Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, February 20, 1915, Image 1

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Seattle Business Men
Ing Auto Service With Eleven
Cent Gasoline
City at
Take Side Trip to
Crater Lake.
Promotion of a jitney passenger ser­
vice between Seattle and San Francis­
co. with 11 cent per gallon gasoline, a
tent city for Tourists with a side trip
to Crater Lake, and the same rate as
railroads offer, is under way by Seat­
tle capitalists, headed by L. H. Grif­
fiths, who engineered the deal that
built the famed Moore Hotel in the
Sound metropolis. Mr. Griffiths is in
the city today arranging the prelimina­
ry details. The final decision on the
plan will not be known for a week or
ten days. It is planned to put the
scheme in operation by April 1st.
Medford will be one of the division
points on the proposed service. Ne­
gotiations are under way for the rent­
ing of the fair grounds as the site for
the tent city, where meals and lodging
will be furnished the over-flow from
the hotels. Roseburg has furnished a
site, the other division point in the
state outside of Portland and Medford
Mr. Griffiths is also arranging for the
securing of automobiles in this city for
the trip over the Siskivous, and will
leave tonight for a meeting with his
associates at Seattle upon the feasi­
bility of the plan.—Mail Tribune
Electric Sparks
Rules of war —Anything you are
strong enough to enforce.
Another famous opera singer is to
be married. This has been a hard
year for the songbirds, many of them
being driven to matrimony.
New York feels deeply hurt about
Thaw's reluctance to return to the
Mohey is said to be scarce in South
America. Here is another bond of
sympathy with North America.
Mexico should try to get a president
with Carranza,s respectability and
Villa’s energy and ability.
To know that sugar isgetting cheaD-
er again helps to sweeten the general
state of affairs.
Why do so many geniuses get their
pictures taken while they are fingering
their faces?
NO. 42
If war were as slow as diplomacy,
every other generation would escape.
Kaiser Wilhelm apparently regards
the crown Prince as the infant terri-
ble of Europe.
From ail accounts the nations at war
are equally neutral in knocking the
United States.
Possibly Carranza is still hanging
around because Huerta didn’t leave
enough for him to get away on.
What the world needs is more laugh­
We have noted the recent statement
that John D. Rockefeller h=s given a
quarter of a billion of “our money”
We suppose the object of ft n iron
ring is for the d;gs of war to cut their
teeth on.
Billy Sunday seys he is going to
“make hell break loose,” before he
quits in Philadelphia. Billy generally
does it too.
There must have been weather fore­
casters in Isaiah’s day, for he told us
to beware of false prophets.
Half the world’s business panics are
The Rev. Mr. Sunday says nothing
can turn New York from its wicked
path. Not even Mr. Sunday.
February nearly always lives up to
its naughty reputation.
Paying an income tax is an honor
and distinction that the ordinary man
cheerfully sacrifices.
Perhaps the report that Gen. Villa
was wounded grew out of the fact that
the loss of Mexico City hurt his feel-
i igs.
California is thinking of dividing in­ I
to two states, having no hopes of ever
growing to the size of Texas, any­
They say there are 142,000 physi­
cians in this country. With ali that
competition no wonder they have to j
discover new diseases once in a while. :
Intelligent women hate to be wooed
for their wealth. Now that they are
wealthy in votes, they should scruti­
nize closely thj candidates who corne­
Counterfeiters Arrested
Marshfield, Or., Feb. 15 —J. S. Stev­
ens. proprietor of a dyeworks, and Z.
G. Harshman were arrested yesterday
charged with counterfeiting.
molds for silver coins and $5 gold coins
foun I in an East Side bouse by Chief
Police Carter and Federal Operative
Wm. Glover, after four weeks’ work
by the local police. It is believed no
money has been put in circulation,
though the molds were wet from recent
Reports Show
It’s like the quarter you putin the gas
meter before you get any gas.’’ — Bos­
ton Transcript
Activity Government Emp'oyment Agen-
He had waited thirty minutes for a Manufactures Enterprises and
1 waiter to bring his dinner. "Now,”
in Kerby District
Q. Soles Day at Albany
I he said to the waiter, “can you bring
i me some cheese and coffee?” ‘‘Yes
Feb. 27
Payrolls and Promot­
sir; in a minute, sir.” “And.” con-
Placer mining for the season has
tinued the diner, “while you are away
been under full sway. In the main the
ing Develop nenl
you might send me a postal card every
water supply has been ample.
Portland, Ore., Feb. 16, (Special) —
now and then.”— Woman’s Home Com­
of Oregon
McLeod & Hutchins nave had a pro Not only in Oregon, but in all parts of I panion
fitable clean-up on their Canyon creek
i y'ai
grounds and were in town this week augurated a movement to secure work
for the unemployed and to furnish men
renewing supplies.
Notes on the War
meat bureaus was killed.
or women to farmers and other em­
Geo Finch, manager of the Finch ployers outside the cities It is a com­
Flax plant and wagon plant consid-
placers near the government fish hatch­ mon sight to see men standing around 1
(From Scientific American)
ered at state prison.
ery, reports work progressing satisfac­ the streets in town at all seasons of
torily on hi« property.
the year who would be glad to go out t
ing a starch factory.
Jack Shade is showing some very
The new French 4-inch gun for at-
only knew just where to go and Uck on aircraft hag pT0Ved 1 to be a
McMinnville—Two story annex will
fine nuggets from his placer grounds | they
• •'
at Six Mile, and is confident the year’s j could be certain that the iob would be , very efflcient weapon. It
It f fires a pro­ be built to hospita'.
jectile weitrhin(r
about 36
total will maintain its equal to last there when they arrive. John H. Bar- jectile
weighing about
36 n<
pounds with
Some counties are refusing to send
hour, United States Inspector. Oregon a muzzle velocity of 1,870 feet per sec­
year’s product.
a representative to the Panama Expo­
I Immigration Service, has started to ond. The sighting is by means of a
sition to bring more pet.pie to Ore-f
Bert Adams on Canyon creek, has (list applicants for positions of ad kinds j
panoramic glass and the gun-pointing gon.
ample water and is washing down a
! and is anxious to receive applications ' is done similarly to that of the well-
larger ground than usual. This proper­
Granite is one of Ashland’s big fu­
for help from employers of labor of all' known French 7.5 gun. The carriage
ty has always been a producer of pro­ classes,
ture possibilities.
Big development
1 remains fixed, the gun recoiling to a
fitable "alues.
Every applicant for work will be giv-1 distance (1f ] meter and returning to means big payrolls. Tidings.
Jno. Wittrock is working under bond en a thorough examination as to his battery by means of compressed air.
Tillamook— Electric plant being con­
and lease Hie old Purdy placer proper­ qualifications and no man will be sent The weight of the piece in action with structed at Bar View.
ty and from its reputation as a pro­ out for any specific line of work unless its armored screen is about 2'3 tons.
The Rogue River Public Service Cor­
ducer expects a profitable cleaning.
he is fitted for it, thus leaving noroom
will install an electric ditch
Moritz Norden, president Junction for the annual complaint that farmers Criticism of Loss of Formidable digger.
Placer Co., reports work progressing
Admiral Beresford has made a bit­
The S. P. Co. bridge across Cor»
satisfactorily on this splendid proper­ nothing of faim Work, at a time when ter criticism of the loss of the ‘.For­
ty. The development work showing by the farmer is too busy to teach them. midable,” claiming that it was due to Bay will be 2490 feet long of structur­
two tunnels the depth and character The first day the office was open more a neglect of the m->st elementary pre­ al steel.
of the channels is still under way. : than 100 applications for work weie cautions against submarine attack.
The Oxbow Power Co. is operating
This company is one having the cour-1 received, and as there are no fees er According to his letter the “Formida­ i'.s plant at Copperfield.
age of its convictions in not being other expenses connected with the ser­ ble” was proceeding at moderate speed
Canyon City —Utah mining men are
vice, it is expected that enough men
afraid to invest its capital in proof of
on a moonlit night, and unaccompan­
here to develop Canyon mountain
its grounds. In consequence the pay­ will be available at any time to fill all ied bv destroyers, which latter have
streaks and channels have been deter­ possible demands
proved to be the most effective defense
Another movement operating along against the submarine. It is signtti
Out of 400 bills in legislature 40 reg­
mined and values are in si4ht for ex­
traction, upon which it is now drifting somewhat similar lines, but with the cant that the same conditions, or most ulate salmon industry.
and running the products over the idea of assisting the would be farmer of them, obtained in the case of the
Baker—Chambermaid sues Crahill
to get land instead of work, is now be- less of the “Aboukir,” “Creasy” and
Hotel for $5680 personal injuries,
ing discussed under the leadership
“Hogue,” which were sunk while they
The Wyoming placers on the memor­ Tom Richardson, the founder of the
Legislature has so far killed »11 re­
were steaming at only 7 knots unac­
able Tennessee Gulch are under active Oregon Development League, with the
companied by the usual destroyei actionary measures to handicap indus­
operations by John Huselton, manager purpose of evolving some feasible plan
producing values and maintaining its for financing the small farmer, dairy­
[t is estimated border counties lost
historical reputation.
man or gardener who has the inclina­ U. S. Navy Fourth in Tonnage $100,000 fees in 1911 on account of
E. M. Albright, connected with the tion and the ability to get ba'k to the
According to the last published fig­ freak marriage laws.
Calumet mine on Rancherie creek, has land and make a success, but who is
of the Office of Naval Intelligence
If the Supreme Court sustains the
struck very hard rock and will have financially unable to do so. Educators
dated July 1st, 1914 when the new ves­ Portland meat trust ordinance it will
but about ten feet to drive to strike a
sels which at that tima were under practically bar farmers shipping
very valuable vein of ore, as indicated or of the scheme and it is probable
construction, are completed and in dressed hogs, sheep and calves to the
on surface where it pans free gold and that a convention for its discussion I
commission, the U. S. Navy will have I city market.
will be held immediately after the
assays high values.
dropped from thud to fourth position
close of the legislative session. Mr.
Salem is to have a three story brick
Wm. Vun Kannon, with a force of
in respect of total tonnage. The ord­
Richardson has issued an appeal to all
men and supplies went out to his By
er will be Great Britain, 2,714,196 tons
who are interested, asking them to
Klamath Iron Works has turned out
bee Hill quartz properties to resume
Germany, l,30t!,57g tons, France, 899,-
give the matter careful consideration
active operations.
400 11 ingeil carwheels for the Pelican
and to work up a community sentiment 915 tons and the United States, 894.
889 tons. Since the war started Great 1 Bay sawmill yard trucks.
Mike Lang, on Soldier creek is driy- in its favor.
Britain, Germany and France have
At 'he end of fourth week legisla-
ing a tunnel on his property to inter­
On February 27 Albany will hold a greatly accelerated construction, and
. tme two economy bills and one sulaiy
sect the extension of the vein running general “Sales Day.” This is to be
through the Eureka property. Obser- done for the purpose of bringing tre probably the United States Navy is | reduction bill had been passed.
further behind France in tonnage than
farmer and the merchant closer tc- the above figures indicate.
Willamette Valley editors refused Io
gether along bu.-ii ess business lines.
eiidmse amendments to woiking mens
There will b ar auction of farm pro­
compensation law.
duce and stock, conducted wi hout ex­
Copper Mine to Reopen
Gohl Hill gets a powder warehouse.
pense to the farmer, the Albany Com­
A. Livesle.v & Co. of Salem sold
mercial Club making all arrangements
ten tons loganberries to a Chicago
and a wellknown auctioneer donating
Roseburg, Or., Feb. 15—H. A. Dev­
mail older house.
hi' services. Local stores will stage
ens a mining man, expects to begin op­
special sales for that day, and if the
Governor Withyccmbe’s watchwords
erations at the mines formerly owned
scheme proves successful , it will be­
his administration -“economy, ef­
bv the Orgon Copper Co., at Doe creek
come a regular event, it is a good ir. the Cow Creek Canyon next month. ficiency and optimism.”
plan and should be followed by other These mines have many hundred feet
Malheur —Gohl dredge arrived to op­
of tunnel already bored to the ore- erate on Lyon placer mines.
------------------ " ------------------------
bearing lead, and the present owner
A Douglas County library may be
will begin to ship at once to the Ken I established at Roseburg.
Spice of life
net Cal., smelter. 'I he mines have
The Dalles business men went on a
been tied up for a number of years by ■ reeorl as opposed to further legisla-
Dr. Pillen —Are you going r.o call a litigation. The lust carload of orewas | tion or regulation burdening railroads.
Consultation? Dr. Bolus —I think not. shipped by J. I’, Hanson, foreman of
Gresham — Beaver Slate motorcar
I don’t believe the patient has that the mit e when it closed to settle a 1 factory ready to operate.
much money • New York Post
Grants Pass —Portland architect is
for the carload. 'J his mine lies on the
before Southern Pacific line. The Banfield to prepare plans for an J8O,OO<) court
The Sergent Look here,
you’re served out with your uniform mine, not far from Tiller, Or., on which house.
you’d better nip down to the wash- $200,000 has been spent in development
Pendleton will construct an $8000
houses an'1 et a bath.
has been sold io th«' Eastern lumber­ swimrnin t pool at Roundup Park.
Three Pacific Coast states wilt lose
The Recruit—Wot? I come ’ere to man, DeWitt VanOstrand. This mine
be a soldier not a bloomin’ mermaid!— is 40 miles from the railroad and while $250,00" gross earnings taxes t»y un­
the ore is of unusual grade, success­ regulated jitney-bus competition.
London Opinit n
ful working is awaitmg transporta­
Ciesswcll A. Vatuone of Sun Jose
“How will you have your eggs cook­
eitabli king paint factory I.ere.
ed?” aBked the waiter. ‘‘Max» any
difference in the cost of ’em?” inquir­
St. J< hns ane Milwaukee shingle
ed the cautious customer with the
mills resume work on open shop
Brings in Prospectors
brimless hat and the ragged beard.
b 'sis.
"No.” ‘‘Then cook them on top of a
Tax collection has b'gun while the
slice of ham,” said thecustomergreat-
legislature is stil grinding
! Guld Beach, Or.. Feb. 15 News of the
ly relieved.—Tid-Bi s
A fiuit evaporator is to be
recent gold strike on Lobster creek
“This plant belongs to the begun a
near the divide between Coos and Cur­ built here.
*»mily.” “Ah! And you are taking
Shortage of hogs and cattle as ri •
ry counties, in which J. R. Smith took
care of it while they are away.” —B n-
out $1500 in less than three mouth», ported is prelude to raise in tne.t prie-
t<m Times
has been the means of bringing in ■< t- v».
Mrs. Livewe.t (a* 2 a. m.)—Where eral miners during the p s two weeks
The Grange and Farmers Union
have you been? Lovewott—Just fel From all indications this is one of the fu“e io stand lor the freak laws
in wiz an old’ fríen,’ m’ dear. M i s. most important strikes made in South­ manded by the Labor Unions. 1 he
Lovewelt —Fell in. eh! I beleive you. western Oregon in recent years, and Pei.ple’s Power League is no longer a
You’re soaked, Chicago News
may mean the opening of a rich region factor.
it is estimated $300,000 can be saved
First soldier —If you really believe hitherto only slightly scratched by
I every two years oil election expense»
you won’t die until your time comes, prospectors.
by reforming the laws. Why don’t
why do you dodge every bullet that
the legislature do that intsead of pas»-
come- along? Second soldier Bet ause
Graham Hoffman of Medford was
my time won’t come so long as I am given a divorce from his wife Florence I ing more new laws?
able to dodge ’em.—New York Times Hoffman, by a decree of the circuit
Mias Katie Chapman who has been
“Pa, what is a retainer? “What court, Wednesday. Mr. Huffman war
you pay a lawyer before he does any | also given custody of the two chil- , visiting relatives here returned to her
1 home in Hornbrook Sunday.
‘ work jor you, my son.” “t)h, I see. 1 dren.
Gasolene is
Coming Down
I will sell you any amount
from 1 pint up at
Can you afford to buy it in 30, 40 or 50
gallon lots at a price almost equal to this and
take chances on evaporation, fire, etc.
Think This Over
Lewis Ulrich
7 he Pioneer Store
Jacksonville, Orc.