” '............................... ................ .. - — RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FOREST. Notice is hereby given that the lands described below, embracing 10 acres, within the Crater National Forest, Oregon, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homeeetad laws of th« United States and the act of June 11, 1906, (34 Stat., 233), at the United States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, on November 25, 1914. Any settler who was actually and in good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not aban­ doned same, has a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands actually occupied. Said lany t< io: i.»;•! J. uirnul. 'l'ernia. & yenr; f. ur mniilLa, |l. Suoi by all nowadealers. IV’UftN & ’■ Oo.acicroadw,,. »• Wn.htugton. D. C. you get POLK’S best work „¿ja Business Directory OREGON and WASHINGTON r low prices A Directory of each City, Town and Village, givii ; descriptive sketch of each place, location, population, tele- fe’.aph, • lp''ir. . andi tanking point; ••••» Cl iv V 1 us’nc >1.. JSiiiC'l D etovy, ♦ . ' »11 »V C<»- LU is Going On and Shrewd buyers will invest in Jacksonville property and prepare for the raise which is sure to come. We can offer you a few bargains at prices which will yield a handsome profit in the near future. Get busy, at once. 'Under the present law (county prohibition» 0.6 »aloon, where the traffic could be regulated, has given »xay to the irugitore, where inlnoi-M and uudcNirables o.ou'u all the whisky they want Th© liquor business should die« 3nductcd open and above board, and not over the bat s of A*<*r«*i deuM ------- ------------------ _ . KEV. FATH EK T. J « * UVAX Summons. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREG. N, Pontiac. FOR THE COUNTY OF .’ACESoN. Charles A. Warren. Plaintiff vs. 1. uttie V. Warren, Defendant. Divorce. To Li«ttie V. Warren: the above named frndsnt: In the Name of the State of C reeron: hereby comman ’ed to appear and ar l laintiff’s amende 1 complaint against you r.owo: file in the above entiiled C urt and cause on c? befo'-e the la-’t day pre.«scib -wir on or befira the 28th dav of November, Bl I. si id date being th: expira tion of six weeks from the date of the first pub­ lication of this summons. And you are herein notified that i* you fail to appear and answei for want thereof pl «intiff will apply to the above entitle i Court for the relief pra ed for in his amended complaint, namely, for a decree forev «r dissolvinT the marriage vows now exist­ ing between the plaintiff ami defendant, and for the cm e and custody of the r minor ch¡1.1. Howard C. Warren. This summons is published in the Jacksonville Post a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published in Jacksonville. Jackson County. Ore­ gon. by order of Honorable F. M. Calkin:, Judge of the Circuit Court of Jaet.ain Co nt.» Oregon, which said older wa« made end entero- of record on the 15th day of October. ¡914. and which said order requires you to appear an ' answer said amended complaint on or 1 efore th last day prescribed in sail order for publication of summons. Date of first public *ti«»n is the 17th «lay of October. 1914 and date of last publica­ tion is the 28th day of November. 1914. H. L. DE ARMOND. Atto’ney for Plaintiff. * “I cannot see the benefits to be derived from comr.ulaory ■hadarme.** BISHOP GRAFTON, of Wlscoxgsln. * * « “Absolute prohibition has proven Impracticable, if not a dismal failure.“ THE RIGHT KEV. THOMAS F LILLIS, Bishop of Leavenworth. Kansas. « ♦ ♦ “The use of alcoholic liquors Is and always has been con- eldered not only legitimate as a beverage, but it Is conse­ crated and hallowed In tho most solemn and weighty rite of the CbrUtian ( hurch. You cannot. cannot, I>> by mere Inw. Inw eradicate a sentiment and destroy an institution that Ims stood for a¿,es end that is so deeply rooted In our social life.” WASSON, New York. KEV. ... W. * « * that are '’Everyone knows that there minister. perfectly orderly and law abiding any more right to Interfere with the business of such a place than th® saloonkeeper would have to disturb the peace of my congregation while at worship?" VERY REV. D. D. J HARTLEY. Little Kock. Ark * * ♦ 'I consider prohibition wrong bemuse It I n destructive. BISHOP CHARLES D. WILLIAMS. Michigan. * * * “Tho establishment of prohibition would bo Impmotlcn and would put a premium ou the eulr of Into lies (lug drinks.** CARDINAL GIBBONS. * 4i * “Prohibition drives underground the mischief which It BISHOP HALL. Vermont ■eeka (o cure.’* ♦ «rrohlbltloB peraace.'* 4> Notice to Cre has been dtw*«troi?« tn f’’O cause of BISHOP CLARK. Rhode Island. ♦ * In the Matter of the Estate of Franch ? Grainger. Decea-eil. Notice h hereby givt n by the unde:sigi rd a.: ministratrix of the estate of Francis M G ain re Deceased, to th»* creditors of. and all p rsons having claims agains* the sa d de ‘eased, or the said estate, to present such claims with the pro­ per vouchers within six months fnun the du e o this notice to the ssi»l said administratrix, nt the law officeof W. J Moore, in ui • cit... of Ashland. Oregon. Dated and first publtshel this lOih day of Oc­ tober. 1914. MAYN1E «RAINGER. Administratrix of th j Estât® of Fra >ci< M Gnu nger. deeeaMe 1. 'It la a rude Interferone a wlth thè perso». J liberty for thè law to teli me what I shall rx.t oi I <>w mi, ». 1 • , ! cut. la Just as rude an Interferen* r fui lt to de- riho hai s or aliali not drink, and bow much.“ REV. DR. CHAH PAKKHl’LST. New York a a a “My eye« ware opened to the great avlla of prohibition In The club» organised by yeung men. tho a very few years * •el Bn* of rile “ drcoctloue by women nud children, bypeerley and cerruptloe arrested my attention. REV. DR. rtLANCIIARD. Portland, Me a o.- i IN THE• OUNTYCOURT OF 11 STATE O! OREGON. FOR THE COU.4TY :)F J A -'KJ )N a “Many people thouaht state-wide prohibition to be the It Is Impractirai. and Its violation Is pre* Ideal remedy. ¿active of hidden and ■ hamaful vlrr.M BISHOP OAIIÄR. Tea acaece. (Paid Advertisement Taxpayers and Wage-Earners' League of Oregon. Portland. Or.) Congb Medicine iter Children. Too much cs • ronro- be u ed in selecting * cough medic ds for ci.i'Jren, It should lie pleasant to take, contain n harmful sub- | stance and be .no«t effectual. Chamberlain's I Cough Remed.r meets these requirements and is a favorite with the mothers of voung i children everywhere. For sale bz all Dea- [ ten.—Advertisement. 1 - À -Al Rogue River Realty Co R. R. R Jacksonville, Ore OFF1CE:-Bank of Jack­ sonville Bldg. Upstairs Charles F. Dunford DEALER IN All kinds of soft and hard wood. Tier or cordwood lengths. Prices moderate and delivery prompt. JACKSONVILLE ■». by and p ,. .ssloru Notice to Creditors. ■Ide by maintaining that the wine mentioned in Sc.! iplure « Diaicria COPVSIGHTS ÌC. A n.rimo a tiktH« u ainl daacriutkm may qui. kly iu«u«iuiu our «■¡•uiti-n fruo whutiior aa invenlion 1« probaLly pmuutubl®.-Cpiuiunnlca- tl<>iu« Htrictly contlduntial. H’NCbOCX on l*-Holiti sonb froa. illesi «*otn y for seri;rtug uaients. l'iteiits tukutr l .rotigli Munti A Cu. recelve special noiu s, wuliout cLarga, In ih® IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. ♦ ♦ « T radì M arks Jacksonville, Ore OREGON '■