Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, May 31, 1919, Image 2

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Notice of Bond Sale.
Notice is hereby given, That stale 1
Official Paper of the City of Jacksonville Oregon
' I’iils will be received until Jul. G.h, .919
at 8:00 o’clock P. M. at the ..ffie
A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jacksi n , tiie Board of Directors of Tne
County, Oregon. D. W. B agshaw , Editor and Publisher
Hili Iirigation District, within
boundaries of said District in Jacksun
Entered as second-class matter June 22 1907. at the post office at Jack.-ta v ilk ; Couni .v, Oregon, for tne purchase of
Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
ooi.ds ot fi fifteen
f teen thous mils ddia.s i
; (fl5,“KI.00), date! —
SATURDAY. MAY 31. If) I fl
maturing as follows:
$550. July 1. 19.
SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished ti
17. S. to Keep Hun Ships.
Clarence Kearnes is
Washington, May 26.—Official ad­
Awarded $3500. vices
reached Washington today that
a full understanding had been reached
by the council of four at Paris, by
Seattle. Wash., May 27.— Damages
which the United States will keep a!
totaling $3500 were awarded by a su­
the German ships seized in America-,
perior Court jury here today to Clar­
ports when this country entered the
1150. ’
ence L. Reames, former special assist­
ant United States attorney-general
here, in his suit against L. H. Hey-
» »
manson for damages resulting from an Massacres of Jews Told.
automobile accident last December.
being bonds of the said Gold Hill Irri-
Reames, in the complaint, charged
1 Washington, May 26. —Infortrati. n gation District, bearing interest at six
that Heyman ion knocked him down,
regarding dumerous Jewish massacres
causing several injuries, the principal in central and eastern Europe during percent (6%), payab'e semi annually,
the said bond issue being subject to the
one a cut over the left eye which has
last March and Aonl, forwarde 1 by sixty thousands dollars in bonds now
impaired his vision. The original com­ | special representatives of the Jewish
sold and outstutnding. For further and
plaint asked for $7500.
relief organization, was presented to detailed information, apply to the Sec­
the state department todax by Repre retary of the District.
Shipyard Men on Strike. sentative Siegel of New York. Names The right is reserved to reject any
of 54 Jews who were massacred were and all bids.
given in the reports, which said many
Seattle, Wash., May 27.—Approxi­
hundreds more about whom no definite
BY I. T. G alligar - President.
mately 50 riggers and helpers walked
information could be obtained were ATTEST:
out from the Duthie shipyard Monday
Chas. Champlin-
morning in a body in a strike for 80
Conditions in Poland were described
cents an hour, the wage of mechanics,
as being worse than in any other sec­
---------- ------------- —
instead of the 74 cents they have been
George’s Discovery.
Little George said the other day at
The mer. report that they expect
riggers and helpers in other plants to Hood River Youth May Recover. he table, “Now, when I -;lt In my chair
ny feet won't touch the floor,
The People’s Store.
walk out with them, The men con-
Hood River, Or., May 26.—Fred vhen I walk around they touch but
tend that as they are classed as me Ward, 18-year-old youth whose sknll loor just as well as anybody’s.”
chanics in their local, No. 104, they was fractured when he was run over
should be recognized as such at the by his runaway team, following an op­
Political Corruption.
eration at the Cottoge hospital last
Corruption in political life is rrnlly
night, has regained consciousness and skepticism, It Is a distrust, n disuso
that he will recover. which lias lasted so long that It has
Dynamiting Fish, Charge. it One is believed
of the horses planted a foot grown into disbelief of political prin-
squarely in the young man’s forehead, ci pl es, of the first fundamental truths
of the sacredness of government and
Salem, Or., May 27. Deputy Game causing a bad fracture.
th<‘ necessity of righteousness.—Phil
Warden Bremmer today swore out
lips Brooks.
warrants for the arrest of five Port­
Teachers to Go to Alaska.
land men, who are eccused of having
Eugene, Or., May 27. Two Eugene OLD NORTH CHURCH
dynamited trout from Butte Creek,
teachers have been engaged to teat h
near Salem, on May 11.
One of the men, Wayne Hampton, next year at Treadwell. Alaska, i c-
cording ¡to announcement of W. R.
Senntor Poindexter's speech was the
was arrested here today and 1 eleased
Rutherford, city superintendent, yes- greatest thing that bus happened in
under; $100 bail. Fred Hampton and i
terday. They are Miss Naomi Gilbert­ tlie senate since the War of 1861. I
Frank West are among the others ac 1
son, teacher in the fourth grade room beard liim and I never saw Idin in bet­
cused of the crime. The men are said
at the Patterson school, and Miss ter form, with all of ills tremendous
to have gathered in a large quantity of
Florence Foster, teacher of the tliiid I force In full play.
mountain trout by their operations.
The life of the nation was about to
fouth grades at the junior high
be destroyed and he was the first one
to raise his voice in its defense. The
Deputy Sheriff is Killed.
others who took Issue against the
Notice of Hearing
league of nations followed him. but lie
was the first to take that stand. He
Aberdeen, Wash, M j V 27.— Deputy
' Ims left nothing unsaid that could have
Sheriff J. P. Tohiverof Hoquiam, while
been said in defense of the Constitu­
Roseburg, Oregon, May 15, 1919 tion.
motoring on the Olympia h ghway west
of Montesano, was instantly killed Wil iam Henry McDaniel.
While he spoke to the crowded gal­
when his machine was hit by the west
leries of distinguished visitors the past
arose before me like a dream. I could
bound Northern Pacific passenger train
see the lantern in the old North
at 2 o’clock yesterday afterncon. The James D. Betts, et al,
Church and hear the clatter of gallop­
accident occurred at the first railroad
crossing out of Montesano.
Involving Lot 6 of Sec. 25, To. 38 S, ing feet as Paul Revere rode out in the
night I could see the farmers gather­
Mr. Tolliver is survived by two child­ R 4 W, W. M.
ing along the lanes of Lexington and
On May 17, 1897, the General Land hear the sharp reports of their rifles
Office, by letter “N” .of that date. I beheld Washington with his troops
cat.celed selection list No. 21 of the crossing the Delaware to attack the
Ashland Adds to Elk Herd.
Oregon i California Railroad Company Hessian horde. Then I saw torn down
Ashland, Or.. .May 26.—The Ashland as to Lot 6 of Sec ¿5, Tp 38 S, R 4 W. from the battlements at Yorktown the
ONDITIONS these days—the larger demands
Lodge of Elks has purchased a herd of W. M , and adjudged said tract to be flag of Cornwallis, nnd in Its place
on everybody’s purse—are leading motorists
three elk. which will be presenter! to mineral in character, as result of ti.e arose the Starry Banner, never to he
everywhere to look more closely into the actual
the city for additional attraction to the contest of James D. Betts, J. A. Mc­
value of automobile tires.
The issue this speech Ims created
park. The park commission will add to Intyre, L. B. Matney and J. H. Brant-
the collection of animals two deer and er, vs the Oregon & California R. R. will he the Issue in the presidential
We see it every day. See it in the steadily in­
campaign. It overshadows everything
a bear, all of which will be domiciled Co.
creasing demand tor Fisk Tires.
else taking place at the capitol.
in the upper end of the park near the
On the night of George Washington’s
On April 26, 1919, William Henry
auto camp ground.
Fisk Tires give certain very definite features
McDaniel filed Homestead Application birthday n strange thing happened ; ,
that more and more motorists have come to look for
No. 011841 for this tract of land, al­ two lambs were horn in the White I !
—greater uninterrupted tire mileage, longer life,
House yard and one was named "Mar- I
Curtiss Airplanes Sold. leging the lion-mineral character of Ilia"
mid the other named “George.”
greater safety uuder all driving conditions.
«»me, and on May 15, 1919, filed ap­ It looks like tlie spirit of Washington
New York, May 26. The Curtiss plication for hearing nnd alleged th.it
will live.—W. A. I*., in the Jaeksouiau,
As an enlightened motorist you want
Airplane Motor corporation annourc- the mine on said land had been worked (’amp Jackson.
tire expense cut down to where
»1 Saturday the purchase from the out and abandoned, and that the land
it really belongs. Next time— Buy Fisk.
war department of 2176 airplanes and is noil-mineral in character.
4600 motors.
iieuring is therefore hereby ordered
The planes, which are of the Curtiss to determine tlie character of Lut 6 of
“JN” type, and were used for train­ Sec 2.>, Tp 38 8, R. 1 W, W. M., and
Washington, D. C.—(Special)—When
ing purposes, will be mobilized at five all parties in interest are directed and
Congress meets again, within a few
fields, it was announced.
summoned to appear before F. R y weeks, Senator Mlles Poindexter of
Davis, U. S. Commissioner, at his tlie state of Washington will become
Coos Placer Claim Sold.
office ill Medford, Oregon, on Jun. 26, clinlriiiiin of tlie Semite Naval Affairs
Marshfield, Or., May 27. John R. 1919, at 1U o’clock A M., and submit Coiumlttee, according to the Republi­
can reorganization plans ns finally
Smith, a mining prospector who has evidence in siip|>ort of their claims to prepared.
delved in the out of-the-way places in this land, and the final hearing will be
It is understood that the sprinter
Coos and Curry counties for the past had at this office on July 10, 1919, at fnvors the building up of a greater
Dallas Women Again Honoited.
Teachers Get increase
seven years, has disposed of a placer 10 o’clock A. M,
American navy and that he will insist
Dallas, Or., May 25.—At the g and
claim on Rock creek, southern Coos,
upon mi equal division of the battle­
lodge session of ths Oregon Rebekah
Register. ship fleet between tlie Atlantic and
for $10,1X10. Mr. Smith has investigat­
Vancouver, Wash., May 28.—Flat assembly held in Salem this week Mrs.
Pncillc seaboards. Up to this time few
ed every mineral belt in districts men­
class warships lune been kept in increases in their pay of $180 per annum Ora Cosper of this city was elected
tioned and opened many prospects.
Notice of Annual School Meeting first
for teachers not in the high school and Secretary w.thout a disse.i mg vote.
Pacific waters.
While thus engaged he took from his
and $120 for high school school teachers Mrs. Cosper has held the position for
Notice is hereby given to the legal
Rock creek property sufficient coarse
voters of School District No. 1, of A DANGEROUS SITUATION
have t ei n granted bv the school board 2i’ consvc five years and only o;i oi v
gold to maintain his camp and assist­
of this city. The increase was gi anted occasion in that period has her election
Jackson County, State of Oregon, that
ants and to make countless trins be­
at the request of a committee of the to the office been otherwise than
tween this country and the centers
teachers, who asked for a fl it raise of u animous.
Said District will be held at School
where mining men hold out. He has
House; to begin at the hour of 4 o'clock league of nations contains no provi­ $200.
other holdings of chrome, copper and
P, M. on the thin! Monday of June, sions for disarmament. There Is talk
Under the new schedule the minimum
being the 16th day of June. A. D. 1919. In it about disarmament, but there is wage tor a teacher in the public
This meeting is called for the pur­ no provision for disarmament. It pro­ schools of this city, with two years' Governor Lister Said
Big Hotels to be Built.
pose of electing one director for a vides that the league might make a experience, is $.'.52 per annum. The
to fíe Much Bi tier.
decree reducing the armament of the
San Francisco, May 26.—Two hotels, term of three years and one clerk for several nations. Whether it will do new schedule does not take effect until
representing jointly an investment of term of one year and the transaction so or not. upon what terms it will act. the next school ye ar.
$4,5000,000, will be built in the north- of business usual it such meeting.
«hat the relative proportions of mili­
Mist of the position« in »he scbcols
26. —Govirnor Erm st
Dated t is 2nd d ly of June, 19.9.
w< st by the C dif r mi Hotel c >p.ri
tary strength shall be are left in the
•r next year hav been f'l e*, then I ister’s condi'ioa was repo’ted it the
power of a combination in which Eu­
t c ■ .
■ r i*. A Moo
ing 12 which have not.
Swedish hosp'ral, where he is ir der
rope and Asia will be predominant —
' . 1 ABBOI I
annoU'iiud vcstetila. A»..« will b n
treatment, to be considerably im­
Dts.i K t Lie' k, •
Seattle and the olhet in lac ma.
His personal physician stated
(lie tVotneu s Civic Assoviaiiuu m Sau
Pendleton $20,900 2-story brick build- that the governor was in much better
A. H artman
The corporation owns seven large ho­
iing to be erected immediately.
Chairman Board of Directors.
tels in California.
spirits last evening.
for Men and Boys
Children’s Sandals in ali sizes
These are merely a few of the seas
onai numbers we carry in our Shoe
Department: we are always glad to
have veu come in and look them over
Jno.M. Williams Co
Fisk Tires Going Onto More
Cars Every Day
Phone 142.
Notice to Creditors
In the Matter of the Estate
of Eva Hockenyos, Deceased.
The Undersigned having Deen ap­
pointed by the County County of the
State of Oregon, for Jackson County,
Executor of the estate ofjEva Hoeke-
nyos, deceased, and having qualified,
notice is hereby given to the creditors
of, and all persons having claims
against said deceased, topresent them,
verified as required by law, within six
months after the first publication of
this notice to said John Arnold at. his
re idence in the City of Medford, Jack-
son County, Oregon.
J ohn A rnold
Executor of the estate of Eva Hock-
eny s, deceased.
Dited May 14th, 1919.
Dean H. Dow,
- vs-
Gladys Downing Dow,
To Gladys Downing Dow, the above
named defendant:
OE OREGON: You are hearby notified
and required to appear and answer the
i plaintiff’s complaint against you,
now on file in tne above entitled court
; and cause, on or before the last day
ot the time prescribed in the order for
i publication of summons herein, to-wit:
I On or be.ore the 7th day of July, 1919;
said date being the expiration of Six
(6) weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons; and if
you fail to appear and answer for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief Jdemanded in said
complaint suceintly ^stated. as follows:
That the bonds of matrimony existing
between plaintiff an 1 defen ant be for­
ever abrogated, dissolved and at nulkd
and that plaintiff have such other and
further relief as'ft) the court may seem
just and equitable. ”
This summons is published in the
Jacksonville Post by order of the Hon­
orable F. M. Calkins, Ju Ige of the
above entitled Court, which said order
was made and entered of record on the
23d day of May, 1919. and in compliance
therewith the date of the first publi­
cation hereof is the 24th day of May,
W. E. P hipps ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address M. F. & H. Bldg.
Medford, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given, that in pur­
suance of an older entered by the
( cunty (h urt of Jackson County, Ore­
gon, ui th- 26th dav of May, 1919, the
name of E ta G Fluey has beer.chang-
ed to Etta G Lunt.
Date of first publication May 31, 1919.
E tta G. L unt .