» VOL. VIII. ________ ANOTHER PIONEER GONE JACKSONVILLE, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 27, 1915 NO. 43 iag in the bank. In conversation with I PRISONERS SAW BARS her glistening waters, is just before INDUSTRIA'. REVIEW the writer, Mr. Beekman once remark­ the entrance, while Yosemite Valley ed that in his career as a banker, he I is seen in the distance on the right and ' C. C. Beekman, Pioneer of Jack- had never loaned out money belonging Wholesale Delivery Prevented Lake Tahoe on the left. As the trails to a depositor; that he considered it ■ are followed through the woodland oth- Manufactures Enterprises and in Nick of Time at Eu- ! er scenes come in view. There is Cra­ son County, Prominent Bank­ his duty to preserve the deposits in­ tact and that in many instances he had Improvements Providing ter Lake, Ore., reproduced with a gene Yesterday. er of Southern Oregon for paid back to the depositor the actual I faithfulness even exacting the identi- Payrolls and Promot­ coins deposited. cal color of the water. Again there is More Than Fifty Years Mr. Beekman was greatly interested I Mount Shasta, with her towering snow Eugene, Or., Feb. 23—Two iron bars ing Development in educational affairs: it is in fact clad peak; Lake Tahoe and a pictur­ in one of the outsi le windows of the Died Monday Night largely due to his efforts that the dis­ esque view of the Santa Clara Vadey of Oregon Lane County jail were found yesterday trict posesses the present fine school Valley and Lick Observatory. There cut in two and it is believed by the of­ Portland, Ore., Feb. 23, (Special! Aged 8T Years. building. Vv hen the funds of the dis­ ficers that a wholesale ¡ail delivery Dates have been set and plans are well Midway Point on the Monterey Penin­ trict were low, which was often the It is not believed the Prohibition law would have been effected early in the nnder way for a tremendous celebra­ sula; the Santa Barbara Mission; Cata­ case, Mr. Beekman would cash the evening before the time came to lock tion, extending over an entire week, lina Island; the Riverside Orange dis­ as enacted will affect the hop industry Cornelius C. Beekman, the well warrants for the teachers inorder that the prisoners in their cells had not the on the completion of the Celilo Canal trict; Palm Canyon; the headgates of as 98 per cent of the Oregon crop was known banker of this city died at his they receive the salary when due. He and the opining of that splendid pro­ the Truckee Carson Irrigation project, shipped to other states and countlies. discovery been made in time. home on California street, at 9:30 was a regular attendant at the servic­ In the pocket of William Cameron, ject for the extension of river traffic. Nevada; the Roosevelt Dam and Cliff ' Corvallis —Bxton Planing Mills have o’clock, Monday evening, February 22, es of the Presbyterian church and con­ charged with assault and robbery, was President Wilson has been invited to dwellings, Arizona; the famous old built a handsome new office. aged 87 years and 26 days, after an ill­ tributed largely to its support. He found a small saw m 'de from a spring attend, also Admiral Dewey. Con­ Alamo of San Antonio and a Louisiana Prineville—Pioneer Creamery will re­ ness of four days with hemorrhage of was a member of the Masonic order gress has passed an act authorizing I plantation on Bayou Teche. sume operations. the bowels. His wife, his son Benja­ and took an active interest in the work taken from the sole of one of his shoes He will occupy a cell and will not be the attendance of three senators and i min of Portland and his daughter, Miss of the order. Assays of sand from Des Chutes allowed the freedom of the corridors nine representatives at the beginning Carri», of this city were present at his er show $2.50 per ton of gold. The funeral was held Thursday af­ hereafter. Taxes are Now Due of the festivities. May Sth. bedside. ternoon under the auspices of Warren Redmond wants a starch factory Subject to possible change, the pro­ The jail contains about 20 prisoners, Mr. Beekman was for years one of Lodge, No. 10, A. F. & A. M. of this reports several gold strikes. gram has been outlined as follows: eight or nine of them bound over to the most striking figures in Southern city, Rev. Shields of Medford officiat- Cutting out one judge reducing May 3, at Lewiston, Idaho. Warrants authorizing their collection Oregon, and for many years—more ing at the lodge hall and the officers the grand jury for various crimes. The Forenoon, Mav 4, at Pasco and Ken- | drawn and rolls placed in hands of penses of elections. other prisoners are mostly bootleggirs than an average lifetime, he was prom­ of the lodge performing the cere­ newiek; afternoon, at Walla Walla. Treasurer for collection. Portland —Tudar Arms apartment is inent in affairs of town, county and monies at the grave. Interment was It is believed that the bound-over pris­ Evening, at Umatilla in co-operation Fred L. Colvig, Treasurer, makes to cost $125,000. state, playing a leading part in the de­ was had in the cemetery on the hill oners would have taken advantage of with Pendleton. statem int covering collection of taxes Senate passed bill for new $50,000 velopment and growth of this region. overlooking the home where oar friend the opportunity to escape. Map 5, high noon, formal dedication for 1914 as follows: Normal Training School at Mon- In his passing away, Jacksonville and had lived and labored tor more than of the canal. Afternoon and evening First half of all taxes legally levied mouth. Jackson county loses one of its best an average lifetime. The funeral, in American Motor Tiuck fcr War at The Dalles. and charged, shall be paid prior to beloved citizens—one always ready to attendence was one of the largest ever The C. A’ Smith mills on Coos Bay May 6, forenoon, at Vancouver; af­ April 1st following, the remaining one- advise and assist those in distress. He held in this city, friends and acquain­ will operate in spite of financial condi­ ternoon and evening at Portland. half to be paid on or before August 31 had a wide acquaintanceship with the tances coming in numbers from Med­ Many items have been going the tions. May 7, forenoon, at Kalama assisted following without penalty. old settlers of the state and was con­ ford, Ashland, Grants Pass, Central rounds in regard to orders placed in Three state develoment bills were Interest shall be charged and collec­ by Rainier and other river cities. Af­ sidered an authority on all questions Point and the surrounding country to America by foreign powers for motor ternoon and evening, at Asteria. ted on any tax or one-half of tax not passed by the House—to lease the st - regarding the early history and devel­ p xy the last tribute of respect to the trucks to be used in the military oper­ so paid at the rate of 1% per month o da lakes, to grant right of way over opment of Oregon. Commencing March 1, seven tons of ations. Most of the published state­ memory of their friend. fraction of a month until paid. Ali public lands and to sell citizens state Mr. Beekman was essentially a self ments have been erroneous, but in cas­ acclimated seed corn will b.1 distribut­ taxes remaining unpaid September 1 annuities. hi.ide man: born in New York state in es the exact figures for orders thi s ed among farmers in the territory Senator (Miss) Clarke of Glendale s-ha II become delinqnent and will b 1328, he learned the carpenter trade Eugene Bo) Lost While Rowing far received are known. One large served by the O. W. R. & N. railroad subject to penalty of 10% and interest does not think the oratory in the Sen­ coming west via the Isthmus of Pana­ concern has contracts for 1,200 trucks by C. L. Smith the company’s farmer, at rates of 12% per annum until paid ate is worth what it costs the state. ma, in 1849, he reached San Francisco, of 2-ton capacity, fitted with special ft is the intention to see that each The new tax law passed by the re­ Washington County grangers oppose then making his way to the northern Marshfield, Or., Feb. 23 -Searching bodies: while another equally promi­ farmer receives enough seed to plant cent Legislatvre will not effect the col­ advertising on fences and barns. at least two acres, which will enable parties have vainly scoured Coos Bav part of the state, working at his trade nent builder has delivered 300 f-‘on lection of taxes for this year, and in Interstate Commerce Commission and later mining near Sawyen’s Bur since Sunday night in an effort to find trucks for immediate delivery. The him to prove to his own satisfaction view of the fact that the Legisl“tun rules S. P. Co. can continue to oper­ and Yreka for a year, in the early fif­ some trace of Roy Knight, aged 15, of purchaser in both of these cases is the that it can be made a success. The also enacted a tneasnre providing foi ate Pacific Mail Steamship Co. ties he came to Jacksonville where for Eugene, who, while on a visit here, French government, which has found high price of wheat making impossible the refund of the interest on the Iasi awhile he rode as express messenger vent rowing Sunday morning and fail­ the American cars perfectly satisfac­ the use cf that grain for stock feed, a H. O. Fry and John Volz have added naif of the 1914 tax roll, it has beei greater acreage of corn will be plant ­ between this place and Yreka, Cal. ed to return. A heavy storm came up tory. One of the concerns alluded io new machines to Marshfield broom han­ decided that the collection of interes: Later he was appointed agent at this after the lad left and it is feared the also has received an order for trucks ed next spring than ever before and will be waived on last half payments dle plant. special efforts will be made to preserve | ebb tide carried him out over the bar. place for Wells, Fargo Co. who estab­ from the British Admiralty which is Gold Hill planning street improve- if made prior to September 1. ! lished an overland station here. Soon He was on a visit here with his uncle, now being filled.-Scientific American the folder to take the place of hay in He earnestly requests all tax pavers ment campaign. feeding cattle. after coming here, he with T. G. H. L. Watt. 1 .... ...... to check up all receipts with the list of Cottage Grove is to have a station Reames established a bank and buying A trail fiom the Columbia to the their properties an 1 ri port any discre­ park. Sale of National Forest Timber the interest of Mr. Reames afterward, summit of Larch Mountain is to be pancies promptly, so that the matter Rex is moving for a new high Mr. Beeaman has continued in the 2)0 Tramps Stop at Centra'ia built by the co-operation of the Port­ can be adjusted: also to see that tax school. business ever since. A curious inci­ The Distric Forester at Portland, land Ad Club, the Progressive Busi-1 receipts contain your person al tax. S. Ames ha« bought the old Craig dent in this connection is the fact that Oregon, announces that bids have just ness Men’s Club, the Mazamas and Il would expediate the work in the store at Silverton and will make im- Centralia, Wash., Feb. 23—Sunday been opened for a body of timber, in 1912, Mr. Beekman, feeling that he other civic organizations, It will not Treasurer’s oilice to a great extent if Wished to close up his business and re- night 200 tramps passed through Cen­ amounting to 390,000 feet, which has be available for automobiles, but will tax payers will make application by provement. t re from the banking business, pub­ tralia on a southbound freight. While recently been advertised on the Minam make it easy to climb the mountain on m ill for their tax statements, furnish­ Welch & Co., Baker undertakers lished a notice to the public to with­ switching was being done by the train National Forest in eastern Origin. will erect $8000 building. ing descriptions if possible. foot or horseback. draw their funds from his care, but crew the travelers who filled three cars Women have been receiving $22.50 a The sale was awarded to Mr. Robert It is stated that in the Willamette such was the disposition of his deposi­ got off to stretch their legs. Maple M. Betts of Cornucopia. Oregon, whose month less for teaching than men A tors, that although he refused to take street was black with them. When the bid was $2.50 per M. feet B. M. for Valley many farmers are plowing up law just enacted aims to give them the Submarine a i J Dieadnought same. new deposits, yet on Dec. 31, 1914, his train pulled out the men got back on western yellow pine, Douglas fir, and clover fields, and ever, clearing bru-h published statement shows that there again, showing no inclination to stop western larch, and $1.25 for white fn lands, for the purpose of incrcrsing Silverton sawm.ll resumes opera­ their wheat acreage, indicating that was still $45,087.39 of deposits remain- here. saw timber. tion. the coining season will see the biggest Senator Smoot wants Congress te Beaverton —Fisher block to be built grain cr ip ever turned out in Western authorize by appr pri ition the con­ will cost ifill'K). Oregon. struction of seventy-five subrn irines- Inman—Poulson Logging Camp Governor Wvthecombe has issued a fi'ty of the seagoing type and twenty- proclamation setting aoide Fridav, five smaller craft, strictly for harbor »umes operations. Employes March 12, as “Canned Salmon Day,” defense. The total estimated cost is men. and urging the people of the state to to be $30.000,00 ». A promoter of gas plants has use as much as possible of that food Are we to accept Senator Smoot’s vallis on the list. on that day. proposition as a straw which indicates Pendleton is planning for a —., —— «ix----------- the way the wind blows? Is it a valid school. recognition of much that is in evidence To Replace Sentile Bars concerning the conduct of naval war • Increasing activity in Oregon ship- fare in the great European conflict? yards. is I Legislature passed bill for a five per Seattle, Wash., Feb. 23 —President There is reason to believe that it Trefethen of the Seattle Library Board such and soundly. cent preferential cn Oregon made pro­ The two most powerful sea-fighting ducts in public buildings without a dis with the endorsement of Mayor Gill is working on a plan to establish branch fleets the world has ever known, as we Renting vote’ libraries, with meeting and lounging consider them iro n the super-dread- Shell Gasoline Co. of California will rooms, in the districts where saloons nought angle, are apparently rendered are most abundant. Prohibition to take useless; and the only really effective install $500,900 storage system at Port­ effect January 1, will deprive many sea fighting so far done has been by land. men of many places of amusement. stealthy submarine. It is true the Postofli •<• at The Dalles to be con­ Trefethen says. He favors providing submarine has not destroyed any squa- structed of Oregon sandstone. checkers, chess and even cards, to en­ dron, nor even made serious inroads Union Meat Co. says swine industry tertain frequenters of the proposed li­ upon the enemies’ fighting ships, but falling off in Oregon, while U. S. cen- it has bean the most aggressive craft braries. thus far engaged. There is no doubt ’ sus shows gain of 58,000,000 to 64,000,- T* it has reduced the striking power of 000 in one year in United States. Cutting out plate matter and patent Woi der Spots of Pacific Coast the first-cass battleship. Something like two years ago, an insides newspapers are giving more English Amiralty official of high stand­ men work. A reproducti< n of the I’acitic Coast ing advanced the opinion that it would Paying two to three million income wonder spots in minia’ure -that is the be only a question of time when the I and war tax is not helping make Ore- main exhibit of the Southern Pacific submarine would supplant the super­ I gon prosperous. Co. which 1915 visitors to the Panama- dreadnought. it is perhaps, a little The Pendleton hotel is to have n two Pacific International Exposition will rash for the layman to assume that see the company’s own building on the such opinion is already looming as story concrete annex. exp isition "rounds at San Frarcisco. | speedily fulfilled prophecy; but the fact Some newspapers and politicians The entire exhibit will be enclosed in a remains that in the European struggle seem to actually rejoice that jitney miniature woodland, with trails lead, th submarine is in the limelight; mid traffic is crippling the revenues ing among real trees and foliage; with at least one United State« Senator of street car Compales. wild flowers growing on nativ • soil, a very practical turn of mind believes Silverton Dist No. 4 will open and the horticultural beauties of Cali­ its d*y is about to arrive if it has Ilu I Feb. 25 on «15,01)0 school house. fornia and other Coast states blossom­ already come. —Ex. ing in full bloom, according to sea- Dallas Mercantile Co. will add 40 ' son. 1 feet to store. Passing from the foyer into the cen­ Attention Ohioans 1 Ashland a l ls »100.000 auxiliary to tral part of the building the visitor I water system. will find himself stepping into a differ­ Congress appropriated $,’>i, (M0 for ent world. The entrance lends through The Ohio Association will hold their Uniat ilia and 1.177,030 for Klamath pro­ the heart of a California big tree, just as the road passes through the famous annual meeting in th? M use II ill in ject. , “Wawona’ in the Mariposa Big Tree Ashland on Tuesday next. March 2. Hubbard E iterpriso fighting for a grove. Here an I there are the views Dinner at 12 r.oon. Come with Well new high school. filled baskets an J enjoy a go >d time. of the best known scenic features Eugene has a broom factory an! J. S. Smith 1 reached by the company’s lines. Moss- President1 wants broom makers. ‘ brae Falls, near Shasta Springs, with Celebrate Canal Opening May 3-7. Free Seed corn for Farmers. Salmon day March 12. rlour is Going up but Gasolene is Coming Down I will sell you any amount from 1 pint up at 20c. PER GALLON ('ASH Can you afford to buy it in 30, 40 or 50 gallon lots at a price almost equal to this and take chances on evaporation, fire, etc. Think This Over Lewis LJlrich 7 he Pioneer Store Jacksonville, Ore si ?5