Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, September 19, 1914, Image 1

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    ,n Historical Society
Washington The examination will
Lecture Menda} Evenn g
i cover two main heads: Field work, anil
¡office work. The field examination,
• i
Edward Adams Cantrell, l lo'el
I which will be conducted in the open, is
Fai mers Union News
Governor Postpones Executions
Manufactures Enterprises and : designed to show a man’s knowledge Chautauqua and Lyceum lecturer, will
I of riding and packing, pacing and esti­ discuss the "Iwelva Fundamental Fal­
so Legislators Can Witness
mating of areas, and the elementary lacies of Prohibition” at court house
botany of forage plants and timber Monday Sept. 21.’ No a (mission wi I
Men's Death.
Payrolls and Promot­
The need of the rural communities
trees. The office examination will deal be charged.
today is intelligent and consecrated
ing Development
Mr. t'antrell for several years was in •
with questions on land laws, mapping,
Salem, Or. Sept. 14-Governor West
knowledge of sawmills; timber regions the liberal ministry and has had semi­
announced today that he would defer
of Oregon
i and woodsmanship, and is also design- nary work with some of the greatest
The farm is the power house of all
the executions of John Arthur Pender
I ed to shoW whether a man had suffi­ Biblical scholars of the world. Before
progress and the birthplace of all that
and Lloyd Wilkins until the Legislature
cient knowledge of English to make an engaging in Chautauqua and Lyceumn
is noble.
meets, but that under no conditions
work Mr. Cantral held important pul­
intelligent report.
would he commute their sentences.
pits in Chicago, Indianapolis and other
tion and the parsonage of all religious .Work has begun on the foundations
“By deterring the executions until
applicants for this position are a good I cities.
of the Eugene armory. Contract for strong physique, and experience. Those
Legislature can meet it will give the
Mr. Cantrell has made a brilliant re-,
The farmer takes no special privileg- the building will be let in two weeks. who have not had at least one season’s putation on the lecture platform. Heo
legislators an opportunity to witness
es. The business of farming only
them and decide whether they desire
Astoria is to have the largest wire­ experience as Forest Guard are adv’s- is a powerful speaker, earnest eloquent
wants the same opportunities afforded less telegraph station on the Pacific ed not to attempt this examination. and entertaining. His discussion of
to substitute the electric chair for
other lines of industry.
hanging,” said the Governor. “The
Coast, on the south side of Youngs There are but few vacancies to be fill­ the proposed prohibition amendment is
last Legislature considered a bill to
It is as much a duty of the country Bay.
ed, and only experienced men are want­ from the academic viewpoint, in which
substitute the electric chair for the
pastor to exhort us to own a home
much consideration is given to the at­
The Klees Electric Co., of Summer­ ed.
»ope, and the next Legislature will al­
while on earth as it is to inspire us to ville is extending its light and power
Salaries for positions in Oregon and titude of the Bible on this broad sub­
so likely consider such a bill. In addi­
build a mansion in the skies.
system into the Grande Ronde Valley. Washington run from $900 to $1200, ac­ ject.
tion it will give the people an oppor­
“His warm smile, ready wit, unfail­
The rural press, the pulpit and the
The Bandon Recorder is authority cording to locality, and in Alaska from
tunity to decide by their vote on a con­
ing patience and profound scholarship
school are a trinity of powerful influ­ for saving that the Willamette Pacific ■ $1200 to $1500.
stitutional amendment abolishing capi­
make him a favorite even with those
ences that the farmer must utilize to will reach Bandon uextyear.
tal punishment, whether they shall be
who do not agree with him,” says the
their fullest capacity before he can oc­
Export of Mineral Fuels
A Coos county official cruise shows
Danville, (III.) Free Citizen, of Mr.
cupy a commanding position in public
927,856,000 feet timber.
Pender murdered Mrs. D. Wehrman
Cantrell. Every voter should hearthis
and child, in Columbia Co., and Wilkins
New Plymouth has a $14,000 high
In its reserves of mineral fuels, the
■ ■■ -
killed Lou Winters in Portland. The United States holds an impregnable
-ehool with modern equipment.
Notice to the Public
Supreme Court on Tuesday denied re- position as a world power in industry
TheC. A. Smith pulpmills at Marsh­ Fruit by Products to be Mark­
Absence From Homestead
hearings to both.
and commerce. Our production of coal
field are to start grinding soon for the
----- ——-----------
This is to infoim the public that i Japan paper mi'ls.
in fact, nearly equals the combined out­ have disposed of my Livery business
Dr. D. E. Biggs has ordered plans
The following bill, passed by both .
sociation Offers Cow
Electric Sparks
put of Great Britain and Germay, the and the good will of the same to Mr. for a two story concrete building 73 x
houses of Congress and appoved by the
nations that rank second and third. In­ E. D. Stephenson who will continue at
President, allows homesteaders leave
100 feet at Bandon.
asmuch as the United States leads the
of absence for two periods during the
q'he Sunny-Mont Ranch Co. is devel­
“Our troops” says the French offi- world not only in coal production but the old stand. I take this opportunity
cials news bureau, “continue to pio- a'so in low cost of coal mining, and ap­ to thank the public for many past fav­ oping 2676 acres of land near Monroe.
Portland, Ore., Sept. 15 (Special) —
or-, and refer them to the new propri­
“Be it enacted by the Senate and
gress”—towards Paris.
Nyssa sent out a band of 800 horses ■ At a conference held in Portland on
parently possesses the greatest reserves etor who is well fitted to care for their
House of Representatives of the Unit­
Representative Slayden declares tie it follows, as was pointed out by Camp­ needs.
: Sept. eO, and which was participated ed St ites of Ametica ir. Coi gross as­
war will help the peace movement. No bell and Parker in 1908, that foreign
The eight hour minimum wage law j in by represantative growers and man- sembled. That the entrymen mention­
(Signed) W. P. Bailey.
doubt, as there will not be as many countries will obviously look more and
is held responsible for shutting up tl.e j ufacturers or friit products from evc- ed in section twenty-two hundred nine­
fighters left when it is over to fight more to the United States for their
This is to notify the public that I Hood River cannery after a short run. ry section of the Pacific Northwest, ty-one, Revised Statutes of the United
supplies of coal. The lower cost of have purchased the Livery formerly
James Anderson opens a restaurant the futureof th» fruit industry was di - States, as amended by the Act of June
Italy has been doing a magnificent production in the United States, which owned by W. P. Bailey and will con­ at Fall City.
¡cussed from every angle. It was shown sixth, nineteen hundred and twelve,
is due largely to the favorable location tinue the business at the same place.
job of keeping everybody guessing.
On the $1500 exemption Withycome i that through lack of cooperation on the Thirty-seventh Statutes, one hundred
__ ___
tl’Ron U favors
and nart
and fruit
raisers raisers
’Ren favors
and of part
of gardeners
and fruit
.. and twenty three, unon filing in the lo­
Too mahy men are being killed be­ of the coal beds and the extensive use Pain3 will be taken to extend every and , Gill are
o[ ipposed,
' large percentage of the crop goes to cal land office notice of the beginning
cause of the hasty use of ultimatums. of mining machines, is offset in Great courtesy to the old patrons and to any Smith is noncommittal.
Britain by the proximity of the coal
waste each year while the balance is of such absence at his option shall be
Germany is squealing for more Amer­ mines to the seaboard. The wages new ones who may appear.
North Pacific Fruit Growers Assn,
(Signed) E. D. Stephenson. shipped 1383 cars of fruit from Oregon sold at prices which frequently show a entitled to a leave of absence in one or
ican pork.
paid in the United States are higher
net loss to the producer.
two continuous periods not exceeding
And remember you must not pot off than in any country of Europe. This
this season.
While no definite action was taken in the aggregate five months in each
Christmas shopping too late.
By cooperation of the Sheriff s office at this meeting, it was decided that all
country’s preeminence in the produc­
year after establishing residence: and
and extra police the threats of inter­ pissib'e information on the subject
Those European powers are reducing tion of petroleum is even more conspi­
Grants Pass, Sep.. 14 —On September
upon the termination of such absence,
eajh other’s starving armies all right. cuous, so that the opportunity for ex ¿5-24 the annual grange fair will be ference in the hop yards by I. W. W s shoulJ be collected in each fruit grow­
in each period, the entryman shall file
They wouldn’t carry the war to the porting mineral fuels presents no im held at Murphy, near here and it is to
ing section and the resulting data will a notice of such termination in the lo­
The Booth Kelly Lumber Co., of Eu­ be made the basis of another confer- cal land office; but in case of commu­
Orient, so Japan started one of her mediate problems for the domestic pro­ oe made an ol i-fashioned county fair.
ow f.
On September 26-27 the second annual gene, has been granted pemission by enc in Spokane November 14, at the tation. the fourteen months actual res­
----------- ------------------
roundup will be held at Holland, the I he government to build a fi gging rail­ time ot the National Apple Show. It idence, as now rexuired by law, must
Yoh have noticed, of course, that a
little mining town that made a big suc­ road over a quarter Section of Oregon is practically certain that a permanent i be shown, and the person commuting
battle doesn't always go the way you
How to IJi.i 1.i the Doctors.
want it to go. '
with its first rouaJup last year, and California Lard Grant in Lane organization will be effected at that I be at the time a citizen of the United
A prominent N<w .’oik pbo-ician say
time and steps taken to establish can­ States.
If any of the I. W. W. want to go If it were 1 fm ,’.e thin stockings na This year ir will be larger than ever County.
neries, dryers an i other methods of
Approved, August 22, 1911.’’
to Europe to fight we hope nobody will would probalny be bankrupt.” When yoi
heur county are being ciicuiated for caring for such fruits and vegetables
contract a cold do not wait for it to develo;
purpose of voting a $30,000 bond issue as cannot be marketed in a fresh con­
Pshaw! Let’s think about oysters. into pneumonia but treat it at once Cham that will test the ability of the best for a bridge hi cross the Snake river. dition. All who are interested in the
beslain’s C ougb Remedy is intended erjieci riders, in addition a good racetrack
Sleuths Indicied
J, P. Morgun says the financial situ­ ally for coughs and colds, and has won a has been male and some of the best
Burns has voted a $100,000 bond is­ subject should make a special effort to
ation is improving and he knows.
attend that meeting.
It is most effectual and !s pleasant and safe horses ir. this section will participate, sue to improve bewer and water sys­
Grants Pass, Sept. 14 The grand
Canada has joined the millions for to take. F”r srle by all dealers.—Adver­ ¡.he whole event to wind up with a bar­ tem.
An expert timber cruiser, who has
defense but not one cent for tribute tisement.
Every unnecessary initiative law en­ spent many months in estimating the jury finished its work Satur lay eve­
ning ami th i Circuit Court met this
acted by the people that interferes standing timber of Coos County has
morning. A number of indictments
wiih mdusti les lessens chances ot em­
were returned against parlies for min­
ployment and keeps capital out of Ore­ with the county Assessor. His survey
or offense ; indictments were also re­
gon.—The Manufacturer.
mate 18,927,000,00) feet, of which a- turned against E. Dennison and Detec­
LaGrande Elks have awarded con­
bout 17,000,000,000 feet are first and tives C. Has anl F. Kirkwood, all of
tract for a $25’000 Elk’s Lodge.
second grow'h fir. He says there is New Yolk.
The Portland city council has author­ not a 40-acre tract in the county sub-
The indictments against the New
ized the puichase of 32 acres for $8000 * iect to homestead entry that is worth York parties is the sequel of the arre,t
near Tiouldale for a detention home > : J taking.
of Oslin Jackson by the three , one
for women. $7000 in addition will Le
One of the banks at Eugene is offer­ weeks ago. Jackson had purchased a
I spent for buildings ai.d improvements. ing to furnish farmers of th it secti >n ranch here last Spring and had just
Thos. F. Barlee in four months lime with money wrh winch to purchase completed an $-«»():) residence when the
took $7f0 from a ledge he worked near stock for feeding and will carry the three N iw Yor.c men arrived here and
the head waters of the Sixes river in loan until the stock is ready for mar­ arrested him on the alleged charge of
Curry county.
ket. Farmers are urged to keep their emb< zziement alb ged to have been com­
Il is announced that eight canneries surplus feed and hay at h 'me and feed mitted in New York City in 1913, they
will operate on the lower Columbia. it out instead of allowing it to go cut alleging that five indictmi nls hung ov­
er him for i inbezzlirg $85.000 Jackson
Most ot the cold storage plants will al of the county.
was put in jail in lieu of $50,000 bail,
Believing that dairy conditions are
j so operate.
but w..s later releas' d upon the ord< r
Bay City will grade and hard surface ideal in their section, the Clatsop Coun­ of Governor West. Jacksonlhen swore
ty Co-operative Cheese Association has
24 blocks of street.
cut warrants cnarging Dennison and
offered to furnish a herd of cows to j the two detectives with trying to tx-
Lawyers assert that the proposed any farmer in the county wr.o desires
' eight-hour law if passed, would be held to go into the dairy business. That tort money.
unconstitutional on the grounds that it the business has not been more pros­
Beine/ Surveyed
conflicts with federal regulations in perous in the past has been largely due
railroad requirements and the severity to lack of funds with which to buy
of the penalties provided.
cows, and this move of the creamery
A government surveying pirtv of 9
Jones & Lewis are installing a new men is designed to correct th it short­ young men, under F. W. Rudolf of
I monument plant near the I. O. O. F. age. An expert will be em| I >yed to Portland has been conducting a state
purchase the stock and only cows of line examination between Oregon and
: cemetery at Salem.
California. They came in from the
The town of Alvadnre on the P. E. high grade will be supplied.
Waldo country the past week a id pass­
& E. Ry. has a new church, a cannery
ed through A-hlamt to continue the
and other buildings under construction
Rattler Attacks You.h
work io the east. There have her n
and just voted a three mill tax to con-
disputes regarding the exact location
.trust the finest rural
rur.il school house in
at the line betwe -n the two states and
Lane County.
Canyonville, Or., Sept. 16 Wl ile this par y has been in the field jsii * e
- --------- *---------------
walking near his home, three miles June upon the survey. Last year s> m •
from her.-, Thomas Meyers, aged 17. woik was al o done by a party umfi r
Forest Ranger Examination
was pounced upon by the biggest rat­ , Mr. Rudolf, lurrying the survey tj a
tlesnake ever seen here. The snaae I point wi hm »ix miles of the coast a-
The District Forester at Portland. imbedded its fangs so firmly in his shiri
I uove Crescent City. Tie cu.fit is car-
Oregon annourees that an examination sb eve that he hurled the snake 15 f ei
1 lied with a tour h rse team a id heavy
for assistant forest ranger will be held ..way in choking it loose. A loos-’ shirt
wag -n, an'1 tile camp -.quipagt is tran •
this year on October 19-20 at the head­ sleeve which w-is torn off save I him
felted to P ck hoi e- w •» n .he Wot a
quarters of all Forest Supervisors in from being bitte ’. A raid will be main-
is a . ay 11. ui .lie v. ago.. to..us. No
. Oregon. Washington, and Alaska.
The Pioneer Store
Jacksonville, (Ire.
on th den
material differences have been found
usual lite examination will be giv-
- .
lì i .-n As under
tn the io-at oll of the line ami the Cuun-
the auspices of the Civil Ser­
A number of young people from this trv along the boundary is of such a
vice Commission, and in accordance
had character that neither state wou'd win
with its regulations in stch matters! city attend id the dance ot Rote’s fi­
re­ o lose much throigh the acquisition < f
and requests for application blanks and
port a g >od attendance and very enjoy­ a tew ac e more or le. s of it say the
i surveyors. — 1 idings
Civil Service Commission, Seattle, able affair.
I prepaganda.
“Santa Claus Ship Safe” that re­
minds us, it is time to make out the
Christmas list.
Now they are going to call a boycott
on eggs so's to keep the price down to
30 cents. That.s what some of them
loik like.
Every special war correspondent has
been supplied with an inexhaustable
armory of personal pronouns.
In England the Poet Laureate still
remains hopeless.
Uncle Sam has taken in a whole
stocking full of toll money from the
Panama Canal that has only been open
a few days.
We’ve got the Monroe doctrine be­
tween as and destiny.
The weather man has had another
week of said but glorious victories.
Belgium is very much alarmed about
her Aunt Werp. ,
War, like hell, is paved with good in­
No War Prices
At This Store
$1.35 per Sack
Lewis Ulrich