Jacksonville Post John George of Watkins was in town BLS! SES > .-LI) . Electric Spit k s Obituary Illis week. J. F. Hiltson of Me Iford was at the SATURDAY, MAUCH 4, 1915 court house Monday. JONES—Floyd Jones, only child of GUS NEW M in Mr. and Mrs. M. D. .lines of this city James Henry of Yreka, Cal., was Attorney-at-Luw did : I the home of his parents on Ore­ recent v tutor in town. LOCAL NEWS Would not a good plaej for the piei- gon sire t. Tues lay, Feb. 29, ag id 1 1 Will l'raetiae in All Courts in thè Siate March came in “like a lion,” will it tists be an island in the middle of the years. go out “like a luriil ?” OREJON Pacific ocean? lie was b rn near the Sterling mine, Ross McKee of Runcorn was in town Ernest Webb of Central Poiiu wus a Diplomatists m:i»’ quibble over a word this c unity and was of a lively cheer­ I this week. visitor in town Tuesday. but nations do not, as a rule, quarrel, ful dispisition. He had bee.i affected Most Ri&my-FbvsRj Ctew BAGSHAW The circuit cour thus been in session David Glim of Central Point was at except over principles. I with heart trouble for a long time and this week. That Was Ever Pressed the court house this week. Attorney at t aw Good-by old Philippines, take keer o’ Hal been confined to Ir > bed since about Flo Thompson was a recent visitor Jan. 1st, gradually growing w> r«e un­ All work done in 1916 at W. R. yerselves’. NOTARY PUBLIC AND COWI’l INCUR Into Plugs at Medford. Spark’s must be spot cash. Thinkiii' all day Sunday of how a til the end Tuesd iv. O *i •« with Jacksonville Post. Mrs. L. Brown was a visitor at Med- Fuller.il services were hell at the We print Trespass Notices and No teller's goin* to start in and do things ford Monday. JACKSONVILLE. - OREGON Presbyterian church at 2 p. in. Wed ­ on Monday h is made many a man out Hunting, signs, at tnis office. FAVCSITE FC?: A GEHERATION E. W. Roberts of Runcorn was in nesday. Interment in the earn itery at I of a misanthrope. Attorney B. R. McCabe was a busi­ I town Tuesday. Red-blocdeil nien with real tobacco Southern anti-preparedness Congress­ this place, the pill bearers were form­ ness visitor in town Wednesday. II. K. HANNA er friends an I schoiltnates of the de hunger find that they can satisfy it only Gus Newbury was a business visitor M. A. Gray of Centialia Wash., was men are incline 1 to think it would be a ceased. l.y chewing, and the most wholesome in this city Thursday. , serious mistake for President Wilson a visitor in the valley this week. and satisfying tobacco to chew is that Ltiwyci George Thomas of Glendale was a re- i If you like this paper, drop in and¡ to leave Washington at this time. .made in i !i:g f rm. If the Mexican paaitista would only I cent visitor in this city. The limit of luxury i:: tobacco chew ­ We trust that in tha course of their subscribe. Only $1-50 per J ear. make as much noise as their Yankee ing is the rich, sweet, jr'ry li_-.er that R. W. Baldwin of the Applegate val- 1 People will read a neat printed bill, daily walks the natives of Oyster Bay brethern trickles through your ryrtent when you ley was in town this week. ' but will not look twice at a bad scrawl. are very careful not to step on the OREGON Never mind von Tr ;>itz, your’re still chew Spear Head. Colonel ’ s ear -it is so close to the Louise Ensele and Flovd Minear were No other chewing tobacco in so met- G.'orge E. Chandler of Eureka, Cal. ground. an easy hundred dead b ibies ahead of visitors at Medford Sunday. low, so luscious and so satisfying. No was a business visitor in town Tues- Count Zeppelin. other equals Spear Head Kr putting a Germany insists that the treaty of George Hoffman of Thompson creek I day. DR. T. T. SII AW Anyway, Mr. Brandéis has a choice keen edge on your appetite. was a recent visitor in town. ! Mr and Mrs. Winijm Hansen of 1828 govern the Apparn case. Thought Spear Head is mr.de of the world’s German.; rega-ded her other treaties set of enemies in the United States best tobacco leaf—the choicest ci red A. T. Hall of Gold Hill was a recent Medford were business visitors in this as just “scraps of oaoer. ” Dentist. senate Kentucky Burley. This leaf is selected business visitor in this city. city Friday. for its full, juicy richness with the It is conceded that by this time the L>ondop applause of the President’s Pearl Pankey and Harry Lewis were j J. P. Hansen of Medford was a wit- most painstaking care, is rl-mmcd by Office in Ryan Building, California St. over from Central Point Sunday. ! ness in the trial of a case in the cir- prepare iness speeches doesn’t seem groundhog should be abie to distinquish hand, is pr< ised into S < tr i c 1 lug* between the sun and electric light. quite so deafening since he advocate1* Upstairs so slowly that not a drop of the "rich, John Davis of Grants Pas3 was a 1 cuit court Friday. -----------♦<£-»---------- the biggest navy in the world. natural juice escapes. 1 JACKSONVILLE business visitor in town Tuesday. Benjamin B. Beekman left Thursday OREGON Your I r:t chew of Spear Head will Flowers For the Minister “Wilson savs country is Awake.” Mr. a-d Mrs. H. K. Hanna were vis­ j evening on a business visit to Po 'tland open your '.yes to the genuine enjoy­ Headline. Our observation has been Church service was over, and thre» ment there is in che • ing. He will remain a couple of weeks. itors at Medford Thursday afternoon. that the country is usually awake by 4 prominent members of the congrega- j Chew the rich and mellow tobacco Weather Report. A youth named McArdle who was W. W. Matney of Ruch attended the a. m. and up milkin'* the cows. tion walked home together, discussing i hat lias been ti e favorite for a third circuit court as a grand juror, Monday. beating his way on a southbound S. P. i i ; century—that’i Spear Head. In A propose of Gen. Goethals state­ the sermon. “I tell you,” said the; luc cuts, wrapped in wax paper. James Whittaker of Puyallup, Wash­ train was killed at Voorhies station Following is the report of U. S. Vo', first, enthusiastically, “ Dr. Blank can ment that the Panama Slides are at an ington s a visitor in the valley this near Medford early Sunday morning. unteer Cooperative Observer, E. Britt; certainly dive deeper into the truth I Better get your butter wrapp * end a pessimist wants to know “Which than any preacher I ever heard.” week. Jacksonville, for month of January Notice of Sheriff’s Sale printed at this office and comply Ena?” Latitude 42 deg. 18. min. north; longi­ Constable Jasten Hartman made two “Y-es” said the second man, “and First State Bank of Rogue River, tude 12.3 deg. 5 min. west. A child of five years and a babe of he can stay under longer ” trips to the Applegate country this with the law governing the sal« of Plaintiff, butter products. four months were killed in the recent week. “Yes,” said the third, “and come up vs. ! Date M aximum Minimum H. C. Foster charged with passing a I Zeppelin air raid in Paris. This, as dryer.’’—Windsor Magazine George Fall of Grants Pass attended D. T. Lawton, Millie R. Lavton, First Prcci will be readily seen greatly advances bogus check was indicted by the new tlG court in this city several days this National B ink of Medford, Oregon, 1 26 40 grand jury Monday. A man named the German cause. week. H. M. McFarland, a id E. E. Morris >•', : 2 25 42 Moore charged with immoral conduct Invisible Government Easy to credit that the President ad­ Defendants. 3 31 42 Frank Brown of Eagle Point transac­ .11 was also indicted. 42 36 dressed a “Full” audience in Milwau­ “Do you think that women ought to ted business at the court house this By virtue of an Execution an I Or­ . ' 4 5 22 34 The trolley car due at 5:20 Thursday kee. govern?’’ week. der of Sale, duly issued out of and un­ 6 38 37 .11 evening was stalled near Perrvdale on 1-------------------------------------------------- “Oh, yes,” replied Miss Cayenne. der the seal of the Circuit Court of the 7 39 31 . : g Allan Lane of Portland was transact­ account of some electrical trouble. The 37 32 “Bat don’t know whether it would al­ S’ate of Oregon, in and for the County ! 8 .45 ing business in this city first of th« passengers walked in. ;9 37 Highest quality, jewelry repan ing .47 ways be wise to call public attention of Jackson, to me directed an 1 dated 9 week. 29 .37 1<> .1.3 diamond setting, watch “A friend in need to the fact that they are doing so.” — the 28th day of February, 1916, in a 11 38 27 .0.3 Earl Ling and Dean Stacy of Med- repairing. Is a friend indeed,” Washington Star. 37 26 certain suit therein, wherein the First i 12 IS f ird visited friends in this city Sunday 35 29 Bit the friend who pays 49 State Ban ; of Rogue River, on the 26, ! 13 Martin J. Reddy evening. 31 22 05 H Is your friend always- The Quality Stole for day of February, 1916, recovered a ! 1 15 37 23 07 RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. John A. Perl of Medford was a W. R. Sparks. Reliable Goo is. judgment against the defendants I). T. 16 36 31 35 To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay business visitor in this city Wednesday 212 I'.Main St. Medford, Ore. 44 31 A new cash register has been install­ 05 Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, Lawton and Millie R La vton, an! each 1 17 f irei oon. 36 28 ! 18 and >4 oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair of them, forthesumof Four Thousand ed in the sheriff’s office this week. It 3.3 22 twice a week until it becomes the desired (14 '00.00; Dollars with interest there ; 19 F. L. Potts of Dorris, Cal., was a s of special construction and cost $535. 39 25 shade. Any druggist can pui this up or ! 20 Money to Loan business visitor in town several days It is intended to facilitate the handling you can mix it at home at very tittle cost. on from the 10th day of December 1914, ¡21 33 45 Full directions for making and use come 35 this week. 41 a the rate of 8% per annum and the 22 of tax moneys which are coming in rap­ on First Farm Mortgages, 30 in each box of Barbo Compound, it will 50 37 fl Dave Westfall, a stockman of Shasta idly. gradually darken streaked, faded gray f j’ther si m of $410.00 attorney’s fee, 23 47 38 ::0 hair, and removes dandruff, It is excel- and the further sum of $13.0) costs, ¡24 E. J. Roberson, valley Cal. was a business visitor in the 29 42 E. S. Wilson who resides just across 25 26 lent for falling hair and will make harsh which judgment was enrolled and dock- 21 34 valley this week. 26 hair soft and glossy. It will not color the the street from this office had a birth ­ 702 Title & Trust Building, '27 22 32 scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not ' eted in the Clerk’s office of said Court ¡0 A series of religious meetings have day yesterday being, 3'* years old. A 18 30 rub off Portland, Oregon. 24 ! in said County on the 26th day of Feb­ 28 be on in progress at the Presbyterian few friends sprung a surprise party on 14 29 29 ruary, 1916. 16 35 him in the evening. A very enjoyable church this week. 130 <4 ¡ In compliance with the commands of 23 37 31 4 52 Get your stationery printed at this time was had. said execution and order of sale I will Dick Gaskin left Tuesday mornmg office. Our work is guaranteed and on Mohday the 3rd day of April, Temperature—mean max. 37 93; mean for Weed, Cal., where he has secured our prices are right. 1916, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. mir. 26. 9; mean 32.41. Max. 59 on 2-3, Ira Coffman who lives on Forest employment in a logging camp. The We are receiving New and Up-to-date goods every month at the front door of the Court House in ' Minimum, 14. on 26. Greatest daily creek was arrested Monday charged early starting up of these camps indi delightful gifts suitable foe wedding, birthday or parties. Jacksonville, Jackson County, State of . range, 19. Total precipitation 4.52 with pointing a gun at one Milliard cate improvement in the lumber busi­ Oregon, offer for sale and will sell all | I inches. Greatest in 24 hours, 0.51 in , Horn and making threats against him. ness as usually the MJeed Lumber Go., Fine stationery—Box Paper 15(1 up. Embassy Lawn box >f the right, title and interest of the i on 23. Number of days with .01 does not open its camps until April 1st paper, 48 envelopes and 48 sheets paper 25^—a bargain At the hearing before Justice Dox defendants in and to the following des-1 I inch or more precipitation, 20 . clear, * Thursday it developed that the gun or later. Fine perfumery. Colgates Talcum 15^—Colgates Dental cribed real property situated in Jack- 1; partly cloudy, 5; cloudy, 25. County Judge Frank L. TouVelle and pointing was the result of an attempt Cream & Dental powder and Lilly’s Dental cream 20^ — sou County, Oregon, to-wd: 11.60 Precipitation for season, Shaving soap 5<‘ Colgates Shaving stick, powder and eream by the Horn« to ‘ butt in” on a family his bride, Miss E'izabeth Blosser of The North half of the Southwest Precipitation for last season 10.11 20jf Hohner harmonicas 25^ to $1.00. Playing cards 10c up. quarrel between Coffman and his wife. Chilicothe, Ohio, arrived Wednesday quarter (Nj£ of SW‘4); ’he Southwest ri. B ritt , Coffman was placed under bonds to and are housekeeping in the Judge’s quarter of the Southwest quarter Toilet soaps 5c cake up. You are most welcome. Come Cooperative O.iurvar elegant residence on the sloDe north of keep the peace. The Horns should al­ (SWJ4 of SW1,) the South half of the in and see our fine display of goods. so have been placed under bonds to Jackson creek. The many friends of Northeast quarter (SJ^ of NE'D the mind their own affair« and let their the genial judge welcome the newly North half of the Southeast quarter THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION wedded couple to our little city and ■on-in-law alone. (NJ-Í of SEJ4) and the Southwest quar­ ter ot the Southeast quarter (SWJ4 of OF THE NEW YORK WORLD The DeMoss entertainers gave an ex­ wish them many years of happy wed- J. W. ROBINSON, M. D., Prop., SE'i), all in and of section twenty-sev­ cellent musical entertainment in the ded life. Jacksonville, Oregon. en (27); Also the West half of the In our political column appears the High School auditorium Wednesday Southwest quarter (WX of SW‘<) of Prac ficai ly a Daily at the Pnce evening which was greatly enjoyed by announcement of Prof. G. W. Ager of Section Twenty-six (26); A'so the all present. This troupe began giving Talent, candidate for county Superin­ Northwest quarter of the Northwest ¡ t lese concerts some 40 years ago, the tendent of schools. Mr. Ager has been of a Weekly. No Other quarter (NWJ4 ot NW1,) of section | performers being the father, mother, in school work in Jackson county for thirty-five (.35); Also the Northwest' ■nd five children of the DeMoss family. the past eight years, was school super­ Newspip. r in the World quarter of the Northwest quarter (NW The troupe today contains only three visor for two years and resigned to ac­ of NW1,) of Section thirty-four of the original members. Two inter­ cept his former position as principal of Gives so Much at so (34); All of said lands being in Town- ; esting performers added to the troupe the Talent schools at an increased sal­ ship thirty-seven (37) South of Range ’ since the last visit of these people are ary. He has been unanimously reelec­ Lew a Price. One (1) East of Willamette Meridian, the little grandsi ns of the original Mr. ted to the same position, but seeks a pisition for which he has made special containing 480 acres, together with all ■nd tars. DeMoss. preparation and for which he has long the tenements, hereditaments and ap. There has never been a time wh >n a George A. Gardner, present county purtenancet, thereto belonging. newspaper was more needed in the clerk announces his candidacy for re­ aspired. All of the above described real pro­ household. The great war in Europe We have the largest, cheapest and best stock In another column of this paper ap­ election to his present position and asks perty will be sold at said time and place | has now entered its second year, with the support of republican voters at the pears the announcement of Jas, M. in Southern Oregon. Our line of Paints, Oils in the manner provided by law for the 1 no promise of an end for a long lime, primary. Mr. Gardner has filled the Cronemiller of this city as a candidate sale of real property under execution These are world shaking events, in office for the past three years and has for the republican nomination for coun­ and Varnishes is complete. Prices right. to satisfy the judgment, costs and at- which the United States, willing or un­ made good. He is courteous, painstak­ ty treasurer. Mr. Cronemiller is a life­ torney ’s fees and the accruing costs of willing, has been compelled to take a ing, careful and conscientious in the long republican and for many years We also handle Plumbing Supplies, Glass, saie. part. No intelligent persr n can ignore discharge of his duties and his integri­ has been a successful business man of Dated this 1st day of March 1916. such issues. ty and honesty is undoubted. With his this city. Prior to the election of Fred Builders’ Hardware, Window Shades, Windows W. H. SlNGLKR, Sheriff Tl.e Presidential contest also will experience in the office to aid him he Colvig as county treasurer Mr. Crone­ By E. W. W ilson , Deputy soon be at hand. Already candidates feels that he can render even better miller held the office the duties which and Doors, Edison Mazda Lamps, Garden Tools. ----------- ♦<£>♦---------- for the nomination are in the field, and service in the future than he has done he discharge I with ability and to the satisfaction of the people: the auditors in the oast County Treasurer’s 83rd Call the campaign, owing to the extraordi­ nary character of the times, will tie of John H. Carkin, senior member of who experted the books of the differ­ supreme interest. No other newspa­ For Warrants. the firm of Carkin & Taylor, of Med­ ent county officials complimented him per wid inform you with the prompt­ ford, announces hir candidacy for the several times for the excellent manner ness and cheapness of the Thrice a- office of prosecuting attorney of Jack- tn which his accounts were kept. into commodious quarters on California Street State <.f Oregon, Ciuntj of Jackson. Week edition of the New York World. ■o i county- Mr. Carkin has resided in THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD’S Treasury Department. the county sbout eight years, owns a opposite Post Office where we will be glad to Card of Thanks ranch near Centra) Point and is a heavy Jacksonville, Oregon, March 4, 1916. regular subscription pri 'e is only $1 00 We wish to thank our friends and welcome our old patrons and get acquainted Notice is hereby given that there are per year, and this pays for 156 papers. tax payer. He ia an officer in the Tax­ payers League, a prominent Mason and neighbors for their kindness and sym­ funds on hand for th« redemption of We offer this unequalled newspape with new ones. Come in and see us: you will all County Warrants which were pro­ and an Elk, w*a a representative in the pathy during the illness and death of State legislature four years ago and I our beloved son. tested before October 11th, 1911. POST JACKSONVILLE find our prices right and will receive a square Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Jones. Also for the following which were was the author of the following laws: Requiring banks to pay 2 per cent on protested on October 11th 1911, to-wit: together for one year for f2 (X) cash deal. county fund*; the Budget law, requir- Nos. 111*65, 11917, 11999. BOOT, 12248, only. Two Big Farm Deals The regular subscription price of the ing publication of proposed levies; law 12298, 12811. 12312, 12818, 12814, 1 1458, two panels is $2 50. I 11886, 12419,12390, 11902, and 12088. governing commission mirchants. and ' Albany, Or , Feb. 29—Two big real I Interest ceases on the warrants abnve other measures. He pronrses to ad­ estate deals have been closed here dur­ minister the office in favor of law and ing the past few days each invoivirg | called this 4th day of March, 1916. Joseph Wilson of Talent has filed for F red L. C olvio , order and in the interest of the taxpay­ approximately an investment of $40,- the republican nomination fur County er. 000, in farm lands near Albany, Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon. ’Clerk. City Drug & Gift Store CITY DRUC & GIFT STORE Announcement Our New Stock of Wall Paper is Here We Have Recently Moved Our Stock FREI) J. FICK, Jacksonville, Ore. I