Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, May 08, 1915, Image 4

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Through the Looking Glass.
in said will, as aforesaid, and in the
Witness the Hon. F. L. Tou Velle,
Notice of 'tank Liquidation.
If you llsteu to two uien discussing other papers, records and files of the County Judge of the above entitled
¡eastern races—the Chinese In particu­ administration of ids estate in said Court.
Notice of Voluntary Liquidation of
lar— you will Invariably hear them re­ court be removed and that plaintiffs’
Date of first publication May 1, 1915.
“Beekman's Banking House”, at
mark with that weighty tune of final­ title be quieted as to the same.
Oregon, and to Credit­
ity In which people are wont to deliver
That the plaintiff Charles Schack and
G. A. G ardner ,
ors thereof to present claims.
their obiter dicta: "The Chinaman la
County Clerk.
an enigma, an Insoluble mystery; be­ his deceased wife, Carrie Schack, be
Notice is hereby given that the unfit r-
hind his Impenetrable mask there lurks declared to be the grandchildren and
signed executors of the estate of Corm -
we know not what curious variant of re iduary leg itees and devisees intended
lius C. Beekman, deceased, have duly
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
the human race," But does It ever oc­ and named in the will of aforesaid
the written consent and au­
cur to- us that In the "barbarian’’ or , Henry Weydeman as such and that the
thority of the Superintendent of Banks
"foreign devil" the Chinaman finds a I cloud caused by the misspelling of W. A. Turner and Jennie Turner,
Flair, tiffs, of the State of Oregon, for the volun­
problem of even greater perplexity?
their names in said will as "Carria and
tary liq jidatioti of "Beekman’r Bank­
The fact that all our books begin at Charles Schock” be
removed and that
the wrong end anil that our lines are
ing House”, owned and conducted by
quieted as to tne
printed horizontally instead of verti­ I
times known as E. J. Mahan, Forest F said Cornelius C. Beekman, at .Jack­
cally Is to him overwhelming er idence I same.
sonville, Oregon, and that they will
of the topsy turvyness of our minds;
That the deed in plaintiff-’ chain of Mahan, Ethel Mahan, et al,
forthwith, pursuant to and under said
that we shake a woman by the hand I title to aforesaid property from Wil
written consent and authority, place
is, In his eyes, most unseemly, while I liarn A. Barnhill and William H. Mean,
By virtye of an execution and an or­
our dancing, with its lack of dignity j recoided in Volume 105 at page 184 of der of sale duly issued out of and und­ said bank in voluntary liquidation.
All creditors of said "Beekman’s
and stately grace, suggests to him
nothing less than a war dance of sav­ I the Deed Records of Jackson County, er the seal of the Circuit Court of the Banking House” are hereby notified to
ages. The practice of walking with a I State of Oregon, be decreed to be a State < f Oregon, and dated the 7, day presem their claims against the same
stick shows us to be In very sooth n deed absolute and to be an absolute of April, 1915, in a certain cause there ■o the undersigned, at the place of
most ferocious and uncivilized people, termination of the mortgage transact­ in wherein W. A, Turner and Jennie business of said bank, in Jacksonville,
for who would curry a stick save for ion described in the comp aint herein and Turner as plaintiffs were rendered a Oregon, for settlement and payment,
the purpose of beating Innocent folks? that the same was not given as secur­ judgment against the defendants John and all depositors thereof, having eith­
—Baltimore Sun.
ity or as a mortgage and that plaintiffs’ E. Mahan, Forest E. Mahan and Ethel i: er general or special deposits therein,
title be quieted as the the same; that it Mahan, for the sum of Seven Hundred are requested to withdraw the same
The Hurt Flower.
Somebody, n scientist. has assured be decreed that the last mentioned deed Thirty ($730.00) Dollars with interest without unnecessary delay.
Date of this notice and of the first j
us that plants are not Insensible to In­ was executed by William A. Barnhill ' thereon from the 3rd day of April 1915
per annum, and publication thereof is the 1st day of |
jury—that a flower may feel the hurt and William H. Mead, both unmarried at the rate of 10
of rough treatment Whether this Is men, and that the cloud caused by the Seventy (70.00) Dollars costs, which May, 1915.
true or not, there comes the notion that failure of said deed to recite such fact said judgment was enrolled and dock­
C arrie C. B eekman ,
It would be a blessing If everybody be removed and that plaintiffs’ title be eted in the Clerk’s office of said Court
B enjamin B. B eekman ,
had the Imagination to fancy a violet quieted as to the same.
in said County on the 3rd day of April, Executors of the Estate of Cornelius
sensitive to rough bands and the
That all claims of the defendants ad­ 1)15, and is of record in Volume 22, of
weight of a careless heel. ’Twould verse to plaintiffs’ title be determined the Citcuit Court Journal at pages f C. Btekman, deceased.
menu more gentleness In n world none
too tender toward many of the beauti­ by a decree of this court and that by 519 mid 520 thereof.
said decree it be adjudged that the de­
I am commanded by said execution
ful things of life.
Notice ot Sheriff’s Sale.
More than a century and a quarter fendants and each and all of th im have and ord< r of sale to make sale of the
Hrown, Executor of the Es-
ago Robert Burns, on turning down a no estate, interest, lien or right in or real property hereinafter described, to
mountain daisy with the plowshare, to the premises herein described or to satisfy the judgment, costs, and accru­ tate of Josephine Edmonds, Deceased.
broke Into a song typical of bis sym­ any part thereof; that each and all of ing costs of this sale. I will therefore, Plaintiff.
pathetic nature:
said defendants, designated and un­ on MONDAY, MAY 10th, 1915, at
Ernest A. Hefler, et al. Defendant.
Woe. modest, crimson tipped flower,
known, be foreyer enjoined and debar­ the hour of 10 o’clock, A. M., at the
Thou’s met me In an evil hour.
By virtue of an execution and order
These two lines are suggestive of the red from asserting any claim whatso­ front door of the Court House in Jack­ of sale duly issued out of and un-ler
seal of the Circuit Court of the
whole poem—a simple, sweet melody
sonville, Jackson County. Oregon, of­
whose dominant chord was contrition. any part thereof, adverse to plaintiffs’ fer f >r sale in 1 .vdl sell at public auc State of Oregon in an 1 for the County
This century old song Is in hnrmony and that plaihtiffs have a decree fo>- tion to the highest bid ier for cash, all of Jackson. State of Oregon, and
■with the views of the modern scientist. such other and further relief as to the right, title, interest and claim that the dated the 13th day of April, 1915, in
a certain cause therein, v h rein
The hurt flower idea is good enough court may seem equitabie.
said defendants had in and to said J. C. Brown, Executor of the Estate
to have a place in our thoughts. We
This summons is published in the
of Josephine Edmonds, Deceased, as
lose nothing when we snuggle a little Jacksonville Post, a weekly newspaper property or> the date of said mortgage Plaintiff, on the 5th day of December,
closer to nature.—Toledo Blade.
recovered a judgment against E.
printed and published and of general No. One (1) in Section 17, Township 39 1911.
Moan Suggestion.
A. Hefler end Kate Hefler his wife,
"I made Miss Oldglrl mad the other
South, Range 1 East, Willamette Mer for the sum of One Thousand Nine
of Oregon, by order of the Hon. F. M. idian, in Jackson County, Oregon.
Hundred Ninety-two and
($1992.77) Dollars with interest there­
••How so?"
Calkins, Judge of the above entitled
All of said property will be sold >it on from said Sth day of December,
"She said she would give me a few court, dated April 30, 1915, and where­ said time and place to satisfy the 1914, at the rate of 8 per cent per an­
wrinkles, and I said I didn’t care to in it is ordered that summons herein
num and One Hundred Ninety-five
take them, although I knew she hail be served upjn you by publication judgment, costs and accruing costs of ($195.00) Dollars Attorney’s fee, and
plenty to spare.”—Baltimore American. thereof in said newspaper once a week this sale.
the further sum of Thirty ($30.00)
Dated this 8th day of April, 1915.
Dollars costs, together with the accru­
for e:x consecutive weeks, and you are
ing costs of sale, which said judgment
ingled , Sheriff,
No great deed Is dono by tollererà therein ordered to appear and answer
was enrolled and docketed in the of­
By E. W, W ilson , Deputy. fice
wbo ask for certainty.—George Eliot.
of the Clerk of said Court on the
the complaint herein filed against you
Sth day of December, 1914, and is of
on or before the expiration of six
record in Volume 22 of the Circui
weeks from the date of the first publ -
Notice of Final Settlement.
Court Journal at pages 66 and67 there
cation of this summons.
I am commanded by said Execution
The date of the first publication of
in the C ircuit court of the stai e
ar.tl Order of Sale to make sale of the
this summons is May 1st. 1915, and the
hereinafter described real property to
date of the last publication and on or In the matter of the estate
satisfy the above named judgment,
before which date you are required to
attorney’s fees and costs and accruing
Public notice is hereby given that the under­ costs of this sale, I will therefore on
George Willii m Cooling and
appear and answer is June 12, 1915.
Charles Schack, Plaintiffs,
H K. H anna ,
Monday, 17th Day of May, 1915,
County. Oregon, the final account of his adminis­
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
tration of the estate of John 1). Whitehead, de­ at the hour of 10 o'clock At M. at the
Fred L. Heath, William H Mead,
ceased, and that the Court has fixed Monday the front door of the Court House in Jack­
♦ ®. -
William A. Barnhill, Carria Schock.
21th day of May. 1915. at the hour of 10 o’clock. sonville, Jackson Cou: tv, State of
Charles Schock and also, ail otherj
A.M of sait! day, at the court room of said court Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at
pe s ns or parties unkno ill claiming
Nat’ce To Creditors.
at the county court house in Jacksonville. Jack­ public auction to the highest bidtlir
any right, title estate, lien, or inter­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE sen County. State of Oregon, as the time and tor cash, subject to redemption as is
est in the real estate described in the
place for hearing objections to said account and by law provided, ad the right ti:li-
complaint herein. Det'endants.
for the settlement of said estate.
and interest of the defendants above
In the matter of the estate < f
All persons interested in sai 1 estate are hereby named, in and to the following tie
To Fred L. Heath, William H. Mead, Cornelius C. B ekman. deceased.
notified and required to make or file their objec­ scribed real prop nr!..- situ nt« d in Jack­
William A. Barnhill, Carria Schock,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned tions to said act ount on or before the time afore­ sun Countv, Oregon, to-wit:-
Charles Schock and also, all other per-
said, fixed for the hearing and settlement there­
A ii undivided one half inb
Cornelius C. Beekman, deceased, by the Coun­ of. The date of the first publication of this no­ the East half oi the S uth-W"-
Buna or parties unknown claiming any of
ty Court of th • State of Oregon. for Jackson tice is April 24, 1913.
er ai d the Southwest quai l er
right, title, estate, lien or interest in County, ami have qualiiie I a.i such.
Southwest quarter and
the real estate described in the com
Ali persons having claims against said esta <*
west quart.-r of tic
Administrator ot the estate of
plaint herein, the above named defend­
quarter of Section 14.
John D. Whitehead. Deceased.
proper vouchers and duly verified, to the under­
South Range ’ me West
signed. at the late plac • of business of said Cor­
larnette Me idian.
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE nelius C. Beckman, known as "Beekman'.Bank­
Ad of said undivklod one half in­
ing House,” in Jacksonville. Oregon, within six
terest to aiul to the alt .v. described
OF OREGON: You and each of you months from the dale of the first publication of
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE real property will t>- sold al snal time
are hereby notified that you are re- this notice.
and place it: the manner provided by
quired to appear and answer the com­ Date of this notice and of the first publication Jogeiih Martin, PlaiatifT.
law for Sheriff’s sues under ex.-cu'i-.n
thereof is May 1st. 1915.
plaint filial against you in the above
to satisfy the judgment above named
together with the attorney s
entitled court and cause on or before
Charles McGounan and Violet McGouaan
costs and accruing costs of sale.
the expiration ot the time so prescrib­
Executors of the estate of
his wife, and Lincoln McCormack aa adtninir-
VV. IL SlNGLER, Sheriff.
Cornelius C. Beekman, deceased.
ed in the order for service of sum­
trator with the Will annexed of the estate of
Bv E. W. W ilson , Deputy
Whitcomb Field, and Parker Barne» Field. Jr.
mons herein upon you bv publication,
an infant, and Btadford Sampson t ield. an
to-wit: on or before the expiration of
infant, and Parker B. Field. Henry C. Field,
six weeks fri ni the date of the first
Ellen I Field. F. Russel Fi, Id. Carolines.
publication < f thia summons, namely, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE Caliendo-, and Ellen L. Field and Phillipa
Summons for Publication.
Ketchum as Executors ami Trustees by and
on or before June 12. 1915, and if you
under the Will of Whitcomb Field, deceased.
or either of you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof the plaintiffs
In the matter of the Estate of K.
I PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that by vir­
will apply to the court for the relief Fields, deceased.
tue of a decree, judgment and order of sale duly Kenneth B. Barnett, Plaintiff,
prayed for in the complaint herein, a
Citation to heirs non r sident and made and entered in the above entitled court and
bueciiu't statement of which is as fol­ unknown.
I j cause on the 27th day of March. A. D. 1915.
lows: that a decree be entered herein
To George Beck, Will Beck, and all , wherein above named plaintiff recovered judg­
ment against above defendants hark n McGouuan
decreeing plaintiffs to be the absolute
unknown heirs of the said K. Fi. Ids. and Violet McGouaun lor the sum of Sibil.91
owners in fee simplo of the foliowing
deceased and all other persons inter- | with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent
described prop. rty. situated and being
! per annum until paid, and for the further and
eited in said estate:
ia Jackson County, State of Oregon,
In the name of th Slaty of Oregon, I additional sum of $17.72 with interest thereon at
To O. R. Chaffee and T. S. Hutch­
6 per cent per annum until paid, and for the
you are hereby required to appear
and disbursements therein taxed at $48.85 ings, the above named defendants:
The North half of the Southwest the County Court of the Slate of | coats
aiul for the further accruing costs, ami wherein
quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Oregon for Jackson County, in the it is further decreed that the deed and Kind for IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF
Southwest quarter, and the South­ Court room of the Court House of deed described in plaintiff's complaint therein js OREGON:- You and each of you are
west quarter of the Southeast quart­ said County at Jacksonville Oregon, in and constitutes a mortgage upon the hereinafter hereby notified and required to appear
described property, and wherein it is further de­ 'n the above entitled court atoi cause
er of Section ll; and the '•■••' • <••
i I Gonntv, on the 15th day of Jut e, creed that said mortgage be foreclosed and the
quarter of the N it e -• q m r
191'. it n. i'i' ’k P. M. of said day, property herein described be sol i as upon execu. , and answer the complaint of the plain­
Section 14. a I in T •
■ >l a legulir ii rm >1 it court held at that tion ami that the above named defendants and 1 tiff n >w on file therein against you,
each ami all of th on bo forever foreclosed of any 1 within six weeks from the date of the
of Rango 2 ". est . f the i... n,- t. litw. i
h . d there to show cause, ruht. title or interest therein.
.. ,ui/ you may have, why the rial Now, therefore, pursuant to said judgment. I first publication of this summons which
That deed in plaintiffs’ chain of title property belonging to said Esta'e, di v ee an<i order of sale and by virtue <>f an exe- [ i the 3rd day of April, 1915, and if
to the kforess'd property from Nicho« should not be sold and order of sale cution issued pursuant thereto by the clerk of. ‘ you fail to hppear and answer within
las Webber to Henrv Weydeman, re­ for the same should not be made forth- and under the seal of the above entitled court, of ti e time required, for want thereof
April 9th 1915. I have levied upon ami at 10 ! the plaintiff will take judgment against
corder! in Volume 6 at page .161. of the with, as in the petition of the ad­ o date
’clock A M. on the
you for the full sum of $290. and | lain-
Deed Records of Jackson County, ministrator of s.d.l Estate prayed for,
10th DAY OF MAY. 1915.
tiff’s costs herein to be taxed.
State of Oregon, be declared to have said land being situate in township 38,
at the front door ^>f the Court house at Jackson- 1
This summons is served upon you by
been executed by Nicholas Weber, an Range four West of the Willamette ville, Jackson County. State of Oregon. I will
unmarried mnn. and that the cloud Meridian, in section seven therein, sell at public suction to the highest bidder for | publication in the Jacksonville Post, a
caused bv the failure of s .id deed to and described as follows: Commenc­ cash, the following described property an I all I weekly newspaper of gei.eral circula­
right, title or interest of the aU>ve named de­ tion, published in Jackson County,
recite such fact be renn ved and plain ing at the Southwest corner of the fendants
therein, or so much thereof as may be
tills' title be quieted as tn the same.
Southwest quarte" of the N rthwest necessary to satisfy aforesaid judgment, costs , Oregon, once a week tor six consecu-
tive weeks, by order of honorable F.
Tha* the purported will of Henry quarter of said section thence running anti accruing coats, to-wtt:
W-det mnn described in the comn'nint North 14 rods, thenee East 22 and 6-7 l.ots One (D ami Two (2) in Block nu nbered M. Calkins, Judge of the above en­
Six u») of the Pierce Sub-division in Townrhln j
titled Court. said order having been
and ptoven mid admitted to probat>- in rods, thence South fourteen roils;
Thirty-seven South, of Range One West. <»f the |
he County Court of Jackson County thence west 22 and 6-7 rods to place Willamette Meridian, in Jacksou County. State tn don the 30th. day of Ji. rch, 1915.
Date of first publication, Aprd did
State of Oregon, on February 1:1. 1944, of beginning, containing two seres of Oreg- n.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon. April 9lh 1915 I
be declared to have been executed bv more or less.
W || SINGI ER Sheriff.
Henry Weydeman and tiiat the cloud Jackson County, Oregon.
Gus N ewbury .
By E. W WILSON. Deputy.
caused by the misspelling of his name I
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Change in Southern Prciiic Time
Effective January 17, 1915.
yon ?re
14 Port land Passenger ......8:20 A. M.
5:20 P.Mi
is Oregon Express.
2:17 A. M
12 Shasta Limited .
in need of
Extra fare train.
Good Printing
Trv the
13 California Express ........ 10:45 A.M.
15 San Francisco Express, i .4:00 P.M
11 Shasta Limited.............. 8:20 A.M
Extra fare train.
T rade M arks
D esigns
C opyrights & c .
Jacksonville, / Ore
Anvono »ending a sketch and description may
quickly iisecri.t.ii our opinion free whether n:i
ioveiition is probably patentable. Communie»,
lions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. <>!<!• st auoncy fur securing patents.
¡'.items taken through Munn <t Co. receive
f-utcial notice, without chargo, in the
A hnndanmoly illustrated weekly. T.argest clr-
I'lil.iti.:ii < f ni’v si ieiitlflc journal. Terms. 4 3 a
vt'tr: t >nr niiHths,
Sold by al! newsdealers,
& Co.3G4B'°adwM1ew York
Branch Office. (¡23 F St.. Washington. D. C.
get POLK’S
Business Directory
A Directory of each City, Town and
Village, giving descriptive sketch of
each place, location, population, tele­
graph, shipping and banking point;
nlco Classified Directory, compiled by
business and profession.
u por i; & co..
Is Going On and
Shrewd buyers will invest in Jacksonville
property and prepare for the raise which is
sure to come.
We can offer you a few bargains at prices
which will yield a handsome profit in the near
future. Get busy, at once.
OFFICE: Bank of Jack­
sonville Bldg. Upstairs
Jacksonville, Ore
, nevi » s*> orna atw) «u
' r •»>'
>' -*rjja»
All kinds of soft and hard wood.
Tier or cordwood lengths. Prices
moderate and delivery prompt.