i í London’s First Bank. Modern P airy Jale Ii»e Faines Ai way» Bnng Thing« Out Right By M. QUAD Copyright. 19t3, by Associated Lit­ erary Press. NOTHING LIKE CHEEK ' I ' By EVERETT P. CLARKE [ the further sum of $46.00 costs and accruing Ranking, seeing that it tiourished in costs. Which judgment was enrolled and dock­ eted in the Clerk’s office of said Court in said the ancientf world—in Greece, at Rome Cour.ty on the 17th d^y of January. 1914. and .nt Ihiiiyion—must, so faruis Eng­ r’am commanded by virtue of an execution is­ land is coucerned. be regarded as a sued by the Clerk of the above Court dated the co’mparath ely modern business. I 22nd d ty of January 1914, in the above entitled t)urtng the so called renaissance cause to sell the following described real proper- ! ty to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: banking reappeared in Italy. From Italy the business of banking ' All of tracts 1, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. «34. except that spread to France, then to Holland, and part in section 10. 35. 36. 37, 38, 39, 40. 41. 42. 43. 14. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 64 and it was introduced into England by one i 65 of the Elevon-Eighty Orchards Tract, located Francis Child, who established the in Township Thirty-seven (37) South of Range first bank in London in 1(103. One (1) West of the Willamette Meridian in Hitherto London merchants had de­ said Jackson County. Oregon, according to the posited their cash in the mint of the official plat thereof on file in the office of the lower of London. But when Charles County Recorder of Jackson County. Oregon. Now therefore, by virtue of said execution and II. took it into his head to borrow trad ers began to lodge their superfluous decree, and in compliance with said writ. I will cash with the goldsmiths in Lombard on 7LT«SDAY. THE 24th DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1914 street. at the hour of 9:30 o’clock A. M.. at the front Francis Child was one of these, and door of the Court House in Jacksonville. Jack- in a few years Lombard street became ! son County. Oregon, sell at public auction, sub­ full of banks. The Bank of England ject to redemption as by law provided, all the was founded in BUM. —London Globe. right, title and interest of the above named de­ It was midwinter. When I began business at eighteen The snow lay uiue feet deep on the years of age 1 entered the counting room of Stoughton Bros, on a salary of (round. There was an old woman who lived $4 a week. 1 had assurance enough tor iu I he inidat of a vast forest. She was ten men of my age, mid it Is assurance that tells. I have often wondered why wretchedly poor. We Ond tula poor old woman crouch­ this is so largely the case and have ed over a dying lire and listening to come to the conclusion that it is based the moans of the whiter gale and say­ on the principle of war that tlie assail­ ant has tlie advantage of force over in­ ing to herself: ertia. it is a iirinclple of mechanics "May heaven help me this day!” Finally she rose up and hobbled forth that n body started through space in which there is no resisting medium to bunt for a stick of fuel. i fendants. Joseph R. ¡1. Jacoby, and D«>ra Jacoby, A banker with a big lonu out at 17 will go on at tlie same rate for«, ver husband and wife, George W. II. White Invest­ Love Song of a 8ird. per cent would have wept to see that A body that is not started will not “Just before an April dawn.” says ment Co., a Washington Corporation. National move, mid when struck will be kLOck Bank of Commerce of Tacoma. Washing.on, a hobble. W. P. Pycraft in “The Courtship of National Banking Corporation. Eleven-Eighty After incredible hardships and suf­ ed into "pl.” Animals." "tlie cock capercailzie pro ­ Orchards Tract Co., a Washington Corporation. I Imd no reverence for my superiors, ferings the old «'onmii found herself fever from a tree in a Patrick K. McHugh and E.E. Dowell in and to the claims its love possessed of a single stick, it was but treated them « ¡th eminent respect strange, unmusical serenade. I above described property, for cash in hand to about large enough to brain a grass- except when they undertook to brow­ drooping “ With outstretched ueclt, the highest bidder. ho|i|>er with, but she was plowing her beat me. when 1 jumped on them with Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this 23rd day of wings and spreading tail he gives way back with it when a harsh voice both feet. This 1 kept up as long as 1 forth u weird, uncouth kind of song, January, 1914. was paid little or nothing for my serv called to her. W. H. SINGLER. more or less divisible into three parts, ices: when I felt it essential to retain Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. "Tblefess. drop thnt wood!” lie begins with a series of notes which my position 1 didn't take so many By E. W. WILSON. Deputy. “Sir. I am no tblefess." replied the remind one of nothing so much as the chances. old woman as she drew herself up with sound made by two sticks knocked to­ There was il bnnker in the street by dignity. "1 have been out searching gether at intervals of ten to fifteen the nn me of Ogden, tie did an enor- the Helds for a little wood to keep me Notice to Creditors. nious business mid was very rkb. To seconds, getting quicker and quicker from freezing and have found only a IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF us clerks he was like the mogul of and changing in key till at last they twig.” Tartnry to a wiisliee-wnsliee China- become bell-like, Then follows a se- OREGON.IN AND FOR JACKSON COUNTY. “You are a liar! I have caught you man. Not Hint lie put on any airs, but ries of sounds like the drawing of a I In the Matter of the Estate of John A. Norling. With the goods on!” because his position was so lofty. 1 cork out of a bottle, and these end deceased. “If I had n son, sir”— Notice is hereby given that the County Court used to hear stories about hoiv he got with birdlike twitterings. By this “You have two of them, and they are his start mid learned that he went into of Jackson County. Oregon, has appointed Anna time, however. the singer has worked M. Norling as administratrix of the estate of In Jail for hog stealingl" tlie cotton market one day $50,000 In himself lip to an ecstasy of fervor so John A. Norling, deceased, and that she has "I am freezing, and 1 picked up this debt mid in a few months was $300.000 intense as to deaden him to all that duly qualified as administratrix of said estate. little twig to save my life.” to tlie good. At tlie time I entered may be passing in tlie outer world.” All persons having claims against said estate "You bare got a cord and a hair business lie was wortb millions. are hereby notified and required to present the there! Drop it!” Belonging to mi excellent family and same properly verified, to the undersigned ad­ Father Hubbard. •.’But I ahull perish." not being troubled with backwardness. The nursery knows nothing of Fa­ ministratrix at the office of D. V/. Bag-haw, in ••Perish and be hanged to you!” I was a butterfly of fashion. My capi­ ther Hubbard, but in 1(104 Thomas the City of Jacksonville. Jackson County. Ore­ “You shall not drive me to nt y tal was one dress suit, which, notwith­ gon, within six months fi om and after the date Mi.I.lieton published "Father Hub death.'’ of the first publication of this notice. standing my yotitli. «’iis too small for bard’s Tale of the Ant and the Night­ Date of first publication of this notice is It is not too lute in the day to «ay me. lint for 50 cents J got a tailor to ingale.” In tlie introduction he ex­ January 24, 1914. that the name of the man was Fitzhue enlarge It. At functions I used to ANNA M. NORLING. Carlton and that he was young nnd meet men who were the heads of large plains; “Why I call these Futhei Ilublnird’s tales is not to have them Administratrix of the estate of John wealthy. He belonged to five clubs business concerns, as «ell as of faml called in again as the Tale of Mother ling, deceased. und oH-ned seven autos. He was also Iles. Nome of them 1 occasionally D. W. BAGSHAW. more or less engaged to four different «ent to during business hours on busi­ Ilubburd. Tlie world would show lit Jacksonville, Oregon, Attorney for Adm inis tie judgment in that, ¡’faith, and I girls. He had given to the heathen ness, with m.v lint in my timid. tratr’x and said estate. But. and to the hookworm cure and was me< ting them soclnlly, 1 considered should say then, 'plena stultorum om­ nia,’ for I entreat here neither of rug­ ruled uh a young num of great chnrlty. that «Idle «e were on a different ged bears nor apes. no. nor the lam­ and .vet here he was refusing a poor basis it behooved me to keep up an SUMMONS old woman a fagot dug from the entable downfall of the old wife’s outward allow of deference. snow! She could not realize it and I platters. I deal with no such metal.” IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON, FOR JACKSON Time p issed, mid my salary, though stood gazing at him with the fagot COUNTY. Since Spenser's “Mother Hubberd’’ slightly enlarged, wiis far too small bugged to her breast, when he said: does not seem to have been called in Lura Bilderback, Plaintiff. for my req lirements. 'File elbows of "<>h. you won't, eh! We'll see about ■v«. my dress rout «ere getting ragged, and says nothing about bears or plat that!" W. H. Bilderback, Dc/endant, mill t -a:: impossible fm ¡.|iy tailor to tors. Middliton is evidently alluding To W. H. Bilderback, the ab«. fe name 1 And he whistled for his seven bull­ to some other “Mother Ilubburd.”— fondant: dogs. and « lien they came he pointed Idde their nakedness. ! did fairly good London Standard. work myself in flint respect with ink In the Name of the State of Oregon:—You to lier nnd shouted. "Stubby!" and the hereby notified and required to appear in seven piled on to lier In the greatest Some of my fellow clerks got small Ibsen and Love. above entitled court and cause and answer harmony and abandon. Her cries rent raises by being obsequious to those Tennyson shvs that it 1« better to complaint of the plaintiff, now on file therein, above them, but I kept on in the even tile ulr. but lie whistled "Yankee Doo tenor of my way-tlmt Is. being ordi­ hiiv»» loved and lost than never to have on or before six weeks from the date of the first die” mid turned mid walked away. narily respectful mid standing up for loved at all. Ibsen maintained—not in publication of this summons, which is the 20th It was ii shocking thing to do. a general idiilosophienl wav. but with day of December. 1913. and if you fail to appear Even the rrtiwil cried out ngniust It. my rights, it didn't occur to me that respect to the conditions he saw im­ and answer within the time required, for want it «mild pay me to toady to a man for The (logs did not quite finish the old mediately around him-that it 1« bet­ thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for woman. There »«» a small piece of tlie purpose of getting mi additional the relief prayed for and demanded in he^ com- ter. if youthfully, romantically in love, her left, mid It ennvled to her iifToo two or three dollars n week. plaint, to-wit. for a decree of divorce dissolving to separate rather than to marry. Ib ­ tine spring ne Imd n heavy snow­ the bonds of matrimony existing between and moaned mid wept mid cried out: "Must 1 perish here? Is there no till- storm. followed by a freeze mid then sen Is in agreement with the brilliant plaintiff an 1 defendant, for the care and custody Frenchman who asserted that all com ­ of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, a deluge or rain. There’s no worse inanity left In the world?” ‘There la. grandma, dead lends of meteorologii al combination for trans­ edies end with a wedding, because It is and for such other and further relief as to the then that the tragedy begins!-From court may see n just and equitable in the exclaimed n cheerful voice, and portation than tills, mill the city was Henderson's “European premises. the fr<>,.<.n mid dug bitten ivomnn raised well nigh liupnsKiible. There were large Archibald This summons is served upon you by publica­ Dramatists.” her head to behold n fairy standing In pools of water everywhere mid the de tion in the Jacksonville Post once a week for the door. It was I’lnky Pink, whose vices for getting over them were not s’x c »nsecutive weeks, the first publication epeclalty Is hunting out aged females the »’in k of ixlucnted engineers There thereof bein 'December 2 )th. 1913, by order of ein.1 working surprise parties on them. was nearly a block near the house Hon. F. M. Calkins. Judge of the above er. t'tied ■hist b,-hlnd .Miss Pink «'as n waiter where 1 was employed that was so Court, said or ler having been made on the 11th from a first class restaurant, mid on a tliaided that the «hole distance was day of December, 1913. GUS NLWBITRY, eerier he hnd a meal consisting of only passable by means of a string of Attorney for Plaintiff. frogs’ legs. oysters fried, porterhouse lanirds. .lust before bank closing I steak, hash brown potatoes. Maryland was directed to make a deposit mid chicken mid various other things war­ started on tills narrow plmik walk.« 1 Notice of Final Settlement. ranted not to produce colic. had Just entered upon a lagoon of “What la It?" faintly naked the vic­ considerable length «lien I saw the Notice if hereby given that the undersigned tim <>f mail's Iniiumuulty. Origin of the Eskimo. bas filed his I nal account as administrator of sovereign of tile street. Mr. Ogden, No Mtlsfnctur.v solution of the ques­ the estate of Fred F. Downing, deceased, vzith "You are to till up. grundmn, and about iih fur advamed on the other then come with me." tion of the I'ri In of the Eskimo linn the County Court of Jackson County, and that side of It. It wiis my part as an uu Tlie effect of the meal, with a small ever been given. Whether they vnme said Court has appointed Munday, the 23rd day derstraifiier to make way for the great bottle after It. was to make the diner from Asin or from North America, of February. 1914. at the hour of 10 o'clock in mail. sleepy, aue? tleneriil Grant sold Hint wlieu he kllpis-m. mid she had a beautiful pu k« r to ker mouth. »•as marching to meet his first < neiny Notice of Sher'M's Sale Fit Hi C vm Exact!«. "Where am 1?" ahe asked after look­ during the civil war he felt tlie re- ing around. he remembered that sponslbllity until By virtue of an execution and order of sale is­ "When father was Bielt about ,i. years igo quite llki-l; the other general felt ns he read an advertiacnient of Cliiunberlam'i sued out and under the seal of the Cirjnit Court In my imlsce.” replied Miss I’luk. Tablets in the papers that tit his case ex of the State of Oregon in an-l for the Count/ of That decided ' And how about Fttzliue Carlton. The uncomfortable ns he. it occurred to actly,” writes Miss Margaret Cnnipbell o( Jackson, dated the 12th day of January. 1914. in fulry didn't have so much business ou him. mid lie pushed on Ft. Smith, Ark. “lie purchased a 1 k > x of a certain cause therein pendin* wherein her Lauds that she couldn't attend to lue that Mr. Ogden was as much loath them anil he I im not been sick since. My the MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK, as plaintiff, his ease. Nile began by taking the to have me give way to him as I was sister had ati.macb trouble and was also ben recovered judgment against MARY E. GIBBS, he cresses out of Ills trousers nud liumll to do so Mon*over. 1 knew that efited liy them.” For sale by all dealers. as defendant, for the sum of One Hundred Forty- lilting his pride. was a natural gambler. Taking a —Advertisement. two and 15-100 ($142.15) Dollars with interest Then she worked It to have him find quarter from my pocket. 1 said: thereon from said 18th day of October, 19B. at ♦I»- IL-1 ’• <>r tails for the rlght of that he wax a year Fo'diid the rnslilon the rate of 8 percent per annum and Fifty ($.50.00) way.” Dollars attorney’s fees, and the further sum of iu liecktleH n"d ««alm- Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Eleven (411.00) Dollars costs; which judgment Then she bad him Isoimed out of Ids "Ilend- " he replied, with a twinkle In his eye. CluLa Seattle Trust Company. a Washington Corpor. was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk'« office I of said Court in said County, on th* 4th day or Mr Carlton also lost 1. s seven n.:tos 1 knew how to Hip a coin ll nd have at ion, Plaint iff. December. 1913. which said execution was di­ vs. \l»o the four girls to «horn he was It come down as I wanted It. so I Joseph R II Jacoby, and Dora Jacoby, husbmd rected and delivered to me as sheriff of Jack- ■ lllioat ellgll;- H » »-rh ** fl ip re t, That action made me a millionaire. M> Hugh and E F. Unwell. Defet daata. there. It was remorse thnt suggested I met Mr. Ogden some time after that Notice Is hereby given that under and by vlr- Fa«t of the Willamette Mridian. Oregon. thnt he take an old clothesline along. T«> a limb of a tree hanging right nt a social function, mid he asked me tue'of an onler of sale, decree of foreclosure, contnininc 40 acre«. Public Notice is Hereby GI vpp . that I wilt on over the hut where gi n minia hnd where I « ns employed. I told him. and and execution thereof luurd out and under the MONDAY, FEBRUARY ISth, 191», atari cd h nd frosen lie attui lied thnt ho told me If I should leave my seal of the Circuit Court of "the State of-.Iregor. in and for the County of Jackaon. In a certain at the front door of the Court Hin Jark-on- ru|ie. position to let him know. A few cause therein, wherein Seattle Trust Company.a villa Jackson County. Oregon, at the hour of 9:T> to the ro|H> ho xttucheO hl. weeks Inter I left Stoughton Bros. vol Washington corporation, as pkintilT rec. v. re.1 o’clock A.M. «ell at public auction subject to Illitilrilv and Called oil Mr. Ogtleli He iu.krment against Jo-eph R. H. Jacoby, for the redemption as by law’ p’-ovkbd. to the high'at \ftrr ninny dnyn they found him took me into Ids service and promoted sum of $34.4« .44 with interest thereon from s id bidder for ca«h. in hand aP the right » ’tie and ire ho fust that I g« - ew dizzy. He Is pvin'Sliir there. 14 h d«y of November. 1913. at the rate of 7 P«r i tg*eat of the above named defendant in and to Ami the git le It nina ned. And the now retired and I am the manager of cent per innum, tow It bleu. Amt an owl ant on h his bii-ln,-»« ■ Ù II,ul> mid fluttered Its tall and «hen I flipped for the right of way of June. 1913. al the rate of 6 per cent per sn- Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon, this 13th day an« In the act bidientlon of a qunlltv n »m. torether with the further lum of $171.13 day of January. 1914. ci l<« » SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. > 23 Ashland Motor....“.. .8:35 A.M. A.M. 31 Ashland Motor...!............ 2:34 P.M 15 San Francisco Express.. .4:99 P.M. 11 Shasta Limited (Mail only) 5:22 A. M. 13 California Express ......... 19:52 z Try the Extra fare train. 80 YEAR«* EXPERIENCE T ram M imi B iricrr Jacksonville, Ore CORVBMHTB Ac. Anyone seii41ii< a «ketr.i end decerlpttna may quickly ascertain our opinion free wnother an Invention 1« probably patentAble. Commnnlca* tlonH «irlctly oonfldonMal. HANDBOOK ©n I'atente •ent free. OitleaC aeency for eecMrln* patent«. Putenia taken through Maun > Co. I'eveive special not let, without oLarge, iu kbe Where you get best work at low prices Scientific Jlintilcau. A handeomely Uhivtrnfod woekly. I js rg eel dr* cuialion of any •cienilllo JottrnuJ. Terine, 43 a your; four inontlw, *1. Sold byaU newsdealer«. MUNN &Co.80’Cr^“’-New Hranch Ofilce. L?.r» F Pf.. Washington POLK’S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory ( A Dixectory of each City, Town and Village, giving descriptive «ketch of each place, location, population, tele­ graph, shipping and banking point; also Classified Directory, compiled by business and profession. 4» L. ’POLK co«. Sell Your We are revising oar lists ready for ths spring trade. If you have real estate to dis­ pose of at a fair price, place it in our hands for sale, we have a number of prospective buyers who expect value for their money. We can sell your property at a price equal to its full value but do not want any 113 ted at fictitious or “Boom” price. Rogue River Realty Co R. R. R OFF1CE:-Bank of Jack­ sonville Bldg. Upstairs JacksonvilZe, Ore .«aa^ Charles F. Dunford DEALER IN All kin Is of sjft and hard mnd. Tier or cordwood lengths. Prices moderate and delivery prompt. c JACKSONVILLE OREGON Jacksonville Meat Market $ JOUS' DUNNÏNGTON. fr,? ------ Deatei » tn------- All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats. Poultry, Choice lard, Etc JACKSONVILLE, OREGO