Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, March 13, 1915, Image 1

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    let y
f tV Hull
. •
Manufactures Enterprises and
Payrolls and Promot­
ing Development
df Oregon
State has ordered 6"0 bu. seed to es­
tablish flax industry at State prison.
La Grande—Mar. 5 Made-in-Union
County banquet attended by 500.
St. Helens—McCormack mill have
contract for 11,000,000 feet ties.
O. W. R. & N. and Union Pacific is
placing orders for lumber.
On Portland city contracts Oswego
Iron Works get $128,415 cast iron pipe
and Smith and Watson $2750 for fit­
Fast side, Portland, Masonic lodges
toil) ebett tethpld;
Baker Cotihty placer "fining resum­
ing earlier than usual.
Marshfield black sand tests $3 a ton
in gold and 32f platinum.
Portland good roads boosters would
initiate $1,000,000 bond issue.
Astoria —Mar. 10, excursions meet
Steamer Gteat Northern at Flavel
... Agtlsnd —rf; , Herjyy ..Will erect
$30,000 residence on Cornell road.
i The Dalles —Knights Pythias to erect
four-story concrete lodga building.
O. W. R. & N. Co. will spend $.700,-
000 on tracks and viaducts at Port­
Crown Point, 22 miles from Portland
on Columbia highway to have $10,000
Chalet inn.
May 3 to 8 will be locks opening
week for Calilo and Oregon City ca-
lndepehderice—twd miles hard sur­
face road built north;
Jennie Strong and Mrs R. L. L. Ftart
conducting sawmill at Peoria.
Sutherlin—Coles Valley electric rail­
road being promoted.
J. B. Howell and J. W. Stevenson
are making violins at Glendale.
Polk County treasurer
$1500 to #750,
salary cut
B. A. McLirath erects $40,odo apart-
ftlent at t’brilahd.
Gottschalk & Frey erecting 30,000
capacity sawmill at Forest Grove.
Stayton—John Thomas builds
law of the case, backed by short argu­
ments in support of their requests.
Prosecutor Kelley then made his pre­
liminary address to the jury, briefly New Board Organized Tuesda\
summing up the case as it appeared
ftom his standpoint This address oc­
Evening. Appoiits Mar­
Grinding Silica at Terrabonne is a
cupied about thirty-five minutes.
new industry.
shal and Water Sup­
Mr. Reames followed with his argu­
Legislature evidently thought Ore­
ment for the defense, one of the most
gon needs rtlore roads and less scenic
powerful and logical addresses ever de­
livered in this court. The counsel re­
Attorney Ap­
viewed the evidence, pointing out
Rains and snows ensure good crops
for central Oregon.
w itnesses for the state The contra­
Organised lapor has established a
dictory accounts of alleged threats of
national union-label mail order house.
Martin, as recited by the members of | The new cltv council met Tuesday
Ship building plants on the coast are
(Conttmiad from Last Week)
1 garding the shooting and futth**r stat­ the Poole family, were referred to in evening for the purpose of organizing
rushed with orders for new vessels.
Saturday, a host of “character wit--! ed that the “safety” was on Hub­ scathing terms as an attempt to swear the new Board and appointing th« sub-
Fox sawmill at Noti has resumed op­ , nesses” were introduced by fig de ; bard's gun when tound. He also stat- an innocent man into the penitentiary. | ordinate officers.
Present- Mayor
| Lnse to prove that prior to this trage-■
‘hat Martin had surrendered peace- The testimony of Mr. Irwin was shown [ Britt, Councilmen Norris and Prim.
to have been contradictory and de­ I Councilmen-elect Florey and Neil. Re-
Central Point has organized $100,0h0 dy the reputation of the defend- , ably and Willingly.
meat packing company.
law I Frank Milief <•’«$ Win. Shultz testi- J nounced by the speaker as false, at . corder-elect Stansell and Treasurer-
ant had been good as »
i elect Cronemiller, being present were
Hubbard’s' least in part.
witnesses I fled as to the positioil
Portland flouring mills will erect $20,- abiding citizen.
000 WafehotisC.
were wellknown men of good repute, hands, both stating ihattherlght hand j Both in beginning and close of his j inducted into their present offices.
The appointment of subordinate iflfi-
first finger extended address, Mr. Reames declared that the
was bare, the
Frank Schmitt planing mill will erect whose motives cannot be questioned.
i_ _ three
. l ----- fingers
------- crooked.
----- 1. a I tragedy
. was in a _
with the other
great t measure due I cers was the princip il business of the
large new plant at Portland.
ty all their lives and m6St of them The Witness illustrated to the jury the to the activity of certain “gossips,” ' meeting: for Marshal, M. Webber was
Malheur—Worsham & Herrick buy
have known Martin from ten to thirty I position of the fingers, as though gras­ who under the guise of pretended appo nted at a salary of $50.00 per
Flynn sawmill to cut mining timbers.
friendship, peddled to the deceased and month, he having tendered a proposi­
years. Among those called were Judge ping' Bottle object.
Lakeport has a gravity water sys­ Neil, W. T. Grieve, Tom Nichols, A.
Monday mortiirig a$ nine o’clock the to Martin, accounts of pretended con- tion that he would serve at that price.
tem from Clear Lake.
No other bids for Marshal wer« pre­
J, Florey, Rev. J. McDonald, Jasper trial was resumed, the defense placed versations had with the other party,
Eastern Oregon expects big grain Hanna, I. W. Bigham, Ed Ash, R. tha defendant Martin on the stand. In 1 jn which alleged threats, and vaiious sented. For Water Superintendent.
and fruit crops.
Johnson, Jess Ragsdale, Simpson Wil­ response to questions of counsel he? disparaging remarks were alleged to Sexton, & Street Commissioner, Joe
Ashland has substantial improve- son, H. Kilburn, Mark Applegate ai <1 I briefly detailed the circumstances of have been made. He also pointed out Norris was appointed at a salary of
Harry Young, vho with a Hurtiber of the shooting. He stated that Hub­ to the jury that no evidence had been $30.00 per month and additional pav of
ments under way.
stated that the reputation of bard as he throW himself out of the introduced to show that Hubbard was $2 50 per day when working on the
Nibley-Minnaugh sawmill,
the defendant in the community in saddle, grasped the left lapel of his trying to make an arrest and that ii streets. Chris Ulrich bid forthe same
running with full crew.
coat with the left hand, at the sam« be had been attempting to arrest Mar­ position, excepting the cemetery work,
which he lived was good.
Coquille—rivet channel to be dredged
it _____
was without any right
to do ‘o; at $25.00 per month- No appointment
Jess Ragsdale, “the tall sycamore of time reaching inside the cd»t on the I tin,
to uniform depth of 10 feet.
Trail creek,” and Harry Young, each left side with his right hand, jerking t|,at ¡rwin, the principal witness foi of City Attorney was made. Mayor
Astoria orders three districts of testified that they bad hunted with the arm three or four times as though
atate had testified that he (Irwin) Britt then appointed the standing com­
streets hard-surfaced.
j know what Hubbard had com, mittees for the year after which coun­
Martin and had often seed him shoot­
Eugene conducting survey of home ing at game and at a mark; that he der the coat; that the hand suddenly up Trail creek, for and that when at cil adjourned.
The meeting was harmonious, the
The tacked by Hubbard without warning,
was a crack shot with a rifle; that he appeared with the pistol in it. The;
Salem—Three Justices of Supreme was not known as a h’p shooter, but witness then fired. W itriess stated Martin had good right to defend him- organization of the board and the ap­
when HuBbavd*# self. Court then took a recess unti pointment of officers was effected with
Court will build new homes.
always tired the rifle from his Shoul­ emphatically that
out friction, the new Board starting
hand Came out from under the coat, fiine o’clock next morning.
St. Helens fruit and prodiF'e cannery der.
Kelly | out under very favorable auspices
“it cam? quick” »nd that he believed
ready for operation.
that Hubbard would have yb»t him if made the closfbg address for the state which the citizens hope will be contin-
Potato growers problems now solved Trail school corroborated th» testimo­ he hud not fired first. On cross eillfti-
«»copying a period of about one houv | ued.
by starting a starch factory on paper.
and twenty minutes, he flayed the wit­
win had said in her presence that Hub­
Good sign for Oregon—dairy pro-
bard had been “too hasty.” E. W. to contradict "¡‘5 former statements nesses for the defense declaring that ,
lucts increasing in lanuary.
I Wilson testified that Irwin told him but failed in the attempt. It’ response much of the testimony was false, sing
Bridge to be built over not th fork of that Hubbard had a gun and tried to to a question by Kelly, Martin denied ling out George Wicks In particular. .
Siuslaw between Acme and Florence. use it but it stuck in the holster. Wil- having made threats against Hubbard as one Who believed in leaping heao
- ?........ --------------- ---
sdn WaS asked to put on Hubbard’s in presence of Mrs. Van Dyke or any­ and shoulders Into the sea of perjury, i
one else. Defens« rests.
He scored the sheriff', office, flaying i Rose Fes’/vil Publicity Greater
At The Churches
Prosecutor Kelly thn placed Mrs. Deputy Wilson in great shape, accus- ,
i that if the coat was buttoned as it»t-
Than Ever Before. Jersey
i ed by a witness for the State, the bul Hubbard, Widow of the dead game ing him of assisting the defense and I
Sunday School every Sunday at 10 1 let holes vould n_>t match. Attorney
Cattle to be Sold at
certain papers, claimed to be copies of were unfair, etc. In dosing he de­
o’clock W. G. Caudill Supt. Public I Kelley and the witness had a sharp
report« sent to the state game warden ■ c| irfcd that th« tragedy was murder '
Auction, At Inde­
worship at 11 a. m. each second and i verbal encounter about an interview rfntf which papers Mr. Kelly wished to ! ,in(j shou|d be so Consid«r«d by the I
fourth Sunday of the month and at near the Nash hotel in Mcdtord regard­
introduce in e$id*ne’e< hopin'* thereby jury.
7:30 every Sunday evening,
Class ing discrepencies in Irwin’s testimony
to discredit the testirtidn'y nf Certain
At the conclusion of Mr Kelly • re- I
meeting every flrst and third Sunday at the inquest witti what he had told
witnesses for the defense, Uoofi the marks, judge Calkins, in a well modtl- |
11 a. m. H. 0. Gallup leader. Pray­ the deputy shortly after the shooting,
objection of Mr. Reames the court lated ♦»tee, delivered his charge to the j
er meeting Thursday evening at 7<3v Kelly demanding why Wilson had not
Portland. Ore., Mar. 9. (Special)
ruled that papers were not adressable jory, reading it mostly from typewrit- ■
the public iS invited to attend theSe
Believing tl at the ecming summer will
told hirrt of it, to which the Witness re­ in their present form; thereupon Mr. ten manuscript. Th# delivery of the
services. A. Cdslet Bkstor
I wee a greater movement of tourists
plied “I trie ! to tell you, bnt ¥on got Kelly stated that he had telegraphed charge, which was impressive, occu- | front the East and Middle West to­
C hristian science
Services held every Sunday morning mad and would not listen to me.”
ward the Pacific Coast than ever be­
when he arrived he would again try to lawyers present who had heard all the j
at 11 o’clock in I. 0; O. F: Hall.
fore, the management of the Portland
Sheriff Singler related the same stj-
have the papers introduced. Thia he testimony during the trial, expressed !
Everybody welcome.
ry about what Irwin had told them re­ tried after Mr. Finley’s arrival and the opinion that the charge was emi- I Rose Festival is conducting an unusual
and so far successful campaign to ad
nen ly *air and Impartial and that it i
again failed.
vertise the coming event. Individu 1
Constable Irwin was called in rebut­ covered all the different phases of the publications, as well as several news­
tal and U id lit rt visit to the scene last case.
paper syndicates in the East have ask­
The jury retired in charge of the ed for articles and photographs des­
Sunday and the taking Of photographs
by E. D. Weston of Medford, hd also court bailiff, returning in about four j criptive of Portland and its roses,
testified that Martin wore rubber boots hours With the verdict, “Not Guilty.” western publications of all classes are
When the verdict Was announced the carrying similar stories, trade papers
on the day of the shooting.
Mrs. T. C. Gains was called to im- spectators clapped their bands spon­ are falling into line, and everything
peach the testimony of Mrs. Daw re- taneously, so great was the tsnsionjin- indicates that the corning Festival will
garding h win's flrst statement of the der which they had been placed, The receive an unusual amount of publici­
tragedy, but as the attorney for the court reprimanded the audience for
state had not laid a proper foundation this demonstration and ordered the , ty-“The whole city of Portland is being
for impeachment the witness was not room cleared, later mollifying the ord- , organized back of the Festival com­
allowed to testify. Another witness er so as to allow those not joining in , mittee in a vast publicity campaign
Mrs. VanDyke, called by the slate, the demonstration to remain. 1 he j said Lloyd McDowell who has charge
demonstration was spontaneous and of this work, and special efforts are
was dismissed for a similar reason.
Mr. Weston the photographer was was evidently i ot made with any in- i I being made io carry the publicity into
i called and expl lined the photographs tent t* show disrespect to the court. the East nr it was never carried be-
, taken Sunday, alm >st three months af- Mr. Reames, counsel for the defend- j ' fore. We .re working an unusually
1 ter the shooting, talked a lot about ' ant was present when the verdict was , I large field with great energy. We aim
; the (nip not showing the proper posi- | I returned but Mr. Kelly was absent. ! i to establish the truth of our slogan,
I tion of the bu-h under which the pis- 1 The court ordered the verdict entered. 1 that ’The Whole World Knows The
I tol of Hubbard was found, perhaps not | dismissed the jury and ordered that
j Portland Rose.' ”
| aware that a number of witnesses had I the defendant be discharged from furth-
At Independence, on May 12, about
| testified that the log was moved at the ' er custody. Thus ended one thehardest
I 150 head of J rs y cattle, many of
time deputy Wilson brought away the fought legal battles in the recent his­
them regis'er d, will be sokl at auc­
tory of Jackson county and one which
I bush.
tion. The sale is to be held under the
The testimony of the large number was attended and followed through
auspices of the Polk County Jersey
of witnesses examined, showed plainly
I at least two things, viz: first —that a tion of a large crowd ot spectators Breeders Associate m.
Ari event of gr eat interest, not on y
I large majority of the citizens of Trail from many different parts of tha coun­
creek and vicinity held the accused in ty. The verdict was not unexpected to stock Pre slurs of Oregon, but to
I high esteem as a fellow citizen and as stated by certain newspapers, but those of the entire N .rthwest, wiil he
sympathiz; with him in his trouble; was the logical result aTid fully expee- staged tn San Fraeei-c , on March 23-
second-that a few of them —perhaps ted by most of those who heard ' the 4-5 6 when the American Livest- ck As­
sociation h ..ds its annual convention.
two families hold a personal grudge entire testimony submitted.
This meeting will be attended by rep-
igainst him and endeavored to use their
resentadive stockmen from all sections
position as witnesses for the state to
of the United-States, mailers of gfat
Notice to Public
even un old scores Their atiitui e
importance to the industry will be de­
, plainly revealed this. Speaking of ti e
and it is earnestly desired that
attitude of witnesses, we wish to state
that of all the witnesses examined,
Please <lo not ask f< r credit at my every stock raiser in the West make a
none appeared to better advantage place of business, i, as 1 have started on strong effort to be present.
than the young man Jack Daw: mod­ a strictly rath basis, All those know-
B. R McCabe of Medford was a re­
est in manner, direct in answering, in­ in’ themselves indebted to me pl
cent visitor in this city.
telligent, steady, upright and dignified
W. R. Sparks
Mrs. Sarah A. Lowden of Buncom
in appearance, sure of what he testi­
was a recent visitor in this ,i y.
fied co, he was an ideal witness who
Mrs. Elisabeth 8. Rock, widow of
Fred W. Mears of Medford was at­
made a pleasant impression on all pres-
the late Andrew R ock of this city has tending to professional matters at tne
court fouse 1 uesday forenoon.
After the taking of testimony was ' been granted a widow's pmsion by tl e
Gus Newbury of Medford was atten­
finished the attorney! presented to the
court their requests for certain in­ and proofs were filed by Attorney D. ding to professional business at the
‘ court house Tuesday afternoon.
structions to the jury regarding the W. Bagshaw of this citv
Albina pnhllc market Portland, to be
State architects office and salary of
$4500 abolished and official put on
Trial Lasting Eight Days Ends Tues
day Afternoon With Verdict of Ac
quittai. Spectators Clap Hands
When Verdict is Rendered
Early Seed
Potatoes at
Lewis Ulrich
7 he Pioneer Store
NO. 45
Jacksonville, Ore.