Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, December 05, 1914, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical
* - *
NO. 31
Frank Crump, Pioneer of Jack-
son County,
Stricken By
Heart Disease
day Evening
In northern Idaho and Montana,
which had many fires during the past
summer, 35 percent of the fires on na.
tional forests were caused by railroads
26 percent by lightning and 10 percent
by campers. The remainder were due
to brush burning and other miscellan­
eous or unknown causes.
A mountain lion recently killed in
the Grand Canyon game preserve,
which adjoins the Tusayan national
forost measured ten feet from nose to
tail. Mountain lions and other beasts
of prey, such as wolves, coyotes, and
wild cats, are killed by forest officers
and game wardens because they are a
menace to stock and to game ani-
Slayer Fires Shot at Two
er Men Who Mansge
Oth- Manufactures Enterprises and
Payrolls and Promot­
ing Development
epert recently issued by the State La­
bor Commissioner at Salem indicates
that there are now 122 822 more resi­
dents in Oregon than when the 1910 Is Righting Machin
¡fheit ■
census was compiled. Four years ago
there were 672,765 people in the state,
Suddenly Drops to Ear'h,
as compared with 795.087 at this time.
2000 Fee'.
The report was compiled from the en­
rollment and attendance figures of the
school department in each county.
Los Angeles Dec. 2—Thomas J. Hill,
The report indicates that the growth
in population is somewhat “patchy” an aviator 25 years of age, was killed
throughout the state, some counties I today near Venice while looping the '
having made remarkable advances loop. Hill had successfully performed
while others have grown but little, the feat of turning over his aeroplane,
while in several instances there appears and was righting his machine, when it
suddenly started tailing from a height
to have been a loss. Multnomah Coun­
of 2000 feet. Hill was crushed to death
ty shows the largest gain 50,921, while
Hood River, Josephine, Morrow and u ider the machine. The aviator for
Sherman counties show a population
an aviation school.
slightly smaller than four years ago.
Colfax, Wash., Nov. 30—During a
of Oregon
quarrel Sunday evening at the ranch
of George A. Miller six miles north of
Colfax John Hawkins a neighbor shot
Bids are to be taken Dec. 15 on the
Miller in the right side and through Portland million dollar postuffiee.
the heart with a . 38-caliber revolver,
The Dalles postoffice building is to
killing him instantly.
. cost $75,000.
P. Roberts and J. Hall were eye-wit­ Coast lumber shipments last half of
nesses to the trouble and Hawkins fir­ October reached 29,528,000 ft.
ed a shot at Roberts as he and Hall
Warrenton will spend $150,000 on
Oregon Products
overpowered him after the two shots
------- — •-------
water supply from Lewis and Clark
At the recent Fruit Growers’ confer­
were fired at Miller.
Hawkins came to the Miller barn
For Safe Trivelli! g
Salem, Or., Nov. 30—Ten carloads Sunday night and asked Roberts and
Silverton is planning cluster lights pointed for the purpose of working out
the solution of the by-products prob­
of products to be exhibited at the Pan­ Miller if they had taken up a hog be­ for its principal streets.
ama Pacific Exposition will be sent to longing to him. Both responded that
The O. W. R. i. N. will spend $140,- lem and, if possible, effect a consolida­ Two million and a half miles are
tion of the various selling agencies. A covered each year by the track walk-
San Francisco in the next 10 days, ac­ they had not and Hawkins replied: 000 on roundhouses at The Dalles.
meeting of this committee will be held
cording to an announcement made by ■‘There is a lie out somewhere.” Mil­
Frye & Co. Seattle Packers will erect | North Yakima on December 5. At ers who patrol the right of way of the
members of the Willamette Valley Ex­ ler struck Hawkins a slight blow ane! a market in Portland
Southern Pacific Company. Each day
that time it is expected that a plan every one of the seven thousand miles
position Association, an organization Hawkins fired.
Oregon City reduces school tax levy will be worked out whereby an adviso- is gone over piecemeal. Roadbed,
which has supervision of the displays
from 8.3 to 5.7 mills.
ry board of canning and evaporator ex­ tracks, switches, bridges and trestles,
of the Willamette Valley counties at
The Hoke cannery at Medford has perts, together with practical business culverts, signals, everything, is care­
the fair. Already 164 boxes of apples
Romance Ends in Court
done a good business and will enlarge men can be created, the services of fully scrutinized that trains may mute
have been forwarded and O. E. Freytag
its plant for 1915.
this board to be available to all fruit along quitkiy and with safety. On
56 Perceot of World at War commissioner from Clackamas county
and W. Graves commissioner from Bec­ Montesano, Wash., Nov. 30—Mrs.
WyerhaU3er interests that owntwen- districts calling for it. In this mann. r straight tracks where there is no dan­
ton county,have gone to San Francisco Pearl Jones of Hoquiam, in court on I ty billion feet of timber in the Cleat- it is expected to furnish to each ui - ger of being struck by trains, the
London, Nov. 14—(Correspondence to confer with George M. Hyland rela­ Saturday tes tified that her husband, | water district are looking for a mill trie; full and reliable information an I I track walker rides on a velocipede.
alvice, thereby saving funis which Where there are many curves ur train
of The Associated Press)—With the tive to the space to be allotted the Oliver, after a few weeks of married 1 site on the Si.ake River.
addition of Turkey and virtually Port­ counties in the Oregon building and bliss in Oregon suggested that she go County, city and school taxing bod­ would otherwise be spent in expel i- service is frequent, he walks on foot.
The inspector is equipped with rid
ugal to the ranks,of the belligerents, the Horticultural and Agricultural to Hoquiam and find a home promising ies all over the state are whittling menting. Providing for uniform i -
sp ection and a central selling agen- y flags, lanterns, fusees, torpedoes spike
the area of hostilities has been exten­ building. The association has awarded to follow soon. That was a year ago. down levies. Amen.
mauls, track wrenches and extra Lolls
ded to approximately 58 percent or the a contract for printing 50,000 descrip­ Since then she declares.be has written The coming legislature should pass will be taken up later.
land surface of the globe and about 56 tive books of the Valley. In these books that he is tired of her and that he sent resolutions limiting the number of bills
The farmers of Polk County are be­ so that he can take care of whatever
percent of the total population of the articles will cover the resources of the her away to get rid of her, and she to be introduced by each senator or rep­ coming interested in a proposition to emergency situation may arise The
says he has failed to support her.
• arth must be classed as technically Valley.
raise sugar beets. A meeting was automatic block signal, by the position
resentative to flve and no more.
She was granted a divorce. Jessie
belligerent, says the London Daily
at Incepe:idence a few days ago of its blade, will show any interrup­
Lassiter, of Elma, was granted a di­ Klamath Falls and Eugene are fight­ at which tne m itter was discussed with tion in the continuity of the rails; and
vorce from E. Lass ter. The wife and
In round numbers out of a total land
representatives of the beet sugar man­ the work of the track walker is an ad­
Hunter Fined $100
her sister testified that he is always The Medford postoffice is to be built ufacturers, and it is expected that a ded safety urecaution.
surface of 51,500,000 square miles (ex­
drunk since they knew him and that he of Jackson county limestone or sand considerable acreage will be devoted
cluding the uninhabitable regions in
Wil- cursed her.
the Arctic and Antarctic) 30,000,000sq.
to beets the coming year. The bottom
this county,
Nov. 28 Gresham and five school dis­ lands are well adapted to this crop and
mileB «0
is uvvayicu
occupied by viic
the 11 UCHl£ClCllk
belligerent hite of Agness
Floral Table Decoration
tricts vote on a municipal high school. the sugar men are convinced the in­
Power«, and about 1,000,000,000 of last week by Deputy Game Warden J.
Will Open Coffee Club
the 1,800,000,000 human beings on I F. Adams charged with having in his
Silverton Interurban Telephone Co. dustry can be made profitable to the
Simple and artistic must be floral ta­
has been granted right to increase its farmers.
earth are directly involved in the great possession mutilated deer hides deman­
ded a jury trial, and was tried in Judge Pendleton, Or., Nov. 30—A coifee rates.
ble decorations if the standard set by
Near Brownsville a large deposit of judges at the O. A. C. Horticultural
Stafford’s court/ The jury returi ed a c ub ftr transient workingmen winter-
Mayor Vincent and a committee
verdict of guilty, and Wilhite was ing in Pendleton has been definitely de- vorking for a municipal water plant nt I splendid building stone, of a rare buff Show is generally acc< pted. In the ta­
, color, has been foun I, and the quarry ble decoration contest entered by ei.ch
Forest Notes
fined $100 and costs. He will probably ! cided upon and Percy Heibert, a Pen-
j will be opened as soon as the necessa­ of the four classes in home economics,
rerve it out in jail. Game Warden Ad­ , dleton man, has been chosen as mana- St. Johns.
' ry machinery can be installed. This
ams by his methods of enforcing the
A great deal of oak used on the Pa- game laws has done more fro law en­ ■ ger. It is estimated that the club can were snowed under and should be kept particular variety of stone is much the winning table was a model of 111-
tistic simplicity decorated only by —
c lie coast comes from the eastern part forcement in Curry County than all
sought after by architects, and the in­ what du you t>
under by the coming legislature.
of Asia.
Oregon has 7 candy factories and dustry will undoudtedly reach large beautiful a’ expulsive f w.iapoiuu
precec ding game wardens combined, siderable discussion as to what shall
proportions. The machinery now on plants and
To guard against tree repair fakers, according to statements made by offi­ ■ constitute a lunch to be furnished at a 257 baitei ies.
- < ir.i>I■
• re
I the way to the qarry will give a capac­
or quack tree surgeons the Massachu­ cials here.
doubt. But the supposition .a atui>
Medi'oid—Owens Bros, of Eau Claire 1
1 nominal sum. The preference appears
ity of three carloads per day.
setts forestry association will inspect
simple nasturtiums vines leaves and
j to be coffee and sandwiches, but stews Wis. are planning to build a sawmill on
the shade trees belonging to its mem­
Lumbermen of the Pacific Nortl - flowers trailed from a graceful retd
! similar to those furnished at the Sel­ Bear creek,
bers free of charge.
ling Club in Portland are also favor­ Klamath Falls—new court house West have been asked to bid on railroad basket, were the only decorations used
Sihlwatd, or city forest of Zurich,
by the juniors who won the lust prize-
costing $100,090 nearing Completion.
00) feet, and with orders for the same Oregon housewives, every one, should
Switserlan I adJs to the town’s reve­
Lexingtrn, Ky.. Dec. 2—William B.
Halfway —bands voted to erect a
materia1 coming from Europe, it is ex­ know this. The students had the ran
nues $7. 29 per acre a year, reducing Emma 97 years old, said to be the old­ The O. W. R. & N. Railroad shops
pected the millmen of this territory of hundred« uf dollars’ worth of flow­
the amount needed to be raised est Oddfellow in the world, died here and terminals are to remain at Tne
Marion and Polk counties will build will be right in line for their share of ers. shiubs and vines, yet chose if.e
through taxation by more than •32,- ast night. He joined the order in Dalles and will be enlarged to become
a $225,00« steel bridge at Salem.
simple home flower and won with it.
the anticipated good times.
the leading industry.
Roseburg will build a municipal feed
And the division was awarded by Mis.
W. J. Kerr and C. 1. l ewis, wives re­
vely of the piesident of the col­
lege t :.d the head of the Horticultural
pital to hold 290 patients.
department, and Miss Hitchcock, a
Portland Flouring Mills will erect a
Oregon Agricultural College Corval­ specialist in domestic arts. A geliei-
warehouse at Alnany.
ai acceptance of this principal in ta­
Marshfield will establish a coffee lis. Or. Nov. 30—Marketing eggs direct ble decorations would lelieve perplex­
club and free employment bureau.
of parcel post shipments will soon be ed housewives of at least one sociul
Donald ha3 completed a large double undertaken by a number of Oregon care —and of one financial worry as
brick store.
poultrymen. Lists of city consumers well.
Work started on a fine new Catholic who wish to receive eggs direct from
producers have been sent by the Agri­
I church at Prineville.
l/rigaiion Lew Vcid
cultural College Poultry department to i
The offort will be m ide to revive producers t' at wish to undertake to
some of the b 11s in the legislature furnish the shipments. In like manner
Albany Or. Dec. 3—Judge P. R. Kel­
that were defeated at the polls.
lists of producers have been Sent to ley, ul lile Circuit Cool t, in a deClol. II
The cost of school books is to be in­ the city consumers and thus the sourc­ rei.di reu this weei. holds that private
vestigated and an effort made to re- es of supply and demand have been property cannot be condemned (or pi 1-
[ duce cost to the people fifty per­ brought together.
vate irrigation ur power purposes,
It has been shown by experimental contending lhat the Oiegon code is 111
shi) ments made by the departri ent
Seven vessels loaded at St. Hel'rns .that this method can supply city con­ conflict with .lie Constitutional pro­
I isr week taking 6,000,009 feet of ium- sumers with eggs only a day or two old visions regarding the taking of pro­
perty fur private use, and that it is
at prices as low as those charged by re­ within the province of the court to
Governor-Elect Withycombe Raya tailers for eggs of poorer quality. Pro­ determine wliat is public or private
there will be no fancy trimmings dur- ducers can furnish fresh eggs in lots of use.
five dozen or more at a few centsabove
ing his term.
the wholesale price of the best eggs,
Corvallis—school tax reduces two giving due consideration to the cost ot
Elgin Pians Belter Schools
containers and postage.
Odel—Taylor Bros, evaporating plant
Although eithei producer or consum­
Elgin, Or. Dec. 3 —At a recent meet­
burned. May be rebuilt.
er may own the containers and pay the
Other Bargains too numerous to mention
ing th local taxpayers voted a lax levy
Clackamas will ape'll $15,000 in 1915
city consumers may find it profitable of 111. mills fur school purposes for
on a county jail.
to purchase a few containers and mall the coming year. Among the improve­
Roseburg—Dec. 7 the county clerk them out to producers from whom men s to be made are the complete e-
| will open bids on 11,400 feet of county they expect to get ti.eir eggs. Lists quipment to the new chemical laborato­
I road.
of dealers handing suitable containers ry the intr dnetion of domestic science
are included in the gem ral informa­ and manual tra ning and new furnirh-
supplied by the Poultry depart­ ings f< r the grammar grader, A man-
ual training teacher will be added to
It is further recommended that both the faculty for next year.
parties furnish bank or other good re-
7 he Pioneer Store
Jacksonville, Ore.
Oregon Makes Gain in Popula­ ‘ ference as a guarantee of good faith, Allen to Take (arson’s Place
although it is thought there is great
tion. Farmes Interested
security in dealing through parcels post
since either party using dishonest meth­ Salem, Or., Dec 2—A C. Allen, of
in Sugar Beet Rais-
ods might have to answer to Uncle Medf nd has been appointed to.the po­
Sam. If rightly follwed it is believed sition of Horticultural Commissioner
that this method of marketing farm of the Third District by the StateBo.rrd
1 products is protiruble to all concern­ of Horticulture. The appointment was
una. ini -1
U >ucere s A H. {¿»it*
Portland. Ore., Dec. 2 (Spec
» •
i - u. h l, rd v- •
< et il i O gm. ha«
a ... e
. n.v-u
-i-u 'g-u>. vt i.-s
- w bv*í j
>,i a .1. he > ■ i- h the I r.grc»» L 1.4
«jn ice,”
made id populating Ulc State, since the ' the court huu -
Josiah Franklin Crump, a wellknown
farmer of the Applegate valley, died
at his home near Buncom, Monday
evening, of heart failure.
About half past flve he went to the
barn to do his evening choree and up­
on his failure to return to supper Mrs.
Crump sent one of the boys to look for
him. Tee boy returned saying that
his father was asleep and he could not
be wakened: the neighbors were called
but life was extinct.
Mr. Crump was born in Illinois. Oc­
tober 27, 1863. When two years old,
his parents emigrated to Oregon, set­
tling first in the Willamette valley,
but in a few months coming to Jack-
son county where the deceased has re­
sided ever since, Besides his wife, he
leaves three children, Vivian, John and
All Kinds of
Xmas Bargains
Lewis Ulrich ’s
Men’s Sweater Coats 1-2 Price
Spuds $1.40 per hundred.
Flour, Groceries, Feed, Etc., at
Bedrock Prices.
Xmas Goods Now on Display