The ordinance authorizing the issuance Did you see the eclipse? of $390,00) bonds for extending H e T. J. Kenny and family have moved S. O. T. Co’», road to the mines, h; s to Medford. been declared invalid by Judge lL.mi.- SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1917. James Buckley of Rueb was in town ton, in a recent decision. Wednesday. The “Hanson p’an” w is adopted Fy All work done in 1917 spot cash at a good majority at Mcdl’ord s election LOCAL NEWS W. R. Sparks. Cues lav. C. E. Galea for mayor and Walter Seidler of Bunconi was in the candidates for eouncilmen who fa­ ! A. M. Dean of Glendale is spending town this week. vor the Hanson plan, were elected. the week it this city. Oliver Harbaugh was a visitor at Talent basket ball teams played a- I The local lodge of I. O. O. F. WÌH in- Medford Wednesday. gainst the locals, at the U. S. hall, ' stall officers tonight. D. C. Vinton of Steamboat was a re- last right. Both games were won by Mrs. Ellen Grimes of Eugene visited cent visitor in tins city. the Jacksonville teams. Score of bus relatives her« Monday. Sylvester Patterson of Ashland was game was 22-11, and the girls game Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrich visited a recent visitor in this city. was 14 7. friends in Medford, Sunday. B. F. Piatt of Medtord was a business John Harms of Grants Pass tranaset- visitor in this city Tuesday. ed business in thia city Tuesday. The fog this week has been almost i WACHINGTONJ J. A. E. Percival was a business vis­ thick enough to cut with a knife. itor at. Medford Friday afternoon. H. H. Taylor of Ruch transacted rectory Our thmiKs are due Mrs. S. P. Jones business i i this city Wednesday. Town and for recent issues of several eastern pa­ •e sketch ot I Sam Jones, a miner from Salmon location, population, tele- L pers. Bar, Cai., was in town thia week. •.it; K Dr. Seely of Medford has made sev­ lad Dfre :tory, compiled by ■ W. I. McIntyre of this city was a i profession. I eral professional calls in this city re­ busines visitor at Medford Friday. IGLiC & CO., SEATTLE cently. Mrs. Martha Dunningr.on visited Prof. Rowland, leader of the Med­ friends on the Little Applegate Sun­ ford band, was a visitor in this city day. TH!'; FAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING EY THE Wednesday, Jno. G. Dunnington of this city was W. R. Coleman, who recently return­ a business visitor at Meaford Wednes­ .—SSM ed from Alaska, is visiting Fred Offen- day. GENERAL OFFICES bacher on the Applegate. Howard Hunter, of Red Bluff, Cali., D'.V YORK . .ND CHICAGO Mrs. Elizabeth Coulter was taken to was a business visitor in the valley this ............. -ri'F nniNCIPM C1TT the Sabred Heart hospital Tuesday ev­ week. ening to be treated for heart trouble. George Samuels, of Grants Pass. Mrs. Walter Miller, who has been transacted business in this city FOR visiting at the home of J, W. Rick, in nesday. this city, has gone to Hornbrook, Cal. S. K. Lane, of Redding, Cal., trans- Dr. J. W. Robinson has returned acted business in this city Wednes lay 8 Dsnnis Eucalyptus Ointment from San Francisco and is ready to I afternoon. AT AUL ORUG STORES greet his patrons at the Citv Drug H. A. Cannady, Esq., of Medford, T ubes 25c J ars 50 c Store. transacted legal business in this city Misses Pauline Greaves and Jew- Morday forenoon. /If The Churches > ell Bailey have moved to Medford, be­ When you are hungry and in Med- ing employed by the Home Telephone fore, try the nice meals served by An­ company. na Coffman and Anna Hoxie at the P resbyterian Mrs. J. L. Tracy of Minneapolis Nash Caffeteria [Adv] Albert II. Gammons. Minister Mil., is looking after her interests on Seven or eight of the men employed her ranch, The Laurels, just north of Sunday Services regularly as follows: by Mr. Bullis on the railroad grade Jacksonville. 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School Classes quit work this week because a raise in for ail ages. Mrs. Anna Broad, who has been in 11:00 A. M. Morning worship, with Coquille for some time, is visiting her wage§ was not given. The poultry show at Medford this sermon. daughter, Mrs. William Nicklaws in 6:15 P. M. Christian En.kav.r Pray­ week is said to have Jjeen a mighty Medford. Judge and Mrs. TouVelle entertained j slim affair, both in the attendance and er meeting. 7:30 P. M. Evening worship, with quite a number of young people from in number of exhibits. Medford, a few evenings ago, with a ' Mrs. Healiy, mother of Joseph and sermon. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even­ d incing party at their home. Mary Wetterer, died at her home in ing at 7:30. O.e is being hauled to this place by ■ this city, early this morning. Euneral Everyone welcome to these meeting-. f ur-horse teams, twice a week, from arrangements have not yet been an­ i “I was glad when they said unto tie the Blue Ledge mine. On their return , nounced. let us go into the the house of the trip they carry lumber and supplies. Emmett Beeson, a wellknown resid­ Lord.—Ps. 122:.'. Guv R. Harper, ex-deputy tax col­ ent of Jackson county, committed sui­ lector of Jackson county, has accepted ! cide bv shooting himself with arid >, at CHRISTI AN^SCIENCE a renumeretive position with a large his home near Talent, Monday after- eastern financial concern and will begin noon. He was afflicted with a cancer Services held every Sunday rrtorning work about Feb. 1st. He expects to from All. J. W.Robinson, M, I)., Proprietor Jacksonville Oregon Try the POST for neatly printed Butter Virappers CUPID’S QU1CF W O R K Inoculation For Love By SADIE OLCOTT By ELINOR MARSH .S'— ' \\ Intel ton wns an Inveterate Dr. Dinsmore laid scut uwu.v the last Arthur An .strong was driving lip gambler. Slip Inherited $2O,ur. Dinsmore's office, lie was nd I then nnotlier tluffisnnd and another mltted In his turn, and when the phy­ till $4,00(1 had changed hands. Then wreck and «iped away a tear. There is every reason to believe that sician hail felt Ills pulse and tested Ills lie drew live $100 bills from Ills pocket. “J thought," said Miss Wlntertop, Cupid bad sat beside the girl and temperature with a mouth thermome­ | “that you had brought back only a caused the disaster. Else why should ter lie looked very solemn. It have occutred, anil why should she ■•Sam,” lie said, “you've contracted a I few thousand dollars." "I am not yet nl the end of my pile." have been shot into Armstrong's aims, serious disease." being Just enough upset to lie there *‘Fo' de I.mvd. Mars Doctiih, Is It he replied, dealing the curds. Molineaux continued to lose steadily long enough for him to kiss her ruby g«ine to kill me?" I lips? And there is every reason to “Not unless It drives you to suicide, His adversary expected every time she believe that Cupid, having caused the i In Itself It Is not fatal, but It son.o- i made a big haul he would announce collision, bopped Into the rear seat of ■ times drives persons to do very foolidi I that lie had been fri zen out. But Ids Armstrong's ear. At any rate, every• 1 things. It will on rare occasions throw | funds seemed to hold out amazingly. thing from Unit moment was beautl- the patient Into n fever, n hysterical ! The more Miss Wiutertuii m u tlio fully arranged to hasten n union be- condition, in which he will act like a ! more excited she 11'. anie The more tween these two young persons. lunatic. You have a little of that fe .Mr Molineaux lost the cooler he ap­ peared. When Miss Wlnterton had fn the first place, it «as late In the verlshness nbout you now.” afternoon and growing dark. As soon “Lil' sakes, Mars Doctah! What yo' ' won $10,000 she was so ahsorlied In | the game that she forgot about her as lie had started Armstrong preMed call dat disease?" I opponent having only a few thou- a button to turn on his lights. No light "Amormnnia.” I sand. She played hi,Ii but Molineaux came. •‘How you know I got dnt?" higher won. "That's bail.'! he said. "The shock The doctor took down n. bottle from played They had been playing many hours must have broken the electric connec­ a shelf, put a drop of rainwater on a I when Ml s Wlnterton paused to count tion." bit of glass. [>ut the glnss on n micro if Cupid was managing the affair scope and after adjusting n focus told i her w innings She had won $20,000. "How would you like to throw a hand this was Ids most important work. No Sam to look into the Instrument. The one lint a f< ol dare run an uuto at darky saw n lot of monsters awiin- nt poker double or quits?" asked Moll- . neaux. night without lights. Another clever ! ming about Miss Winterton caught tier tirent II stroke was that Armstrong had no •‘Now. Sam." said the physician. "I skid chains, and there was a lot of don't wish to scare you, but yon are J She liad regnined the iimupnt of tier ice ou the road, which, being of as­ looking nt n drop of your own blood.” i legacy. Should she stop mid live on $1.000 or risk nil by trying to secure a phalt. was thereby made very slippery. Sam collapsed, and the doctor held sum that would satisfy her $2,000? In addition to this, the country was him up. She was under tlie influence <>f the hilly and the road full of turns. The “All diseases nowadays. Sum. re time was late In November, and with­ caused by germs. Those creatures are , giiinbllng demon. "Suppose you lose," she said doubt­ in twenty minutes after the collision the germs of nmorniiinln that have got darkness fell over the fir e of the land Into your blood. When a man falls in fully. “have you the mttn'e< go |niy?” Molln.'aux drew a certified cheek Coming to what looked through the ' love with a woman they take posses- from bis po. ket foi $25) i:o and laid it gloom as If the road suddenly ended— | sino of him and"— ' on the table. His ndveisary looked It'was n sharp turn Armstrong pulled "But I baln't In tub with any wo- | surprised. as far out of the road us lie dared and | man,” protested Saul. "I thought you were poor?" she said. stopped. "I didn't say you were. Sum; at least "Since I saw you last I have made “It'll never do to go any farther In i you don't know It. The disease hasn't this money. I have <;omc buck to"— this machine.” lie said. ' developed vet When It does you'll find He pal s d. uucertniit h ;W. to finish. “Oh dear, what shall we <1o?" I out that you are in love mid no nils- “Buck against me. Your purpose is "We must find a house. And I don’t I take. If there Is no response to your or was Io c! ;n me out, then offer to see any way but for us to stay there love you'll suffer from a sort ot lu­ (like cure of me us your wife.” and go on In the mornltp. »• nacy.” "I’ris'eeil with th" game and you will "That would be Impossible tn my **Fo' de l.nwd!” know my object. Is it double or quits?" case.” "There Is u medical theory, Sum, that She fieered Into his fai . endenviirtiig’i “Why- so?" like cures like." continued Dr. Dins­ to read what was at tin bottom M all*., After sotii- pressure the girl said more. "1 can take some of your blood this. It was inscrutable. Thau; slm that her father ami mother were and Inject it Into the veins of the i said: French The French have very atrlii woman you love"— "Double or quits It Is. Deal the gent notions ns to a girl bell g away "But 1 haln't In lub." cards." from home, unaccounted for. overnight "Yes. you are, Sam; you’re In love lie dealt In r a pall of tens ami scHt- Her life would lie blighted with a good girl. As soon ns these terIng. His own ciinls were all »cat- “We'll have to find a house, all th" monsters 1 have shown you develo|r— terIng She culled fur three curds, and snnu>" said Armstrong "Tlie rest of there's only a dozen now ; In a few lie dealt himself a new hand. Throw- It we can settle later " days there'll be a million—you'll have Ing Ids cards on the table face up. he Leaving the auto, they went back a regular attack of atnorinanla.” showed king high. Mbs WhifeftoQ over the road, having seen n light •‘What 1 do den?” cried Sam. aghast turned her cards over and sliowisl two i some distance to the rear Maybe It “Unless your passion Is returned yon tens. I.'uperturl ably as cvi Molineaux j had been [mt out. At any rate, they will act like n lunatic. They all do. pushed the «'ll i k over to her. ' didn't find It. They wandered for Now, I'll tell yon what I propose to do. It was oii '. v at the latter part of the miles before a house, darkened, loomed I cun Inject some of your blood into play that Miss Win’e ton's nttentfnir* up before them. They were In n small the holy of n nice girl. This will give had been directed Io what was going, village. Armstrong banged ut the door her the disease mid she'll love you des on between lei- mid n mill who had (lerately. Then we shall have a case [irojsiscd to her SomQbnw now sho, till a man opened it. “Got a parson In this place?" Arm of ‘like cures like.’ " forgot what he had won In his imgal* "Mars Doctah. you do dat right off.* blc object. strong asked j “Right over there In the house across said Sam. baring Ills arm "Are yon cleaned out?" she askcil. _ The next day fir Dinsmore called the street.” "Tis; I made th s m ' ;. on a Apw- The couple «ent to the parson, call Saul anil Sue together In his office qntl 1 1 . told them that they were both about you I an : ' ■ io y '* '*| |h rlilkd