Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, March 04, 1916, Image 1

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    U reg1'”
' copper
MARCH 4, 19ifi.
NO. ‘4
the stems are expose! to the spray.
In order to obtain proper results this
spray must be applie I thoroughly a id
Manufactures, Enterprises and $150,000 Paid for Queen of Pathologist Warns Or- in a careful manner. Eve'y l ud and ' Some Recent Happenings
twig must be covered with the sprav.
L. B. Akers an i SA'ife Are
Bronze and New Own
chardists Against Scale To determine this it will be necessary
in Various Parts of
to make an occasional examination of
Dead and M. I). Buus
Payrolls and Promot­
ers Take Posses-
Scabs, Etc.
a sprayed tree. At least a presure of
175 pounds should be maintained and
man Confisses
ing Development
'200 pounds is better. The B irdeau,
This war n spell w.1 are having is cer­
cf Oregon.
tainly very untimely as it is forming
Grants Pass, Or., Feb. 29—The sale the fruit buds about three weeks ear­ z‘ s which will g ve good result-i.
Hillsboro. Or , Feb. 23—The Merrill , Grint* I'r", Or., Feb. 21 M n.
TEST THE 1.1 »IE SULPHUR: It Milling Company expec s to st <rt the (touamsn shot : nd kill.". I I
11. Ake s
of the Queen of Bronze copper mine lier '.han norm .11. However we can do
is very c sential th it a hydrometer test
Plans now contemplate operating Wil­ was confirmed yesterday, the purchase
nothing to remedy the.-e conditions but i- m >de of the lime sulphur and dilut­ Hillsboro sawmill this weak with a and wife y esteri iy ii o n n,r, on a Io ie-
lamette Pacific trains to Coos Bay in price being $150,000, the first payment
must meet the situation in the best ing it i ceordi’ig'y. Wh re a dilution fore - of ibuut 18 or 20 hands. The i ly mountain r ad near ¡Ideivi le, ile
ot $50,090 having b.e.i made. The pro­ manner possible.
pres.mt management h is not operated r.-ral. of an old feud, Bousmun was
of 1 to 9 is desired with limo sulphur the plant heretofore, as since purchas­ tri'ten i ito euit.i iy by the the: iff Inst
A gold mill is to be erected four miles j perty belonged to the Tutts estate, of
The time is rapidly approaching when testing 32 it 'green it would be 1 to 19.5
from Redmond at Cline Falls.
ing it extensive repairs an I improve-i ev.-ning, conLsse.l the killing, in a de­
Denver, and the purchaser is John
it becomes rece. sary to apply the dor­ if the test was 33 degrees. This ap­
merits huve been m »de, ad ling miter- ta led statemen: an 1 is now in ail in
Sheridan Lumber Co. sold to Fischer Hampshire, of Twoliy Bros., and as­ mant spray. This delayed dormant
plies p.irtic ilarly to summer spraying ¡ally to its capacity and convenience. this city.
sociates. This property is located at
Buuten Lumber Co. of Springfield.
spray is very important and should be where greater dilu'ions are use 1.
The b dies of Akers and Ids wife were
Takilma, 40 miles south of thi s city,
Logs are supplied by train from the
The St. Helens Shipbuilding Co. have and is said to be one of the richest cop­ generally applied. It is not only effec­
Us • lim i sulphur 1 ta 9 when the lime Coast Range along the Tillamook road. found eight h urn later by Ja nes Be i-
und.-r construction at their shipyard 2 per properties on the Pacific ccast. Ore tive against s? de, red spider eggs, pear sulphur’ests 32 degrees Baume. A id
Extensive contracts foi ties
ties have
have »In'er, who works in a sawmill near
five-masted auxiliary power schooners has been hauled the past year fr>m this leaf blister mite and partially against nicotm /sulphate if needed for aphis,
scene of the shooting, and he noti-
been accepted.
and considerable j
the leaf roller but is also important in at the rate of 1 pint to 15) gallon* of
■ fied the officers who. when they arriv­
mine in auto trucks and shipped from !
the control of scab. Orehardists know­ the solution.
ed, about dm k last night, found one of
Portland Senator holds five lucrative this city to thesmelier. The new own­
ing that they have any of the pests
At present there is a -h irt.ige of li n •
Bousm. n’s canes near the scene. As
offices. What are offices created for ers have taken possession of the pro­ enumerated should by no means elimi­
sulphur in town. The growers are ask­
• he and his neighbors had been having
perty and a large crew will be put to
by lawmakers but to hold them?
nate this spray.
ed to only sprav the varieties which
Better Mail Service Demanded troubl-, the sheriff iinm di.itely w nt
Inman-Poulsen wotk at once to further develop the
Weere the aphis have been numer­ are ready for it and in th it way give
to Bousman’s house, suspeeti ig li ni.
plant to be rebuit within 60 days.
Marshfield, Or., Feb. 28—Quick mail Tee sheriff as'i .d h m if he knew auy-
ous the past sea on the addition of nic- all a chance to get sufficient spray to
Portland—A giant shipbuilding plant
ot: e sul) hate, one pint
to ......
15) ______
gallons cover the varieties now realy. i ) j not sirvice between Portland and Coos Bay 1 ' thing about the shooting in I U hi . in n
will be located here officials of the Wil­ Idaho’s Famous Garden Spot of the spray t solution will prove quite [ t'Pr«y the apples yet. It is prom.sed by railroad has been taken un by the | ' replied that he knew all ab ui it and
lamette Steel & Iron and the North­
effective. In the few cases where [ 'hat quantities of spray will be in very postoffice officials an I a demand is be­ , told the following story:
ing made on the Southern Pacific to ( I H > said he had gone up the road to
west Steel companies announce.
thrips are suppose I to be presentit ■ shortly.
handle the mail as soon as travel opens Akers’ phwe with the inention of kiil-
The richest agricultural section of will oartially control the young. As I
C. C. Cate
Portland—Ground broken on new
in April. The company has taken no I ing the couple when they drove’out to
Idaho lies in the valiey of Boise River the addition of the nicotine sulphate
$»00,000 auditorium.
action, but it is understood it wants | church but his heart fa ed him, de-
in the southwestern part of the state. entails added expense it is only reeco­
to wait until the road is permanently | cjBrinK’ that he cou d no' shoot a man
Portland enforcing laws against de­ ■ Herein is located the great Boise Gov­ mended to use it under the conditions
Facts About turned over from the construction to who was not armed. He hen »tarte I
clining jitney industry. Many jitneys ernment irrigation project, embracing described. The safest course to pur­ Important
the operating <1 partmen’s.
fined for violations. City proposes to '213,000
acres of exceptionally fertile sue is to examine^ the trees for aphis
Tie dawn the road and, when the Akels’
States Forest Resources
new service will bring m id here from rig caugh up with him, Mrs. Akeis
take them from congested streets end | land.
eggs on r.he young twigs of the last
Pott land in one day. It takes
gr int jitney franchises under bonds in
calle I to him to get out of t! e road.
With an expenditure of nearly $15, - seasons growth. These egg-’, will hatch
districts not having carlines.
He ill n turned around aid s.l both
If all the timber in the state was days by the Roseburg stage
000,000 the Reclamation Service h is about the same time that the buds are
h »rses, killing them, shot Mrs. Akers
sawed into boards one by twelve inches now.
Silver Falls Timber Co. to build saw­ constructed one of the greatest irriga­ opening un.
through the urea<t, liil'ing her instant­
It is unfortunate that in many or- and placed end to end they would reach
mill at Silverton at once, cost $500,000.
tion systems of the world, including chords the ground is not sufficiently f om here to a point a million miles
ly: r hot Akers through the stomach,
Yoncalla votes April 17 on $20,000
Will Build North Bink Road | and again thiough the head, sev n
the spectacular Arrowrock dam 350 ft. dried out for spraying at this time. In past the sun.
bonds for municipal water works.
Of all the people engaged in manu­
Hood River, Or., Feb. 29—Contracts : -hots being fired in all, correspondu g
high. Hundreds of miles of canals have such cases this spray will necess rily
$7500 cannery planned for Coos Bav.
been laid out through the valley two 1 have to be eliminated and a weaker so- facturing industries in the state nearly for the construction of 101. miles of with seven shells, found at the scene i f
Astoria may be home port for Orien­
I lution applied, according to the stage 50% are employed in the lumber indus- 1 th) North Bank highway in Skamania ; the shooting.
tal steamer line of all ships, assets enormous reservoirs control the flood of development of the bud*.
The only witness to the shooting i*
1 c unty will be let Saturday. The
Twelve percent of the people of Ore- stretch of road involved is the second Botism in, and the weapon used waJ a
Postage on two carloads of catalogues munity of 2,000 farm families are now rietal development of the buds, that is, gon are directly dependent upon the unit of work to be done under a bond 1 25 35 Winchester civ bine.
B iusm in has hid trouble with the
of one eastern mail order house distri­ occupying the irrigated farms.
lumber industry, No other manufac-. issue voted by the Skamania county
The State of Idaho owns apr roxi- sprav the earlier varieties first. The turir.g industry in the state employs people last year. The first unit, be­ Akers family for the past three years
buted from Salem amounted to $1780.
Howel s should oe sprayel first and in
tween Stevens >n a l ». arson, was be­ ovei; line fences and stock, sod the A -
One Astoria contractor will build 30 mately 14,000 acres of land under the 1 order follow the Anjou, Bartlett. Clair- one-tenth as many men as this one.
The annual cut of lumb-r is over 2,- gun last October and is about half . ers had complained to the county at­
ho nes this year,
vide and Bell Ut publiv auction. 'I he IgeaU, Bose. Cornice and Winter Nelis.
torney to the effect that Bousman’s
Many new cottages are being built State Land Commission at Boise is I There may be variations from this ord- 00 >,0<>0.000 feet valued at $30.000,000, [ completed. The road work to be d me
hogs were running at large. On Sat-
making a strong bid for settlers in an ! er due to peculiar location and soil con- ufactured products in thestate. Eighty < ber.
| urday the county attorney notified Bous-
Marshfield to get $7500 fruit and vege­ announcement recently issued of a pu­ I uitions but in general it will be the per cent of this is paid out for labor. I
| man to keep his hogs up. Bousman
table cannery.
blic sale of nearly 500 farms on Febru­ rule. The exact point at which to ap-
J claims that at the hist election his pre-
Over $70,00.) of outside money is each |
Locomotives and ears coming to Ore­ ary 25. Under the terms of sale pur. i ply the spray is iust as the buds are day.brought into the state by ti e lum­
Amity Postoffice Again Entered i cinct had vo ed to allow nogs to run : t
chasers will have 40 years in which to breaking in the cluster. Care must be ber industry.
gon for logging roads.
large and that he was justified in the
Eighty percent of our out-going 1 Amity, Or., March 1 —Burglars on kil'iug on that account.
Cazadero to be connected with Car­ pay, with interest at 6%. These farms ' taken not to delay too long as there
( include some of the choicest lands in will be injury to the young fruit pedi­ freight is lumber.
Sunday night entered the local postof­ The killing occurred ab»ut 9 o’clock
field by railroad.
i the valley, located in the midst of a cels or stems. Where the acreage is
fice by prying open the rear door with i Sunday morning, but the bodies were
H >od River—Farmers Irrigation Co.
well rattled agricultural community. too large to be properly accomodated timber in the United States, which wifl tools '«ken from a nearby blacksmith | not found until 5 o’clock last evening.
power site to be developed.
Interurban trolley systems connect the by the number of spray rigs on hand it
i shop, and blew open the safe door but
Leona—Mill Co. enlarging sawmill i farming districts with the numerous will be necessary to make allowance be worth, when manufactured at least, | they secured nothing for their trouble, : ' Bousman had taken a dose of poison
shortly befi.ro the sheriff arrived and
and logging plant.
cities and towns, excellent schools have and star, earlier, always keeping in
Already the revenue derived from as no money or stamps were left in the ' laid d >wn oil his bod to die when l.e
Albany Lumber Co. will cut 1,645,000 been established, and the pioneering I mind that the spray must be on before this source exceeds that from wheat, building. The 1 ist previous robbery of I was aroused by the sheriff. On the
ft in Santiam National forest.
stage is largely over.
I ' the clusters are separated so far that fiuit, vegetables, and fish combined . the postoffice was about a year ago, way to town he became sick, but. the
and the annual cut is only about 0.4% when some money was taken after ! poison did not take further effect, lie
the safe was blown open. The post- tells the story of the killin' calmly and
of the total stumpage.
Oregon timbered area is about 25.- I | office has been entered by burglars i shows no remorse. He is about 63
000,000 acres of which one-haif is pri­ periodically for the past seven or eight | years of age and has no family. Both
vately owned.
| the murdered people were about f5
The standing timber of Oregon, if
years of age and they had no children,
cut into lumber, would fill 413,000 trains
j At the coroner’s inquest this morning
of 60 cars each, or 24,8 10,000 car loads, 1‘laman Cleared of Arson charge no new facts were brought out, the
which would reach around the earth.—
Roseburg, Or., March 1—William jury charging Bousman with the kill­
O. A. C. Bulletin.
Plaman. a sewing machine agent, was ing.
cleared yesterday of the charge of ar­
son. He explained awav all the state’s Bobby Brown Wins in Moose
Foies' Notes
evidence presented, and besides had a
clear alibi for part of the charge. He
Race at Nome.
Ninety-three per cent of the lumber has been in jail since the first of the
produced in 1914 in the Northwest was year, while his family depended on
Nome, Alaska. Feb. 29 Three hun­
represented by seven species —Douglas charity.
dred dogs of the 1915 teams conteste I
firs, western yellow pine, redwood,
yesterday in the “Big Moose’’ race to
hemlock, cedar, white pine, and larch,
Solomon, 32 miles over the snow, each
Snow at Canyonville
| covering in amount 7,60u,00°,000 feet.
I driver carrying a woman on his sleigh
Of the total lumber cut in the five
Canyonville, Or., March 1 —The fine
northwestern states for 1914, Douglas weather changed yesterday „afternoon I under the terms of the race. Bobby
fir contributed four and three-quarter and it has been raining or snowing | Brown won the race and a triphy cup;
j bil ion feet, or 58 per cent of the to­ most of the tim.» since. Between here | time 2 hours 51 minutes.
I Webb was second, II. Corbin third.
and Grants Pass the snow varies from
The weather was excellent, although
The State of Washington produced one to eight inches in depth, but it
the temperature was 15 below zero.
in 1914 over three billion feet of Doug­ has turned warmer and the snow is
------- ------------
las fir or approximately Bixty-five per melting
LoKginji Concern Ships 10
cent of Douglas fir produced by the five
Northwest and Coast States.
Carloads Every Day.
C'irrying Mail by Auto
In the Government figures on lumber
cut in the Northwest for 1914, mills
Lebanon, Or. March 1 —Three autos
having an "rmual production of over 10 a-e now being used in the delivery of
Chehalis, Wash , Feb. 28 The Hill
million board feet renorted 83 percent Unite l States mail out of Lebanon- Logging comuany of Bunker, about 8
of the total lumber produced.
C. R. Loveall and John Stanard, carri­ miles southwest of Chehalis, is ship­
For the 1914 Government figures on 1 ers on star routes from here to Lacomb ping an average of 10 carloads of logs
I imber cut, 408 mills reported from j and Foster, respectively, and Byron a day to the mills on Grays Harbor.
Oregon and 512 from Washington. Nichols, rural
carrier, are using The logging concern intends to increase
From California 175 mills report«', them.
its force of workmen and its scope
from Idaho 140, and from Montana 124
of operations within the next few
mills reported.
--------- --------------
Death Ends Suffrage] Argument
Severe Storm
at Roseburg
Roseburg, March 1 —A severe storm
struck here yesterday and raged all
night. Snow fell in the mountains and
Sioux City, la.. Feb. 28-The Sioux
Houston, Tex., Feb. 28—Two men hills, while cold rains fell in the low­
argued on woman suffrage here. Af- lands Cattlemen had 12 hour’s warn­ City Service company which operates
all the street car linea in this city, to­
t -r the talk had gotten away from gen­ ing.
day announced a 10 per cent increase
eralities and the qualifications of indi-
! in the wages of its employes.
v duals were taken up, John A Kierns
Monroe wants an electric light and
was removed to a hospital with various
Roseburg Oswego cement plant lays
<<nife wounds, from which he died. A I power plant.
chargeof murder was preferred against
Prairie City Power Co. building pow­ 3 miles track from Carnes to limestone
W. R. Young,
| er line to John Day and Canyon City.
Catmaii Granted