Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, January 24, 1914, Image 4

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A Procesal To Prepare Small
Tracts and Sell To Set­
tlers at Actual Cost
Ths press sad thinking men and
wefapa of the country have been glv-
attention to a solution of
the gr«wrt eeoaomlc question of Induc­
ing meel settlement, and perfecting
some pfaa for farm credits. That
some metjied must be devised by
vh-ioh the farming population may bo
In*;ifaisni and farm Ufa made more
attractive and profitable, Is univer­
sally eoaecdsd. President Wilson and
his three predecessors have appointed
commissions te investigate butr as
yet. ho method has besn presented
lion John Mssnlng, of Portland, In
a »recent apeecti befurs th« Arleta So­
cial Coster, presented a plan for !n-
<lu<4a< the Battlement and cultivation
of rureU fan its from which, as a basis,
he hopes te evolve a perfect plan
which wttl result in great good to the
people at (tie State. To promote tills
he Invites every man and woman, to
send Uiu a curd or letter approving
or disapproving the plun and offering
crltlolsm and advice.
After euumurating tile necessity for
some action and the Importance of
properiy solving this question, Mr.
Mantling tells of the operation of the
English Land Act In Ireland, Govern­
mental aid to the farmer in Canada,
and recites the wondrous .uccess of
James J. Hill In Inducing the settle­
ment of lauds along the linos of the
Great Northern. He cites the fact
that ths bead ot a family with Ji,000
or >1.1«» capital cannot undertake the
assumption of such a load as high
M»St. J«KM
fa rm tag land price» eoaipsl. Their
«apiwl de»» sot kata out If they at­
tempt t« make a farm Irotu tha cheap­
er >ou»»4 »M or burnt over lands,
Berber •»» tb»y prepare to Irrigate
Mi» farthe tauifa »t Bsatera Oregon.
Mr. hfaanfag propoac»» the paasaga
•* rsuii fag Marlei si wMI enable the
fast» to pul aH th« tillable Stats lands
falu • «»»faUon ruady Cor cultivation
au4 seonpaacy fas cluurlug of logged-
•ff ur wAd lauls. trrlgatlug or drain­
fag wh«<o secossary. Thu State to
Uiuse lauds tn from 20 to
100 aurs tracts Is the actual bona fide
settlor »< a psfa« uot to exceed the
actual scat to th« Slats in addition to
» fair valuation fur ttis land, the State
to luaa such selllir enough money to
faiild » sulfabls bouse, barn, feuces,
sic , and to purchase implements and
MoiA. tablus as security therefor a
s>oitl*s» N»r is or 1> years, payabls
to •magi yuarty payuiuuts at the same
sat» of lal»rust Ike Stats pays fur the
Biunep. »ay 4 or I por cont
Ur Mauutng also favors extending
Bh« privilege of burrowing this Stute
siuiief. er woaey hijui the help fund
•e into fa* rate ef lntorust to all
faiuwM m S rural owner» with the
sec- i»n»iry «*N»gj«r4 that th« money
wouM be ua«4 fur farm development;
fa« faxfa to issue »0 year bond» to be
*44 as fas work of reclaiming the
faud progresses and the money is
Tbs Slats by this pta». would get
a returs st every do lir invested, with
She In»«.*«’ lUrma, |n it, cr H years
*» I wo««>4 be able to meet the bonds
* i.i l.vsmml win due. and without
fas lot* ef a sJegis dollar te the State.
Ms Bto«s«w. alm, has a plan for a
Ww.tor a-rH-d .f marketing stock
an 4 farsa pvaflane
Th» |r»ntleman
aft»« tnstear»« tinier th.
ths present
methei ef where the actual consumer
has pnld ss hifth as Sfifi r»r cent more
than w»s paid to the fermer or pro
fluuer. Mu firmly bcTiaxrs
that hie
"£auk tw the Mod ' plan would make
()r<uou a diale which could boast of
a v.-upJe •/ wealth produciré and nut
al.ua at »4» m tera
Nothing Is troublesome that we do
Ft " iW l h»«o«a ItMTevwn
xert« Over an Actor or a
" No* orator 'living" rffa ever great
enough to g've oui the same power
and force am magnetism to. an empty.
hall, to empty seats, that he coiikl give
to no audience capable of being tired
by bls theme.
In the presence of the audience Ilea
a fascination, an Indefinable magnet­
ism. that stimulates all the mental fac­
ulties and acts as a tonic and vitalize»
An orator can any before an audience
what be could not possibly have said
previous to going on the pintform. Just
as we can often say to a friend In
animated conversation things which
we could not possibly say when alone
As when two chemicals are united a
new snbstahce Is formed from the
combination which did! not exist tn
either nlotre. the speaker feels surging
through his brain the combined force
of his audience, which be calls lnspl
ration, a mighty power which did not
exist In his own personality before he
rose to bls feet No public speaker
ever forgets that first surprising feel­
ing of confidence
Actors tell us that there Is an I ride
acribabls Inspiration which comes from
the orchestra, the footlights, the audi­
ence, which It Is Impossible to feel at
a cold mechanical rehearsal There Is
something tn a great sea of expectant
faces which awakens the ambition and
arouses the reserve of jiower which
can never lw> felt except before an an­
dience. The power was thère Just tbt
same before. but It was not arouaed.—
«access Magazine.
Gladstone on Disraeli
O. A. Storey, A. It. A., recorded a
touching Incident he witnessed at the
academy banquet of 1881 when a por
trait for which Beaconsfield had sat to
Millais shortly before his death was
among the exhibits. "This unfinished
work, pule mid even ghastly, was in
one of the side galleries Gladstone,
catching sight of 'lie picture, went and
stood long In front of It. • • • No
one disturbed him At the end of the
feast Gladstone rose and In the finest
and most feeling tone delivered a pan­
egyric on the great man who bad
passed away
In a voice clear and
sympathetic and full of emotion he told
its of Ids admiration for the sterling
qualities ot the man who. though op
pos<*d to him In politics, was in no
other sense an opponent He spoke ns
only one generous In heart and of a
broad mid great mind could speak of
another great man who had passed
away The speech surpassed anything
I ever beard. " London Chronicle.
Influence It
Tree» ••'d V7ind.
When one travels ,'lirougb the parts
of Belgium bordering on the see be
sees a striking example of the inflti-
■■»■nre on trees of strong and constant
winds. The trees are in general bent
toward the Interior of the country. It
'was proved some time ago that the
trunks of trees hurled In the peat
bogs of Holland all lie in a south weal
to northeast direction.
When He Went to the Front.
•l>fd you henr that George went to
the front yesterday »" askeil the broth
of Ethel.
i er Ethel's
face hianchwl “Why. what
do you mean, Jack? He up ver told
Well, 1 saw lilm go." said the brotb-
er as he reacherl for his tint '• Don't
you remember last evetilug. when he
kissed you first on your right check and
then on your left, and then didn't be gr
to the front?"-uLn<lieu Home Journal
» ..
Brown—I wonder if Smith would In
dorse my note, Jones—How long has
he known ypti? Brown—A month.
Jones I'm afraid that's too long.—Chi­
cago News.
Not Possible.
We have never seen a innn whose
conversation was so Interesting that he
could make the landlord's agent forget
what he came for.-Philadelphia 1»
Breaking It Gently,
Maid—Thieves got into a b.time li.
this street last night and stole all the
silver. Mistress-Wliat stupid peuple
to leave tilings unlocked! W lume
house was it? Maid— It was Nu. 7.
Mistress -Why, tlint is our bouse! Maid
— Yes. ma'am, but 1 did uot want to
frighten you.—Judge.
Hsr Banking Plan.
"I vhotild like to opeu mi account n
thlN bank. If you plense."
“We shall be glad to accommodât,
you. uiailatu
What a mou til do you
wish to deposit?"
“Oh. but I menu a charge account.
such as I have nt the big dry good*
stores "—Chicago Triimtie.
He that Is proud eats up hltnself.-
Fit Hh case Exactly*.
“When father was sick about six years ago
he read an advertisement of Chamberlain’s
Tablets in the napers that fit his case ex
nelly,” writes Miss Margaret Campbell of
Ft. Smith, Ark. “He purchased a box of
them and he has not been sick since. My
inter had stomach trouble and wan also ben
fited by them.” Fur sale by all dealers.
the following described land and prem- |
ises. to-wit:—Beginning at the bouth-I
east corner of the John Rankin Dor a-
tion Land Claim No. 46 in Townsi ip |
36 South, Range 2 west, W. M., and-]
running thence North on the East
boundary 39 ehains and 38 links to a
point, thence South 86 dtgrees West
54 ehains and 70 links to a point, thence
South 81L degrees West 28 chains and
15 links to a point on the West bound­ !
ary of the William Hughes Donation
Land Claim No. 48, thence South on
said West boundary 32 chains to the
Southwest corner, thence East on the
South boundary of the Hughes and
Rankin Donation Land Claims 82
chains and 15 links to the . place of be­
ginning, containing 300 acres of land.
Commencing at the Sputhwest corner
of the William Hughes Donation Land
Claim number forty-eight (48) Section
Twenty (20) Township Thirty-six (36)
South of Range Two (2) West of the
Willamette Meridian and running
thence South Two Hundred Ninety-
four (294) Feet, thence East One Hun­
dred Seventy-three and one-half (173*^)
Feet, thence North Two Hundred
Thirty-four (234) Feet, thence East
Two Hundred Eighteen and one-half
j (*’18^) Feet, thence North Sixty (60)
[ feet, thence West Three Hundred
[ Ninety-two (392)Feet to place of be­
Also beginning at the Northeast cor­
ner of the John Peninger Donation
Land Claim number Seventy (70)
Township Thirty-six (36) South, Range
Two (2) West of Willamette Meridian
and running thence South on the East
boundary of said claim Twelve (12)
Chains, thence West One and 28-100
Chains, thence North Nine and 60-100
Chains, thence East Eight Links,
thence North Two and 40-100 Chains,
thence East One and 20-100 chains to
the place of beginning, containing One
and one-half (1> acres of land. Al!
of said above described property lying
and being situated in Jackson County.
Public Notice is Hereby Given thal
I will -n
MONDAY, JANUARY 26th 1914.
at the front door of the Court House
in Jacksonville, Oregon, at the hour
of 9:30 o’clock A. M. of said day, sell
at public auction, all the right, title,
interest and estate of the above named
defendant in said premises, subject te
redemption as by law provided, to th<
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy th»
judgment and costs and accruing
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this
12th day of December, 1913.
Sheriff of Jackson Countv, Oregon.
By E. W. WILSON, Deputy.
and Six an<rJ5-100 Dollars costs and
accruing costs, which said judgment
was enrolled and docketed in the offi.’e
of the County Clerk of Linn County,
Oregon, on the 5th day November,
1913. Which execution was directed ami
delivered to me as Sheriff of Jackson
t nunty, Oregon, commat ding me to
sell the personal or real property of
said defendant and to satisfy said jialg-
Venezuela Tobacco.
ainUmats. I have levied upon the
Venetuela Is su. h a tine country for nient
following described real propertv, ta
tobacco that the weed grows wild and wit:
makes pretty fair smoking.
The undivided one-half interest in
Effective November 13, 1913.
you are
in need of
Good Printing
Portland Passenger. »... .8:87 A.M.
Grants Pass Motor.......... 10:22 A.M.
Ashland M,o,tpr.^. ........... 8:8» A.M
California Exprees ... ..18:88 A.M.
Ashland Motor.... .......8:14 P.M
San Francisco Express..
Sbasta Limited (Mail only)5££ A. li.
Extra fare train.
Grants Pass Motor............ 4:87 P.M
Oregon Express.......................... 5:80 P.M.
Shasta Limited (Mail only)8:44 A.M
Extra fare train. ,1
T bapp S aias
B b *«« b
C»» v » i *>. i » fa *.
Jacksonville, Ore
Aurons sending a skelc.i and fessrlstlos may
qnhàly ascertain our oplutou free w fist liar an
iuvsntloa la probably patMilable. Comsisnlea-
tlonsstrictlycouidsnlfal. HAÍDB60C on Patents
sent frws. Oldest syenry for ascurtogpatents.
Patents takeu through Buuu A Col’yeceivs
tpscial notlcs, without cnsrge, in lus
ScteKtifk Hstrku.
Where MUNN & Co.«*"”"4-’lew firt
you get POLK’S
best work Business Directory
low prices
A handsomely Hlustrsted weekly. Xarseat eir-
dilation of any eeleniuJ« loiiriial. Tertua, 9$ a
year; four suinlhs, |L loie by ell ee wed «niera.
Branch Office, 625 F Ht.» Washington. D. Q.
A Directory of each City, Town and
Village, giving descriptive sketch of
v < each pluce, locatiou, population, tele­
É graph, shipping and banking point;
V also Classified Directory, complied by
I GL’iness and profession.
■ . POIJS * GO- N“*”lvrjE '
Sell Yom
I.ura Bilderback. Plaintiff.
W. H. Bilderback, Defendant.
To W. H. Bilderback. the above named
Qiteor Rvaemblances.
That persona who live together for
In the Name of the State of Oregon:—You
a very long period not only acquire the
hereby notified and required to appear in
same mannerisms. but grow a stl'ong
above entitled court and cause and answer
facial resemblance, is an established issued out and under the seal of the Circuit complaint of the plaintiff, now on file therein,
on or liefore six weeks from the date of the first
fact. But it is little known that the
dated the 18 h day of Deceinler, 1913. publication of this summons, which is the 20:h
same condition often exists from mis- ! Jackson,
in a certain cause therein pending wherein M. day of December, 1913, and if you fa I to appear
tress and servant being associated to­ . L Hall as plaintiff recovered jmlgn.ent a rairst
gether for a long period *>f years. I O. C. Purkeypile for the sum of Suventy-two and answer within the time required, for want
thereof, the pl »inti f will apply to th ? court for
There Is usually a stron;
| ($72.00) Dollars with interest thereon from said the relief prayed for and demanded in her com-
part of most servants to
1 I3ih day of January. 1913, at the rate of 6 per plaint, to-wit. fora decree of divorce dissolving
cent per annum and Fifty ($50.00) Dollars at­ the bonis of m itrimony existing lietween
tresses, and this, added
torney’s fee together with Six ($6.00) Collars plaintiff an I defendant, for the care and custody
constant nearness, often
expended in verifying and filing liens and the of the minor chill of plaintiff and defendant,
< lal resemblances.
There are In a small town in New further sum of Eight ($8.00) Dollars costs and i and for such other and further relief as to the
accruing costs, which judgment was enrolled
York state two unusual instances of and docketed in the Clerk’s office of said Court court may seen jute a d equitable in the
this kind
Two widows live there, . in said County on the 15th day of December. premises.
Thissu nm ns is se v -d upon you by publica­
each of whom has been attended by a | 1913. And was directed and delivered to mo as tion in the Jacksonvi I • lost once a week for
woman servant for more than forty ! Sheriff of Jackson County State of Oregon, cam- six consecutive seeks, the first publication
years. In both cases the servants h i ve ! manding me to sc!! the real property belonging thereat being Deco nbe 2'lth. 1913, by order of
become so like their mistresses that to said defendant and to satisfy th ■ said judg­ Hon F. M Cilkirn. Jud-e of the above entitled
they are often mistaken for them, and ments and costs, and accruing costs. I have Court, s lid m-1 h »vingbeen made on the 11th
upon the following described real property day of Decern air. ¡913.
their cases have attracted attention I I levied
far and near, Their voices over the
Beginning at corner No. 1. a post from which
Attorney for Plaintiff.
telephone nre so alike that friends of South corner of Red Oak Lode Claim bears south
the women haw »riven up tills method 70 degrees east 50u feet and a pine tree 12 inches
of coiniiiiinlvntiou. New York Sun
in diainei r heats north 67 « egrees eas. 20 feet,
No Le of Fin»l Settlement.
thence south 70 degr<e. East along the south
Notice in hereby given that the undersigned
line of the Red Oak and towaLod« Claim 15 M)ft to
Words That Speak.
No. 2.a laurel post from’width a black oak has filed h s final account as administrator of
Bang-"a sudden noise» like that from corner
four inches in diameter bears south 38 degrees the estate of Fred F. Downing, deceased, with
h gun” is the definition given by the west 12.5 feet: thence south 20 degrees west the County Court of Jackson County, and that
dictionary. But the explanation Is be­ (900 feet post for oust center end) 600 feet to oor- said Court has appointed Monday, the 23rd day
fogging and futile, for a "bang’* la- ner No. 3. a post from which a black oak 8 inches of February, 1914. at the hour of 10 o’clock in
well, what better describes it titan that in diameter bears north 22 degrees east 17 feet; the fore .ooo of said day. as the time and the
thence north 70 degrees west 1500 feet to corner Court .loom of sa»u Court, in the Court House,
simple word Itself?
Jacksonville. Jacs» ... County. Oregon, as the
So many of our most expressive No. 4. a post from which a black oak 12 inches in . I at
place for hearing objection utv cto ..n 1 the set-
words seem similarly to have sprung | diameter bearS south 45 degrees west 4 feet, and I t ernent thei oof.
the corner section corner on the boundary of
from a desire to form with the lips a i ' Section
Ail persona inte.-ested in «aid estate are hereby
5, Township 37 South. Kange 3 West. W.
sound nii nickiug the thing described. i M. bears north 30 cegrees ea.-t «300 feet west cen- I notiried to appear al said time and place and
W hy waste words on a ilelinition of i ter end post)600 feet to corner No. 7 which is th show cause why said final account ghoul ' not bv
the word "splash." for example? \ ou place of beginning, containing 20.66 acres more approved by said Court and .said administrator
hear nil the abrupt, restless heaving of or less, the above described mining claim situa­ discharged from his trust.
Dated and first published Jan»|prv 24th. 1914.
ted in Jackson County, Oregon.
the waters In that one wonl.
Public notice is hereby given tnat I will on
And tloes even ii Im b.v nvvd to be
Administrator of the estate ef Fred F. Down­
•MONDAY. JANUARY 26th. 1914
told what "buzz" nirnii* when a blue-
bottle Is lending a forlorn hope against at Jhe frontdoor of the Court House in Jackson­ ing. deceased.
ville. Jackson County. Oregon, at the hour of
th«> window?
9:30 o’clock A. M. sell at public auction, subject
“Tinkle." "whistle." "whine." “gur­ to redemption, as by law provided, to the high­
bher.. I s
gle.“ "cackle." "lev" these nr«‘ only >i est bidder for cash. all the right, title and in
few of our otlier eloquently tleierlptlve terest of the al»ove named defendant in and to By virtue of an execution and order .f sale is­
words. I.otnlon Answers.
the above described premises, to satisfy the judg­ sued out and under the .seal of tha Circuit Court
ment and costs and accruing costs above men­ of the St »te of Oregon in an J for the County of
Jackson, dated the 12th day of January, 1914. in
Not His Place to Laugh.
Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon, this 18th day of a certuin cause therein pending wherein
Hickory Wood, the pantomime writ­ December. 1913.
the MEDEORD NATIONAL BANK, as plaintiff,
er. used to tell an amusing story of a
recovered judgment against MARY E. GIBBS,
theatrical manager who once shared
Sheriff of Jnckson County, Oregon. as defendant, for the sum of One Hundred Forty-
bls box at a provincial pantomime.
By E. W WILSON. Deputy.
two and 15-100 ($142.15) Dollars with interest
When the principal coint*dlan entered
thereon from said 18th day of October, 191.1 at
io Bl h’s best the manager, with a
the rate of 8 per cent per annum and Fifty ($50.00)
D »’Jars attorney’s fees, and the further sum of
scowl on hi. I r
lefftnsl »»ver to Mr.
Woo I an 1 reui:i.*l 1. "1 want to en NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Eleven ($11.00) Dollars costs; which ju igment
Bv virtue of an execution and order was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk’s office
wire that f in for Hext <'llr 1st urns In
of sale issued out and under the seal of said Court in said County, on th- 4th day of
m.\ production."
December. 1913. which said execution was di­
"Do you think he Is funny?" Mr of the Circuit Court of the State of rected and delivered to me as sheriff of Jack-
Oregon for the County of Linn, in a
Wood asked
certain cause »herein penriing wherein son County. Oraron, commanding me to satisfy
"Screamingly funny.” returned the First National Bank of Alh-iny, Ore­ the judgment. c««ts and accruing costs out of
gon, as plaintiff recovered judgment the following described real property, of the
"Ttifn wh.r doh'li you laugh?” asked against W. K. Price, as defendant, for defendant, to-wit.
Mr. Wood.
the sum of One Hundred F'ifty an»l no- The Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quart­
"Laugh when he» got hts eyes on 100 Dollars with interest thereon from er of Section I in T » eti* »¡3 31 «•» <*1* ’»f R nx? L
me?" replied the manager. "And ev­ May 28, 1912, at the rate of 8 per cent East of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon.
ery smile means that lie'll ask another Pyr annum, and the further sum <.f containing 40 seres.
Public Notice is Hereby Given, that I will on
I’wenty-five Dollars attorney's feea
Avar i> iv.-ek "- London TuieAni»;».
Easy Term».
“I bought tills armchair on the In
■tnlment plan."
“Easy terms?"
"Rather: A dollar down and n dob
lar whenever the collector < ku catch
me.“—Boston Transcript
(liante in Southern Pacific Time
MONDAY. FEBRUARY 13th. 19 4.
at the front door of the Court H »use in Jack-on-
vide. Jackson County. Oregon, at the hour of 9..30
o’cL»ck A.M. sell at public auction, subject to
redemption as by law provided, to the highest
bidder for cash, in hand all the right, title and
interest of the above named defendant in and to
the above described real property to sa isfy the
judgment and costs and aecrulng costs.
Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon, this 13th day
day of January. 1914.
Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon.
By E. W. WILSON. Deputy.
r o p e r t y
By listing it with us
We are revising our lists 'ready for the
spring trade. If you have real eslate to dis­
pose of at a fair price, place it in our h inds
for sale, we have a number of prospective
buyers who expect value for tiieir money.
We can sell your property at a priea
equal to its full value but do not want any
listed at fictitious or "Boom” price.
Ragua River Realty Co
R. R. R.
OFF1CE:-Bank of Jack­
sonville Bldg. Upstairs
Jacksonville, .Ore
Charles F.
All kin Is of soft and hard wood.
Tier or cordwood lengths. Prices
moderate and delivery prompt.
Meat Market
------- Dealei» Tn-------
ill Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats.
Poultry, Choice lard. Etc.