Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, March 06, 1915, Image 1

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    clot y
■ I'.’ Hall
NO. i l
which might have easily been made
great run ot tourists who have no de-
untenable by a warship in the harbor
| sire to go to Europe this year.
’ without lo«s, Lord Howe, under Sir
That name of “Whales” for the Chi-
Regarding Natiors Now at Wnr Henay Clinton-then in command in Rescue Part)
Searches for
i cago Federal League team will be al)
i Boston, in contempt of the foe, formed
Í Portland Com n :rcia!
Club and right if they do not qualify as min­ Manufactures Enterprises ar.d
I his army in solid column and ordered
and Relations With Them
Them After Explosion, and
nows before the end of the coming sea­
■ them to drive the rag-muffins out,
Chamber of Commerce
One Victim is Found.
The Future Outl ok.
' which cost him the lives of 1,500 sol-
Anyway, the women can’t do any
'diers and some of his most valued offi­
Consolidate. Plant to
Payrolls and Promot­
! harm to city Government that con­
Hinton, W. Va., Mar. 2—An explo- |
Manufacture Po-
ing Development
sists of nineteen conflicting bodies.
That war won for this country inde­
(By Judge Goodw
sion occurred in the mine of the New ,
"The price that staggers humanity”
pendence, hut also taught England a'
tafo Starch Dis­
River & Pocahontas Consolidated Coal 1
of Oregon
lesson on the treatment of colonies
has already been paid many times for
Co. three miles from Thurmond W. Vai
the European war.
Not only the governmc
bvit the which has enabled her to retain her ; at 8:30 o’clock today. The mine con­
Whet! it comes to telling a local offi­
pjople of the United Stat r m i st keep hold on Canada, Australia, jndia and ! nects with another mine, each employ­
Permanent registration law enacted
South Africa and which makes her su­
what is the matter with him. New j will save large sums, and endless trou­
their heads level in these
. . when
ing 81 men, all of whom are believed
Portland, Ore., Mar. 2, (Special)
York does not need the help of any im- ' ble to voters and make separate city
the war is sore in Europe
I the later preme in Egypt now.
to have been in the pits when the ex­
In those years France was our friend
emotional oratory.
arrivals in the United St.-tos And their
registration needless.
plosion occurred.
Rescue parties
immediate descendents, u.—>ed away Lafayette and others come and joined were at once organized and the fans land, as well as to the entire state, is
Mexicans who have asked for the ad­
E. Jerome, Portland, promoting rail-
by their sympathies for thi
or that our army; France sent the fleet and were set going within 15 minutes after the movement, which has so far pro­ vice of Col. Roosevelt are probably road Prineville to Redmond.
country in Europe are a : to misjudge I >aned the money which finally closed the explosion, but at 10:30 o’clock gressed as to insure its ultimate suc­ looking for some brand of emphatic
Washington solons wiped out its
the situation and what should be the the war in triumph for us. That, sure­ none of the miners had been brought cess to consolidate the Portland Cham­ eloquence with which they have not be­ luxurious tax commission but Oregon
ber of Commerce with the Portland come familiar.
duty of this country in thin foreign ly, we never can cease to be grateful out.
believes in keeping hers.
i Commercial Club, bringing all the ac-
for, even if behind the French govern­
A rescue car of the Bureau sf Mines
The tendencies of future emigration
Harrisburg is to have a new city-..,,,,
They all recall what their former re­ ment’s acts there was as much hate I was ordered from Glen ilium, W Va.
j management making necessary the col- are difficult to calculate in view of the hall.
spective countries have dor.e for us
! The explosion occurred in Mine No. 3.
fact that every country is frankly ad-
D. J. Riley. Dallas building movie
At that time there was i no United
______ , Great volumes of smoke poured out of , I lection of only one fund instead of two
and are not careful enough in giving
mitting an increased cost of living.
theatre 51 by 130 feet.
and vastly broadening the lines along
their opinions of what our country Germany, Prussia was the ruling king-
- : the openings. The c nneeting mine is
Kentucky’s night riders make the
which the united forces will operate.
dom and Frederick the Great was atjNo-4.
Buck box factory, Eugene, received
should do now.
motorist seem comparatively carload steel for egg crates.
The funds necessary to carry on the
Such people forget that th. first in­ the zenith of his great fame.
One rescue party penetrated the rrain
i work of the single organization will be
When the great war of the revolu- |
stinct of nations, as wtll as individuals
Canning iack rabbits proposed for
' drift at Mine No. 3 about 100 feet ar.d
Why does not Jim Hill do p little eastern Oregon industry.
is the instinct of self-preservation, and tion came and an army was summoned I found an unidentified miner still living ‘raised in the form of membership fees,
that when the war is over all the bel­ the volunteers had no more idea of the but unconscious. Doctors said he prob­ j and from this fund appropriations will prophesying? He is the only licensed I City of Portland will build $100,000
| be made to carry on the work of each American prophet.
ligerents in Europe will ne.-d our coun­ need of having an army disciplined ably would die.
dam for storage reservoir at head
of the several departments.
try’s friendship more than they ever than the average congressman now
The mine where the explosion occur­
For some reason the prohibition I works on Bull Run.
cer- red is a drift high up on Qninnimont
did before. We are under obligations
movement never points to the abstem­
Pacific Power & Light Co., operai-
the protection of the business men of
------ was
to them all; all of them owi; us ome- tainly, but their idea of liberty
ious Turk as a slendid example.
ing in Oregon and Washington shows
th at their officers were not better than
the community against solicitation for
For a country to remain half hyphe­ gain in net earnings.
subscriptions to carry on any special
To begin with our country was origi­ themselves and had no inherent right
Roseburg—Oregon Copper Co. will
nally mostly settled by immigrants to command them. Hence the army Mr. Beekman’s Will Probated movement that mav be launched. All nated and half not is impossible, just
: membership fees will cover a period of as it cannot remain half slave and half work mines in Cow Creek Canyon.
from Great Britain The, stamped that gathered under Washington were
, three years, and this feature willelim- ■free.
Marshfield to have a 50x100 roller
Upon this land the English language a mob, and never accepted the truth,
The will of the late Cornelius C.
and all that is best In English law ai d that to become effective, armies must Beekman, the wollknown banker of ' inate the necessity for all annual cam
Somebody shold inquire of the baker skating rink.
I paign to raise money with which to
literature and the reverence for law accept the rules of a perfect imperial­ this city was admitted to probate
Bourne—development work in the
in meet running expenses, each depart­ what has become of the old fashioned
and the love of home vhi.. .. . among
“Yesterday’s bread” that sold two mines being pushed.
In half despair Washington sent to
ment w.ll know exactly what it» re­
the strongest attributes of English­
Albany —Hying squadron boosting
The will provides for the payment of sources will be for the entire period loaves for a nickle.
the great Frederick for help, A few
... —— -.........
all deposits in the bank and all debts and can lay out it§ work accoidingly.
Bv these both the Puritans in the
of the estate, in full and without un­
Fairview will have municipal water­
One department, the Oregon Devel­
north and the Cavalier: in isouth, Baron Steuben, one of the king’s fav­ necessary delay. To his widow he
Range foe Goats
though widely differin’ >n other re-’
People will return thanks that no
sian army and with a letter from his l leaves the family residence with all formerly managed by the Oregon De­
spects, were united.
furniture, etc. except the piano which velopment League, and in eveiy possi­
... commissions,
, taxes,
____ . ___
But the ideas that nr - ¡led of the
i is given to Miss Carrie In addition ble way will co-operate With commer­ Or., announces tl at there is available es or salary raises were put through
duties of colonies town
jir foreign >n his arrival to Washington.
Steuben began at once to put the to the residence he bequeaths to his cial bodies throughout the state in any on the National Forests located on the the legislature.
Sovereign, were mu
army in army form. By wife $100100. in gold or bonds as she and all movements for the advance­ west slopes of the Cascades, range
Emerson Hardwood <3o. of Portland
Bp lin clung to up to th. very hour
may elect and also another sum of
that will take care of from 20,<>iK) to receiving cargoes logs fiom Orient for
When it became necessary to break her his skill, his firmness and»high charac­ $5000. to be paid her'in gold coin with­ ment and development of Oregon.
While the details of the consolida­ 25,000 head of goats.
manufacture into finishing materials.
hold upon all her is! J.al
. s, be­ ter he was able to make the ragged in sixty day.».
It has been felt for some time, by
tion are being Worked out, the name
cause of the cruelt
‘ at si permit­ army understand what was needed.
There are still a few officials left
The will refers to provisions hereto­
ted her agents to perpi 1 rate . itil eter­ r. brief time it understood what Was fore made to his daughter Miss Carrie of the organization will be: The New the grazing men of the Forest Service who do nothing but labor to raise tax­
Chamber of Commerce, and its motto > that the range on the west slopes of es and burden industry. "
nal justice demand e.i ii
^ icease.
and in addition thereto bequeaths th.
the Cascades, which is covered quite
So England heap. 1 o, ,
ions upon needed to make if really effective and . sdm of $5000. in gold Coin to be paid "One for All and All fur One.”
Large shipments of burlap are enter­
I extensively' with brush and heavy ui -
her American colonies, , i
spite the from that moment there began to be her within sixty days from the date of
The establishment of a plant for the
ing free of duty at Borland—means
warnings of Burl..?
id Chath­ rifts of sunlight through the pall that his death. The residue of the estate manufacture of potato starch is being
cheaper sacks for farmers.
than to sheep and cattle. Further­
am, persiste I until th re'olt came had so long shadowed the land.
I consisting of real property, bonds, discussed by the business men of Red­ more, it is thought that the browsing
Seventy-tive per cent of the western
and the seven year: v a. Her atti­
stocks, mortgages, notes etc. is given mond, Madras and other Central Ore­ of this brush would be of great benefit railroad companies would be bankrupt
(To be Continued)
tude was that of arge ? nd contempt.
to his son Benjamin B. Beekman with­ gon points. As large areas of that to the Forest, as it would remove what topay had it not been for ' increased
She hired mere : iii u
io come and
out any restriction whatever. His son par- of me state are peculiarly adapt­
economics and betterment».
fight her battler
frontier she
P. C. Gains of Trail creek, was in and daughter are named as executers ed to tne production of spuds, and aS now constitutes a serious fire menace.
Lebanon Critcrian thinks the pres­
Report» have been received from all
engaged savage
. .ge the settle­ town this week as a witness in the of the will, to Serve without bonds ano unfavorable markets and the usual per­
the supervisors of the west side For­ ent legislature has given the state a
centage of nulls »om.-tim-s make the
case of State of Oregon vs Loris Mar­ without interference by the cullrt.
ests and it is now estimated that from just excuse for its existence.
The will was made in 1911, and is business unprofitable, it is proposed to 20,000 to 25,(XX) goats can be taken
When the frail n're aments were tin, on trial for the killing of A. S.
The legislature was treated to cider
witnessed by Henry G. Dox and J. W.
| care of on the available range.
made at the Talent cannery.
thrown up on Hr
unkcr) Hill, Hubbard.
starch, of which Central Oregon pota­
Robinson of this city.
♦ O'*----
Hubbard building a new highway to
toes are said to contain an average of
the west.
I 18 percent. A factory costing $10,000
Canada's 72-inch Reflector
should care for all cull potatoes from
Portland Imperial Hotel diningroom
, 5,000 acres.
to be enlarged.
The co-operative cannery at New­
berg paid to farmers of that region
#21,454 last year, practically all jf it
for produce which would otherwise
have been lost. The cannery made k
net profit of about $3,<M)0 which war
better than expected for the first year.
Co-operative establishments of this
| kind are likely to prove the salvation
of thousands of Oregon farmers,
The j tty ai Nrffialem is Completed
for about 1,20 ) feet and is already hav­
ing a marked effect upon the Channel.
Rock is now being 'lumped into about I
20 feet of water.
Election is Over and Let’s all
Pull for a Greater Jacksonvill
We are Still Selling
Hard Wheat
Flour ■> $1.75
It is hard to convince a filibustering
Scientific. American
Senator that silence is golden.
------------ «jo*
Count Zeppelin,s desire to flv to
these shores will not beinterfercd with
bv any fierce protests from London.
- - ■
Planters are still wishing that cot­
The regular monthly meeting of the
ton could manage to get a share of at­
tention in the general comment oll Jacksonville Parent-Teacher Associa­
tion will be held at the school house
higher prices.
Friday P. M. Mar. 12.
Illinois ought to take something for
Prof. Smith will give a talk on the
its legislature.
subject "Home Study’ which will be
President Wilson ought to be sure thrown open for discussion. Another
he is right before going ah ad with his feature wld be a Question Box to which
you are invited to contribute quusti ns
extra session.
What the nations of Europe really pertaining to any phase of school woik
need, just now is a plausible excuse All parents and persons interested are
for coming out of thia madness of invited to attend.
Mrs. F. C. Smith, Pres.
Lewis Ulrich
7 he Pioneer Store
The man and the job are easier
Work is progressing rapidly on this
instrument, which will be probably, brought together if not kept apart by
tor a short time only, the largest tele­ too much legislation.
scope in the world (pending the com- j
pletion of the 100 inch reflector for Mt. | Rogue River Public Service Corpor­
Wilson.) The disk for the great mir-1 ation asks franchise at Florence.
ror started from Antwerp about a | Jim Blaine and Greenback mines in
week before the war broke out. After Josephine county are working stamp-
its arr val at New York the Penney!- j mills.
Vania Railroad was about a week in |
Celebration of establishing new Hill
finding a suitable car to transport it to | steamer line to ’Frisco at Flavel Mar.
Pittsburgh, anil then there was furth- [
er delay before an iron wagon could be
obtained to transport it to Dr. Bras- | Marshfield is to have a conservatory
hear’s Workshop, where it was finally
f>--in­ ' of music.
placed on the grinding tab'e. The haz- j
ardous work of boring and smoothing pggs ju projected,
off the hole in the center of the mirror [
It. C. Rasmussen conducting cream­
has been accomplished with entire suc­
cess. It is expected that the mounting ery nt The Dalles for 3 years, opens
'< reamer/ at Pendleton.
will be completed by October next.
Jackson ville, Ore
Prof. Taft’s fatal fondnets for sta­
tistics helps to injure what otherwise
might be charming literary style.
Autos Must Pay License
Lincoln’s rail ax has been discovered
Washington, March 2—The interior
It is a pity that some body dots not
department has advised Senator Cham­
rediscover the Lincoln spirit.
berlain that permission will be grant-
One minor test of Americanism
Ope,ate automobiles from Gold
is interest in baseball, There are no
anj through Grater Lake para
in the national - game.
, hyphens
' •
upon compliance with purk rules and
Unless California manages to get up the payment of a license fee ot $10 au-
some kind of a war it would have a i nually.
What a one-sided affair legislation
would be by a single house.
Medford fruit and produce associa­
tion will haul and pack all products for
Legislation created five ne v julicia
districts, costing $10,000 a year each
and Governor Withycombe vetoed
Doubling the coyote bounty is to
solve the unemployed problems in Eas­
tern Oreg >n.
-- --------- ♦.-v»
- -
$7¿0 Damages Asked
Klamath Falls Or., Mar. 2 Because
a horse was taken from one of his
sheep camps near Crescent J. C. Hous­
ton a sheep man, has filed a suit tor
$720 damages against six Crescent res-
ie jnts, including Constable Thomas,
Justice of ‘.he Peace Cleaves and two
women. According to the complaint
the horse was taken and kept for 120
days, and $1 a day rental is asked.
Because there was no horse in the
camp, Houston alleges 150 sheep strai •
ed away, and for these he demands
1 $600.