Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, February 03, 1917, Image 3

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    Jacksonville Post
Senate Passes Bill
City election will b • h 11 M irch (>.
Notice to Creditors.
Richard Chappell has gone t > Grana­ IX Till: COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE
To ftla'te AlasAa Dr\
da, Cal.
Bill Anderson if Ruch was in town
Waslii i.'ton, J.in. 31.—The senate to­
this week.
In the Matter of the Estate of
day passed lhe Jonis bill to nink- Al■.<
town today.
No'ic» is Hereby Given tha* the k i prohibiti i:> territory.
lhe bill wo li 1 prohibit iiv nutaccure
J. P. Wells was in Medford on busi­
Leon Lawton of Medford was in biWil un lersigii ’d h ive l>.- n appointed by
J or s de or intoxicating liquors in th*
ness Friday.
Monday morning.
as administrator an I administratrix I t ,-rritory and also the transportation
Geo-ge Gardner was at Medford
Circuit court lias been in session sev­
r< spectively, of th* estate ofChi iatena i thereto. It has not yet passed the
eral days this week.
Reuter, deceased, and have duly i house.
Julian Abbott is working at Sacre-
---------- «
Dan Johnson of Watkins was a re­ [qualifiel according to law. All persons
mento, Cal.
cent v’sitor in this city.
having claims against said estate are Mormons Worned To
All work done in 1917 spot cash at
B. R. McCabe of Medford was a vis­ hereby lutitiel to present them with
W. R. Sparks.
itor in this city Tuesday.
proper vouchers and duly verified, ac­
Leave Mexico.
Andrew Jeldness of Copper, Cal., was
Prosecuting Attorney G. M. Rober s cording to law, to the undersigned at
in town this week.
the late residence of said deceased in
was over from Medford today.
El Paso, -lan. 30. Mormon leadeis
R. D. Hines was a business visitor at
Fred L. Colvig has gone north with a Jacksonville, Oregon, Jackson County, I here sent an urgent appeal yesterday
Central Point Monday.
view of purchasing a drug store
j to all Mormon residents of Western
here if.
Rev. Paul Bandy of Central Point
George W Cherry of Med font trans­
Date an I first published February 3 Chihuahua io le ive fur the border be­
was in town teis week.
acted business in this city today.
fore the last of the expeditionary troops
A. D. 1917.
A. A. Li’tle of Puyallup, Wash., was
Colonia Dubbin.
D. W. Hagshaw and daughter, Mis­
J. A. R euter ,
a visitor in the valley this weekr
---------- ———
Mary, were Medford visitors today.
Administrator, and
Mrs. John Duggan of Sams Valley
IL K. Hanna and Harrv Luy ware
E lizabeth R euter ,
Brick Yard At Bcavertcn
visited friends in this city Thursday.
business visitors at Medford today.
Admin’s!ratrix of the
Is Rushed Wi.h Orders
J. V. Bristow of Grants Pass trans­
Richard Chappel has installed a neat estate of Christena Reuter, deceased.
acted business in this city Thursday.
sign at the rear of the Ryan building
Beaverton, Jan. 30.—After a shut
C. D. Abbott has gone to Granada, on C street.
Notice ot Sheriff’s Sale. down of two years, the big brick yard
Cal., to look after business interests.
at this place reopen-.d with a big crew
Henry Callaghan of the Blue Ledge
By virtue of an execution and order
Harry Lofland was a witness in a mining district transacted business in of sale duly issued out of and under of men under Foreman Victor Randalls.
Many orders are on hand and the vast
proceeding in the circuit court Friday. this city Friday.
the seal of the Circuit Court of the
Mrs. Albert Gall of Phoenix was vis­ j The Southern Oregon Traction Com State of Oregon, in an 1 for the County plant is humming every day, as is also
iting friends here the first of the week. panv has been trying out the large elec­ of Jacks n, to me directed and dated the Southern Pacific car shops.
on the 13th day of January 1917, in a
Newton W. Borden, Esq. of Medford tric car this week.
B. B. Beekman, Esq., who had been certain action therein, wherein the Big Volunteers Return to Pendleton
was a business visitor in this city Fri­
in Portland for several weeks, return­ Pines Lumber Company as Plaintiff
Pendleton, Jin. 3d. —Pendleton’s
and 0. Ockerinan as Defendant, re.
H. G. Bolter of St. Louis, Mo., is ed Thursday morning.
of volunteers on lhe Mexi­
Raymond Refer is handling the raz­ covered judgment against B. McClintic
transacting business in the valley this
can border returned home yesterday.
or and sheers this week, while his fa­ and the General Investment Company
the defendants for the sum of Four They served with the Idaho national
E. A. Archibald of Seattle is attend­ ther is having a short vacation.
hundred twenty-five and 45-100 Dollars, guard.They spent several months at
The box social and musical program
ing to business in valley cities this
with costs and disbursem. ts taxed at Nogales and while they Ba.v no fighting
given at Orth’s Hall Saturday night
Forty-eight and 40-lOt) Dollars, and the they experience! hardships and had a
A. E. Reames of Medford transacted was well attended and everybody seem- further sum of One hundred twenty- great deal of hard work.
business at the court house Friday e 1 to have a good time.
live Dollars, as attorney’s fees, which
Hearing on the application for an in­ judgments was enrolled and docketed
William Kahler of Central Point and junction to prevent the saie of bonds in the Clerk’s office of said Court, in Oregon Banks Have
Tom Kahler of Medford .were in town under the H insen plan, bv the city of said County on the 6th day of January,
Millions In Bonds
Medford, has been postponed until 1917.
February 9th.
chartered banks
Notice is hereby given that, pur­
Porter J. Neff, Esq. of Medford was
Oregon owned
a business visitor at the eourt house
an November 17, 1916, ¡527,715,422 if
as it was too cloudy for his hogship to tion, I will on t**e
and municipal bonds, mun­
see his shadow, we may expect six
6th day of March, 1917, government
If you have any “wet goods’’ in the weeks of bad weather, according to the
icipal warrants, mortgage bonds of rail­
hands of the express company you had old superstition.
ways and other corporations.
of the Courthouse in the City of Jack­
better get it quick.
was the date all 261 banks last made
An enjoyable party was given at the sonville, in Jackson County, Oregon,
I. W. Thomas of Medford, who died
reports to the state superintendent of
Saturday, was biried in the cemetery Norris home Thursday evening which offer for saie and will s< 11 at public banks.
was attended by a number of theyoung auction for cash to the highest bidder,
at this city Tuesday.
ladies and boys of the city.
Card to satisfy said judgment, together with
The Jacksonuille Brick & Tile Co. games, music and sleight of hand the costs of this sale, subject to re­
shipped two carloads of brick from performances were the
principal demption as provided by law, all of
their yards yesterday.
amusements. An appetezing lunch the right, title an I interest that the
Prof. B. R. Spreyer, of the Medford was served and done full justice to bv said defendant B. McClintic and the
Commi rci il College, died at his home those present.
General Investment Company had on
in that city, Jan. 30.
the 6th day of January 1917, or now
have in and to the following described
Alfred Norris left today for Weed,
Death of Mrs. Reuter
property, situate! in the County of
Cal., whore be has employment as a
Jackson, State of Oregon, to-wit:
fireman for the Weed Lumber Co.
Its Backbone Is a Spring.
The snapping bug lias a spring lu
Beginning at the northwest corner
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bowen left
ot the twenty acre tract described in his back like a knife. When not iu
Mrs. Christina Reuter, a resident of
Wednesday for Livingstone, Montana,
Volume loS at page 690 of the deed use as a spring h serves him as a
where they expect to make their home this city for the past thirty years, died
records of Jackson County, Oregon, bm Rhone, so you tee lie is a believer iu
at the home of her son, Dr. John A.
for the present.
running thence evest 10.18 scientific ellii demy mid makes one part
When you are hungry and in Med- Reute*-, at The Dalles, Oregon, Satur­
chains; thence south 14.72 chains, of his machinery do Hie work of No.
His spring backbone, or backbone
fore, try the nice meals served by An­ day January 27, aged 67 years. Mrs.
more or less; thence east 10 18 chains spring. If you prefer. gives him power
na Coffman and Anna Hoxie at the Reuter was a native of Saxony. Ger­
to the southwest corner of said to jump, which i
i glvi ^ilm bls
Nash Caffeteria
[Adv] many, and was wellknown to many of
twenty acre tract; and thence north name. Naim-- pi •
our readers. She leaves five children-
y pave aim the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Porter of Idaho, Dr. J. A. Reuter and Misses Dorothy
to the place of beginning.
slu ing to help him get on bis feet when
Falls, Idaho, arrived in the valley this and Cordelia Reuter of The Dalles,
Dated this 2d day of February, 1917. he's on Ills back. You’ve noticed how
week Mr. Porter will take charge of Mrs. Max Vogt, and Miss Elizabeth
helpless some insects are when you
R alph G. J ennings ,
a lumber yard at Granada, Cal.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. lay them on their backs. Not this one,
Reuter of this city. Funeral was held
By L eslie W. S tansell , Deputy. however. He slips his backbone out
W. H. Gore, joint representative in this city Monday.
of its groove mid then slips It back
from Jackson and Douglas counties,
again suddenly. The spring pops him
h is introduced a bill abolishing the of­
up In the air; he turns a somersault
fice of county recorder in Jackson
and drops right side up. Spring back­
bones are common In several other
Dr. J. A. Reuter and Misses Dorothy
beetles, remarks the Philadelphia
and Cordelia Reuter returned to The
North American. The beetle of the
Dalles Friday. Mrs. Max Vogt will
pestiferous wireworm, which destroys
the farmer's crops, lias a spring In Ills
remain with her sister, Miss Elizabeth I
back. Other members of the family
Reuter, a few days longer.
make their homes in trees or decayed
Miss Elisabeth Nutting, who resided
west of Medford, died at the Sacred
Heart Hospital, Thursday, Feb. 1, ag­
A Good Shot.
ed 74 years. She was a native of Eng
The town boaster was in a reml ds
cent mood and for the benefit of the
land and had lived in Jackson county
crowd of young loafers gathered at
12 y ears.
the village store had been recalling the
The funeral of Mrs. Christina Reut­
stirring times on the first election day
er, who died at The Dalles, Saturday,
Every family should know that 1 RADING
after the war In the southern town
was held in this city Monday forenoon.
where be had lived.
Services were held at the Catholic
“Yes sir ee, tlint was a hot time," he
church and interment had in the ceme­
concluded. "They was a lot of shout­
tery on the hill.
in' took place, and I done my share of
It, I tell you. Why, fellers, I shot and
Observer Britt reports that the pres­
shot until my old revolver Just felt hot
ent cold spell is the longest cold spell
to my builds.”
for 28 years.
'lhe temperature for
Turning to another old man who had
December and January were the low­
come from the same southern town, he
est recorded since the establishment of
said rather condes •cndingly: “Why.
the observalion station in this city 32
Jim, you must 'a' been there that day
years ago.
How many times did you shoot?”
Jim split with deliberation, rolled his
It is sail that the story regarding
eyes reflectively and answered: “Je"’
the finding of human bones, dead wolv­
once. 1 was right in the thick of it
es, etc., at Willow Flat, and which ap­
when the fight begun, and I shot round
peared in many of the newspapers, in­
the corner mid down into a cellar.”-
cluding the Portland dailes, was a hoax
Youth s (lonipaniou.
without any foundation in fact. We
A slanderer and a -mike of deadly
fell for it too.
poison cm li have two tongues Tamil
The "bone dry” bill, passed by the
HESS & CLARK’S Stock Fcod
House of Representatatives, was con­
curred in by the Senate, without b dis­
The Retort Courteous.
senting voice Thursday afternoon and
James Russell Lowell was once a
will become a law five dayB after
guest nt a Lun.piet in London where lie
was < -xpectcd to reply to a toast. The
receiving the signature
of the
A. D. S. Blood Purifier
I "[leaker who preceded Mr. Lowell said
■ many contemptuous things about the
Monday evening after the close of
lieople of the I’nlted States, avowing
the business session of the Ruth Rebe-1
and relenting again and again that they
j were nil lira .'.-arts. As American min­
kah Lodge a reception was given to
ister at the eourt of St. James I»well
visiting members of the order and a -
' .mill hardly overhxrk this speech, so as
J. W.Robinson, M. I)., Proprietor
number of invited guests. Games an<l
be arose he said smilingly: "I heartily
various amusements were provided an 1
agree with the gentleman who han Just
a very interesting program of music,
-I'oken. Americans do brag a great
recitations, etc. was rendered. A nice
deal, and I don’t know where they got
lunch was served in the dining room at
the habit. Do jolt?"
T he F irst L esson to L earn
Suffrage In Norway.
Among the must imp ■: Hint laws en­
tile i by Norway since women have had
die vote lire the two maternity insur­
ant e laws of lfii-9 mid 1915 and the di­
vorce law of 191G.
'.'iuec tin- women in Norway have got
die i >le,‘‘ says l.lla Anker in Jus Suf-
r’ragii, “they liuie turned their chief
iitlention to their rights anil duties us
wives ami inoilie.s l.iluention and eeo
.lomi • hide|>enilen< e .1 it I h • basis of wo-
man’s freedom, but her greatest work
and happiness will be us wifeaml moth­
er. It is mi astonishing fact that in all
these centuries, while men have taught
us that woman's place is in tin- home,
they have neglected to prepare 11s for
the chief duties of our home life.”
Norwegian women have also given
particular strength to the work for “ru-
tioiml housekeeping" by the establish­
ment of a state high school lor the ed­
ucation of Reachers for the elementary
housekeeping sell >->ls, to a campaign
agal 1st consumption mid to the support
of the peace movement.
Eiffel's Tower.
Tlie must famous tower since that
of Babel is the Eiffel tower Iu Paris,
11 monument to (lie engineering genius
of Gustave Eiffel. The tower of Babel
was reared in the hope that It might
afford a passage to heaven, but the
builders, we are told in Genesis, were
lolled by their language being con­
Gustave Eiffel bail no such ambition
in rearing the highest edlliee the world
has ever seen. It is n tower dedicated
to science. Its rearing was one of the
greatest engineering feats ot modern
times ami was a result of experiments
undertaken to prove the greatest limit
to which metallic piers in viaducts
could lie safely pushed. It is how the
world's must celebrated wireless tele­
graph stat loti.
Eiffel tower Is 1,000 feet In height
and i; con sits ted 01 iron lattice work,
7,300 toils of iron being used in its con
st ruction. A system of elevators car
rles visitors to the tup.
Undo Sam's Uniforms.
All net of congress, approved .March
1, 1911, entitled "An act to protect the
dignity and honor of the uniform of
the United States,” provides "that
hereafter no proprietor, malinger or
employee of a theater or other public
place of entertainment or amusement
In the District of Columbia or In any
territory, the district of Alaska or In­
sular possessions of the ('lilted States
shall make or cause to be made any
dlserluiliiation against un.v liersoit law­
fully wearing the uniform of the army,
navy, revenue cutter service or mnrine
corps of the United States because of
that uniform, and any person making
or causing to be made su li discrimina­
tion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
punishable by a tine not exceeding
A Curiosity of Sound.
If when riding in a balloon nt a
height, say, of 2,000 feet a charge of
guncotton be fired electrically 100 feet
below tlie ear. the report, though really
ns loud ns a cannon, sounds no more
than a pistol shot, possibly partly owing
to the greater rarity ot the air, but
chiefly because the sound, having no
background to reflect it, simply spends
itself in the nir. Then, always and un­
der nil conditions of atmosphere, there
ensues absolute silence until the time
for the echo back from earth Inis fully
elupsed, when a deafening outburst of
thunder rises from below, rolling on
often for more than half a minute.
She Meant Well.
The Into Sir Wilfrid Lawson, the
rigid apostle of temperance, while 011
a week end visit made the acquaint­
ance of a sharp young lady of seven,
to whom on leaving he said: ’’Now.
my <l<ar. we have been talking some
time. 1 am sure you have no idea who
I inn.”
“Oil. yes. I have," the little missy
"You are the celebrated
London Graphic.
Father’s Opinion.
"What is politi al economy, dad?”
"To be perfectly can 11-1. my son. 1
can't tell you. Sometime« I think
there Isn't any such thing.”—Philadel­
phia Bulletin.
Making a Distinction.
Blinker—1 stole but $10.Lo0. and I
had the opportunity Io steal a million.
I.a 11 yer—But you didn’t. And $10.000
is a state pti-> n offense. Town Topics.
•4 *.S t” t” VS ‘‘S VS VS VS VS VS VS VS "S VS VS VS
Know Your Condition.
"S Curcful Investigations have VS
VS shown that the ph;-sieally per- VS
•S feet mini Is nlmo'-t Impossible to VS
VS find. Almost every one who Ims ‘t
-S reached the age of I bit ty lias >,’f
■'S ;oi:,e iin[iaiilneiit of defect of his VS
VS body.
"S It may lie only 11 defective VS
“S tooth or a single digestive dis- VS
vs turbnnee. or It inny be trouble VS
VS with lhe kidneys tlint will de VS
VS velo|> Into Blight's dlsen-e If it VS
"S is not utteniled to promptly.
•<S Out of 2.000 1 icn mid women VS
“S examined 7o per cent wore found VS
•'S to have Impnii incuts of 11 moie VS
VS or less serious nature, while all VS
"S the remaining 30 per cent hud VS
•'S some defects of a minor charac- VS
•$ Are yon sure you are physical VS
"S l.v perfect? If you lire not, you VS
“S laid bettor arrange for a careful VS
"S 1 -i-dlenl exni Jni'tloii Little de- VS
"S fe<ts or Impairments It neglect VS
VS ed may cause untold suffering *.S
S and I-- s Ills over them In time *.S
•S b.i having your body Inspected, vs
•iS VS VS VS IS vs VS IS VS IS ts IS ts ts « IS ts ts
— —• -, 1 ’ ’ Viff)
We de ire to tha >k our f en ! aid
11 I gill rs fo- t' Ir in in m t ■ of I ind­
itesi and s. mpathy in <*..r m-enl le-
reaveman* and for ths b. 'iui '.l floral
>ff- . ings o the mt mory f o ir hoi ved
Dr. J. A. R nte*,
Mr*. Max Vo t.
Miss. Eiiz ih
Miss Dorothy Router
.Vis Corde a 1’eutjr
Not c? of Sheriff’s S ite.
By virtue of an execution and order
of sale duly issued out of and under the
seal of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, in ai d for the Coun'y 1 f
Jackson, to me directed and dated on
the 2'1 day of February 1917. in a cer­
tain action therein, wherein Vera L.
Perkins as Plaintiff, recovered judg­
ment against Richard C. Cushing, the
defendant, for the sum of Four
Thousand Ninety-five eand 5) 100 Del­
ias, with costs and disbursements taxed
at Thirty-one Dollars, and the further
sum of Two hundred fifty and 00 100
Dollars, as attorney's fees, which
judgment was enrolled and docketed in
the Clerk’s office of said Court in said
County on the 20th day of January,
Notice io hereby given that, pur­
suant to the terms of the said execu­
tion, I will on the 6TH D YY OF
MARCH, 1917 AT 1> O’CLOCK A. M.
at the front door of tha Courthouse io
the City of Jacksonville, in Jackson
County, Oregon, offer for sale and will
sell at public auction for cash to ths
highest bidder, to satisfy sai l judg­
ment, together with the costs of this
sale, subject to redt mption as provid d
by law, all of the right, title an I in­
terest that the said defendant Richard
C. Gushing had on the 20th day of
January 1917, or no.v has in and to
the following described p-operty, situ­
ated in the County of Jackson, State
of Oregon, to-wit:
Fi 1 m a gas-i-ipe at the southwest
(SW) corner of D. I.. C. Eighty-four
(K|) in Townsiip T irty-seven (37)
South (S), ltan e Two (2) West
(W), W. M.. run West (W) on th*
South (S) line of Orchard Ilomi
Tract, thence South (S) 0 degrees
08 minutes West (W) 8 4 fee- on the
said East (E) line to a three inch
gas pipe monument; thence North
(N) 0 Degrees 03 minutes East (E)
271.6 feet to a three inch g is p p i
monument; the point of beginnii’g,
thence North (N) 0 degrees 08 min­
utes E ist (E) 730.3 feet to a three
inch gas pipe in inumentt thence
West (W) 417.5 feet; Thence South
(S) (I degrees 08 minutes East 730 3
feet; »hence East (E) 417.5 feel to a
three inch gas pipe monument, the
point of beginning, c mtaining seven
acres, more or less.
Dated this 2d day of February, 1917.
R alph G. J ennings ,
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
By L eslie W. S tansell , Deputy.
Be&lehem’s L rl on Shells
for Cue United Slates Navy
To the Amer lean People:
Thr Secret.11 y <»! lin* "\rtvy has ;iw»ir<ie I
Contracts uniuu.'iting to over $3,00 ),00')
V> ii I •. itisli hi !:! r Hr I I and I > in. h
proje. lil- K f<;r the \ i.y because of verv
niu h lower prices oileied by the l'.f>gh -J
\\ ckii »w nothing ol tlie bad . upon wh:ch
the British bi i * were lira ie, but U m pub­
lic is »Iilillcl to know the la< H upon
which we otir iuises bid foi this work.
Two years ago tve took contracts
to make 1.2'KI I t-in< h shells at a
price of 11.51.>.'/)<). l |> Io now
not a single shell lias been ac­
cepted by tlie Government, al­
though we have expended, in
wiigw, niHtrriids, etc., on these
orders $522.'':’»!. and we have not
received a
1)01 I AH on
these contracts.
In addition. » literal intarpretiition of
th.* uofitr.icl niuht rn ik io liable for
(>» nallic.’* HiiounUiM to |O78.016
In 'hr light of our experii n< «nd h«v-
fiil' no other Ini-i", w>‘ bid for 16 inch
»11*11» approximately the »nine rate per
pound h » that wliiili lie- .Navy Depart­
ment in tindly awarded a Il-inch shell
control t one year ago.
Bethlehem Steel Company
CH KS M. SCIIXV AB. Chairmnu
hl.Gl’M’iG GHA< I’-. I’r i u'
* <1
At The Churches
P resbyterian
Albert H. Gammons. Minister
Sunday Services regularly as follows:
10:00 A. M. Sabbath School Classes
for all ages.
11:00 A. M. Morning worship, with
6:15 P. M. Christian Endeav r Pray­
er meeting.
7:30 P. M. Evoning worship, with
Prayer meeting on Wednesday even­
ing at 7:30.
Everyone welcome t > thmeetings.
•‘1 w is glad when they raid unto me
et us go into the the house of the
Lord. P«. 122:i.'
Services held every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock in I. (). (). F. Hall.
Everybody welcome