Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, July 05, 1919, Image 1

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    Ism Walsh
Regular Session Tuesday
Night. Routine Business
Some Recent Happenings Manufactures, Enterprises ard
In Various Parts
Payrolls and Promot­
of Oregon
The regular meeting of city council
was held Tuesday night. Present-
Mayor Britt, councilmen Lewis, Smith
and McIntyre: absent —Fick.
Minutes of former meeting read and
The following claims against the city
were presented, audited and ordered
paid, viz:
Fred J. Fick, supplies
$4 50 !
Cai-Oregon Co., lights
2. S<>!
H. G. Dox, salary
80.U0 i
Lewis Ulrich, supplies
2.60 !
D. W. Bagshaw, salary
1 40
Crane Co., meters
C. Ulrich, salary $65 A. Grimes
$3, supplies $2.05
W. G. Kenney, salary
The cemetery c immittee reported in­
spection of work done at cemetery'by
the sexton and report that it was well
done In regard to fence alongside
road, tne committee recommends that
it be removed as nearly all the posts
a-e rotted off and no particular need
exists for the fence except perhaps at
the curve in the road.
Water committee reported survey of
the water users without meters and
recommend that ten additional meters
be installed and as there are only four
now available the recorder was direct­
ed to order 7 new meters for immediate
shipment, if possible.
On motion the hours for watering
lawns and gardens was fixed for those
without meters, as follows: from 6 A.
M. to 9 A. M. and from 6 P. M. to 9
P. M., to be effective July 7 until
further notice.
Report of water superintendent show­
ing collection of $58.50 water rent in
June, and names of three delinquents
was read and ordered filed.
Recorder reported that all meter
rentals for April and May were paid
except two who refused to pay the
meter rates and had been turned off;
that order for meters had been only
partly filled owing to stock being ex-
hausted, but that with consent of
mayor substitution had been made and
quicker delivery promised for future
Receipts were announced as follows:
Meter rents, tapping fee,
St. Helens Dock & Terminal Co. to i Losses bv lire in Deschutes county
etc. from Recorder.
$104 50
Special taxes
386.22 organize, capital $200,000. To build 1 1 . during year ending March 31, 1919, on
Impounding fees
5,00 miles railroad. 2500 ft. loading dock on whjch insurance was paid totaled $11,-
$495.72 Sauvies island planned
New Tan Shoes
for Children and growing
girls: Same shape as the
foot and as comfortable as the
old shoe
Prices Right
Lewis Ulrich
NO. 10
ing Development
Toledo Votes For
$50,000 Water Bonds
Toledo, Or., June 30.—The special
June 30.—Stanfield—Results of irri-
bond election held here Thursday re­
sulted in a very light vote but a pood 1 gatior. can be seen around this section
majority In favor of the issuing of where sage brush land is turned into
$50,030 water bonds. The vote was beautiful farms by use of water.
Jan ieson —4o0-acre fam >us Willow
4,; for and 4 against. These bonds are
issued to repay the Port of Toledo for Wood stock ranch here seis for $55,-
money b. rrowed to build the waler 00).
supply line to supply the big govern-I Klamath Falls —Oil
ment mill last summer. The city lai I math county to start.
a 12-iucn main, about 5 miles in length
Klamath Falls—5 irrigation pumps
to take care of the water i-eeds of the
running i>i Bonanza section. Several
null. As the work was rush work and
thousand acres being irrigated for first
a war emergency, the city born wed
the funis necessary fur the project
Glenbrook, near Alpine, to be reviv­
fiom the port.
ed as one of the livest little manufact­
uring towns in valley. Two sawmill-’,
Rich Timber Land on
103,000 ft. capacity each to be erected.
Alsea to be Logged. 1 Contracts let for erection of 4 I.hous e.
Eugene One strawberry plant bears
Eugene, Or, July 1, —Six thousand
acres ot rich timber land will be open­ 10J3 berries.
ed to logging on the Alsea river in
Milton prune growtrs smiling over
Benton county before winter, aceord- record otfers of $127 a ton.
i g to announcement mad ? bv the Alsea
River Timber company last night. A j Pendleton -Cherry growers receiving
railway four miles in length will be I $3)0 a ton for Bings.
Roseburg and Sheridan canneries be­
run from the company’s new mill under
Construction at Glenbrook. An en.i gin operations Bordwell Fruit Co at
neering crew is running a survey for Medford will enlarge plant.
Astoria Oregon Pacific mill taken
the railway at this time. T. O. Russel:,
of Eugene, has charge ot the work over by new owners and will resmno
The Glenbrook m il have a capacity of I operations.
125,090 feet. Both mill and railway
Building for Pacific International
will be completed by October.
Livestock Exposition to be erected at
North Pcrtlan I, largest of its kind in
I [the U. S., to cover 7C acres and cast
Prisoner Tires of Mowing
Lawn and Moves on.
Hood River-Paved ferry channel
Albany, Or., June 28.—William proposed here.
Pendleton—Warren Construction Co.
Brotherton of Eugene, one of two
brothers confined in the county jail declare work on Teel project will b.-
here awaiting the action of the grand gin at once.
jury on a charge of larceny, escaped
Stretch of road between Odell and
last evening and ha^ not been recap­ Dee completed.
Hood River—Construction of road to
Brotherton was assisting the court­ Lost lake begun.
house janitor in mowing the lawn and
Pendleton —Road work on Kami I;-
while at work seized an opportunity
to flee. Brotherton, and his brother, Cabbage Hill district to begin.
Oregon has record wheat crop.
George Brotherton, were arrested last
Salem —Construction
of $509,000
week on a charge of stealing wool
from the warehouse of A. Sternberg, paper mills starts here.
in this city.
Carlton World record sale price of
I an average of $1150 a head made at
| cattle Bale here.
Indians to Lose Heavily.
Gold Beach—Groun 1 broken for brick
PERSHING. Klamath Falls, Or., June 39.— Action block here.
of Secretary of the Interior Franklin
Gold Beach—$157,593 contract to
K. Lane in executing a contract with
7 miles road in Curry county
Campaigns Conducted With­ the California-Oregon Power company 1 grade
for a dam at the outlet of the upper let.
out Instructions or
Hood River—Two new business
Kiamath like here, Las caused the loss
rising here.
Suggestion from
made this year to the Indians of the
Marshfield $177,000 tube expended
Klamath reservation for livestock and on Bandon bar and nearby channel.
improvements, according to J. C.
Oregon City Twilight Literary and
Entertainment Club erecting, fine new
London, June 29.— A high tribute to
Mr. Hur.ter says that the Indians
General Pershing was paid by I hi were given money and purchased many building.
Cottage GroVe- -Wool pool of 10,000
Morning Post yesterday:
cattls, but that the land* cn which they
“We believe it to be correct”, says intended to raise them, have become so lbs. sold here at 53 cents.
an editorial in that newspaper, “that
Brownsvilie creamery reports thriv-
Hooded that they have been obliged to
on no single occasion did President sell their stock .
ing business.
Wlison and his advisers transmit to
Albany to get u creamery.
General Pershing any plans of cam­
50 head Jersey cattle bring
paign, suggestions or criticism, and we Bryan to Get Keg of Cider
$17,275 at sale here.
can almost say that this constitutes a
at Hood River.
Silverton New school building to be
record and that no commander in the
Hood River, Or., June 30. William erected.
field was ever left so tree a hand,
ler.niitgs Bryan is featured as the
Bend $5000 contract let fur con­
“General Pershing merited the great
headliner of the annual chautauqna. struction of Squaw creek dam.
and sustained confidence that was re­
which will begin here next Monday
posed in him. We honor General
Bend —Lookout tower to be con­
and continue for a week. Bryan will
Pershing because he looked to the end,
on top Walker mountain, in
deliver his lecture on the closing night.
and aimed at it successfully in the
Bryan, who will talk at The Dalles be­ Crescent section.
midst of frightful difficulties. His
Corvallis $69,987 engineering lab­
fore coming here, will be escorted to
competence and his character have
Hoad River by a party of j 1 he Dalles oratory building to be built at (). A. C.
stood the test of trial in the seven
motor junketers. He wilt be met by
After the haze and fog of the ship­
times-heated furnace of war, and he
local admirers and taken on a tou r ping hoard muddle has been carried
richly deserves all the honors that can
of the orchard district. A keg of cider away, shipbuilding and ship operation
be bestowed upon him.
is to be presented to him. Local folk in the hands of private enternrise can
"For all time to come we shall re­ will endeavor to secure a transfer of get on its feel ai d move ahead.
member those American troops who his affections from grape juice to
Portland - Pacific highway to be
fought so valiantlv, shoulder to shoul­ apple juice.
rocked or paved from Portland
der with us, on the British front and
to California by end of year.
stood ready in the rear to support us in
Roseburg-New theater building
Power Site is Selected
case of need. These things go ven
rears completion.
deep into hearts of nations, and Gen­
eral Pershing will always personify
Reedsport Publishing Co. incorpo-
Tacoma, Wash., July 2. The Tacoma rated with $25,000. Will install com-
for us the fine spirit of soldierly com-
i radeship in which Ameri'-ans fought city council has turned down the Pack­ plete printing plant soon.
. ihe great war in France.” Oregonian wood lake power si’e in Lewis county,
St. Helens -Standard Oil Co. tobuill
owned by the Ladd interests in Port­
oil distributing station here.
land, and has chosen the Lake Cush­
Cottage Grove Apple growers in
man site on the Skokomish river in
Germans are Deported.
■Mason county. The voters will pass Lorane Valley estimate yield of 25,-
on a $.100,000 bond iss n- August 12 and 900 boxes this fall.
Charleston, S. <’., June 28. —Niue decide whether or not to buy the prop­ Oregon City —Crown Willamette anJ
hundred Germans, who have been in­ erty.
Hawley Pulp and Paper companies an­
terned in this country and who havi
The bonds would be paid off from th- nounce general increase of 3 cents per
r< q jested that they be returned home, earnings of the municipal power plant hoer in wages of employes. To go in­
left here todav on the army transport starting in 1921, and would all be l:qui to i fleet .July 1. Means addition of
Martha Washington, They will land dated by June 1930. The Lake Cush- $120,'MX) per year t > payroll. Oregon
at RottSr larn anti proceed to Germany. ! man r>it«-, when fully developed, would City to have payroll from paper mills
Some 18<M> others are due to leave July I produce 75,000 horsepower on a 50 per and .. Men mills, after July 1st, of
1 on tl.e transport Princess Matoika.
cent load factor,
$3,00U,0W per year.
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