Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, July 13, 1918, Image 1

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    Oregon Ifiit rival Society
Citj J!n!l
Pacific Milling
Head Returns
)N\ ll.LE, J U'k. <
Strahorn Line Finished
Governor Issues
From Klamath Falls
mation Suspending Per­
To Olene
mits Issued By Fire
Klamath Falls, Or., July 9.—The first
shipment of freight, two flatcar lo ids
Portland. July 1. —Importations of of lumber from the DeArmond &
Australian wheat into Califarnia con­
Weston siiw.niil at Swan Lake, has
tinue in large volume and the move­ been received over the Klamath
ment is likely to run throughout the I
municipal railway, now under con-
structiun by Robert E. Strahorn, Lo-
In past seasons the Pacific Northwest comotive No. 1 was driven by W. £.
has shipped several millions of bushels Bond, Mr. Strahorn’s secretary, and
of wheat' to California millers ea h fired bv Gus Ettreim.
year, and large quantities of flour, as
The road is now completed and in
well, has gone south. This trade has operation between Klamath )■'. Ils and
now practically stopped, because of the Olene, 10 miles east. Mr. Strahorn is
bringing in of the Australian cereal, in Klamath Falls and, while disappoint­
and other arrangements must be made
ed at the slow progression account of
for marketing the Northwestern crop labor shortage and other troubles, he is
and the preduct of the milis here.
greatly pleased at the showing made
J. W. Ganong, chairman of the North under the existing handicap. Increas­
Pacific coast milling division .of the ing cost of materials since the contra t
Food Administration, who has just re­ was made has cost Mr. Strahorn many
turned from the East, laid the matter thousands of 'dollars from his own
before Julius Barnes, head of the Grain pocket to complete the first link of his
Corporation, and pointed out that under system to Dairy.
this arrangement the only buyer of
In Mr. Strahorn’s opinion, ihe best
flour would be the government, and the thing that has come out of the
mills here would have to compete with ernment ownerdhip
of railroads next
the millers ot the East and Middle ■ to facilitating the winning of the
“is the the recognition an., establish­
Assurance was given by Mr. Barnes ment on a firm and fair foundation of
that the matter would receive attention branch line rai'roa i financing and op­
and it is hoped that the flour purchases eration. Nothing else short of a rev­
by the government will be sufficient to olution,” he says, “coaid ever have
keep the mills running and thus pro­ put the short lines in the enviable
vide stockmen with an adequate sunply position they have and will for the
of millfeed during the winter months. time occupy.”
The chairmen of the milling division
have tendered their resignation, which
Mr. Hoover has accepted, and the
Quarrel Over Spoils.
divisional offices will close on August 1.
Additional Prisoners
In Germany.
Washington, July 8.—Names of 72
additional American soldiers held in
prison camps in Germany were announc -
ed tonight by the war department.
Addresses of two of the mtn were not
given. Of the other 70, 62 were from
were from New England states, with
21 from New Haven, Conn.
Altho no announcement was made, it
was assumed that the New England
men were taken prisoner during the
heavy fighting in which units from that
section were engaged early in the
present year.
The list include the name of Private
William C Olson of Wenatchee, Wash;
who is a prisoner at Camp Gessen.
D. )>.
Recent Happenings
II »p ?s to Counteract German
la Various Paris
Influence. Motives
of Oregon
Mau Wants I» Sell Horse
Meat In Oregon.
En/?r.!?H$'5 ani
Payrolls a id Pramil-
ing Devehpjtenl
Washington, July 9. E ite ite gov­
ernments, thru th .dr emb i siei in
Washington, are now fairty advise! of
the views ot the Washington rd mtn-
ist ration as to the best means ol
< arrying out President Wilson's pl< 1 ;e
to s an I behind Rus ia. It is un lev-
s'tiod that a project is ti:' i slvrpa,
which it is hoped, will counteract Ger­
man it fluence, and lead the people to
l eh ibilitate themselves without excit­
ing distrust of the unselfish motives
which lie behind it.
There is reason to believe the pro­
posal to send American business men
.0 Russia forms the basis of the ne­
gotiations between Washington and
the entente capitals. Only it has as­
sumed a new phase thru the injection
of the idea to make thecommission and
armed guards international in compo­
sition. thus tending to disarm any
usp.cion on the par: of the Russians
that their country ia to b? exp'oi e I in
the interest of a single power.
This measure is far short of the
ri>-in il desires of the entente govern-
nents, which favored the dispatch of a
military expedition into Siberia.
Salem Local dealer has or lere I l!00
Salem, Or., July 9. Antoni > Apache
Salem, Or, July 9. -Authority dele­
bold tractors.
gated to fire wardens t > issue burning
Gas rates increased at Grants i’a s,
permits, by section 7, chapter 76, law i Veterinarian \V. H. Lytle asking in-
forinati i.n relative io the use oi horse
Me I Cord an! Roseburg to $2.1J p r
of 1917, is suspended in a proebmt .ti
me ii. for food in Oregon and for c ipies
thou land feet.
signed yesterday by Governor V’i'hy-
of laws or ordinances covering tin. sale
M irsblield -Work starts th s in »nth
combe as i precaution against, foreo
of horse meat, i he state vet. rinarian
j i a _• v canury here.
fires. Strict rules are laid iowfi in t:r-
h is re ered him to Portland authorities
proclamation relative to camp firm,
Sha like Farmers’ Elevator Co. h s
for a c py of the city ordinance cov­
an I persons going into forest.'- me
let contract for ! >,0 U bushel c mcrete
ering the rale of meat there.
urged not to smoke. Governor Wit iv-
elevator to cost $22’500-
combe calls the attenti in of the public
Porilmd Albina En.jin.’& M i thin •
to the e? treme danger of the destruct­ Holbrook and Paddock Are
now his a free circulating Ii ir.iry f i.-
ion of ft ■. its, gra s an t gran. 1 >lds
.he bciKti' of ns employes.
Sentenced To Penitentiary
because of the present drouth. The
Employes un ler the Oregon Work­
Klams . Falls, Or., July 9.—Judge
proclamation follows:
men’s compensation law are exempted
“Because a general condition of
from all payments for the m i.itn of
droth has 1'aPen on the state of J'ly.on iiar sentenced Willia.ii H flora >< and
causing ar. unusually serious sit .ation
Portland Gas & Coke Co. wi.i exp ad
which threatens the desirucii m of Alteon yeari in the peietentiary and
for betterment i.
forests, grass and grain fields, 1
Salem—State Lim ■ btird can cm-
justified i.i ordering that all permits to and pa i I >ck killed Owen T. McKendree
tract debt to manufacture lima.
burn, issued by state fire war ens t.s a sheepman at Dry Prairie, April 20.
authorized by section 7, chapter 76, of Judge Kuykendall over rule I the ino
Astoria —Three road c
the Laws of Oregon for 1917, be and tion for a new trial, entered by the
for $31,099
are hereby suspended “nd that no m > . attorneys fcr the defendants. Judge L.
Paxton to have a 1 up to dale g . a n
bun i .g permits be issued until further it. Webster, of i’. rtlaii I, and W G. H.
Renner, It is expected that the ca-e
North Ben i box factory werai.tg oi
“No campfires shall be sta '.d in «ill be appealed io the supreme court.
two shifts.
or near forest or brush covered lands
Hiitaiii To Intera All
Coos Bay shipyards cl
within 20 feet of any standing er Austrian Insane Patient Dies
record on authority of U.
down tires, brush piles, or other litter
Alien Males. Board.
Salem, Or., July 9. —Met Propich, an
that may cause the spread of fire, and Austrian patient at the state hospital
North Beni shipping 20)0 piling to
under no condition is a file to be built for the insane, died Sunday. He was
London, July 9 The parliamen­ Hawaiian Islands.
until the ground is cleared to mineral committed recently from Multanoman
soil for a distance of six feet in ever, county, and County Judge Tazwell has tary committee recently app lintel to
Marshfield to get new cheese factory.
direction and no fire shall be left temp­ been asked to ascertain if he has consider the alien qu stion has issued
Oregon canneries anJ industries ob­
orarily until it has been completley ex­ relatives in Portland Ha was 27 years reports recommending immediate in­ served July 4 by working.
ternment of every male enemy alien
Amsterdam, July 8.—The Turco tinguished with water.
Portland 191x building permits total
over 15, except those who for medi nil $4,410,000 as against $2,320,000 sam J
Bulgarian disputa over the division of
reasons, should be exempted, an 1 the months 1917.
territory taken from Rumania is still Sociali A Stroebel Hints Kaiser’s
repatriation of all fem de ene ny ali ms
Old Resident of Linn Dies
at the forefront in Constantinople,
Linnton to got street car line to
with the ex'-eption of those whose
according to a telegram to the Reinische
Albany, Or., July 9.- Jnlin ”.... 1,
Westfaelische Zeitung to Essen.
for thirty years a resid, '
f Linn
State in«tituti<>r.:i have abandon I
from internment.
The German newspaper quotes the
. at St. Mw
r 6>i:_: oil an 1 are getting mi’ cord
'A'Islin gton. July 9.- An <>IH- -al dis­ r ..1.:,.
Turkish Journal Sabah a» dacim ing patch today from Switzerland says the .Sunday, al the age of 7
wo ,d with rnvict r.ibor.
the apparentswingin; rou nd of opinion independent socialist, Stroebel, in a widow nnd nine children su . k .
Garibaldi on Tillamook bay to have a
I unm siiate discharge oi an s icii |
in Germany regarding the Turco-Bul­ violent speech in the Prussian reichstag
| employed in any government dip.u i- Ddvvtinii.
garian frontier question has made an recently condemned the German gov­
Mra. T. J. Ridgers Dies.
n mt ami that all ene ny bu dne.ss sii ill
Portland street car men ask increas­
unfavorable impression in Turkey, but ernment for its efforts to secure a
I ed wages that can only be tnei by raise
this had disappeared when Dr. von
I Lord Beresford, calling attention to in fares such as other cities are already
peace byfor:e. He warned the Ger­
Kuehlmann, the German foreign see­ man people that unless they rid them Ridgcrs, well-known Eugene woman,
retary, had voiced his approval of the selves of their' government and “send died at Newport Friday after a long the danger from interned ali ns and paving.
expressing the belief that many ships
Turkish standpoint.
Willamette valley loganberry indust­
their politicians of war and rapine to iihlcss. She was 13 years of age and a
“But how will the declarations of the the devil,” America’s millions of native of H irrisburg, Linn Crunty. have been torpedoed thru information ry being nationally advertised.
secretary of state be receive 1 in Sofia?” soldiers will prove too strong a force Shi. is survived by a wi lover a 11 three furnished by spies, sai l that a month
Portland gets a ten per cent reduct­
ago the British, allied and neutral ion in lire insurance rates on mercantile
asks the Constantinople newspaper. to combat.
tonnage sunk amounted to 13,000 daily.
“Will Bulgaria also restrict her insat­
and rm nufacturing property.
A fortnight ago it was 1 too tons daily
iable appetite? Unhappily there is
Rbedsport to have 150,000 feet per
Heppner—1918 wool clip selling at
Reckless Driving Curbed
and la it week 390) tons daily. These
little hope of this
day capacity sawmill.
Lebanon, Or., July 9.—The Lebanon iie deal ired were satisfactory figures. 1918 prices.
Four large silos being built on North
City (Joan til Inis passed a stringent
Co is river.
ordinance to curb fast driving on the Norwegian Ship Sunk
streets, and instruction^ have been
Gold Beach-Highway along Rogue
given the police to see that the Jaw is
By Submarine. river being rebuilt.
enforced. There have been several
Crowding the ballot with initiative
a indents in the city recently owing to
measures that were rejected by the
reckless driving.
An Atlantic Port, July 8.—Another legislature is bad business and will be
neutral ship, the Norwegian steamer voted down.
Augvald, 2>98 tons, bound from a
North Bend Gorst & king to build
Fall Wheat Being Cut
French port f >r Baltimore, has fallen a $25,001 garage.
Cove, Or, July 8. Gtibrge’-Alexaixi'r victim ot a German submarim.
Newberg New Highway to b? built
grain rancher, four miles out of 'Cove,
A trans-Atlantic liner, in port to lay,
with 290 acres in Fall add 3O’1)T SriVing brought t ie news of the sinking in over Nehalem mountains.
wheat, be ides several hundred acres mi !-oman on Jun? 21 an 1 also Ian le 1 11
Toledo—One sawmill goes on two
in grass and other grains, is cutting members of the crew of 27 m m. Three shifts and a new sawmill is assured on
his Fall wheat a month ahead of time, of the crew were drowned and the the tideland across the river.
which works a hardship, as the bay remainig 12 are unaccounted for.
Gervais—Portland grade teachers
harvest began this week, .bis two sons
The rescued men were picked up by helping save loganberry crops here.
ni France and no spare harvest hands the liner after having d’-ifte l helplassly
St. Helens flouuring mill has resumed
in the county.
for 11 days, subsisting for that time opera! ion.
Although the long dry season1 'has on seaweed and rainwater caught in
Nyssa Movie theater and new store
a. ninally a ivanced tne wheat, he : heir caps or wrung from tneir cl >1 ling.
. ml I a.al quality are normal, but the
Ace >r ling to members of the ere.. ,
Scotts Mills to hive fruit and
barley, umler like co idition, is faring vho toll the r story in fragment»,
p..o:ly. Hay is now in demand at $4 ) over the side of tho liner when she vegetable ewip >rntor.
per ion, and barley at $75 a ton, other docked, the sea wolf ad >pted the same
Portland After several years wres'-
stuex feed in proportion.
met) o Is as used by tne U-boats in luig wiih pl ms work on the municipal
grain elevator is actually begin.
operations off the Atlantic coast.
Complete Ship In
Linnton New steel plant to be in
here by end of year.
15 Days From Launching.
Campers and Picnic Parties
will find a full line of Staple
and Fancy Groceries, Lunch
Goods, etc.
Have you tried our
cold minced hami
Don't forget that we have the
kind of fishing tackle that
catches fish.
Buy Thrift Stamps
Lewis Ulrich
Pioneer Merchant
Auto Delivery.
Phone 7 '
Belfast, Ireland, July 9.—(By the
Associated Press.) Workman, Claik
¿z Co., local shipbuilders, have achiev­
ed a world record’s in completing a
■ Mi-ton ;'and ird ship in 15 days alt r
h ■ wi. i launched.
Ihe vessel was launched' at 9 o'clock
in the morning. By 8 o'clock the same
evening her engines were in position.
---------- »Oy» ---------
London. J nI.v 8—Measures for per­
fecting trie national defences of Julian
were decided upon and a plan for co
operation between the army and nav,
were adopte 1 by the council of Add
marshals and admirals recently in
Japan, says a dispatch to the Tim s
from Tokio under date of July 1. The
army, it it said, will eomprls? 21 corps,
two divisions to the corps and three
Bond Sales Net
regiments to the division. The changea
U. S. 4 Billions. will not necessarily be effective ¡tu­
rn cdiatelv.
Tne Times computes that the new
Washington, July 9. Final compil­ rn asiires will double the strength of
in'. is ot ilie third Liberty loan sdb- 1 the Japanese army.
iui.ii s, announced by tne treasury
part men t tonight, shows a total ' of
All express company rates to be
176,5:6,85<), an in' reuse of $6,197,20'1 a Ivanced ten per cent limit r govern
er the total oflicially estimated la.it tnent operation. Telegraph lines to be
ay 18, after tlie loan campaign taken over and ten-word ra’e for fifty
word nignt letter to be abolished.
ci .sei.
Ship company and Standard Oil Co.
to build 59 h line, for employes.
I’m tian I municipal fi h boit is not
inaki g a dent in the fish m >n rpoiy.
-- - ----- • T*-.-- , .
Air Baids Ruins
German Depots
London, July 8.—The air ministry,
describing recent aerial operations,
made the following statement:
“On the 7th instant the station ami
factories at Kaiseriiuten were wreck
el. Hostile machines wore engig'd
over the objectives an I one of them
was shot down- Two of our machines
are missing.
“On July 8 the railway station, work
shops and s.di u..- at Luxemburg were
b imbed by our q m Iron. Bursts were
observed in the station and also in the
I workshops.”