:■ JACKSON VILLE POST-: Officia. Paper of the dtp of Jacksonville, Oregon A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson County, Oregon. D. W. B agshaw , Editor. Er’cred as second-class matter June 22, 1907. at the post office at Jacksonville, Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. __ SATURDAY. PERRUA RY 7, Iff/1_____ SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on application. would leave the Southern Pacific with­ WILSON WILL FIGHT NO TOLL out a railroad line from the state line to Sacramento and from Sacramento to Ogden, and also separate a number Clears all Doubt by Saying He of its feeders from its main lines. Generally the separation of the two Is Unalterably Opposed to systems w mid injure tne state, It was declared for the Central Pacific would Exemption. fall into the hands of the Union Pacific, and be enabled to bottle up the country Washington, Eeb. 5.— President through which its lines extend. Wilson announced today that he would ■ -i ■ «--------------------- use every legimate influence at his dis Parents-Teachers Meeting posal to have repealed the provision of the Panama Canai act exempting American coastwise vessels from the The regular Monthly meeting of the payment of tolls. Parent Teachers Association wid be The President made it clear that he held at the School Assembly room, Fri­ was unalterably opposed to the exem- day, Feb. 13. The following program tion and hisposition had been perfectly has been prepared: wtll understood for some time. He Song—by Miss Wendt’s room. emphasized th»t he would endeavor to Address—‘"Lincoln as a citizen,” have the provision repealed during the Rev. A. S. Jer.kins. present session of Congress. Quotations from February’s noted This was to clear up the impression Men. which Senator O’Gorman, of New Instrumental Solo—Miss Fay Launs- York, an advocate of the exemption, pach. gave after a White House conference “Lessons to be Drawn from Feo- yesterday, to the effect that the toll ruary’s Noted Men,” Mrs Davis. controversy would be crowded out *of Music—Mrs. Hanna. the executive calendar of the present Business. session by the trust bills and appropria­ “America” —by the audience. tion measures, if a short session were All are req iested to come prepared contemplated. with a quotation from Home noted man whose birthday is in February. ■------------»/.;«------------ lut} List for February Term The following list of jurors have been drawn to serve at tho February term, 1914. Clint Gallatin, Sterling, farmer; Juhn Arnold, Medford, farmer; Geo. E. F >x, Central Point, farmer; W. P. Rathe, Phoenix, orchardist; w. W. Gregory. Mound, farmer; L. H. Hughes, Pheonix, farmer; Robert J. Brevard, Medford, farmer; D. W. Beebe, Mound, farmer; I Fred N. Chapel, Rogue River, farmer; A. W. Weidner, Talent, farmer; Nelson Wiley, Medford, carpenter; A. R. Kleintoammer, Sterling, farmer, M, F. Cyester, Ashland, farmer, J. H. French. Ragle Point, farmer; W. W. Parker, Big Butte, farmer; Paul M. Janney, ■ ‘dford, farmer; I. C. Robnett, Cen­ tral Point, merchant; John J. Helman, Ashland, farmer; J W, Peail, Piioexin, orchardiat; Vfrn. Bruin. Talent, farm er; Edw. Dimm ck, Wimer, farmer; H. S. Gi on, Taient, orchardist; Fred Dunlap, Hix Butte, farmer;-Harry W. Reames, Phoenix, merchant; Elmo Neil, Ashland, farmer* F. W. Hollis, Med- ford, merchant; W. D. 1 Welch, Med- fi>rJ, orchardist; Geo. E. Sprague, Bedford, farmer, Ed. Thompson, Xogue Mirer, merchant; E. A Healing, Foots Creek, farmer, W. W Elmgton, Sam Valley, farmer. Object to Raising Rale oi Cream Salem, Ore. Feb 5.-That the appli­ cation tiled with the State Railroad Commission several weeks ago by daiymen and farmers asking that the Commission either advance theex| ress ratee on cream or increase those on butter, is to meet with opposition is evidenced by letter received by tie Commission protesting against a change in the rates. These letters ate identi­ cal in languagennd are all to the effect that if the express rates on cream are increased it will result in toe building ep of • mono) oly among ihe cream­ eries in the rural districts. The rates should not be changed’ it is declared. According to the application submitted by t/ie dairymen the low express rates on cream and the high rates on butter is resulting in the cream bein ; shipped to the market centers to the detrimint of the rural creameries. DISSOLUTION SUIT OPPOSED The painter I’oecklln's wife would never allow her husband to bring a model to his studio. "That is the tragedy of my life," said Boecklln. "To create without n model Is almost impossible, while to employ one would nt once menu to break with my wife.” The episode Is recalled by Dr. Angelo S. Rappoport In "Famous Artists and Their Models.” Another story Is of Lucretia del Feile, the cold, unsympathetic, exacting woinuii who whs adored, married and Immortalized by Andrea del Sarto. Slio outlived her husband by many years, dying nt the age of eighty-seven In 1570. Long after Del Sarto'» death Jacopo di Emixili was one day engag­ ed In copying "The Birth of the Vir­ gin” In the Church of the Annunciation. Florence, when an old woman on her way to church »topped to watch Ills work and. pointing to the central flg- ure in the painting, said, "That Is niy portrait.” At elghty-slx she was proud to proclaim herself the widow of the immortal artist to whom she hail given so little pence when he was alive. ■ fu?, IX., Painters’ Tragedies. The Meadow, lark is Singing X. Spring, Sweet Spring is Coming and “The World is Growing Better” • , . i '. I ■ More New Goods arriving daily and we are prepared to give you better VALUE, better VARIETY and better SERVICE than ever before. Space forbids enumera- ation of OUR IMMENSE LINES of General Merchandise Good Tempered Turtles. Dace a number of different kinds and sizes of turtles in a small space and the forbearance which Is exhibited might well be a lesson to man. Big and little will crawl about, heedless of each other's comfort or security from I harm. A small painted terrapin, for instance, will clamber solidly over the head of a vicious snapper, and the chances are that the latter will merely duck its head or move to one side so that the claws of the former will not Injure Its eyes. There seems at such times a look of patient resignation or sullen submission, which would imme­ diately change to savage resentment and fierce attack If a man made n hun­ dredth part of tlie commotion. These creatures appear to be able to dlstln guish between “no offense meant’’ and Intentional mauling. While they sub mit to the one, they will fight over the other, if fight has not been previously thrashed out of them.—Kansas City Star Including Alfalfa, Field, Garden and Flower Seed of all kinds and everything Best Quality, Modest Prices. Our Motto: “Live and Let Live i 9 9 Phone 142 Taylor - Williams Co The People’s Store I Jacksonville, Ore Bills Forbid Absolute Divorce A Story of Labouchers. Laboucbere's popularity nt Frank fort, according to his own account as Washington, Feb. 4.— A constitution, I given In “The Life of Labouchere," i al amendment forbidding absolute di­ I rested on n very simple basis. Great vorce with the privilege of re-marry­ Britain was represented at the diet by I ing was introduced in the senati today Sir Alexander Malet, one of the most by Senator Ransdell, He said tl e popular chiefs to be found tn the serv- i measure was aimed to check the Ice. “But I was even more appreciated I alarming growth oY the divorce evil. “In 1911,” said Ransdell, “England than m.v chief.” lie would relate, “and granted but 655 divorces—one-half per this is Why: Sometimes there was a bull nt the Aourt. which we were ex­ hundred thousand population. In 1900 pected to attend. At my fl rst ball sup- America allowed 7'2,062, or 86 divorces per I found myself next to a grandee. per hundred thousand.” gorgeous In stars and ribbons, The servant came to pour out champagne. ------------ «De--—— I shook my bend, for I detest cham­ Notice to Creditors pagne. The grandee nudged me and IN THE COUNTY COURT OE THE STATE OF said. 'Let him pour It out.' This 1 dill, and he explained to me that our OREGON. IN AND FOil 1 HE COUNTY OF JACKSON. host never gave his guests more than In the Matter of the Administration ono glass. ‘So. you see. If I drink of Ihe Estate of Faiinie M. Bort, a yours I shall have two.' After tills lie-eased Person. there used to be quite a struggle to sit Notice is Hereby Given that the near me at court suppers." U’luersigneJ, by an order of the County Court of Jackson County, State of Ston-.cd His Talking. tiregon, heretofore du'y entered here­ Tn the memoirs of T.i Hung Chang in h.is been appiintdl and now is th« d ily qualified and acting administrator the great Chinese viceroy, commenting of the estate of above named decedent. on his visit to Russia, refers to tilt All creditors aid persons having manner In which llm cznr and all tin claims against said decedent or her es­ high officials appear to be snrmunde' tate are hereby notified and required by would lit* assassins. “1 do not think to present the same duly verified with propel vouchers, t - I he undersigned at I would like t i exchange positions with his home in Jacksonville, Jackson the czar even to have the fine czarina County, Oregon, within s;x months as wife and my choice of the rarest tea." says the statesman. He adds rom the date hereof. The date hereof lied of the first pub- the following anecdote, which seems licatlon hereof is February 7th, A. ‘ D. to show that be would have been quite 1914. at home ill Hie atmosphere of nssassi LEE C. PORI’, mil Ion which lie believed to exist In Administrator of the Estate of St. Petersburg: ‘•Once In Tientsin u Fannie M. Port. low fellow came into my courtyard II. K. HANNA, Residing at Jacksonville. Oregon, and told the banner captain in charge that he Intended taking my life. He Attorney for said estate. had a long piece of wire and sold he was going to hang me to my own gate posts, I had to have liis head cut off before he would stop talking.' Notice cf Final. Settlement. IN THE COUNTTY COURT FOR JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON In the Matter of the Estate of fhonias Merrick, Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given, that Agnes E Fahs, (formerly Agnes E. Merrick, blit who has since married) the ad­ ministratrix of the above entitled es­ tate has filed her final account, and that Munday, March 9, 1914, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the County Court room at Ihe Court House at Jacksonville, tn Jackson County, Oregon, is by order of the Judge o.' the above entitled Court, fixed as the lime and place for hearing and set tlitig s.lid final account, and all per­ sons interested in said estate at d hav­ ing any objections to said final account are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and present their ob­ jections thereto. Pt» January 31. 1914. AGNES E. FA IIS. Administratrix. No Change. The prince of Monaco, who. having had both an English and an American Good printing costs no more than the wife, knows whereof he speaks, said of marriage: poor kinl. Leave your ordsr« nt this "Through marriage a Frenchwoman office. We do good work at reasonable gains her liberty, an Englishwoman Salem, Or., Feb. 5.—Stating that prices. loses her« and an American woman hi« investigations boar out the coi - continues to do as she likes." tention of commercial interests in the • late that the proposed Government Welcome Caller. Visitor — What lovely furniture! ■uit to dissolve the Southern Pacific Little Tommy Yes. 1 think the man Central Pacific Railroad lines will do we Ismght It from Is sorry now lie sold more harm than gm*d, Governor West It. An.vwav lie's nlways c tiling.-Lon Ims telegraphed Pres dm Tit Pits. ui, ne that the ht'i-rn »!•> p rs a h »ring Lef-i V e know you can »are H e *itrt money and get belter Med« T>*. Ex cu :vv h ’nt I by getting in diret * h SI le >aa >< I ,llTCo..S«aMla iinssi^n and m* tn wra ol A ninr, |H»rfe* t** hlmsvlf by work mu« h Chamber of Commerce, more than by rendlnp.—Carlyle. their declarations, the dissolution suit 1 Send for This J Catalog Pleasures. The objects of pleasure are two In number. First, to kill time, and, sec­ ond. to keep us from doing something else which would make us more mis­ erable. The pleasures of the Ameri­ can people, roughly speaking, are like­ wise twofold—namely, making money anil spending it. Some people derive all their pleasure from making money, and others all their pleasure from spending it. Others comb lit ihe two. Being mi inventive people, the Amer­ icans have created ninny ways of spending money. Being too busy tank­ ing It to spend any time on the drudg­ ery of running their country they spend a large portion of It in support­ ing the politicians. This, indeed. Is one of their chief pleasures. And their superb sense of humor enables them to enjoy Intensely the accounts of what all the politicians are doing, which enterprising papers publish from day to day. The Americans have other pleasures, but compared with this one they are mostly trivial.—IJfe. Dead Author». Accepted handbooks mid histories of American literature pay too much at­ tention to doubly dead woi titles, whose books are not Interesting and miss or but tlmidl.v acknowledge con­ temporary excellence. There Is n way of accounting for It. Every genera­ tion. except the more Independent spit* its In It. looks with too Chinese rever eltce U| h > ii its mu esters. John Albert Mie-y In Spirit of A merli n u Literature. BUSINESS CARDS G US H. K. If À K M 4 NEWBURY Lawyer Attorne -at-Law 0flice in Bank of Jacksonvllls building Will Practise in All Courts i:i the State MEDFORD, OREGON. JACKSONVILLE, Ohio, city of ToleO, l.e Lucas County, I * Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha <• Senior partner of the firm of If. J. Cheney & Co., doing business tn tlie City of To­ ledo, County and State aforwald. as» that said firm v. ill pay the sum ef ON ■ HUNDRED DOLLARS for each an« ev­ ery caso cf Catarrh that cannot be cure® ty the uso of HALL'S CATAItRII CURB. FRANK J. CHENEY. Swoin to before me an« •ubccrlbe« la tr.y pii'-’- co, Uils «th day al Decaai»«r, A. D. 1SS4. (Seal) A. W. OLVaSOlT, NAary Publia. Hall’s Catarrh Cure la ta.ea Internally end acts directly upon the Lloa« an.I aiu- tous r-.-rf.-'cea get n fiartni- . r v.Uuabie mlurii.t-t on. Í An Incentive. Cruel. "1 wish you many floppy returns.’' wrote an editor (•» ?• p«H»t wh«» hud sent him n | mh * iii ent il led "M.v Birth- ;ORK6CN DR. T. T. SHAW De ti st. Mrs. Crawford-1 thought you said you weren't going to the sewing cir­ cled Mrs. Crahshaw —But. my dear, 1 didn't know then about the things you have told me. Judge. Pen Picture of John Pau! Jones. John I’aul Jones was something more than a s««u tighter. After Ills great battle lie knew brilliant days In Paris where Queen Marie Antoinette paid him attention and Invited him to sit beside her nt the opera. All the great ladles ran after him. and quite a few seriously lost their hearts to him. An American woman who met him In Par Is wrote this account of him: “lie Is small of stature, well proportioned, soft In his s|M' Bill of Sale, Agreements. Warranty Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Chattel Mortgage, Acknow ledgements. Real Estate ontract. Location Notice—Placer, Location Notice—Quartz, Satisfaction of Mortgage, Roll Eit ito <ons strict If couA dan dal. feti.lsOC wo P alss ^ 37 11 .... S’ .J1K frat UMf* Sr- < y [Ai ■piciU. 03 59 39 12 .... I*a <>!ta tAMSu CuFuUyM *««-• • Ce. is an Old Reliable House, write to 35 13 .... 51 e,<• »II» v UIU v 4<* ■ 46 3D 14 .... them today for the free medicine. 41 27 cloudy 15 .... 37 1 22 IS Cure the afflicted members of your 43 T. 31 17 .... 39 «V 19 .... .r. * cm > u Mf am . >>.v^»s )'••< m Ua family, then tell your neighbors »nd 4*3 .14 K ' T s»r : ' ■. eu bf «i I» .... 45 20 .... 31 1 friends about this remedy. .05 45 nn 21 .... 41 .n .11 .21 27 41 S3 .20 47 37 .16 44 33 47 :« 17 S’) .V 4-i .41 43 3.1 4'1 51 1 ai Temperature—mean mux. 42.97;tnc: n mir. 30:09; m.-nti 3» 91 Max 61 on 10, Mini.num. JI. on 6th. Greatest duly Tot it pre* ip Lili» * 2.5«l range. 28. t indies. Greatest in II noars, .81 in . Number of day» with .01 on 31. inch or more precipitation, 11, clear, : 5, partly cloudy, 5; cloudy, 21. V.” JACKSONVILLE POSt. SclGfiiix Xifetrittit. POST ADS. bring Best Results