“BL!\CK JIM” THE CONVICT B» M. QUAD A Band of Velvet Ribbon Copyright. ISU, by Associated Lit­ erary Press. By JOHN Y. LARNED The man kuowu us "Black Jim" had been seat out to the penal colony of Australia for forgery. They sent him up to Woona Wally after bls first two years of imprison­ ment, and be fell into the bands of George Stebbins. In those days an Australian convict was bld off—that Is, a settler tn want uf help would bid a price for so many men, aud they were turned over to him for a certain length of time. He was responsible for their feed aud cure, aud Ills word was law. lie could work them as hard and us long as he wished. He could starve aud beut them und there wus no one to come between, in case of insubordina­ tion he could shoot them down, and the government simply accepted his statement of the affair. All convicts were glud enough to get away from prison nud out upon the ranches, and In most cuses they found good masters and were decently treated. As a mem­ ber of the mounted police 1 knew that Stebbins was a hard man to get along with. He bud been a tavern keeper and a bully In England, and bls wife bad committed suicide, and bis two aons bad been taken away from him by the law on account of bls cruelty. Blnck Jim came up to Woona Wally ■with six other inen. and the gang were up at |iollce beadquarters for the night. It fell to us to take their pedigrees and post them its to their new master nnd what would be expected of them. In our district we always gave a convict a fair start Ho was told what would be required of him. advised to do his best to please Ills master and given to understand that if he went straight we Would see that be bad fair usage. 1 was Interested In Black Jlin at once The law had made a convict of him. but it hadn't degraded him. I bad ua idea that Stebbins would be down on him from the first because of bls superior looks, und 1 went pret ty thoroughly Into details. When I bad finished the prisoner said: "I thank you. sir. and shall do ID.V best to pieuse." Things came about as I feared. As Stebbins Inspected bls gang ba picked Black Jim out for special attention He bad little to say to the others be- yonil making bloodcurdling thrests of what would happen If they didn't toe the mark, but to Jim he said: "So they have sent me a gentle­ man. have they? They thought I need ed somebody to teach me manners per haps. Mcblie the Idea was for you to sit on the veranda und give me dally lessons Well, you've come to the wrong shop Look, now. I'm goln' to keep au eye on you! You think yourself head anti shoulders above the crowd, but 1'11 take the conceit out of you!" Not one convict in a thousand would have stood the Insults ami degradation put upon Blnck Jim the next year I know lie tried his best, but there was no pleasing Stebbins He was always boasting that be hnd a gentle mau couvlct and that he was bound to "break" him. nnd he spent a good share of his time worrying the man Due day, hs I was returning with the troop after hunting down a false alarm of bushrangers. my horse shied am! threw me utmost In front of Stebbins bouse, and ns I struck on a stone nnd bad several ribs broken 1 was carried tn. Ho was not glad to see me. bill under the circumstances was obliged to give me a bed. On the fourth night of my accideut four men and three women arrived for an evening visit When dinner had been finished and the drink hnd gone around Stebbins sent for Black Jim and ordered him to dance for tile amusement ot the com puny, The com let respectfully but fl rtuly refused, nnd Ills master cried out In Indignation; "You won't dance, eh? Tin» much of a gentleman to give uh a hornpipe Mebbe this coiiipuuy l-ii't swuggei enough fur the likes uf it bloumlu murderer!' “The charge against me was forgery Mr." quietly replied the man "I don't can* wlint It was Yon nre insubordinate. and up you go by tin thumbs: Alter bangin' till daylight you'll urobnltlv lie a II.tic more tinnì ble " r The num had been hanging ten mln titcK and (In* agony had almos brought utuoiiHclousueHs when tin door was kicked open and bushranger: crowded In It was a complete sm prise. Tbe women screamed out am' began to cry lull tlu* men. with th exception of Stebbins, tool. It rattle coolly The bully i.uil coward wen white a- death nnd fell Into a chair and It was almost pitiful to hear him beg for tils life The m i* ’n-tiiiit Stebbins toppled out of tils ehall ni.Ii a I diet in Ills bed aud the lender said "Sony We lime Interriip'ed the fe- tlvltle«. bill It w is o ir ei'l'lm* night We were after Stelililna alone, m d th. rest of von neisl not fear Come. Jim We went you “ Two of them lieltHsf tlu* f rger-con Viet out of the house mid upon ii horse and that was the milking ot the most notorious buslirangei In nil Aii-tnilln He had n career of five years mid then died from n bullet, mid It was two yearn after Ills death before It became publicly known th. t lie hud let the law make a convict of him In order to shield a brother I had always he lleved him Innocent of th........ mid knowing how he hml ti.-en **t •* nnd abused by Mlebliln« I mu, • i r jolcisl when ihe bu>h Hi <• *• ortho him utf to mnkt* n irmjt'j "i u m I Meaning at the Green Bough. Tbe ciistmii >l placing a green bough on the root, i f i new ly built house Is nut confined to Germany, but was adopted by the French Canadians who brought It with them from Brit tany The custom originated from the superstition prevalent centuries ago that every tree Is Inhabited by a spirit; consequently It was believed that every time n tree was felled an other spirit wa» dispossessed, and this «ns supposed t<> etinse some bitterness on his part against society. Rather than risk having these homeless and disgruntled spirits vent their III feel inu upon the houses under construction or upon the builders a branch was planted on tile highest part of tbe bouse for their occupancy. They were then supposed to tie mollified, and if they remained so until the roof was lint on any evil design contemplated would prove linruilesM. for the spell would be broken Notice ot Sheriff’s Sale Under Execution Charles L. Schieffelin, Plaintiff. vs. B. F. Forbes and Mary Forbes, his wife, Defendants. N otice is H ereby G iven , that un- der and by virtue of an attachment ex ecution and an order of sale duly is­ sued out and under the seal of th i ireuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County j of Jackson in a certain cause I therein wherein Charles L. Schieffelin as Plaintiff recovered judgment against the defendants R, F. Forbes and Mary | Forbes for the sum of $58.15 together with interest on the tn-ni of $56.65, at ■ the rate of ten per cent per annum ■ from February 25th, 1914, until paid, for the further sum of $.35.00 reason­ able attorney’s fees, and the further 1 sum of $16.00 costs and di: bursements and accruing costs of sale, which said execution is of date August 1st, A. D., 1914, and was issued in pursuance to i a judgment of March 27th. A. I). 1914, l which judgment is enrolled and dock- ' eted in the office of of the Clerk of d'.zil Found by Accident, Amerigo V<>spiice| made the first map said Court and is of record in Volume • 21 at pages 150-151 of the Circuit of Brazil, although only of the coast Court Journal, in which judgment it line, and II was the publication of this was also ordered by the Court that, the map that led to the fixing of the name property attached in said cause and of the new world, Brazil itself was hereinafter described be sold- for the revealed to Europeans In 1500 by an * ■ satisfaction thereof. 1 am commanded by virtue of said accident—the drifting out of its course ' of a Portuguese expedition. The coun­ execution and order of sale to sell the try Indirectly owes Its modern ad- real property hereinafter described t<> I'amement to Napoleon. To escape satisfy said above named judgment, I will therefore at 9:30 o’clock A M on from the conqueror King John of Por­ MONDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1914 tugal tied to tils dominions in America Hnd. believing Portugal lost to the roy­ at the front door of the Court House, al family, set about putting Brazil upon in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Ore­ gon, otfer for sale and will sell at pub­ a civilized basis by throwing open its lic auction, to the highest bidder for ports to the whole world. cash, all of the right, title and interest At it summer Itutel lu tbe Adirondack mountains, where there were tbe usual quantum of young girls und the usual deficit of young men for them to flirt with, Albert Klug, who needed recre at ion after too much work, found him self in demaud But King was uut a ladles' mini, nnd be demurred. Nevertheless, there wits one girl who attracted him. She was not one of the rocking chair brigade, as tin* ladies who But on tile piazza were ililbbed, lor she wus not udmltted to their charmed clr ele. Why, Klug did not know. Klug made Iter acquaintance unii was thereafter taboo by the patriciai girls, who hud no use for a man who I would divide his attentions to them with one of another caste. But he did not mind this, for Elicit Bickford, tin* I young lady In question, interested him and relieved the monotony of Ills stay in tbe mount iins Besides, he discov ered Iter superiority in one respect. | courage, for w hen a large party were | caught out on tbe lake In a terrilh ' squall mid It looked as If their bom would be awmnped Miss Bickford dis ; played no terror wliatever. while othei girls were desperately frightened Miss Bickford utter wore short sleeves to iter dresses except at the of the above named defendants in and hotel dances, whi n she displayed a to the follow ing described r**ai proner. A Bit of Forestry, well rounded neck mid arms But m "Do you know Uow to tell a hard t.v, subject to redemption as is by­ such times her right arm was Inva law provided, to-wir: wood tree from a soft wood tree?’ rlably encircled with it broad strip ot The* East Fou t en feet of Lot sold u forester "I'll tell you bow to velvet. The fact that this part of her Eighteen and the West 23.75 feet of do It. and the rule bolds good not only Lot Nineteen, in Block Two of New­ arm— midway bit ween the shoulder here among our familiar pities ami town Addition to the City of Medford, and the elbow was never exposed walnuts, tint In the antipodes among Jackson County, Oregon. soon began to excite comment. That the strangest banyans, baobabs aud All of saiu above described property there was something on her arm to whatnots Soli wood trees have nee or so tnu-'h t hereof as may be r.ec s- be concealed was evident; curiosity die leaves, slim, narrow. almost uni sary will be sold to satisfy said above stepped In mid would know what It named judgment in favor of th form In bremlth It you don’t be was. But there was a dignity about plaintiff and against the defendants. me consult tile pine, the Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, Miss Bickfoid that caused curious per tir Hurd wood trees bromi I 1st day of August, A. D, 1914. sons to abstain from making inquiries, leaves ut various stm|ie the W. H. SINGLER. so tbe matter remained unexplained. ebony, tile wuiliut. tile mahogany ami Sheriff if Jackson County, Oregon Klug was Ignorant of the gossip con so on " By E. W. WILSON, Deputy cerning what kind of blemish was bidden under the velvet. He Inn] noticed She Doesn't Shut Up. I the fai t of Miss Bickford's wearing it. Mi­ Finite Did you hem want be but hud not troubled litmself as to the ca I led his wife? Notice of She-iff’s Sale cause. If he thought uf It at all he Mrs Flatte No Foreclosure. very likely set it down to the conceal "A delicate little plant" meat of a scar, probably caused by Sarah S. Van Dyke, Plaintiff. "Well?" vaccination But one day the rumor vs. "Why, delicate little plants generally reached bls ears that Miss Bickford shut up during u storm."—Yonkers John Arnell and Annie M. Arnell was tbe daughter of a common sailor Statesman his wife, Defendants. who. child, had tat N otice is H ereby G iven that under tooed her arm an anchor. Since and by virtue of an execution and an Art in the Soup. order of sale duly issued out and un­ been smitten with the young King The artist’s wife leaned over der the seal of th • Circuit Court of lady report naturally Interested the State of Oregon for the County ot him. Jackson, dated .July 23rd, 1911, in' a Whatever he may have thought of seroh certain cause wherein Sarah S. Van j Miss Bickford’s origin. It seemed to Isn't Dyke as plaintiff recover td judgment him uulike her to conceal any mark against John Arnell an I Annie M. Ar­ beau of it He would rather expect her to nell, his wife, as defendants, for the sum of$/13.14 with interest thereon liermlt tbe whole world to know bet from the 1st day April, 1914, at the i for exactly wliat she was London's Great Fire. rate of 8 per cent per annum and $70 Miss Bickford. It seems, was as much rhe* firrnnl tire ot London In Hll ill attorney’s fee, and the further sum of attracted by Mr. Klug its lie was by her FtmtPd in >i nous»- on i’uddins inns $16.50 costs, which judgment was en­ Moreover, s’* noticed that after a cer­ hik I elidisi hi I’leurn.sl niiej Thirteen rolled and docketed in the Clerk’s of­ tain perk'd lie seemed disposed to draw thousand (\x«> ciimdretl noiisvt* were fice of said Court in saiu County on the away from her She knew that what (Mimed, including rigm> nine » lunches 9th dav if May, 1,111, and is of record tn Vt lame 21 at. pages 251-2-3. she was concealing was causing a I am ct.mmanded by said execution smothered commotion among the young th. Day. .•ind onKr of s-le to make sale of the ladies of the hotel and Inferred that old shoe. ot hereinafter descrihed nal property, some one of the many stories that were nnd I will at the hour of 10:00 o ' ’clock Udutiug about concerning it had reach toi gotten ive A.M. on ed him Due day she frankly said to TUESDAY. AUGUST 25th, 1914, Olovk ¡list him; tit the front door of the Court House "Mr. King, have you heard the story in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Ore that I am tbe daughter of it common gon, aeli at public auction - ........ to the ..._ high sailor who tattooed an anchor on my est bidder for cash, suhj *ct to retli tnp arm?" Summons in Forecb sure of Delin­ tion as is by law providid. all the right, title and interest of the def< n "I hare.” quent Tax Certificate. dat.tr in and to the follow ngdesei ¡bed “Yon are the only person In tills real property, to-wit: house w I iohc opinion I care for. but 1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTHE STATE OF The w st ha f o: th** following; Com­ OREGON. FOR JACKSON COUNTY. do care for lours mid do not wish, so mencing at the Southwest corner of far as you nre concerned, to sail u D. L U. 6.3, in Township 37 South I F. F. Pinkerton, Plaintiff. false colors. My father Is or w of linage Doe West of the Willnnietie VS. S. I . McGary and all other persons unknown Meridian; thence running South 5.585 landsman and had nothing to do with chains; what is under the circlet I wear But i any having: or claiming: to have an interest in chains; thence West 11.81 I do wear It to I'oncwil something th nt or to the real property hereinafter described. thence North 19.38 chains; thence run­ Defendant. ning in it Easterly direction 11.81 has been tnttooisl on mv arm." To S. L McGary, the above named defendant. chains; I K nee running . • ouh 13 795 "Tlnilik you very mtn'll for the In the Name of the State of Oreg:<>n: You are ''ha ns lo the place of h ‘gii ning. ereucc you hive shown me and Ex *, tning and reserving » right-of- hereby notified that E. E. Pinkerton, the holder frankness For tin* first time uij of Cert Hcato of Dolinqnency numbered 1631 is­ way 60 feet wide reserved by the sued on th- j 2nd day of May. 1914. by the Tax Trustees of the estate of h'tan.ds 1!. rloslt.v ns to tbit ribbon lias lu*er i Ited. mid sin <• you have canned It I Collector of the County of Jackson. State <> Ular<, deceased, extending Nm*:h ami Oregon, for the nmount of 86.20 Do’lnrs. the South along the entire eastern bound- look to von to gratify IL” same being the amount then due and delinquent try line of the property herein de “I ilssme toll llial It Is nothing to be for taxes fcr the 1 ear 1910, together with pen­ 'i'i:i e I. Alas sh >wn in Car: ificat .* ashamed of' alty. interest and costs thereon upon the real ■ t Title N.>. 1321, issued O. t<*ber 22. "Is it anything to be proud of?" property assessed to you. of which you aie th« 1912, by the R agi tr ir of Titles for To t!:|s she : sseltled It iltlll'.’l.v owner as appears of record, s tuatod in said J cun.n County, Oregon. All of said property or =o mm-h "In that en: ■ I Insi t upon seeing ft " County and State, aid psiticulaily bounded and theie f as may be necessary will After some persuasion she pulled the descril»ed as follows, to-wit: South H. If Southeast Quarter Section 20. to sat- ribbon down toward Ini elbow, and isfy the judgment in favor of the there In blue Ink tinder the skin were Township Forty. Two East, leas Un acres sold plai*'tiffs and against th> for county loud and railway rlght-o -way. def in­ I he letlet s "Heroine " You are further notified thai said E. E. Pink- (hints, together with the accru:! g King looked nt the word, then up nt erton has paid taxes on said premises for prior costs of sale. the girl's face and. wdlt a smile, said: or subsequent years, with the rate of interest _ Dated at Jacksonville, lack "( ome; tell ilte story. I am dying to on said amounts as fo’lows: County, Oregon, this 23rd Year's Tax Date Paid Tax hear ft " . Amount July, 1914. 19H M o* 2nd. 1911 "It Is u**t mu 'It of a story For years W. H. SINGLER, 19i2 May 2nd. UH I « < 7 aty family hail a eotiace on the sen Sheriff of Jackson County, 913 M. 2nd 1*1« 6.(»7 const. .Mv summers were spent there By G. R. HARPER. Said 8. L. McCarv as the of the legal from the time I was six years old I I ¡tie of the above described learmal to swim line a th < k mid could appears of reeo.d. and each A .ininiatr.i ors Notice to Creditors handle n I salt as w ’I is a boy (>nr I above named are hereby furtner nouiie I that E IN 1 Hi: (MUN !'V C Hilf r OF ■!'{ GON. FIR cottage was * .. *>ne Ide of a neck of r.’. I nk. tton will up| ly tu ihe t hru t Court JACK ION COUNTY. Ini'd mid a lie saving station was on Io. 'he County and Sate aforesaid for a decree In th. Matter of Ihe E cat. of Willi.im Hart- the other sl*l (lite d iv nit nnr side a tort closing the hen against the property above man Deceased. Notice H hereby Riven that the und *rai|tned •bln came nsliori* I'lm lift* men did dvsc Hkw U1.G menuoneu in .id certificate. And not know of h *t I*. Ing there, mid tlliTe you are hereby summoned to appear within six has leen appointed by the C unty Court of tv days au. r the service of this summons upon Jackson County. Oregon, administrator of the was not time III which to tell them you. exclusive of the day of service, and defend estate of William Hartman, deceased. There wen* s|\ n . n nboitt to drown this action or pay the amount due as above All persons having claims against aai.1 estate I pulled out In mv limit und saved shown, together with cods ami aeci ued interest, are hereby notified and required to present the them I was lint thirteen years old and in case of your failure to *i > no a decree w I came duly vrr.l'i.sl, to the undersigned adminis­ mid didn't know enough to refuse to be rendered foreclosing ihe lien of said taxes trator. at the otliee of his attorney. J. R. Net1. in permit one <>f the lift* saver» to tattoo anti t sent to an attempt to ot Anyust. 1*H4. All I’l e..s >1.1 p(.pera in :his p reeding may J. W. Copeland, of Dnrfon, Ohio, pur­ •*r-i’l* ate It ' In tic - she luenme his. aul there be erv.d I **• .1 . UI..I. IS.1K .< Chamberlain’s Coi.gh l'emedy for bis boy who !> d - celò, and lie in. 8 uie ot u. ■,„!>. at the address her.-atier imth'n*; lie was note proud of an lamed. fore the bottle was all use1 t"« boy's old th- it Ihe proud flt'e Ills wife continued was gone, Is that not letter e.hnn tn pay E E. KELLY. tu t'oiiveiil. the dollar doctor's bill? Ver sal« by Adv.i.sy 1 r .he t'lai.t.i. dealers. Aulire« Med. oro, Uregua. IF I Change in Southern Pacific Time Table Effective November 13, 1913. you are NORTH BOUND TRAINS 14 Portland Passenger............ 8:27 A.M. 24 Grants Pass Motor.............10:22 A.M. in need of 32 Grants Pans Motor............... 4:27 P.M Oregon Express............................... 5:20 P.M. 16 Good Printing 12 Shasta Limited (Mail only)2:44 A.M Extra fare train. SOUTH HOUND TRAINS, 23 Ashland Motor................................... ,8:35 A.M. 13 California Express .......... 10:52 A.M. 31 Ashland Motor.................................. 2:24 P.M 15 San Francisco Express.. .4:00 P;M 11 Shasta LimitedIMail only)5:22À.M Try the Extra fare train. Ô0 YExns- r i'-Aj^EXPERlíNCE Jacksonville, Ore. Where ‘'tz’iv"''' A T kadc LL miks ' Des: mo CocvniGi. rs 4c. A htoiic 5« iitil Militi . mid defier! ‘Ion mtj quickly U'lmu our ( ¡>»nhut frùtf « i thdr mu invention is pr< bably patentHblu. Communi«1*, lions ni rici i / eoiMldanthil. HflffOUOOK l*at«mta «»ent fica, ohlobt «pency for »ncurhitf pxtviWa. Patent« iiilten tiirmuli Aiut.ii j L>iirn *l. Ti.nin». 14 * your: four luonths, Boid by m H novatlualer«. N ew York ■ v’.i,»*|.>Zf n. c. qruDi b no‘' » you get OREGON and WASHINGTON best work Business Directory A Dlroctory of each City, Tov. u and Village, giving descriptive sketch of each place, location, population, tele­ graph, «hipping und banking point; also Classified Directory» pll.d by business and profession. POT.K Ji CO - ............. *E War Is Going On and Are Low Shrewd buyers will invest in Jacksonville property and | repare for the raise which is sure to ccme. We can offer you a few bargains at prices which will yield a h indsome p 'ofit in the near future Gat busy, at once. OFFICE: Bank of Jack- sonville BI lg. Upstiirs T fl A ft VI ì 1 «J í* v AS V111 O fP V/lu Charles F. Dunford DEALER IN All kinds of soft and hard wood, Tier or ccrdwood lengths. Prices moderate and delivery prompt. JACKSONVILLE OREGON Jacksonville Meat Market JOHN DUNMNOTOS. Prop First Quality Lard at Reduced Prices While fie supply lasts Smail Pai! 65 cts JACXSOV/ILLE, Large Pail $1.25! OREGON ,