Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, September 26, 1914, Image 2

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Official Paper of the City of Jacksonville, Oregon
Weather Forecast for YX7" AT?! i
Next Couple o’ Weeks ’ ’ xYJA,«
A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson
County, Oregon. D. W. B agshaw , Editor ahd Proprietor
Entered as second-class matter June 22, 1907, at the post office at Jacksonville,
Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
9 9
They say “War is II
Thing After Another"’>■
And “Life is one D
The Earl of Atlesborough. a Scotch
peer of the British realm, then about
SUBSCRIPTION; One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on
fifty years of age. bad three suns, all
tine, manly fellows, and be did not
worry about having a direct successor
to the title. Tlie youngest of these
boys. Alan Redwood, was desperately
in love with Lady Gladys Fellowes.
Items of Interest to Jackson Coun’y
The second Industrial School Fair second daughter of the Duke of Arrun-
was held at the pubb’c school building tou. The estates were contiguous, and
Saturday, and while not so largely at­ the young persons of the two families
W. G. Davidson et al, vs E. A. Wat­ tended as the last year’s fair there was were thrown a great ileal together.
ters. Judgment of non-suit and order considerable interest manifested and a The love affair between Alan and
releasing attachment.
very creditable exhibition of the work Gladys, aged respectively twenty and
Edith J. Schulze vs Emil Schulze. along these lines was made. It is stat­ seventeen, was ns natural as the mut­
Order for publication of summons.
ed that more than 300 exhibits were ing of a pair of birds.
Unfortunately both the earl's and the
James VanDusen et al vs P. H. Rob­ entered by the school children and
duke's estates were ill a bad tiliaueial
inson, et al. Order sustaining demur­ about 100 by adults.
condition. The former wished his eld­
est son and the hitter wished his
Emily Higgins vs Columbus Higgins.
daughters to marry wealth, As for
Club Projects
Order for publication of summons.
tlie younger sons, they were supposed
to shift fur themselves. The duke ab­
Babv jacket, Tillie Knips
G. B. Hegart et al vs Vincent Lanini
solutely forbade any union bot ween
Plymouth Rock, Carroll Robinson
et al. Order overruling demurrer.
Gladys and Alan. mid. indeed, such a
Alice Mansfield vs J. E. Mansfield.
marriage was next to Impossible, for
Potatoes, Raymond Reter
Order of default.
there was no Income on either side.
Flying machine, Beverly Wooden
Alan concluded to go to America, and
William Scott vs G. A. Gardner. Or­
Field corn, Edgar Ensele, first; Al-'
his father gave him enough money to
der to make L. F. Hubbard, Mabel
bert Hacket second
get there and have left a few hundred
Zimmer and Mendon Schutt parties de­
Watermelon, Fred Collins
pounds to keep him till he could begin
fendant. Order denying motion for
Squash. Valentine Singler first; E.l- to earn a living. It was a sad part­
judgment on headings.
ing between him mid Gladys, both lur­
gar Ensele, second
ing sensible that they must drift
Henry Marsh vs Lena Marsh. Order
Popcorn, Henry Neidermeyer
apart. Alan took passage on a sail
dismissing cause.
Pie pumpkin, Valentine Singler sec-
ship and after a month on the ocean
George Lvman et al as Aaron Nelson ond; Raymond Singler first
rem lied America. He never wrote a
et al. Order for publication of sum­
Field pumpkin, Edgar Ensele first
line to miy one after Ills arrival, and in
Tomatoes, John Johnson first; Lloyd due time lie seemed lost to his family
L. L. Love ys George Rosset al. Or­ Robinson second; Claus Kleinhammer ..n I former nssoehites.
Five j ears after he left England the
der for publication of summons.
Cilmc:;!i war came on. und his next
Jackon County and J. W. Sweeney Agriculture Sweepstake, Edgar Ensele
older brother, who was an officer in
vs L. D. Dollarhide. Injunction order.
Plymouth Ruck, Alta Walsh, Victor the British army, went there with his
William Weldon Hartly, et ux vs
legiment mid died of disease in the
trenches before Sebastopol. During the
George James. Restraining order.
White Leghorn, Richard Singler
war the oldest brother broke his neck
Bertha Shannon vs F. A. Shannon.
Brown Leghorn, Elsie Ensele
in a fall from Ills horse while fox hunt­
Decree of divorce and order providing
R. I. Reds, John Johnson
ing. Tills left Alan heir to the title.
f >r payment of alimony.
Orpingtons, Paul Ley
Inquiries were made in America for
Emeline Bio Igetl vs James Blodgett
him. but nothing could he learned from
Rabbits, Godlove
Decree of divorce
Belgian Hares, Rudolph Singler 3rd him. But a record was found of the
death of an Alan or Allen Redwood in
Daniel Hilxev vs Marion A. Rader, 1 heron Applebaker second
New York who had come from some­
et al. Order confirming sale of real
where else mid lived alone, mid papers
White bread, Ma ie Martin, first; were executed to stiow that the direct
Maud Cantral second lot A; Mclly Bai­ heir to the title of Earl of Attesbor-
ley first: Lucile Abbott second lot B
ougb was dead. A cousin who was
Cake, Edith Kubli first, Mary Hack- next of kin took possession of the title
The state of Oregon vs Henry Rerg-
er. Criminal complaint. Transcript ert second class A; Doris Kleinhammer mid estates, tint found the finances in
such poor condition that lie inherited
from Justice's Court, Medford District first, Lucile Abbott second class B
an empty honor.
The Crimean war took a great many
class A: Richard Singler class B
ableliodied men from the British isles,
W. H. Everhard vs Fireman’s Fun 1
Pie. Edith Kubli, first Albert Mitch- a number of whom left families be­
Insurance Co. Action to recover mon­ I I ell second class A; Elsie Kitto first
hind them. In tin- country in which
ey. Complaint filed.
Naldrette Harper second class B
the Attesborougbs mid Arrantons lived
Cookies Chas Abbott, 1st, Valentine were so many destitute families from
Dr. F. G. Swedenburg vs Julia En-
delman. Action to recover money. | Single, 2nd, class A; Louise Martin 1st this and other causes that in order to
relieve them a fair to end with a
Lloyd Robinson 2n 1 class B
Complaint filed. Summons.
I Canned fruit and vegetabl •, Marie masked ball was held on the duke's
W. A. Goodridge vs W, H. Harvey,
Martin, first Elsie Ensele 2n. , class A estate under his patronage. Every­
et al. Suit to foreclose a mortgage.
thing was done to get money, includ­
Lillian Ensele 1st class B
Complaint filed.
ing the offering of the partnership for
Jelly, Elsie Ensele 2nd, cla sA:Pau I , tlie first dance of five prominent un­
P. C. Denhnf vs Anna Denhof. Suit I.uy, 1st Lillian Ensele 2nd class B
married ladies, one of whom was
for divorce. Complaint tiled
I Gladys, the duke's secund daughter.
Domestic Art
Wm Weld, n Harvey, et al vs George
Machine made dress, Gretchen Puhi j An auction was to be held before tlie
I ball for this privilege, the money ac-
Jimes. Suit for strict foreclosure. 2nd Class A
| cruing to go Into the general fund of
C tnplaint filed. Undertaking and or­
Hand made apron, Maude
ntra’. the fair.
der for mjurction. Return of sum- Is’, Mary Hakert, 2nd, class A: Bess e
On the day of tlie fair the duke's
m mu.
J hnston 1st, c , - B
house and grounds were opened to all.
Best dressed
I I tta Greaves first Tlie affair was a sort of fete cbnin-
O. F. Helms vs Hales’ P an > Hou e.
el al. Suit for an accounti g and o‘h Naldrette Harper, 2nd Frances Hartel petn- during the day. nnd nt evening
guests cam«- in masks mid fancy cos­
t ird
er relief. Complaint filed.
Ritlia work, John Miller, first Ka'ie tumes for the I hi II. When all was
C. G. Roe vs L. . V n.‘
J hnson 2t d Rena Harrell, 3rd Jose ready for the miction tlie lady of tiigli-
est rank with whom tlie privilege to
Suit to forecl isetnx lien
o n 1\ artin, 1st I'ltero i Ap ,'ebakei dunce first was to lx* auctioned stood
for judvn ent filed.
<i Bessie Johnston 3rd class B
on a dais mid the bidding begun. A
The Bullock Mve mile Ay i c” v
R d work, Harold Bo, o ics, 1st, goodly sum was realizeit mid the oth­
William Kellv. ’u< gm.-i t {■nm his 1' ,ul I u\ 2>;u Rudolph 3rd
ers took their turns. I.astly Duly
Gladys stood up liefor«* th«* nssenililv.
tice’s Court, Ja-ks nvill Dis r et ti ed
Manual Ar,
A rich cotton spinner who had learn-
T. H. Hullo k ■ s W. H. I ylnr e‘
<xl of till* duke's n««-es:i|ies mid had
i nt i> l ., e Louis Puhi
ux. iudgne- from Im-i >’s < . rt.
lomied liltu motley xtnrteil the li'ddllig
B.n: •«
Jack mo i le I g tri t fled.
. \ «¿entino Singler 1st I I- i with fliHi. This mmi. Mn< t 'orimick.
.« Lai < s -II. tl as A: Beverly VV<od- was trying to put th«* duke under sm h
1 I z l<e’h Mnrr'aon v« U, bee
olillgntii ns dim tie would consent to
. I«c. St V h uoded L'nd class l>
man. Indûment ro-n In’f ’ C. n
give hita Lady Gladys In m irringe A
Jacksonville Diat < t. filed.
man In t'u* garb of mi American miner
—woolen shirt. so:n! rero mid l»*ots to
I rea urer’s Sixt¡-Piíd his knees raised t’u* cotton spinner's
bill Í1PO Tin* eott fi spinner went up
Flies Df.su y Cut O’n s
< ah.
a liuiiditxl more, end It was not long
bt'fore the««* two were climbing over
elicit other a hundred poiuxl« at n tint«* i
Many cu ••o,r. »
ve h >cn rvirmit-
tat o
< n. County of Jackson. till tin* miner rulxed die odier fl iss).
ized by the specie« of blow.I t:..-,t de­
At tile price it would cost t.*.lM>P. or
posits its eggs on the entw « - s n < k,
J2Ü.PÜI). to dmi «• the first dmiei* with
whence the larva enters tin- v oi in an«1
' I son\ i|]o, O egon. Sept. 2t!t'i, 1914 the Indy S;m e tlie -otton spinner had
causes its death. Ip nn inse 1 l.roo,1
N »ice i- I e eby given that tier not much hope of getting her In mar-
ing cage at the Agricultur ii Colle
fu,, « on I and for the r.(tempt n ritlL-t* he retired from tin* eonlest. mid
Professor L v?tt found that •»bmit s i or i.l C . .„tv Warrants, w! i h were the privilege w is knocl i d down Io the
per cent of the worms call* t •<! ,i tl e i oiest«»! .1 . i 12 h. 911, to J lily 14th, miner
Cries wen* now t e rii. I ipinisk!"
Willamette Valley nre fatally inf st-'. 1911, boli,
s inclusive.
Iso War-
'ml Hi1 -'i es«fnt biili' r itdvmi e.l to
He him - t ,.i this means a reduction r n's numbei <1 . t, , .0,. j
d JOS75, th.' trout of the ilils ami remoieil ills
of the pest that has wrought such hav­ protested Jti'v 1 >t' It'll.
faceiovcriii ! I.adv i.'l.ul s started.
oc in c'< v-v fields an I garden crops to
Intensi c ase« mi the Warrant.«
“A : trun; i r!"
a point of ii.tle ‘mpoitanee for next above mim’- re a"I c div I. this 2oth
“Who 1« lie?"
“Gil e yur iiimie!"
year. He is v, rv anxi >us for farmers rl-»- n' '• p'. i, ber. Kill.
Tiles«* were some of til«* cries that
to coopei ate with this natural enerry
of th cutworm by cleaning up and 1 reiisurer o: J a-k-cm Count., Oregon. <ame from nil parts of the room. Tlie
stranger, turning, fnmsl the crowit and
burni g or plowing under all crop rem­
nants, vetds util oth«r trash of fields
“I mn Alan lieilwixxl earl of Ades.
and loauways, which may offer breed­
Iiorot" II."
ing holms for the cutworm. All cut­
Old friend« g.it> en •ill round the new
with LOCAL AT.’ I.ICATIOXS?, as they
worm.« that have b en pnra- lized by cannot n a< h the Font of the disease. Ca­ comer to h«*»ir hi« storv He fi. d rem It
the Trachid fly muv r. treat to then tarrh is a b!o»x| < r k institutional disease, e;l Aim’ll a «herd« ln*f*ire eo d was
and in ord< r to cu.e 1. you must take in-
winter h, me, spin their <>« oi , mi g. tvrnal remcdloa. ’ Il’s Catarrh Curo is di«««- tad In t'alil'orntn and In <1 mmle
taken intern.;.ly, u .d act.i directly upon the lunro i there a> ro»« the treat
into the pupa stage. But when tl
the blood and ni : i G3 surfaces. IU'.I' s
warm sunshine of n<xt «p in, c I's Catarrh Ct.re Is n »1 a quack medicine. It All erlem* d «« rt m il the Ku ki nn itti-
rrescribed l j r one of the best phy- tain*. He had tak« n some iroixls w it 11
them to co ne forth s ill.ill,.- ■ . « i
nivlans In tl.li co ntry f r years an I is him tm<t «o'd them nt a vre-it profit,
have been eonsumial, hi I i. •’ . •Í
a regular pr'ser p ' a. Il li c'rnp<'n'j of The i ro i«'' «
he I .id inve-ted In titlli-
the best to: cs J ** xvn. combined with th'
there issues from he chi'
r ipei 11 • i I i' "I I hm me « er.v
be t bl'M>d p
.. i. r^tlnj directly on tha Ing
trucous stir?’ »
r . j perfect c mblna-
cutworm but a Iraeh l!
rl h
tic.'i of the tr.’J I . ” ¿lent3 Is what
will do their part, t so m
The duke w is th»w _J;hl «»iiongh to
di es such won«!, . i i’ll resul's In curing
give Ills dnuvliter tn h«*r former suitor,
Tend for testimonials, free.
cutworm pest will be ru* oil f <>m bVl* I
F. J ORKNEY A CO., ITor« . Toledo. O. n ho cleared his estiite of its indebted*
ious damage,
I «ossi ble fur »eventi
P.>1<! by I.rugRlsts. price 78c.
ness «nd hud plenty over.
Take Uall'e Kauuty mis tor cuuailpaUon.
Don’t get “cold feet” and feel that everything is going to the
“bow-wows” on account of the war and politics. Amid doubts and
fears let us still hope
•' i I
The School Eair
. «
The ITJorld is Growing Bettet”
A «*!
We must Eat or Starve
We must Wear Clothes—the Law requires it
So There You Are !
■ f
And here we are with everything to supply the wants of man, or
beast and all these good things still coming—evenly the < carload
It will pay you to see our immense stock and get prices before
going elsewhere. We will at all times accord the very LOWEST
PRICES under prevailing conditions.
Phone 142
Taylor - Williams Co.
[The People's Store
Cullino It boeri.
“Why aro y,,, fooling so long ivitl.
that dock. Hortense7"
“I’m cleaning Its hands, madam."
“Well. Just wipe 'em. You needn't
manicure 'em.”—Judge.
She—You love me like it novice Hi
—Do I? Then we tire both I’necrfrct
1 ahould know more and yon shou'dn'
know so mil'll Boston Trnnserlpt
6ptrcentMoneyfp’r<enfMonCyt percen:
Loans may be obtained for any puruoso on ac­
ceptable Re I Estate security; liberal privilege}.
Correspond nee solicited.
7S8*Ga«'. Electric Bl lg..
Denver, C Io.
410 Phelan
A ttorney-at-Law
Memoirs of
In Three Volumes
This man caused the last
general European war.
His personal memoirs, written
by his secretary, Baron De
Meneval, are full of the most
absorbing incidents, especially in
view of the present great Euro­
pean struggle.
Will Practise in All Courts in the State
K * al“*‘
——----- r if,»—
K9 they are Iciled in our LlMirutary «»wj
V trial ground«. They ara apedally J
V adapted to the Pacific Northw^l awd A
F are true to name. Our valuable cat-
F slogue will ba »ent frre nn raqur*.
D~Ln^lLiU/.Se«K <. not. w«*u BB
ffice in Ryan Building, California St.
^Attorney at Law
h *’
We have on hand for sale the following
blanks viz:
* .
O» . H.ura: j
Bill of Sale,
I' nk of Jacksonville Building.
Warranty Deeds,
Quit Claim Deeds,
(. hattel Mortgage,
Acknowledgem -nn.
■ • V ■ 1
Real Estate ontract,
■ \
Location Notice—Placar,
Location Notice—Quartz,
Satisfaction of Mortgage,
Un ;.i . «ngii»-
R sa I E it it j A f r»U C «isr ict.
I or 1 • <>’ ». fur
v. I’: ¡rhtpnwt- ¿v7.
Application for Liquor License
' r l”raln", > hnnfc »
r LI E.. (NT 1 ,
prices. We intend adding
■ > yvt it .uiiiif-, |g
.• y...uable mlor. .ut o;u
other blanks as fast as possible unti
the line is complete. Blanks of special
a it:
form printed to order at short notice
l Vi - ’ V -AV/YERS,
fv ■ .1. t. V ishif nton, P. C
TA \
Just a hundred years ago, his ambi­
tions bathed the Continent in a sea of
blood. France alone, under his leader­
ship, fought Germany, Russia, Austria,
Italy, and Great Britain—«»J icon.
Get these Memoirs
By special arrangement with the pub­
lishers of COLLIER'S, The National
Weekly, we are enabled to offer a lim­
ited number of these three-volume sets
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this paper. The offer is strictly limited
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Sherlock Holmes Stories
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AM the Sherlock Holmes stories published la
1915 will be printed exclusively in Collier's.
The “Last minute" pictures of the European
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Jacksonville Posï
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