.
the delivery of some hay. CheeZem
WW )
SB " ŒT '
\ 'wr, Wèow M
State will receive 73 army trucks for
threw a flat iron, which struck orswell
) JR»; '«U. . IHM?
MB. MM». ■»; W» m»
Stock Owner.
road work.
on the back of the head, according to
State Highway board will let con­
the latter's story. Orswell has been
nursing a sore head for the past sev-! Baker, Or., July 8. —“Kicked to tracts July 8th, for 156 miles highway.
eral days. Justice of the Peace Jesse death by a wild cow, which he bad
Portland, Oregon is second largest
been trying to milk” was the verdict wool center in U. S. This means that
G. Weils heard the case.
' given at the coroner’s inquest held to with better flocks which are being
<1 ‘(ermine the cause of the death of raised, great wool manufacture plants
Paving Reports are Due.
George Rader, probably the oldest and should be developed on the coast in the
Salem, Or., July 7. -Consideration of best known pioneer in Grant county
near future.
charges regarding the pavn.g being and one of the wealthiest cattlemen
Benton county has 2(XM> acre bean
laid bv the Blake-Compton company oil and land owners in this section of Ore­
the Salem-Aurora unit of the Pacific i gon who was found dead in a corral at dustry.
The Dalles will build a new school
highway wili come before the meeting his home near Long Creek Wednesday
of the state highway commission at evening of last week. Rader was alone east hill.
Portland tomorrow.
Reedsport Building Supnly Co.
j al the time and he was trying to break
Reports of engineers who have made i the cow so that they might have corporates for $25,900.
thorough investigations during the past | fr< sl> milk. The Cow is suppoed to
Albany — Reconstruction commenced
week will be received by the coinmis- I have kicked him, as he was found dead on Nebergal Packing plant.
sion. These reports, it is understood, i sometime later w;th two of his ribs
Stanfield to have $50,009 hotel,
will show that the work is poorly laid broken. Rader was 79 yeaes of age,
La Grande possible site for fish
in places, but is not in such a bad con­ and was very fond of horse-back rid­
dition as to warrant the condemnation ing He had risen from a day laborer. hatcln ry.
Roseburg Fish company will build
of the entire project.
He leaves his wife and two children.
fertilizing plant.
Governor Olcott, who first made a
personal inspection of the paving, will
Cottage Grove—Two school districts
Aero Record Smashed.
not attend the meeting, it was said at
to have rn'idern schoolhouses.
the executive office today.
Dufur —Improvements on Masonic
San Diego, Cal., July 7. Captain Temple progressing.
Douglas Men Seek Road.
Road improvem nt.* in Oregon total
Lowell Smith, army aviator, flying
Roseburg, Or., July 8. — A delega j from Sar Francisco to Rockwell field, $11,1'29,562.
Season of building activity in
tion of Reedsport men visited Roseburg succeeded today in beating his own
today in the interests of a road tr >m record, s“t July 2, tor the trip bet ween math Falls.
the railway station at the former place Ihe two places. Starting from San
Portland Plans being mile for
to Winchester b iv. Comple'ion of this Francisco at .3:17 P M., he landed here struclion of 3-story, tire prisif automo­
project will place this summer play- at 7:23:30 I’. M. His time for the «10 bile house.
gr »und within a 15-minute ride trom , miles was four hours, six minutes and
Dayton Oil drilling will be under
the railway, making it the most avail- | XO seconds. He beat his time for the soon.
able ocean resort on the Oregon coast.
Gold Hill —Construction
Much work on the road has already ends.
bridge now on. To cost $I7,IMHI.
been done by the lower Umpqua
Rost burg—Fruit Growers As«, n i
I people-
Fleet ( alelíes 56 Whales. ganized incorporated fos $1,000,900.
Absrdeen, Wash., July 10. — Fifty-
Auto Lands in Ditch
| fix whales have been taken to date by Cony Term Given tor
Roseburg. Or., July 8.—T. V. Gurney i the shins of American Pacific whalin'?
Ki liny \rnm Nurs
r-f Glide escaped wi h a few b u ei i fl • t. v ith l.esdq r<r»ers ' H v Ci'y
aid »catches w'. '» hi« *•>.*
Th M r , v i h
'»<*' i h a a pch
'edwii' rity, 'al., July S.-
n turneu c impie.ei o.ei rt I veste d.i , has ?au.’!> 27, or nearly rl.i ri im Nortcott va* given an
c > ip.e of times before landing in the half the total. The Westport is next determinate senienee of from 19 years
ditch on hi» way to Roseburg today. with a eaten of 1-, while the Aberdeen to live imprisonment for the murder
The car is said to have been running has taken 11. The catch so far is be­ of Miss Inez Reed, a Unit d Staten
13 miles <-n hour.
low rormaL
army nurse.
Picnic and Camping par
ies will find our line of
Lunch Goods
Also: Fishing Tackle.
Lewis Ulrich
Some Recent Happenings
Colorado Supreme Court
In Various Parts
Denies Power of Utilities
of Oregon
First Dirigible Lands Safely July 4th Holiday Trip Ends Large Stocks of Metal
in Heavy Loss of Life.
at End of 3600 Miles.
Hand in Australia.
YV.- J i