Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, May 01, 1915, Image 1

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MAY 1, 1915
Manufactures, Enterprises and Blackfeet Indians From Mon- Governor Advises Cleanup,
Failing to Find Minister at Southern Oregon Lodges Held Plans To Pension Retired Melh-
iana- Luther Buibank
Improvem (ns
odist Preachers,
Painlup, Week. Cement
Home Knot is Tied
Joint Celebration at This
W'idsow and Orphans
Worts to be Compie’-
Under an Oak
City. Ninety-sixth An­
Are Being Made.
ed. Livestock show
Portland, Apr. 28—Sixteen of the
niversary of the
of Oregon
most picturesque Indians of Blackfeet I
to be Held at Un-
who make tlteir home in Glac’er
h m *
Chicago, April 27 Plans to raise a
Getting m” Tried under difficulties
ion in 'une.
$10,00(1,01)0 fund to provide pensions for
Eugene cannery has $4003 aiVante« ; tana, will come to Portland for the
was the lot of D. E. Adams and Miss
retired Methodist ministers their wid­ order for vegetables.
Ro.»* Festival as the guests of Louis
Bertha Noe of Indianapolis, who were
ows and orphans were outlined at a na­
Eddyville —Mobair pool 22,000 lbs. W. Hilf, president of the Great North­
united for life Wednesday noon, by
Portland, Ore., April 27, (Special) —
Monday, April 26, the Odd Fellows, tional convention of bishops and con­ sold for 32 C cents.
ern Ry. Mr. Hill has sent the Glacier Governor Withycombe has advised that
Rev. Coslet of Jacksonville under an
oak tree along the side of the Jackson­ and Rebekah Lodges of Jackson Coun­ dist Episcopal ehu'fh which opened | Powers will build $18,000 school Park Indians on many trips over the the entire state devote the period of
ty held a joint Celebration at this city,
United States the last two years to call Maj’ 4-11, inclusive, to thecleaning and
ville-Medford road.
here today.
attention to the new national plaj- painting up ot unsightly back yards
The couple had journeyed to Jackson­ that day being the ninety-siXth anni-
ville to procure a license, and resolved veisary of the founding of the order at Chi 'ag i Homo Missionary and Church i steel bridge at Lebanon. It will pro- ; ground, and other scenic wonders of and buildings. Mayor Albee has desig­
to have the marriage ceremony per­ Baltimore, Md., April 26, 1819.
bably send the money to Pittsburg in­ Montana, Oregon and Washington with nated the same dates for the same
Delegations were present from the Extension society said provision for old | stead of using its own timber.
a view to attracting tourist travel to work in Portland, and to insure that
formed in that city, but a visit to the
age was a great, mi dem humanitarian
the Pacific Northwest.
residence of the clergyman revealed lodges at Ashlandi Central Point; Gold
the work is done, and well done, the
movement and that the church owed
Klamath Falls Daily Northwestern
His efforts have been most success­ Portland Chamber of Commerce has
the fact that he was absent, but was Hill, Medford, Talent and Woodville; its retired ministers a debt it could I
Progressive suspends. Will appear as ful and last year more than 30,000 peo­
expected back soon. Then followed ' »s well as visiting brothers and sisters
appointed a committee from among its
never repay.
ple visited Glacier National Park. most energetic members to organize
repeated visits to the parsonage with from othir lodges, now residing in the
The pension plan includes the estab­
Western Union Tel. Co. installing Many were prevailed upon to continue
no results and the Couple began tn get Valley;
lishment of a retired annuity based on substations on Oregon Electric sys- their journey to include Seattle. Spo­ the different sections of the city into
discouraged so they finally decided to
effective units and exercise a general
It had been Intended to hold the re­
kane, Portland and Tacoma, and many supervision over the work.
find Judge TouVe'le and have him per­ union in the grove, but owing to the years of service.
Allegany—Telephono line to Loon interesting side trips from these cities.
form the ceremony. But a visit to his dampness of the ground due to the re­
It is almost certain that the present
----------------- •
Mr. Hill believed that the presence of ' year will see a greater movement of
Lake will be built.
office found that he was also absent. cent rain it was decided to meet in
This was about enough to completely Orth’s hall, which was secured for the Oregon & California Land ó Tant
Glendale is promoting a fruit drying these handsome Red men, with their tourists and visitors to Portland, and
women folks and children all in war to al! other sections of Oregon, than
discourage any ordinary person but it purpose. The early part of the - day
and canning plant.
and feathers, would serve to during any year since the Lewis and
seemed to only act as an incentive for was spent in greeting old friend« and
is Heard by Higher Court.
Enterprise—Mtty 1, Eastern Oregon ¡
make people in all walks of life ask Clark.Fair, and a concerted a’'d per­
Mr. Adams. He loaded his bride-to-be getting acquainted with new one«. At
Lumber Co. starts building 2-band saw I
questions. It did with the result that sistent campaign should be carried on
in a car and started for Medford, de­ noon an excellent repast was served iti
thousands of tourists who have been in
termined that out of the horde of min­ the open air upon tables erected for
Washington. April 27—Oral argu­ Llnnton—Cl irk-Wilson Lumber Co. Oregon and Washington the last two to make city and state cl “aner and
isters in Medford he would find one the purpose. The 1 epast was in fact
more attractive than any other secticn
ment tn the Oreg in & California rail­ erects warehouse
years w’ev»» attracted to the Northwest of the Northwest. California and
who would be home and who could tie a regular picnic dinner of which each
road land case continued before the su*
Halfway —cheese and butter factory by the unique* publicity methods of Mr. Washington have been wielding pnint-
the knot. But on the way the Rev. furnished a part and was hugely en-
pre me court yesterday. P. F. Dunne star's Mdy 1>
Hill in his work of exploiting Glacier brlwh ulld rake for a |ong tjnie, UI1d it
Coslet was met and by the reqdest of j iyed by those partaking.
resumed his arguments on behalf of
the happy couple, the ceremony was
Abolishinging the hanging industry National Park.
only remains for Oregon to get into
The program consisted of music, ad­ the railroad company, contending
performed right on the spot, under a { dresses, etc, and was entertaining and
line and m ike it three of a kind.
that all it has done has been open
oak tree by the road. The witnesses instructive The Medford band played
•their tepees near the Festival Center, 1 A movement has been started fi r
and above board, and that the govern­ tffiior »nd (he other fellows.
to the ceremony were R. L. Cook and I a number of selections in a very cred-
Green trading stnmi s tax law to be hold daily receptions, take part in the tbl, completiOn of the works of the
ment ha.l ample notice and oppor-
Ci. F. Tomlinson of Gold Hill, and the i table manner and added cohsiderably
tunity to observe nil that was going taken into courts by 8tiirt*p syndicate. parades and give an exact reproduction Portland Cement Co. at Oswego, which
chauffeur; The couple will make to the enjoyment of the occasion.
cln. He was followed by John Mills
Many counti/s turning dowii farm of the primitive life of the Blackfeet has been, at a standstill for nearly 3
their home in Gold Hill leaving for
before their reservation in the Montana years The buildings are ready for lhe
After the close of the exercises at Day of Seattle, Who said he represent­ management experts.
that town last evening.—Tribune
Rockies Wa» taken for a Nations. nlachinery and the materials are at
the hall a parade was had to the ball ed 6033 would-be settlers who Wanted
Tillamook -Collier &
hand from which to make a high grade
park where an impromptu baseball to go on the land and who had tender­ dredge starts work on dyking con- park.
Luther Burbank, plant wizard of of cement, it is stated that recent
game was staged. After the ball game ed the statutory price and it had been tract.
California, may come to Portland at sa'es of stock have been made amount­
Nome to Vole on Prohibition a number of the younger members re­ refused.
If the state tax Commission keeps on one of the judges of the floral display
turned to the hall where a social dance
‘‘We contend,” said he, “that we do taxing things there will bo nothing free at the festival cehter. The festival ing to over $300,003 and that the com-
j pany has $50,000 on deposit. If the
was held until train time when most of not have to take the law into our hands bill salyat->n.—Ln Grnnde Evening Ob­
governors will invite Burbank to Port­ ’ plant is put into operation it will be
Nome, Alaska, April 27—U. S. Dis­
land ae a special guest. If he accepts the only cement mill between Belling­
trict Judge Tucker today called a spe­ pleased with the Order, Jacksonville under the iaw.”
the invitation he will be asked to de­ ham, Wash., and points in California.
cial election in l^Iome for May 5 to vote and the world generally.
Justice Pitney wanted to know wheth yond the reach of our La Grande broth- liver lecture’s on Rose culture in con­
On June 2, 3 and 4 a great livestock
Ninety-six years ago the first Odd er if ‘‘dummies” were employed to i ere — WcstohLeader.
on whether Nome shall continue to li­
nection with the annual rose show at I show will be held at Union at which
cense saloons. Petitions requesting .Fellows lodge was organised at the secure title to tracts w th a view to
Portland4o Llnnton railroad tobe the Armory.
not only the Grande Ron ie Valley will
the ^election were presented to the i city cf Baltimore, with five members: conveying their holdings biter to
- ——
costing $80,000,
j be represented, but all other parts ot
court by the “drv” forces, who are [ today the membership of the men,s common o—nefship, there was any­
; the state. Profiting by experience
Owing to new seamau*S act passed
Canada’s Railwtys
waging a vigorous campaign. Women I lodges totals more than two and one- thing in the law to protect the compa­
I gained during the past six years, tl e
by Congress requiring union crew«, Pa­
may vote in Alaska and much atten­ i quarter millions (2,250,000) and the Re­ ny.
I tn m ig "inent is confident that the 1915
tion is being given their attitude by bekah lodges have 900,00*1 members.
“But the courts of equity would pro­ cific Mail steamship line from Frisco
Had not the War seiiously unsettled show will bo by far the best ever held
both sides as it is believed thtjir votes They have built homes for the aged, tect it,” said Day. He asserted that to Orient is forced to unit.
will be an important factor in decid­ the widows and the orphans of their the go >d faith of the intervenors was
O. W. R. &'N. C o . spends $10,000 on industry and trade throughout Canada, ■ in that part of Oregon.
the Dominion would have developed in The international Dry Farming Con­
issue. Nome, which is the 1 members throughout the land.
admitted bvth by she railroad company Ainsworth dock.
1915 i* trunk line railway mileage of
metropolis of the Bering sea region,
and the gnvernment. Pitney had in
Baker—John Waterman will erect approximately 40,000 miles, including, gress w! 11 hold its annual meeting in
. Denver from September 27 to October
has a winter population of 2500 which
mind possibilities that a thousand or brick block at Center and First.
Get your stationery printed at
of course, dll subsidiary or contracted 9. The program will be of unusual
grows iu summer when navigation is office. Our work is guaranteed
more “dummies” might be used in this
Burns —new metallic toll telephone lines and lin«*s running though Ameri­
importance and interest and farmers
open, to more than 5000.
our prices are right.
line going in to Rivirton.
can territory. This would have placed in the semi-arid sections of Oregon
Springfield proposing a union high the country second to no other in the should make a soecial effort to be pres­
world in railway standing. The com­
Eugene asked to enact a $2.25 eight- pletion of the Grand Trunk-Pacific sys­
hour minimum wage law when con­ tem has been retarded. The line ex­
tending westward from Winnipeg to Packing Plant Will be Built
tractors are offering $1.60.
The ciffcteris-grocery is growing in the Pacific terminus at Prince Rupert,
Klamath Falls. Or. April 27-The
B. C., has been in operation Winni-
Packing Co. is the latest man­
for some months, but the line from
Molalla municipal water plant lacks peg t> Maicton, N. B. the term­ ufacturing enterprise to enter the lo­
$100 a month of meeting expenses.
inus on the Atlantic, is not yet com­ cal field and tomorrow the concern
Mabel —Court Lumber Co. with pay­ pleted. an 1 the funds for its comple­ will Htart the erection of a slaughter
roll $16.900 a month starts this week. tion, under present circumstances may I house and packing plant, which will
supply fresh and prepared pork and
President Griffith of the P. R. L. & not soon be available. Many expecta­
| beef for Southern Oregon and North-
P. Co. announces extension of line 18 tions founded on its opening up rich
territories in Ontario and Qu"bec will | cm California trade. The plant is to be
mi.es to big timber.
be disappointed for a while.—Scientific I built just outs’de the city limits at th«.
Molalla will build new city hall.
I hottest spring in the county, and the
1 water from this be used tn the plant.
Eugene merchants agree to handle
---------- ----------------
The buildings will cost about $15,-
products of Eugene broom factory.
“Nationally Advertised"
: 000.
Siuslaw Commission is authorized to
is ue $100,000 impovement bonds, as
That is the phrase by which eastern I
Reii forced by Troops
r ¡suit of a test case.
manufacturers are placing their pro- !
Galveston, Tex , April 27 lhe U. >.
Under new state law income from ducts on the Pacific Coast.
army transport Buford, which arrived
Notary fees increase 1 $4500.
Their wares are advertised on the ; in Galveston early in April wdl depslt
Klamath Falls - H. U Edmonds Lum­ bill boards, in the magazines and a few
for the Panama Canal Zone tomorrow.
ber Co. will build mill,
metropolitan papers.
ambulance company N .
She will cut rrv
The merchants are loaded up with 8, wi'h a full garrisor n and field equip-
Eufiene has in-tailed 25 new fire hy­
imported merchandise on the strength ment and 18b recruits, The ambulance
an ad in the Saturday Evenit ir Post. company and recruits will be used in
P. E. & E. Re. has put on onnstruc-
The other dav at Salem a motor car strengthening the garrisons iu the Cu-
tion crews to make betterments.
dealer worked half a day to drive a nal Z >ne.
P. S. We have Bacon as low as 15 cents per
Mt. Angel Tribune is a r.ew paper.
new car up the State House steps. He
pound, and are selling a 2 1-2 lb can of New
E. D. Alexander has launched the literally tore the tires off the beauti­
At The Churches
Stayton Standard.
ful new machine trying to do an impos
Pears for 10 cents
sible stunt for publicity. All he was
working for was free adverti mg bj
Horse-power of a Rainfall
the press and bv lhe camera. He run
at 10
chance of ruining a $2000 car to ticcom-
I sh what might have been better done
F< w people r^aHze the energ’V in a in the state press f >r half the price
I an I
f JI of rain. On the evenintr of Octo- and nodestiu tion of property.
■*nr 9. 1914, thpre fell at Kansas Citv.
*n t .vn horns 179 inches of rain.
Tiinr this rain covered an area 4
Convi “s to Build Roads
The Pioneer Store
Jacksonville, Ore.
square, or 16 miles and that it
fell fr >m an altitude of 6,900 ft. the
Sacrern ento, < al , April 27 Cover.
enorLry represent« I was about 6 390,-
» horse-p« wer hours. Were this con­ • ir J ihnston signed today the Meek
verted into electrical energy without convict labor bill, permitting prisoner-
the usual losses it would amount to of the state penite itiari •» to build ‘
nearly 4,700,009 kilowatt-hours. At 10 highways. A statement was issued by
............ ... in ... which
Services held everv Sunday morning
he said that ap-
cents rer kilowatt-hour, this energy the . governor
would cost $470,000.-Scientific Ameri­ prehension that free labor will be af-1 at 11 o’clock in I. O.O. F. Hall,
j fected is groundless................................. t Everybody welcome.
Order, Mon-
We have a complete stock
of Shoes to fit the whole family
Come in and take a look
at our new Elk hide
for Summer
Lewis Ulrich