Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, October 24, 1914, Image 3

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iibove named d fu idunta from any right, title
interest, claim of tl le. lien or claim of lien in or
t > afc: e nil rr mo • ■ <1
such other pm !
I f< sth<rrclkf»sto ’bec - rt j k
• *’ b*
Th;» st rnmons k ; • bUshc d in the .1; c.-tonv»’ • •
Dost b/*xjrdei of the Hon. F M. C. tk.fcn?;
of the above entitled Court, which said or*:er v as
made on the 23rd day of ()< tuber. 1914. ar d
wnert in it is ordi rei that you and each of y«u
appear and answer the con plaint on file herein I
o.v or before the expiration of fix weeks from
the date prcsc.'ibid in sail7 order as the date of
the fit st publ.cation of this summons.
The date of the first publication of this sum­
mons is Oct ,bir 21th, 1914, and the date of the
last publication thereof and on or before which
date you are required to airpear ar.d answer is
December 5th, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff
. —_----«a; t
■ ■—
Jbseph .V art in was at Medford Fri­
Recent experim nts indicate ths
day. .—
- —
*’n ufid timbers of all the pir.es, o En
Mrs. E. Kubll Was a recent’ visitor gelmann spruce, Douglas fir, tamaraei
land western larch, can be reaclil. tre:-
nt MU J ford.
Joe Johnson was at Medford Wed­ I 'e.i with prtserv. ti.es, but that tin
j 1 rs, hemlocks, redwood, and Sitka
nesday afternoon.
s. ruee, in the round, do not take treat­
Mrs. Jack Reter visited friends in
ment easily. This information should
Medford Tuesday.
I e of value to persons who contemplate
Ths regular term of circuit court be­ i resyrvative treatment of round posts
gins next Monday.
polos, or mine props.
Robert Long of Steamboat was a re­
cent visitor in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrich were Vis­
itors at Medford Friday.
Political Announcements
Gertrude Dunnington is visiting
In'the Matter of the Estate of Har­
friends in Medford this week.
rison H. Triplett, Deceased:
Attorney Piatt of Medford transact­
To C. W. Triplett. John F. Trip­
Store Property Rentals Drop $75
lett, Mary Newell, H. A. Triplett, Ed­
ed business in this city Friday.
Triplett, William Tr plett. heirs
Gus Newbury of Medford was at the gar
of said Harrison H. Triplett, and all
court house Wednesday forenoon.
other heirs of said Decedent, un-1 coming election, I stand on my past
recond of efficient service in the in­ BANK DEPOSITS OFF $300,000
A. A. Franks of Medford was a busi­ known, if Hny such there be.
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
ness visitor in this city Thursday.
Vou are hereby cited to be ai d apnear terest of the taxpayer, and respectfully
Harry Thomas of Steamboat waB in our County Court of the State of solicit the support of all voters.
Fourteen Business Houses Quit in Less
Oregon, at the court room thereof, at
transacting business here Monday.
Jacksonvillej in said County, on the 4th
Than Year. School Attendance Less
(Paid Advertisement.)
Frank Brown of the Applegate val­ day of December, 1914, at ten o’clock
---------- »qr-«----------
A. M. of that day, then and there to
ley was a recent visitor in this city.
Many Oregon papers have
show cause, if any exist, why an or­
B. F. Mulkey of Medford was at the der of sale should not be made as
County Treasurer.
loaded down within
court house several days this week.
prayed for in the petition of Sam
am the democratic nominee for the past three weeks with
Mathis, Administrator of said estate,
Charles Nichol of Berkely Cal., was filed
in this Court on this day, and treasurer of Jackson county and will repeated assurances that
a visitor in town one day this week.
praying for an order and licence auth­ appreciate your support.
“Business is Fine in Dry
S. (Sid) I. BROWN.
Miss Hazel Vaughan of Medford vis­ orizing said administrator to sell at
ited friends in this city Thursday morn­ bidder, all the real property of said
The three most important
es'ate, for the purp. se of paying the
Oregon cities to become
Misses Emma Wendt ahd Marie Ob. claims againsc said estate heretofore
County Recorder.
allowed and ail other lawful claims
enchain were recent visitors at Med­ and the expenses of administration.
“dry” nine months ago were
The said real property consists of the didate oil the republican tiexet for Salem, Oregon City and
V. L. Patton of Lake Creek, trans­ following described tracts, situated county recorder. If elected I will Springfield.
in Jackson County, Oregon, to-wit:
acted business in this city Thursday af­ The south-west quarter of thesouth- give my undivided attention to the
If business is fine in those cities
west quarter of Sectiou Eleven (11) duties of the office. Election Nov. 3, the taxpayers and most of the
Township 35 South, of Range 4 i 1914.
Mrs. Normile and Mrs. Koppes of i.i
business men would like to have i
West of W. M., excepting those parts
Medford visited friends in this city thereof heretofore sold to John Smilli-
the “drys” explain just what
(Paid Advertisement.)
peter and O. C. Oden. Also two-thirds
they mean by “fine.” If they i
had said “business is thin,” then
W. Estell Phipps of Medford trans­ interest in twenty acres of lime land
on Galls Creek.
they might have been more easily
acted business at the court house Thurs­
County Treasurer.
By order of the County Courtof Ore­
day morning.
gon for the County of Jackson, made
i hereby announce that I am the Re­ understood.
23rd day of October, 1914. Wit­ publican nominee for the office of
Let them answer first about
W. H. Venable a promihent farmer this
ness my band and the seal of said
in Salem. Ex-( 'ouncil-
of Rech was transacting business in Court this the day and year last above County Treasurer.
inanTJohn D. Turner, of Salem,
this city Friday.
an attorney, is sponsor for the
(Paid Adi ertisement )
Attorney Canaday of Medford made
County clerk.
following facts about that city:
professional trip to the court house
Salem went “dry” December 1 last,
Thursday morning.
closing 15 saloons, three restaurants
For County Recorder.
Sheriff Singlet and Depuly Wilson
I hereby announce myself as th-- and two wholesale houses and withdrew
were at Medford on official business IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF democratic candidate for tile office of liquor permits from eight drug stores
and cut off an annuel license revenue
Thursday afternoon.
county recorder of Jackson county, of $15,400. Ninety men and a monthly
. James Kelly of the Medford Mail
to be voted on at the general electii n payroll of $5,700 were put out of com
Tribune Was a business visitor in this Joseph Martir, Plai itif*.
oi November 3, 1914. If elected, I mission. Most of tho men have left
- --
city Wednesday afternoon.
Charles Me Gougan and Vi det McGougan, his will do mv duty as I have in other re­ the city. All buildings vacated by
these concerns are still empty, oxcept
County Commissioner Smith of Rogue wife, and Lincoln McCormack as Administrator sponsible positions that I have held.
six, which have been occupied by ten
River was attending to county busi­ with the will annexed of the Estate of Whit-
ci-mb Field, ai d Parker Barnes Field. Jr., an
ants who have vacated other buildings,
ness at the court house Tuesday.
n ant, and Bradford Sampson Field, an infant.
several of the best buildings being
Charles Purse!, the wellknown Bun- Parker P; Field» Hdrtry C. Field. Ellen T. Field.
over and used as billboards.
! boarded
com lumberman was transacting busi E. Russel Field, Caroline S. Callender and
More than five hundred modern dwell
Phillips Kot. hum. Defei L.nts.
Suit in
ness in (his city Thursday afternoon. Equity to Declare a Deed and Eond for Deed
1 wish to place my name before the Ings are “for rent.” Store property
rentals on State street have dropped
Chauncey Florey republican nominee a MortffaF e and to Foreclose the same.
voters of Jackson county as an inde­ from $185 to $110 a month, but “busi
lor county recorder ha» spent the week To Charles McGougan. and Violet McGouiran. pendent candidate for County Coi-
ness is fine.”
his wife, and Lincoln McCormack as Ad ninis-
in visiting nearby townsand interview­ i.i ator with the will annexed of the Estate of oner.
Fourteen other business places have
ing the voters.
Wht; »mb Field, and Pa« her Barnes Field. Jr.
closed since December 1 last, aside
(Paid Advertisement.)
from the saloons and restaurants. In
Joseph H. Beeman of Gold Hill was an infa it, an I Bradford Sampson Field, an in­
fant, Parker B. Field, Henry C. Fie’d. Ellen T.
eluded are three shoe stores—two by
a business visitor in this city Thursday Field.
E. Russel Field. Caroline S. Callender and
sheriff and one voluntarily; one of the
and ineidently p .id the office of the Phillips Ket< hum the above named defendants:
largest drygoods stores has been sued
In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are
Post a short visit.
for the first time in twenty years.
Mr. and Mis. Clarence Reames of and answer the complaint filed against you in the
Scores of clerks have left the city,
Portland were visitors in this city above entitled Court and cause within ten d ys
causing the loss of more payrolls to
Nominee for
the city, but “business is fine.”
Thursday forenoon. In the evening fiom the dale of the service of this summons up­
on you, if served within Jackson County. Ore­
A leading prohibitionist promised to
they hit for Portland.
gon. or if serve 1 within any other C unty within
this state, then within twenty days from the date
of such service; or if served by publication, then
Was born in Oregon ar d even
on or before the last day so prescribed in the or­
opponents say he is
der for publication of said summons; or if pei- his
sonal Service is made upon you without th1 stale
then within six weeks from the date of such ser­
vice; an«l if you fail to so apnear and answer said
The county clerk’s office has been complaint within aid time, plaintiff will take
In th? last year he has secured fav
busy this week checking up the regis­ i< fau't and decree against you for the re'ief
tration list. The total number of reg­ p ayed for in his complaint, to-wit: for a judg­ orab-e Ilouie action on mo e than two
ment against th • defendants Uharl s McG 'U-
istrations is about 11,590 but of these gm, Viole McCougan and Line »In McC r- times the number of bills Holjister
probably a thousand w..l be stricken mack as the administrator with the will annexe siys he hass cured action on in ei^ht
of the estate of Whitcomb Field for the sum of
off on account of errors.
Representative Hawley has not De- n
$lf00with interest thereon at 8 per cent from
The many friends of George H. Mer­ August 1, 1911, until pai l; and for a furthor sum out of tne National Capitol 10 davs in
ritt, a former resident uf this city will of 146.18 taxes paid, with interest thereon from the last 600.
be pleased to learn that he h .s been 3e. te nl er f. 1914. until ; aid; an 1 for the costs
He has been “on the j >b” contin­
and disbursements of this suit, an! th tt that
appointed direcior of education of the cei tain d sed >f th j I -fendants Charles McGou can uously while his opponent has been en­
Boy Scouts of America. Mr. Meriici ar d Viol it McGougan >f date Augu t 4. 1910 and gaged in peddling untrue and mislead­
fil dintheo”ceof the Re^iitrir of Titles for ing statements with int nt to serve
resides in New York city.
J cksun County, ¿»cate of Oregon, on August 8.
Lewis Ulrich, Harry Luy and Judge 1910, conveying Lots 1 and 2 in Block 6 of Pierce bis sell! h personal ambition.
Repri se tative Hawley secured more
Prim have b.en on a hunting trip in Subdivision in Township 7 South, of Range 1
n $5,jo0,000 of federal funds for
the mountains near the headw...ers o Cou-i >, Siaie of Oregon, unto the plaintifl' here­
Little Applegate this week. Mr. Ul­ in, and that certa.n I ond of p'air.tiff and his public improvemen's in Fiis’ District,
rich returned Friday having killed one wifj, Sarah M. M ircin, of late August 6, 1910. defeated LaFean apple box bill anti
deer, the otnei s have not yet return­ when in said obligors agree to reconvej the has aided hundr* ds o. persons.
Wha i,a. Ids opponent done for the
hi o edesc.ibed premises to defendant Charles
McGougan, and which bond for deed was filed public lentfi ? Do you kn >w about
Hor,. George E. Chamberlain, demo­ in t;.e oliice of the aforesaid Registrar of Tith e Ins public or private lift? Is i-.e n it
August 8. 1910 be decreed to be and constitute
cratic can 1 idate for U. S. Senator on
a first mortgage and lien upon the above de full ol hor air and pretence?
spent about an hour shaking hands sci ibed premises to secure the payment of aforc-
I’lea e rea l record of Mr. Hawlev’s
with the voteis of this city Thursday sai 1 judgment, taxes, interest, and the costs and pub i<* service in Sta e pamphlet. He
morning. Mr. Chamberlain thinks the < di.-buisements of this suit; and fora further de­ is 1 rue a id Faithful and deseivcs the
cree fun closing said mortgage and ordering the
pro !pjcts for his re-election are very j sale of said ¡.remises for the satisfaction of afore­ suff: age of every voter.
said judgment, taxes, interest, costs and diy Republican C< ngreasi -nal Committee.
bursements and forever baning each of sail
(I’ai.i Advertis ment.)
Nine men, secured of ftirni.-hing l:-
quor eo Indians during the term of Fe­
deral court at Medford, and who were
lodged in the c rnnty j i 1 as this city, i
were takin to Portland, Thursday |
motning. They will likely be put on I
trial in the Federal court at Portland. ;
Call For Jacksonville,
In Box Paper
City Warrants.
Jacksonville, Oregon. Oct. 24th, 1914
Notice is hereby given that there
are Funds on hand for the redemption
o." ml City Warrantsdrawn on the Gen­
eral Fund, that were protested April
4th, 1912 to May 13th, 1912, both dates
1 i ' isive. Interest ceases on the War-1
r .a as above called this 24th, day of
October, 1914.
City Treasurer, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Twenty-four sheets of cloth finish paper;
twenty-four wallet flap envelopes—ail for 15c.
Compliments of congratulation, notes of thanks cost one nothing
but (en and pa per-* a small item, indeed, if purchased here.
We have Tab’ets in all their siz s, styles and fadlets, and Box
Paper for every purse but as for the “Ntw One” can you beat it?
Please convince yourself.
. D., Pnp..
Jacksonvilb, Oregon
W. C. Hawley
Don Cameron who has been living at
Oakland, California, for the past year
bus r< turned home. He will spend
some lime in developing his mine in Jo­
sephine countv.
build 16 new dwellings if th« city went
“dry.’* Nine houses were begun, two
have the windows and doors in, but
have never been finished; no work has
been done on the others, besides their
bare frames.
Building permits from January to
August, the last nine wet months of
1913, were $388,925; from November,
1913, to September, 1914, the next
eleven “dry” months, they were $120,-
000 less, or $268,160.
The grammar school opening day en-
rollment in 1913 was 1510; on the same
day 1914, 1469, but “business is fine.”
Bank deposits show a decrease of
$309,942 since the town went “dry,”
even after allowing for the $485,000
deposited this year from sale of bonds
in Boston. The decrease, therefore,
really should be $794,912, but “busi
ness is fine.”
The attendance at the “Cherry
Fair” this year was about one half
what it was the last “wet” year. The
Ministerial Association before the elee-
ticn which made Salem “dry,” told
the Cherry Fair promoters that they
would make up for the donations u«u
ally made by the saloons, b»*t utterly
failed to do so this year and the pro
moters refused to hold that carnival.
The “Cherrians, ” consisting of 100
roal boosters, but of no prohibitionists,
then pledged their personal member
ship for the necessary funds, requiring
the payment on their part of $500. To
rub it in, the Methodists then turned
their church into a restaurant, put the
kitchen in the pulpit and competed
with the legitimate restaurants for the
little business that their proprietors
had hungrily looked for ns a possible
annual godsend.
Business must be “fine” in any city
when building permit«, payrolls, bank
deposits, bankruptcies, closed stores, de
populated dwellings, depressed realty
values, school enrollments and carnival
statistics all tell so dreary a story of
literal fact. Maybe the prohibitionists
mean that the “agitating business” is
Prohibition Makes Formerly “Dry” Regime Followed by Query
!as to Receiver
Thriving Center Barren
Two Blocks of Vacant Buildings Line City Council Calls Election November 9
to Raise Levy 8 Mills to Pay Debts
Main Street in Place of Busy Stores
The city of Springfield,
in its present cobwebby,
stagnant condition, today
presents a picture, as com­
pared with its thriving,
bustling condition of a year
ago, that would make the
angels weep. A year ago
every store was filled and
crowds of people thronged
its streets. Every merchant
was making money, practi­
cally everyone who wanted
work was employed. Every­
one seemed happy and con
tented, except the prohibi­
Oregon- City and Clack­
amas County, of which Ore­
gon City is the county seat,
present as lamentable a
condition in a business
sense as a defunct corpora­
tion about to go into the
hands of a receiver. In
fact, a receivership for Ore­
gon City already has been
seriously discussed by cer­
tain of its creditors, and
Judge Campbell of that city
has declared his willingness
to declare such a receiver­
ship, if formal application
were made to him, as he
would for my bankrupt
A special election has
been called by the city for
November 9 “to relieve the
financial condition of the
city,” the purpose being to
vote $250,000 5 per cent
bonds and to increase the
tax levy eight mills in or­
der to take care of the new
Today Springfield looks like a
deserted village, business is par­
alyzed, and more than eight or
ten people on its main street at
any one time would actually be
ther cause of excitement. Yet
the Committee of One Hundred
says: “Business is fine in dry
at the
Springfield went “dry
election last fall, the saloon!
closing January 1.
Let the “drys” tell all about
these “fine” business conditions
in Springfield after nine months’
On the part of Clackamas
operation of their “business the­ Comity the Comity Treasurer is
confronted with an empty treas­
Although a much smnller city than ury for the first time ill six years.
Salem, the bank deposits in Spring­
field have fallen off in the last year The Morning Enterprise, a radi
cal prohibitionist daily of Ore­
over $57,000.
When Main street finally is read­ gon City, in explaining this sit­
justed in the next month or two, prac­ uation, says “the condition’is con­
tically two blocks of store buildings on sidered the result of the amount
each side of the street west of the of del inqu e n t taxes on the
Southern Pacific tracks will be desert
county's tax rolls. County Treas­
cd, but “business is fine.”
urer Tufts refused the first war­
* A real estate sale is unheard of and
would be impossible on any part of rants on the general fund Mon­
day (October 12, 1914).”
Main street, but “business is fine.”
Business must be “fine” in a city
The Springfield Toggery, the best
gent’s furnishing store, is now being and a county when the treasuries of
closed out by a receiver, but “business both are empty because of lack «f
money coming into their strong boxes,
is fine.”
Tho La France Confectionery Store, with a special election called by tho
one of the best in “wot” days, has city to increase its tux levy, with a re­
ceivership th rentenod and with “dan­
closed out, but “business is fine.”
O. W. Johnson’s Hardware Store, tho ger” signs strung along tho length of
best of its line during “wet” days, the business portion of Main street by
already has been sold out by a re­ “order of the City Council,” which
ceiver, but “business is fine.”
“Dancer — Main Street Declared
A. J. Henderson, the leading dry-
oils—All persons traveling on
goods» merchant, occupied a double
store a year ago. Today he occupies Main street between North aide of
Mo-. street and South side of Third
but one store and will tell you his
business is “about half” whnt it was strict do so nt their own risk.”
Bunks nr« refusing to cash Oregon
a year ago, but “business is fine.”
City municipal warrants. Since Jnnu
The city has run
ery first the city lias issued $39,991.05
from an excess of expenditures over in these warrants, according to the re­
income, although the “drys” promised
port of City Recorder John W. Loder,
that less police und court expenses and th*«- warrants are still unpaid.
would make a surplus, if the people
The i-itv tax levy in 1913 in Oregon
would vote the $’2,000 saloon licenses
Citv was eight mills. Two weeks uf-
out of
ter tho city went dry tho council in-
ness. ’ ’
a year ago prom
The prohibitionists
ised to reduce the tax levy, but have
{»creased the levy this venr by five
be naked to sanction nn additional
mills, but “business is fine.”
of < ¡"’it mills to meet the munici-
Not a foot of permanent street im
Vet “business it#
provemi nt work has been done, ex­
in dry towns,” and Oregon City
cept the construction of a small bridge
over a creek, and thst was paid for by
a bond issue. Streets and sidewalks
are in n depl- ruble condition, and the
prohibitionists sre now petitioning the
>ry of one gr.rage, one clothing
council to “double’’ the expense levy.
one restntnanf and one livery
If the local taxpayers, but a few of
now closed up. but formerly did
whom nre “drys,” vote down this pe
business. Fourteen vaennt stores
tition, the city <-onfr«nts the same pos­
both sides of Miiin street, and
sibility ns Oregon City, viz.., the ap
vaennt lots murk the places
pointment of a receiver, but “business
!■ three other stores formerly
is fine in dry towns.”
, but which have burned down.
Mte has b< e the d innnd for bnti-
Prohl Speaker rined.
property thnt tho 1
Ht rue-
SEASIDE.—-I. A. Adams, a prohibi­
wro never rebuilt.
‘ ‘ busi-
tion speaker nn<l worker, served out a
five dollar fine in the Seaside jnil for
failing to obey the local ordinances
regulating street speaking.
who boasts of having been arrested 44
times end of hnving served 14 inil sen
tenses,, declares that he prefers Jail
sentences to paving fines, ns they give
him more notori, tv and enable him to
draw larger audiences. Vpon comple­
tion of his jail term here he left town
st once.
’[Paid Advertisement! Taxpayers and Wage-earners League of Oregon, Portlan1, Ore
Wire ers tekgra| hy in b ing used in
Canada in rejortiug on forest fires.
The best excelsior is made from bass­
wood, or linden. A<pen and cotton­
wood, however, supply nearly half of
the total amount manufactured.
The King of England has given per- 1 Wiliiam Pen-', in h is Charter of right»
mission to have a p <rt of the royal <•»- prov ded that for every t ve acres of
tate placed at the disposal of the schc 1 forest cleared one acre should be left
of forestry at Cambridg • University I in w< ods Foresters today maintain
for purposes of experiment and dem­ that on sn average onc-tifth of every
j farm should be in timber.