-.-JACKSONVILLE POST Incognita C flicial Taper of the dtp of Jacksonville, Oregon A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson County, Oregon. D. W. B agshaw , Editor and Proprietor >-> Entered as second-class matter June 22, 1907, at the post office at Jacksonville, Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Come and See! i ----------- " It so happenisl that King Caspar ot SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on application. Walkaria aud Queen Bertha of Zinger land inherited very young. their Their kingdoms domalus when Jollied, but they hail never met. for during their childhood their fathers had been at cintinu.il warfare, When these two kings died—about the same time— the ciibinets of both countries ilecid ed to make a match between the young king mid the young queen. Queeti Bertha would not consent to the match without some acquaintance with the man she was to marry. She therefore Insisted on their meeting In Jonathan Bourne, Jr. has circulated a pamphlet in which he attempts to show the dangers of government ownership or telegraph and telephone systems, urging that it would tend to “bureaucracy” and a host of kind­ red evils. The ex-senator evidently thinks that in a multiplicity of words “lie great wisdom.” The reverse oue of her palaces near the border line between the two kingdoms, the is however proven by his pamphlet: in one line he says king to tie attended liy three uieu and that “government ownership necessitates government the queen by three women. To this the king glaillv assented regulation,” and in the next says: “that the failure of Before leaving for tbe rendezvous tlie queen said to a tnaid of honor, government regulation necessitates the failure of govern­ who was also her bosom friend: “1 wish you to exchange places with ment ownership,” but he loses sight of the fact that the me nt this meeting, you to personate regulation of an institution owned by the government me, 1 to peisouate you Tilts will be easy, for 1 have pur|ioselv limited tlie would be entirely different from regulating the same number of tuy attendants so that there are only two besides ourselves to be institution if owned by private capital. In the former In the secret" When the king met the substitute instance it would be similar to an individual regulating queeu whose mime was Catherine, be was well pleascl with her. for not and running his own business, while in the latter case it | only tlie queeu herself but her at would be like one individual going to another with the teudants. were beautiful women Ber I tbn had cliarued Catherine to treat complaint, “Mr. Jones, you are not running your busi­ | her with some severity lest by her av I cuslome l deference she bell'll) the se ness to suit me, I want you to do so and so.” That gov­ ! cret Durtlig the first Interview Cutb spoke to Bertha somewhat sharp ernment ownership is possible, practical and beneficial is j . erine ly. an I tlie king's uutlce was turiie.1 clearly shown by the success attained in handling our I from the Hpuriiius to the real queen who hore reproof with becoming postoffice affairs and we have no reason to doubt that meekness the Indeed. King Caspar was that tlie maid showed no like success would attend government ownership of I chiiruicil temper wliatei el . while the reproof which seemed to lie nmnlled for. prej telegraphs, telephones and other public utilities; besides I iidleed bmi against her supposed mis such ownership and management would go far to remove I. ess. Queeu Hen Ii , had gone to tile meet the troubles now existing between capital and labor. tug witli mi other object Hum to over BIG BARGAINS fl ■ J Boys Clothing as low as 50 cents per Suit 50 Suits Must go Regardless of the Price Ladies 65c Gingham Aprons at A Lot of Shoes Going at Half Price Bis Reductions in all Winter Goods Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Sweaters at 50 per cent off. Mackinaws at 25 per cent off. Don’t Wait But SEE COME AND a* ■ That a The World is Growing Beiler” AT V/ & Taylor - Williams Co. The People’s Store Oregon FREE Hut The Medford Sun, in a recent issue (perhaps thinking to be sarcastic) refers to Jacksonville, as maintaining p >ise, in these words “That sleepy and sleeping village never ruffled a hair at the news that the lost channel had been found.” The people of this city may be sleepy but when we make up our minds to some course we stay with it. Notice the adoption of our new charter by an almost unanimous vote, and without any hot air mer­ chants legging for it either. Compare Medford’s vote on her proposed charter Tuesday after months of agitation and column after column of editorial matter letters from prominent citizens [?], etc. in both papers. Yes, we 1 ave poise—something that Medford seems to lack. CCLRT HOC E NEWS 35c Men’s Corlis Coon Collars at - - 5oc. Doz. Mer.’s $1.50 and $3 Hats at - - 75c A $1.25 Ladies Fine Gingham and Flan­ 75C nelette House Dresses at Ladies Heavy Fleeced Night­ 90c gowns—$1.50 values at An Imprebb u* o Gurky. "Otwe wih'ii i u . in si|.Ling hi Niiu! I wirl.i ill i D h iiiortiiii^ said ( bn i ipiiie. from the moment «In- miw him she was 9 I RiLssi.i - xiifa t s: shi;‘vi. I <'at heriiie to lose llu opportunity to 0Vv| (lie < jty. The- sun xv.|> -biuiiig on sliow lier severity while in the king's i the tow ers ot rile ••Imreih s. ovj the presence I utheriiie. who was an ex I ' Mlvw rivei uit.l tuning the n>««;s nd cellent actress, played her part remark ‘You nre up early. I Mild \ «*s. he ably well Did she order the queeu to answered. ‘Come in ui.\ rooms foi a do her any service, no matter bow moment. When I r«*:i. h d his window speedily Hie duty was performed, the I saw (bat he had tears in his eyes, spurious queen would reprlmnud her. ‘L ok. be At such times the real queeti would and I did not understand said to me. bou beautiful it is. Just cast down het eyes, tie.-irmg the Injus the world and not :i tniinan being any tlce with angelic sweetness. where, rbe b'.im.«mty wbieti has made One morning Catherine sent Bertha its gods and Its laws, built its In-uses to tlie royal garden for some flowers I and when she returned scold.si her for and its churt Ins. all asleep nod help- I less as children, powerless to eliauge not getting the kind she wished I Nev- or adjust all this that It has made. ertheless she handed several of the “He spoke Very softly mid very choicest to King Caspar, whose brows sweetly, and, for the moment, he seem were knit at flit- harsh treatment of ed to me the most |s*rfect human be­ the maid of h mor Taking the gift, ing in the world Truly one of Rus­ he selected the must beautiful flower, sia's dowers of genius. ’--Craftsman. His personal memoirs, written a rose, mid limiilod It to Bertha. i by his secretary, Baron De As might have lieim expt-eted had The Sleepy Egyptian. the play been a reality Catherftie after Nleneval, are full of the most Egypff.'ins can lie down and go to this with the qnei'ii’H eoncill'leiiee re absorbing incidents, especially in sleep anywhere. They look around on I doubled hot hitishness to Bertha who view of the present great Euro­ til they find a particularly busy place availed herself ot the op|> .rtutiity to pean struggle. In the street where there Is a patch ot i ho« ti.-rselt ait angel of patience Just a hundred years ago, his ambi­ Item* of Interest to Jacksun Couu’y Following is the report of U. 8. ' Vol­ This exi-lti-d tlie King's sym|i itliy and shade, wrap a dusty cloth around their tions bathed the Continent in a sea of faces, curl up and peacefully glide off li tcer Cooperative Observer, I.. Britt; ad ml rat loti tut the poor maid to su.-li COUNTY COURT blood. France alone, under his leader­ Jacksonville, for month of 1) cemher, Illi extent rll.lt lie resollell to bleak utl Into a dreamless sleep In walking ship, fought Germany, Russia, Austria, In the matter of the estate of Wil­ along the street one has to tie careful Italy, and Great Britain— and mon. tlie m-giitliit ells liam C. Bartlett, deceased. I inal ac­ Latitude 42 deg. 1.8. min. north; longi­ of every splotch of shadow that he V. II.-Ii Beillla eonsldered tile fruit tude 123 deg. 5 min. west. count filed. Order fixing time and ' ripe int |llu< '.lug ill., eolltriveil to III -el cornea to for fear of stepping on a na­ place for hearing on final account. tive’s face Even when you do step on ttie I.mg lii i .-orriil.ii in the paltu-e a- Precipita ­ Maxi mu tn Minimum . v this usually sensitive part of the limit if III ell line lie stopnell Del HIHl In the matter of the estate of Fan­ tion dcspi'e h- i I'li-i.mleil ..’I..r js to gel io ouiy they merely sit up, yawn thunk By special arrangement with the pub­ nie C. Sm.th. deceased. Order npprov 1 47 32 fully that you are n medium sized man him .ii-idtiei ioih.it null him I'lih lishers of COLLIER'S, The National in ’ final account discharging adminis­ • > ¡ 33 .15 Weekly, we are enabled to offer a lim­ Io- li d with and lazily turn over on the other side. 4ô 28 trator. ited number of these three-volume sett thiol m w.-ll -i As soon as an Egyptian finds out that 4 43 33 • U of the Memoirs of Napoleon free with NEW CASES they « .re log, 5 a person Is an American his first breath ­ 40 30 a year's subscription to Collier's and E. H. Porter vh J. W. S veeney ó Cetm—in.- ■■ mi less question is. "Will there l>e many 42 31 • <>1 this paper. The offer is strictly limited Action to recovtr money, IVhh ti -e in h. I C 'inplain. 4 4i 32 Americans coming over this winter?" — to get advantage of it you must act 4 J tiled. A liihivit arid undertaking lo In i r .om I 37 High aud low. merchants and donkey or promptly. H 4M 31 'It th'« ’s a attachment. boys, they ask the same question, for Id 47 3Í ty « in. «imii-i half of Egypt Ilves on the tourists, and Russel Graham vs R. W. (’I ncey. 11 41 23 go mi f oitlei I the greatest number of these are from 32 Action to rocover money. Co-iipluiiii *2 22 "A < replu the United States. — Homer Croy tu 13 AH the Sherlock H< Imes stories published In :.8 I 25 filed. Su ninons. th.- 1915 will be pt.med exclusively in Collier’s. Leslie's. 1 I 87 i — The "Last minute" pictures of the European Wuyerh meser Lumber Co vs Hen-. 1 > I Im frutti <»»n 2Z is War will appear every week in the photographic 16 w.c nn-i 31 16 section of Collier's. A Matter of Oiatances. ri< it i Bailey, to re i i 42 21 i i The finest fiction written will appear each week Why did Homer call tbe Dardanelles Cover m mev, Sun. in short st< ry and serial form. H 41 21 :IU “broad" or "iMiundless," although at inorm. iJ Mark Sullivan’s timely Editorials and widely 04 2l .20 Bill • !..| :i«'| the |Milut where Leander and Byron quoted Comments on Congress will continue to be .0 31 E hh # Turn jc V« D 4. V > , I. et al. 17 i an exclii>ive feature. -■ »ir; l«.«»k h swam It the breadth Is barely a mile? -I 32 1 > S • t t • for «do » i in i t ; i , . .i.« • 2.*:t( Byron's comment Is very neat: "The C >m Ill- 18 t i Jt pl tint fiitd. i III * i|»i (■i wrangling about the epithet, ‘the broad 3 17 37 Ycur own home pipet and COLLIER’S. The iii'ii tin : ”» Ilellespf’lit.' or the 'boundless Helles­ 1 bini iiii|Hipiii.ir in h<»th 38 • . « 23 Nit .Hl Weekly, n ¿ether wik the three volume« j Limit! I«» ii . m of N tpoleon’s Memoirs all H’iini it tu» other, or what It means at all. has been cf packing and shipping the Memoirs. .30 4 ) 34 i • <>t. I it irrv XX .’int!l he r<> beyond all possibility of detnll. 1 have r. If ycu are 3) 31 already a subscriber, your subscription will be ex­ ' i t- i li tui <) 3J COLLIERS* 2.Fr. pccial combination 1 XX11 • ; i i-rsv. amused myself with Iren in the seu.vr class at the State ’■17 • — . JfrK<' including the _____ I 7 ' i h i «* I.' t--' ( , [ I 1 ’’re? volume $*J 00 nit.. swimming across It tn the nieiinttme h h r*etf ' vraity ure entirely self supporting i 1 1 I Memoirs, postpaid’* i. I- II. I' • Hou* point 1» settled • • • IVotinlily Ho 49 Uli 8. «n’f. -supportitig in part prncti- mir. 26:45; mean 32 '3 Ma.\ 1 XXlfll sit.»».. iiai'-h in*rompati\ ine tin s met b id i lu- s.-ttne mithui ot distance on .'1st. Greatest daily iiill- without uxe'nt tM.ufidles* means nnif a the float Imputi nth and Greatest in 24 hours. . : J n , With JIliXMj Wa tl: a h»i h s answer men, 81 per cent is paid bv tlie mi n inches, mile ns tlie Inttvt by a ¡Ike figure, Number of days wi.h .01 thcmsidv. s. Alim n members of tbe on 27. when she «in« eternal attachment Ills t*mi'«.«;iri return« <| <1 with >i mii We offer i Hundred Dollars Re­ slnqily sfss-ltli*. three weeks • i.ouiton 5. clear, Ils.. rtlilitillliCillH tll.lt tile multi wits class report either having work d dut- inch or more precipitation, ward for any care of Catarrh that S|ii-.qatiu ing the college year or durr g Sumin, r U; partly cloudy, 3; cloudy, l< Total (bv .|ih*«’ti timi the «piw»u wan th«- tn bl cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh look II.-I funii'e iiusliaii I im oglilta i; Having finished our yearly Inventory again we find a variety of goods which we must dispose of at “ANY OLD PRICE” We enumerate for cash and make room for New Stock .i only a few of the many Bv F. A. MITCHEL -------- --- SATURDAY. JANUARY 16, 1915 i -.FREE »ß pa r H ft 4 JUy iSe-d« are not •nerpnime.r— j they are tefted in our laboratory and ¡¿T trial iff ur di. They ar« IpeciaJly J W adapted to the Pacific Northwefl and £ are true to name. Our valuable cat- alogue will be »ent free on request. Deiden tell Lilly'»SeetU ¿not. write, F The Chas. H. Lilly Co., Seattl« H Memoirs of Napoleon LECAL BLANKS In Three Volumes We have on hand for sale the follow inc This man caused the last general European war. blanks viz: Lease, Mortgages, Bill of Sale, Agreements, Warranty DeedB, Quit Claim Deeds, Chattel Mortgage, Acknov ledgements, Real Estate ontraet, Location Notice—Placer, Location Notice Quartz. Satisfaction of Mortgage, Rial jJi.itj Afji.i J»i..-ut. LVeat/ier Report. Get these Memoirs « Free Notice Application for Liquor License At reasonable prices. We intend adding other blanks as fast a3 possible unti the line is complete. Blanks of special form printed to order at short notice JACKSONVILLE POSI. .Sherlock Holmes Stories Exclusively in Collier’s ■ J-.J’ji 'einfnrmab’on ng, hai?una, raising, »s and Luus ng poultry is î . >;;d in the h*tfl J st oultry B»k—ju-n pfioted. S t :1 for copy, free. rr-M J !. ÙI1, q > S.snl. ’ •' ■KPti '• —W RY.-S Special Offer toourReaders IV >x IEay Through Year ackscnvil e ost Hov/’s TL vacation, or during both. Ot' the sen­ ior girls. 45 percent are partlyor whol­ ly self su| porting. of a college year to The average the nv n of senior class is $158; to the soil! r men il e wo- $52.1. Room a id board in the fra- in p ivate Tl cse se b en house«. $¡5.58 a moutl $2i) 4 > i m ■ ti or class statistic, iia.'e jit Univ >r->t y u- comoiled by thorilioa, and will becompil d later f. r junior, sophi more and freshman class­ es. ii-ehes. »'I. B ritt , C. i perative Observer. Cost ternitv Louses av r go $24 .*'> a u ntl III iho aotority hous s fall of snow, 1 2 Sunday School ev rv Sunday o i lock \\ . C i idill at 1<> f.’i* "I Zin i.i’ tl :in I Hp|>«*ririiij iH’fote tjtbM’ti B. i Ji.i b«*ti f-urth Sunday of th« month «rd at I him flit« i ix it i im nimmt I'nii .n; his « jfs to {| nmid of hon«*r 7:l-i every Sui’i.v evenin r. Claas; sfnmli.’ti! l»x the qm»« o s()p sau t’ntti m i:ig every t, st an.I third Sunday ertile i » m kl"c nt Htm ix ith th«* S.’lllf U a. m. II. C. ii ;llup lead T. Pray­ G. •vor.bip at 11 a. m ea, h Cure. ifiHiiit lining h nv’turtif th«* Idin.’ IlH’HIlIt tl IlH lh»l*s«‘ ìli (1 MH m moi. ¡1)2 IP« «•s o’l hm !«« nmht timi |:it to rii«* npi Supt. xvll! *• “!!«• I»«*!* X «I« - I d i tu ■ "i-t •II -1 f'e .■ hi i‘llll-1 aecon I It III Um« | «• er tm < ting 1 huroday evening at 7:3O| Ami so it «ns turn the two kingdom* The public is invited to attend these were nulled aud (here were no more services. A. f 'oslet Pastor wan I i r li îa .aller thorn ot . sis- . i i-, » ..-’h a WUQ mess ot nani ng I ai WHI. r. J. CHENEY & co.. Toledo. O. the u 1 -n. 1. 1. <> known F J. Cheney f r t e 1 11 -, rs, n.i b. lieve him p r. . tl..- r in nil business trnnr -ti. • . . - • t- t;y | . t > c irry Out a y ot ... | t’ml. nationa ....' x c ? < .-.M..tsr.cE, T Iodo. O. en Internally, Acting » . n t o bio- 1 nnd mu- COUS SUI f.i, st * j ry •' stimonl.ils •ent fre \ 1 ■1 cc : j : r b ttle. bold by n!t ’ rv • . • Tak? Lux..’ J .1 . 1/ - ■ iaetipaUon. L. Brown, Jas. Buckley, Fred Lewis and Elmer Stephe"sen were in attend­ ance to the Eagles Lodg-i at Medford. I Vhc only way to act the genuine | New Home 9 Sewing Machine 1 u to buy the machine B with the name NEW HOME on the arm and in the 1-g». M Thia machine la » > azranted for all K time. ct’-.cr it B NooCier L’^ood Tba Haw H.ne Sowiaj Machin« Company, J ORANGE. MASS.