Jacksonville Post SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, s' »’ ■ - 1915, LÒCAL NEWS Floyd-Jones was in Medford day. Fred Owens was in t iwn Monday. Ora Stout was u visiter in Sunday. Medford Put Swayne of Watkins was in town Sunday. Mrs. A. Gull wns a recent visitor in Medford. Mon­ J. Percy Wells was a business ^isi- E. Forman of Buncom was a recent tor at Medford Tuesday. visitor in this city. Clinton Purkeypile of Medford was Chester Kubli of Applegate was in a visitor in this city Saturday. this city Wednesday. Ray Bunch of Medford was transac­ Fred Offenbacher of Applegate was ting business in this city Monday. a recent visitor in this city. Dodgers are out announcing a dance C. C. Pursell of Buncom was a visi­ to be held in Orth’s h ill January 15. tor in this city Wednesday. Rowell Hines is assisting President Johnson, in the Bank of Jacksonville. Lee Black of Forest creek was a Mark Winningham of Forest creek business visitor in this city Wednes­ was a recent visitor in this city. day. Are you a subscriber to the Post? Major A. A. Fries of California visi­ If not, why not? Onio $1.50 per year. ted his sister Mrs W. T. Grieve, this H. V. Richardson of Ashland trans­ wjek. acted business in this city Wednes­ Herman Offenbacher of the Apple­ day. gate valley was a visitor in town Wed­ Bert R. Greer, editor of the Ashland nesday. Tidings was a recent visitor in this Mrs. C. D. Stout and daughter, Miss city. Ora, visited friends at Eagle Point, Only about sixty days to the City this week. election. Who are you going to have Attorney H. L. DeArmond of Med- for councilmen? fore was transacting business in this W. H. Venable and Ray Offenbacher city Thursday afternoon. of Ruch, transacted business in this A surprise birthday patty Was giver, city Monday afternoon. on Floyd Jones Tuesday evening an The county court was in session for enjoyable time was spent. the transaction of county business a Mrs. P. A. Hines and son Rowell couple of days this week. who have been residing at Salem re­ Mrs. T. W. Fulton left Sunday for turned to this city this Week. Montague, Cal., to join her husband Mr. Barneburg of Talent passed who has errploymin' there. through town with a drove of cattle Ekron Gall who has been spending Wednesday on his way to the Apple­ gate. the holidays with her parents returned to school in Albany Sunday. The Fireman initiated a class of six new members Wednesday evening, Chicago bakers raised the price of Some of the initiates thought it “slow” bread to 6 cents per loaf as a result bot some others were shown a “good of in -rease in price of flour. time.” Mis»* Lillian Pierte who is teaching ____ „ Sunday School every Sunday at 1G School in the Sams Valley district, vis­ o’clodlt W. (1: (JaHdill Suflt. Public ited friends in this City Wednesday. worship at 11 a. m. eacll second and Charles Prim, Jr. who spent the hol­ fourth Sunday of the month and at idays With his parents in this city has 7:30 every Sunday evening, Class returned to the University of Califor- meeting every first and third Sunday nla. 11 a. m. H. C. Gallup leader. Pray­ Sheriff Singler m-.de a trip to the er meeting lliufSday evening at 7:30 Meadows Monday, to arrest a man The public is invited to attend these named Charles Drake, wanted on a services. A. Coslet Pastor charge uf obtaining money by false The new county officers have assum­ pr> tense. ed the duties of thfiit1 ra-pective posi­ tions and are rapidly getting on to the The Eiectric Theatre had a record routine of the work. In the treasury breaking attendance Sunday waning. department, Fred Uolvig and his as­ Th * management is putting on a good clean show and is entitled to a liberal sistant are ready to handle the funds in whatever denominations they may patronage. come. Chauncey Florey and Miss Neil Mesdames Hargrave, McGowan, his deputy in the recorder’s office, are H imilton, and Newbury and Mr. Gus handling the deeds, nt ’rtgage.«, etc. in Newbury of Medford attended the in­ find shape. Mr. Ma !den. the new stallation of officers at the Eastern Commissioner has taken hold like an Star Lodge in this city r.ursliy old hand in the administration of coun­ night. ty affairs. It is stated that Mr. Guy J LeClair, a hobo arrester! at Med- Harper who has had considerable ex­ f jrd. charged with the larcenv of a perience in the tax department of the sheriff's office will assist Mr. Colvig in lawn mower and a coil of garden hose, was sentenced to CO days in the coun­ the collection of taxes and when the ty jail Thursday and is now serving roll of delinquent taxes is turned over to the sheriff he will follow the roll I out the sentence. and attend to the eollecdon of delin The order of Eastern Star h»ld a quent taxes as well. public installation of officers W Ines- ------------ ------------------- day evening at which a number of Insialhticn of Officers guests were present. As we Were not furnished a :ist of the officers we are unable t > give the names at this time. At a meeting of t’ e Junior Brotvet- Mr.«. Fannie McNulty, of Medford .lood, Friday night, the following ■ ffi- who wu convicted O' forgery, at a re ee 's were elect ’d and installed: cent ter'm of the circuit -ourt, ha. Dan Baghaw, J. C. b en gran;ed • Conditional pardon b, Will Copeland, Vice J. C. Governir West. Mrs. McNulty wi 1 Chas. Abbitt, Secy. likely return to Biise, Idaho, in a fee M- rrit Dewi, Tr» is. days. Bruce Grieve, J P. Ivar. Applegate, J. C. H. Elsewhere in this pape» appear th< |i: ,-iy Wulsb, J. O. W. Maternent" of Beekman’s Banking Tri.«ties:- F: cd Collins, Cecil Gall, House, and the Bank of J icksonville in id Earnest Landow. nl these institutions appear to be in a flourishing condition and ar* worthy the confidence and patronage tf our readers. Re iorts are current as we go to press that Mr. Enyeart who has been sink nx a ptospect shaft in the eastern end of town has struck it rich. Mr. Enyeart has been aeti-g on the supposition that the course if Jackson creek in years I *ng past was considerably to the south cast of its present location and his pro- *rt shaft has proved that he w t gh„ He has discovered an ancient cr.*e'i bed at considerable depth, the - m of which are report’d to be very r in gold. We e< ngr itulate Mr. K i/eart uuon hu success and h ope tn it the find win be richer even toan reported. Information By EDITH V ROSS Joseph Martin came over from Med­ ford Monday. Benj. M. Collins made a trip to Med­ Leon Hanna was in Medford Wed- ford Monday. nesday. Mrs. John Barnum was a recent vis­ Lewis Girich made a trip to Medford itor in Medford. Monday. S. Blake of Medford was a recent Mrs. P. Ensele visited in Medford. visitor in this city; Thursday. Fred Luy of Wellen wai a recent Joseph Martin was a recent visitor visitor in this city. in Medford. Mrs. Nettie Thompson visited in B. R. McCabe was a recent visitor Medford Monday. in this city. Mrs. Frank Robison was a visitor Col. J. M. Williams was in Medford in Medford Monday. Wednesday. Miles Cantral of Ruch was a recent Mrs. R. B. Dow was a visitor in this visitor in this city. city thia week. John Cantral of Buncom was a visi- MW. flattie Deneff was a visitor n tor this citf Tuesday: Medford Monday. George Wolff of Medford was a re­ cent business visitor in this city. TomGailapher* s Sujar $20). Per $¿ck “We are ex eedinjly interested ir he beet sugar proposit on’ said Jack Sheridan and J. D. Bell uf the Nasi hotel List night, “t d will give I21 '* for the first sack of sugar mane in the Rogue River valley.” Both men are axing treir influence in making p,s.-: Ole the establishing of a beet ruga: factory in the »alley and are wed fat- isfied with the pr gruss made curing the last we»k. Wednesday m rt. ng Emil Mohr, of the Medford hotel stat­ ed that be would give $100 f .r the firs: sack of saga' made in the val <*y anri a week ago F. S. Carpenter ifered $10 tor toe first 100 lbs. Sometimes a Clear Consc enee Needs No Accuser By LOUISE B. CUMMINGS 0elf Belief the Key to Succese. Do you still believe in voeiself? if eo, you cannot becume n failure You cun nt worst only UiWe falffitrfti ffriirri" ils yet the s< leia-e of suci ess. of winch self respect Is the key In tile great gamble of life we can afford to lose everything but our self r«’spe< t. Money lost Is little lost; friends lost, lunch lost, but self respts-i lost, mid ull is lost. Si‘lf liellet Is tile 111 is I 11 ,< j of self respei’t. Just ns self respect Is the mother of self reliance Believe III yourself mid you will wiu through, fol self belief is the mainspring of human activity mid the |irincl|ial source of bumiiu Improvement II Inspires you to od retort'" said a senator in nil argument A verv good retort tadeeiX: It »< mlndsJ’UM f Weeks.. “Weeks anil hi- w were qunrTrt- Ing. •‘‘The night yon propo-usi ' said Mrs. Weeks, with n hard, scornful laugh, 'you netis! lil e n fish nut of water.’ •*Weeks slgtied I •• 'But a very cleverlv landed fish.’ fid «iM. In a musing voii e " VusLUigioa Star. Tom Dili higher's term in stute pris­ 1 uus shopping one «lay wbeu a wo­ on whs finished He was given some man In the place where 1 was buying money for present use and started dry goods was arrested for shoplifting. down the street. Tom had nowhere to She seem«! to be u liuly aud very go iuh I there seemed to la' no use look­ much cut up She endeavored to con­ big for n Job. That day of making a vince the proprietor that she was re­ living by honest work bad passtsL He spectable mid bad uo occasion to steal, bad tried work nud twd tried house- but lie was olKli'rate. mid the poor wo­ breaking. Several terms at bard labor man was hustled off to u police station. A few days later I saw by II newspa­ In prtsou had led him to prefer bard per that the lady was the wife of a labor In the open, But If be could get iveiilthy mitl prominent mini. She lived Poe's Reeding. ( a Job—which was not likely without a In another city, mid, there being no one It was a pi «-«Il iirily of I'oe that when, reeonimeiidation, which be did not pos­ at hand to vouch for her. she spent the he was most melaiu holy lie rein! the sess—It wouldn’t tie loug before some Iler liusbnud came night in a cell, most lugubrious ...... ks. and. living *ii one who knew him for what be was for her, got her out and commenced sort <>f Mark Tapley, lie was happiest' would come along and give blm away. vvlien he va- most miserable. But suit against the dry goods Brui for He stopped at a restaurant and bad Rules For Succeia at Golf. Poe's rule would not be a good one for $100.000 damages ! Writing In the American Magazine. a meal, after which he bought a cigar the armin' I»»-”» to ndont. This mutter made so great an lm and enjoyeil the first good smoke in a Jerome D Travers culls llarry Verdun pression on me that I dreaded there­ the greatest golf player be ever met long Willie. Then he wulked on Into after getting Into such a position my­ (lie residence part of the city, inspect­ and says the bulk of tils success might self 1 never went to a counter to be set down to these few simple rules: ing premises with a view to finding look over goods but that I tell that the Control of teni|M*r. one of easy access, from which he eyes rt man said that it was. are nineteen chances In twenty that the proper importance. Including Mutual Weekly News "Mr. Jacob Smith?" one. especially n woman, wdl not be it is necessary for every great artist tc The Woman replied in the affirma­ I certainly was understand details In order that he may cool and collected. tive. Dot, and I did not do what I should know when they should be Ignored "Mr. Jacob Brown Smith?" have done— that is. take the bag to -Yes, Mr. Jacob Rrowu Smith lire« the office mid report the facts. My Gulliver discovered tills Interesting fuel i when lie wnk<* up one morning Tile Here. Do you wish to see him?” one desire wits to get out of that store Tom, not biiriiig sufficient wit to ex­ before the lynx eyed detective on duty perfect!«,;' • f ■ ny masterpiece de|iend- tricate himself from such a bole, stood should ixiunce upon me. 1 went toward upon the strategic elimination of It- looking nt the woman shamefacedly the dots’ III ii great hurry, doubtless detulls. Those who see only those thing-- aud without reply. showing by tnv »xpreimlon that 1 was which lie la-tween the little and tb* BUSINESS CARDS. "Yuli dou't want to see the owner a thief running mvuy with goods great set1 neither of these It requires of the boilsc at all. You are recon I iritracted the ntteutiou of a woman, lho kiiiic »ffpiiclty of Imagination to ■ noiterlng with a view to breaking 111 who followed me out. 1 caught Sight master details that It does to mastei to carry off valuables, I su w you sis­ > of her staring at me and. looking back GUS NEWBURY Immensities Tn see big one must also nig up the ehanci’s of mi entry from on gulilliig tbe street, saw her coming the arbor and giving a professional behind uie. 1 did not doubt that she lie able to see little Controlling events means controlling was a detective, employed by the firm glance at the second story rear win Attorney-at-Law dow You ought to know that the to watch shoplifters, aud that 1 wotlld details Nothing succeeds like details — Life. safest way for a Job like that Is to i be ul'rested ns soou as she could se Will Practise in All Courts in the State take n sériant III and have the whole cure the Hei vl: es of a policeman, 1 Heathen Hospitality hurried on. she following us fast as she thing opened up to you a African Jungle |>«*<>ple nri* ir>t very "Are you in the bteT" asked Tom euuld But lie dill >i°t gh»1 on me, < lue OREGON. MEDFORD. '-'1 ktio« all about the craft and can for she IV;:» older than 1 mid some p irtlcn'.’ir .mr ernliig their fther ntiless I'm cocksure that thefe's l> a» we were driving away, tlvt«, wire In their own way are really the pay must be big " Attorney at I aw compassionate and want to help One "What luck!" exclaimed Tom. “1 neE endcavor d to attract tin* cabman's at I an w of these "bush mammies" tried to ex elltio’i. iml lieill-i Ii ’i see her. I rr thought to find a hel|>er In here. pl.ilnly enough enough, but blit I looked pre»« her sorrow la’cause the “white \ NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCFK You Just put me <>n to the game tiDd ier plainly intimuiy missionary” was so III After pretending lint to See her zwuy. not you cull fiJiike y,,nr own terms as to l’liere was no u<> other call near, and I a time she left the station with n Office with Jacksonville Post. the divvy ” ue< ceded in i tlfng away from the bright Idea in her head and started for The woman stood looking nt Toril the Jungle A little Inter she returned When I reached home 1 rnc - OREGON I JACKSONVILLE. Then .vunniii with un eye that puzzled film with n large tropical leaf from one of in as quickly ns I could, locked the she »ild: Uisin It «ere several t>lg ine. and aftet <*.-i|ilug tu the trees “1 reckon I'll trust yon. I've had s door b- lilllO crawling green worms, which she tin I lot of expcrii’iiie with our kind, mid If the maid to admit no one I went Up- i-nUght nisi brought to the s:ck mt-sloii a person has v.ny good In him nt all 1 stilll*« l’> m.' rooui ary Slie thought they would la* nice li. K. HANNA I irtd tint Ix'en there long before cun tell It Ytal Won't give me away." anil tender for tier to ent during her ill sharp ring nt the dour there was a It was aminged tH’tween the two Lawyer bell 1 reimilin*d In my room, shiver peas -ClirLstUm llctald tiuit Tom should come to the house big. and the ktlhlnnms was not an- to Bud a He was that night nt 12 swered There was illiotller and an- Psychological Moment. Office in Bank of Jacksonville Buildup kitchen window unlocked. through ether ring, but after that w lioevef Wag •To. whot h Dittint by the psycho will-h lie might expect an entrance there went away I heard some one OREGON JACKSONVILLE. A back staircase ttoiild lead bini to a yolng down the steps and, looking out logical mdtnpHt?” “When I giro yowr mother a check, he would wall and safe built in the of ilie win low saw a policeman riding m.v son. that N 1b<* bohHricnl mo­ find the key under n rug near by. lie away on it indturcycle. ment for me if» toil h r 1 Won’t t>e was to take the silver and any cash I determined to get u*ay from the bo!D? until kite." Birmingham Affr- he might find in the safe and go out house before be could come buck, but I)R. T. T. SHAW with It as he came in. Having turned flirt inc luded to examine the bag. Henild. the swag into cash, he was to meet the ft was not mine nud contained a num Dentist. Careful. woman that day week at ths Dorth bcr of artk’les of no great value that Biol,lis That feline Skinnum Is al west comer of the city park and de­ were evidently purchases of a woman. wny- Imisting :*!.* ut 1-1» pull. Rliibb« Office in Uvan Building, California St. liver two-thlrds of the profit. Tem Then I r»*viille<] flint I hud been nt my -Well, don't let hin: -»«»ply it to your Upstairs was surprised at being so largely trust Jeweler's mid brought .away a valuable leg.- I'l.i •dclphhi Ihroid. ed. but this didn't trouble him n bit. brooch that I bad left there for repair OREGON I JACKSONVILLE At the ai'ixilnti’d hour be appeared I hud exi-lianged my brooch for n yard at the window mill found It unlocked, of emnbri six luindken liiefs. half a entered, went up tile back staircase, yard of dress lining mid n number of found the key of the safe under the other articles of uo more vulue. nig mid was ofienlng the safe door While I was preparing to continue when sudd« lily ev«*ry electrii’ light my flight 1 beard n latchkey fumbling blazed out nt oiiee Fei’lliig a hand on in tlie keyhole of the front d«x>r. I his shoulder, be turtn-d and tooked Into kn«’W ft was my liusbnud mid ran th«* face <*f n |»>l.i*:..;in At the same downstairs, oiwned the door mid when time lie he.ir-l n n»-«’e of n dress nxd he enter«««! fell Info bl" arms In re the woman with wlimn he had made ply to Ills agonized apis-uls to be told A full Ine of the be»* groceries, c nfe-tu», h , nuts, fresh fruit». the deal npinMn-d oil the wene In even w bat w as the matter I "«tally gasped Cig fiii and Tobacco, Etc Ing eosttnne that I was nls>ut to tie arrested as a ill I take him a wiry ma'am?" shoplifter This naturally astonished fall and app u< “Walt a munite. I wish to speak t*> him. mid he worked bard with me till I Tom she Then turning to film." lie p»f the Ktory “Nonscnser lie ezrtalmed "Some •«Wed ,i ftimoon woman has unintentionally exchanged "When left me I bags I oubth-ss while »h qiplng nt the noth my I a|H*n■:<• I h d ««-n t ' n d b: rs Y*>n yours you took what was left. «re a Is tti r I'lan Ih -u you look to Im There was another ring at the door- if ; oil Were 11,4 li'udhupisd bow bell, an*! my bu-l»iud In-i-tisl ■ n going e1 you ■ -e t" e*rn an li* i.**t llv to tlie door I inn U|»fair« and Ilk! In the clo-et f'n-srutly I heard film call !Dg fo.'t I rem ilti«"1 where I was till a m riot ■r Come set ur Bright, e mtn upstairs with my lost lug of the Very Latest '»I plac. ’ f*T Gifts, indeed. Our ii Tlie «orcin who lind followed me. A rowd more Styles, and tie Verv Best rndii x that she had es< ban li* Merit into E eh Lollsr’s v ith " me one atid «eclnii he -tore wuglllzed me as one on'-ained elsewhere. •r no<1 uC’1 seen -b-’ -¡’Illg l»~ld* Anl Savings at Un. i I'rcd to . mi ll me Fill 1.1« • he prove tha our V; lues a e after ■ nt a mot’ cycle polk entan 1 sal ret mini, reperied that lie | •! to gain admittance, and the . . ••u-iirHb ’I i- a work l It Theatre ZUDORA Here Fri.--Sat. Jan. 8-9 1915 SIX REEL PROGRAM Don’t MissZudora Thanhausers Greatest Photoplay. I). W. BAGSHAW NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! Groceries, Confectionery, Notions, Goods Z II Fresh. Prices Right. MS. HAIT E DENEFF We Are Ready f >r CITY DRUG STORE ■ - « d i-.*- --ed a wua hifiii m r UX V« .ilvlu. J. W. ROBINSON >f. L>„ Prop., lai knoniille, Ortgon