/■JACKSONVILLE POST-:- Officia. Paper of the City of Jacksonville, Oregon A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson County, Oregon. D. W. B agshaw , Editor. Entered as second-class matter June 22, 1907, at the post office at Jacksonville, Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 19/4 SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on application. No. 115 REPORTOFTHECONDITIONOFTHE COURT HOUSE NEWS BEEKMAN’S BANKING HOUSE Items of Intsrest to Jackson County Tax Payera MARRIAGE LICENSES I at Jacksonville in the State of Oregon at the close of business, January 13th, 1914. RESOURCES. Bonds, and warrants.......... 15,000.00 Due from banks (not reserve banks............... ................ 70.50 Due from approved reserve banks and cash on hand.... 55,748.07 Total 70,818.57 Volva W. Sanderson and Eva L. Mackie. Oren Booth and Elizabeth Ellen Beers. Loren D Close and Ida M. Crocker. Florence M. Hampton and Febia M. The Female Housefly. Witherell. A femnle house fly which ims hlber LIABILITIES. Samuel M. Frestell an 1 Blanch Bru- oated in a dwelling bouse, or else I Capital stock paid in............. $15,000 00 where, may produce In the spring, al ley. Rufus T. Trusty and Louise C. Fra­ Surplus fund.......................... 3,413.14 the lowest estimate, 120 eggs. Assuiu Dje to banks and bankers.... 471 48 Ing that one-half of these batch as fe ley. males, and allowing that the breeding Individual deposits subject F. E. Henry and Marjorie Olive to check................... . 50,933.95 goes on without check for four months, Lees. we have as the descendants of a single Demand certificates of de­ CIRCUIT COURT posit................................. 1,000.00 hibernating Individual 214.557.8+4.320, ■ 000,000,000,000 flies. Now, a bouse fly NEW CASES. measures exactly one-fourth of an lncl Total............................. In length; the distance around th« Theo. F. H Eagle vs Andreas Weid­ STATE OF OREGON, ) earth at the equator is said to be 24. ss: ner. Action to recover money. Com­ 800 miles. It would take, therefore, County of Jackson, ) plaint filed. Summons. I, Henry G. Dox, cashier of the above 3,088,312.000 flies placed end to end to G. D. Hagerty vs W. Lyman. Ac­ named bank, do solemnly iweai go around the world once. Using this tion to recover money. Complaint filed. that the above statement is true to the number as a denominator, and the number of flies produced In four Affidavit ard undertaking for atta~h- best of my knowledge and belief. months from one mother as a tinnier ment. Writ issued. Summons. HENRY G. DOX, Cashier. ator, we find she will give rise. In thi Gus Newbury vs J. H. Bissell, Ac- Subscribed and sworn to before me course of a summer, to enough flier to encircle the globe nt the equator tion to recover money Complaint fil- this 23rd day of January, 1913. 5.000 times and have plenty of progeny ed. Affidavit and Undertaking for at- D. W. Bagshaw, Notary Public. to spare.—Professor F. L. Washburn In tachment. Summons. ♦X Popular Science Monthly. J. c. Barnard vs City of Ashland, Miss! ig a Great Chance. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Action to recover money. Complaint During an aviation meet in Chicago filed. Seattle Trust Company, a Washington Corp or- a professional pickfioeket. who was alien, 1'lahiliff, J. J. Walker vs F. D. Waite. Ac- locked up 1 i Jnll pending trial, sent V3. tion for damages. Complaint filed. Joseph R. II. Jacoby, and Dora Jacoby, husband for the prosecuting attorney and beg­ and wife. George W. il. White Investment Co, ged to be released. F. L. TouVelle vs Josephine Sooy- a Washington Corporation, National Bank of “But," sal I the P. A., "you picked Smith et al. Suit to foreclose mort­ Commerce of Tuconia, Washington, a Nation. I a mini's pockets. Of course you’ll have Banking Corporation, Eleven-Eighty Orchan's to 'do some time.’ gage. Complaint filed. Summons. Tract Co., a Washington Corporation, Patrick K. “Well. sir." replied the prisoner, “I Margaret Tice vs Edwin B North et McHujrh andE. E. Dowel!, Defer dants. suppose you're right, and. to tell the • 1. Suit in equity. Complaint filed. Notice is hereby Riven that under and by vir- truth, I don't mind the mere fact of Affidavit and order for publication of tue’of an order of »ale. decree of foreclosure, being in Jnll; but, gee. It’s fierce to be ami execution thereof issued out and under the here during this aviation meet, with summons. seal of the Circuit Court of the State of ‘.»reRon, everybody looking up In the air!"—Ev­ in and for the County of Jackson, in a certain COUNTY COURT erybody's cause therein, wherein Seattle Trust Oompan? ,a In th-) matter of the estate of Elgar Washington corporation, as plaintiff recovered Puzzled Him. I). Colby. deceased. Bond of adminis­ iuigmentugainstJuephR.il. Jacoby, lor the “I’m puzzled about this custom of sum of S2l.4Dp.44 with interest there >n from s. id tratrix filed. 4 ii day of November. 1913, at the i ate of 7 per eating to music.” In the matter of the estate of J im c« .i p< r annum, together with ihe ; urih ir sum "How’s that?” Ar n-irmt. I juhj I. B in I if id n ln- of <315.37 vs 11h inlerc.'t thereon fiom the Gth day "1 can't understand whether the food of June. 1913. at the rale of 0 per cent per an- Is Intended to keep your mind off the istrater lile.1. n.Kii, lotfuth.r with the furthe sum of $171.1 music or the music Is intended to keep In the m liter of the mtate of Wrr. with mtm e.ii i het eon from the 14th day of Nov- your mind off the food.”—Musician. ein< er. 1913. at the rate of 6 per cen per annum, S. Still date njd. Bin I it’ a Iministra- and the further su-n of $25.u uttvrn y s fee. an I tor filed. Handel’s Philosophy. th - further sum of $4ii.o(> costs and accruin. Handel, win* the curtain would risa In th« matter of the estate of lohn costs. Which judgmedt was enrolled and doc!- eted in the Clerk’s oilk-e of sa.«i Court in saio upon n nearly empty house, would any A. Norling d ce ised. Order appoin’- utility on the 17th day of Janu ir, , 1914. soothingly t" his associates: big s iministratrix an i I appraisers. I am c jtninan le I by virtue of an execution L "Ai-ll, never mind: the music will su. J by tho Cieric of tue above U iui t dated th. B -nd of administratrix tiled. sound all the better!” ♦ tlf< Free Plum Servies Salem. Or.. J in. 22-To the Day’s Creak Telephone Co. operating in Dou­ glas County, belongs the distinction of being the only one in this state, and possibly in the West, which provides free telephone service, F. O. White, sscrets’-y of the company, having ad­ vised the State Railroad Commission that th« company’s board of directors at the annual meeting voted to make the service free to both subscribers and »on-subscribers. Ho further advises the commission that L. Michaels was •lectel preiident of ihe company, and J. A. 8n/Jer tre Hurer. No reason is aiaigia.l by the a-eritary fir the de­ cision of the directors to provide the public with a free service. Rr'drk on Railroad Hurried Monmouth, Or. Jan. 22-Workonthe new Siletz Valley Railroad is progres:- Ing rapidly. Large crews have been •t work, and ■ total of about eight tailes out of 13 to be completed have been finished. When the new road is finished it is expected that the lumber industry of the county wi'l ee a gs n. A new snv.-n 1 * to be b .4 I In h'jiendi n• vtSui.mci'I-y « a! a City Lumber Co. Hiy Crani Frar.chi.t Newport, Or., I«n 2! At a meeting of the NewjK.rl Ci y Cm.ncil Tueaday i’vt-ntnr, preliminary a'e| a wire taken for the fi an hise to the l ortland. West Coast Railroad & Navigation Co. J. 11. Fitzgerald, lepn-sentug the com­ pany. was present and the proposed fra u-hlae was read. The draft of the ordinance granting the franchise had b ■«•!> prepared by a committee i f five cilia« r.s appointed by Mayor Kelley at a pro i ■ meeting. A n ect >gof the C u il will b<- hell in he n ar li.ture K ill L when the frnnchise wi»l pivbubly be granted and accepted by the railroad Company. 22n i d iy of January 1911, in tlieabove entitled cause to sell the following described real proper- t/ to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: Ail uf tracts 1. 2. 3. I, 5. G, 7. 31. except that »> u t in Meetton 10, ¡IX 3d, >7, 3\ 8J, W. 41. 42. 13. 44, -¡5. 4u, 47, 48. 4.1, 30,51. >4, 53. ol, 5o. 56, 64 an.. 65 of thu Eiovo.t-Ei.riKy Orchard-» rract, locate.! in lo.vnihip I’m iy. i.*va.i (37) South of Ran£e UHe ( n Weit of thd Willamette Meridian .n *uid Jackson County. Oregon, according to the otHciai plat thereof on tile in the o.lic« of the County Recorder of Jackson County. Oregon. Now taerefo. e, by /»rtUuof said execution and decree, and in compliance with sai.l writ. 1 will on TUESDAY. TlfZ 34th DAY OF FEBRUARY. 191. at tho hour of 9:30 o'clock A. M.. at the front dour of the Court House in Jacksonville. Jack­ ion County. Oregon, sell at public auction, sub juct to redemption as by law provided, all th»- ritfht» title and interest of the above named de­ fendants, Jusepii K. H. Jacoby, and Dora Jacoby, husban J and wife. George W. H. Wtute invest­ ment Co.. a »V i.nh.igwa Corporation. N. tionai Bank of (’ > amorce of Tacoma. Washing ion. a National Banking Uorparaiion, Eleven Eighty Diehard* Tra. t Co., a Washington Corporal ion. Patrick K.McHugh and E.E. Dowuil in and to th» above described property, for cash in hand t». the hluhe.-.t bidder. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this 23rd day of January, 1914. W. H. SINULKR. Sheriff of Jacks >n County. Oregon. Hy E. W. WIU3ON. Deputy. Notice to Creditors. «N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREaON.IN AND FOR JACKSON COUNTY In the Matter of the Eatale of John A. Norlina. I rceased E’n’tee hereby given that the County Cour rt J. cicco C u- •* Oregon, haa appo nt« 1 Ann« '■t Norli a as a m IrMrix of the estate of hn A N. Hi de* I. and that she ha- fly qu I ■ 'nJ 1« . »i.u.Mtr »hi< of saJd eAtati . . pe«- <>ns havinir ctalmj airiinst >ai i osta . re hereby nol.fleti anti required to pr sent th Lime properly v rifled to he underiigned a>! nintatratrix at the office of D. W. Ba.r haw. it. • he City of Jacksonville. Jackson County Ore ion. within six months from a » I after the dat. •f the firat publication of this netice. Date of flrat publicat »n of thia notice anuary ?4. 1914. ANNA M NORLING. Administratrix of the estate of John A. Nor- 'i»g deceased. D W BAGSHAW. Jacksonville. Oregon, Attorney for Adminis­ tratrix and said estate. Cured »f L’vcr Complaint. “I was Hollering with liver complaint," savs Iva Smith of Toint Blank, Texas, “ami deei.I.d to try a 25c. box of Chamberlain s Tablets, • txi'ivirs ami and am iiapi'y happy to m mv Hint that 1 mil am COtll com- cured and can recommend them to every f one. ,’’ For sale by all dealers.—Ad- VrtisemenL f ■ A few more Bargains left i [ Immense Spring I iS] Hla Great CsncroOtg. ic.tiiig up a subset Ipliaa,* -Wv began ihe lajj who was carrying around the pni«r. Her voice trembled as she sp< for the person she was now braving happened to beYbe richest fellow In the community. She hoped agalun. nope that she would get some- tiling fat from him. "Ycu are getting up a subscription?" echoed the millionaire, with a sweet ■mile, ‘Tni sure you'll be very sue eessful And what can I do?” ‘‘Would you—could you"—she nearly fainted at her assurance—“would you p-p-put your name down on this papei for a h-h-hundred dollars?” There—it was done. He wouldn't have missed a thousand, but she was pretty courageous to ask for as much as she did. His gentle smile reassured her. “Will I put my name down for a hundred dollars?" said lie. “Why, my dear young lady, I don't charge that amouut for the nse of my name when charity Is the cause. I will put my ti.ime down, of course, but not for a hundred dollars. I won’t charge you a cent for ft. It Is a slight service.’' —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Repartee. We must make room for our V- Line Thrown to the Wolvea. A story of a father’s desperate act in throwing Ills child to the wolves Is re­ lated by the Astrakhan correspondent >f the Vimlemosti. A peasant named tirusneljoff, accompanied by Ills wife and four year-old i-liild. It is stated, was traveling by sleigh to Volcbunl. Toward dusk, when only a few miles 'rum the town, he suddenly caine on i pack of wolves. Grusneijoff’s wife In her terror suggested that lie should ippeuse the beasts by flinging tbetu the child. This the num nt first re­ fused to do, continuing to lielulsir Ills horses At length, seeing Hint the wolves were gniiiing on the sleigh, he flung the child into the wad. His sacrifice wns In vain, for the wolves, ills,-anting the living bundle, flew to the attack with renewed fiu-y mid at length drugged the pens at from the sleigh When the horses arrived In th«- town the woiuati was found lying unconscious In the sleigh. The child, n lik-h hud not suffer«-«! the slightest Injury, was found sleeplug on the road. ? * A ■ ’ i The World is Growing Better” Come along--It’s the chance of a lifetime. Don’t put off till to morrow, New is the time Phone 142 Taylor - Williams Co The People’s Store Jacksonville, Ore True Love’e Trials. BIS1NESS CARDS H. K. HANNA “I'm afraid It will be some time be­ fore Tom and Belle make up again.” “Oh. they are always quarreling and forgiving each other." Lawyer GUS NEWBURY I “I know, but the last time they had n spat Bella said. ’Leave me forever!" Attorney-at-Law Office in Bank of Jacksonville Building Tom was duive enough to stay away Will Practise in All Courts in the State two whole days, anil that uiadi- her mail sure enough.”—Birmingham Age- OREGON. MEDFORD, JACKSONVILLE. .OREGON Herald -------------- re?“- DR. T. T.'JSHAW Dentist. Purchases Public Dj:k Land Office inUtyan Building, California St. UpstairsI Portland, Ore., Jan. 22—Tie public ,REGON d <-k cornmis-i >n today p rebased tw< JACKSONVILLE blocks of waterfront between Eas: Oakland and Washington streets o; D. W. BAGSHAW ich will be built the second of Port Attorney at Law mil’s series of public docks. The priX NOTARY PUBLIC ’AND CONVEYANCE paid was $360,000. Bids for the Con­ struction of the dock, which will cost u . _ S Forenoon 9 to 12 Office Hours: } Afternoon 1;30 to 5 approximately $220,000, will be adveJ- tisi-d far with the n-xt ten -Jayr. Bank of Jacksonville Building. JACKSONVILLE. • - OREGO.' 174 Must P.iy '.name Tax Hood River, Or., 22-After survey of th - tax roll of this untv S. Smith, of Portland, Deputy Internal Fine Excuse. Collector Why haven’t you paid your Revenue Collector, has found that 174 gas bill? Consume’- The light was so local citizens will be assessed on tluir poor I could not read the Mil.—Califor­ incomes under th1 new income tax nia 1‘ellcUL. law. Local banks have been provided with proper blanks for local citizens to make statements, that they mai A l.ingsrlng Regret. “I think it is disgraceful to bs enof comply with the provisions of the new mously rt<-b " law. "Oh. so do I! I was brought up to ifatuk that way But. say” — ’’Well?" W.a fter Report. "Don't you wish once In awhile that von wi’ren't so blatuetl respectable?"— Toledo Blade. Following is the report of U. S. Vol- u iteer Cooperative Observer, E. Britt: Tho Verdict. Prisoner-! didn't steal the horse, I Jacksonville, for month of December, only took him from the fellow what Latitude 42 deg. 18. min. north; longi t.ude 123 deg. 5 min. west. • stole him. "Shure! I phoned that to the vlg DATE MAXI- MINI- 1 PREC’P- CHARC’TR OF DAY MUM TA 1 N MUM Hance committee, but It’s no go. They phoned me to hang up the receiver."— ! .......... ch Hl 39 ?0 c'oudy 38 38 2 Life 34 26 9 ........ On. Day, •U Which will soon be here and will sell leff- .1 overs Regardles of Cost See our Bargain i Counter and you will realize that Repartee Is made up of the bright things other people say while our own minds are running along about thirty seconds behind time Toledo Blade. Finish every day and be done with IL Ton have done what you could Soma blunders and absurdities no doubt crept tq Forget them as aoou as you cau.- tCuiers«»-» * « 4 ........ 5 .......... 6 .. 7 .......... 8 ........ 9 ........ 10 ........ 11 .......... 12 .......... 13 .......... 14 ........ 15 .......... Ifl .......... ’7 .......... 18 ........ 19 .......... >0 .......... 21 .......... 22 .......... 23 24 .......... 25 .......... 2H .......... 27 .......... a.......... ».......... o.......... f ........ 31 34 33 42 39 37 fil 51 59 51 46 41 37 43 39 43 45 45 41 36 43 47 44 47 47 46 43 6- ' 25 25 20 32 34 24 S3 37 39 35 30 27 22 31 30 32 31 33 .33 27 .33 37 33 ;<6 30 32 .04 T. [part cloud 03 deai cloud' T. clew .14 • 6 .11 .21 .20 .16 part cloud) cloud cle.r cle r 31) II 10 Temperature—meno tn. x. 4.’.97;m - it | mir. 30:09; mean 36.C3 Max 61 on 1 , ' Minimum. 20, on 6tti. Greatest daily I range, 28. Total precipitation 2.50 I inches, Greatest in 24 hours, .81 in . i Number of divs wi h .01 I on 31. inch or more precipitation. 11. clc.-' , 5; partly cloudy. 5. cloudy, 21. Good print ng costs no more than ir poor kind. Leave your i tders at this office. We do good work at reasonable prices. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, {_ Lucas County. [ ’ Frank J. Cheney inakbk oath that he to senior partner of the (¡rm of »t J. Clionsy & Co., doing business la the City of To­ ledo, County' and Stalo aforszuld, and that said firm will pay tlio mm of ONS HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev- • ry .;p| or plio’o. for istered. 8rnd • .¡y. Prituipract- FREE REPORT OU 1 -i- - Ice exclusifely. E. C U».CREhCLS Senti 2 ce H s h ’!■ a for Invaluable Txx'k on .-xOW TJ C« o T.-.. j I CELL PATEîMTE, Whieh ont’3 w 1 1 ,1. ¿b» gel n part ne;, pilent !;i.v ai.J ot.( r - v. - «inabie iiulh nation. K D. iii & CO, PATENT LA’./YER3, 303 SovenLh CL, Washington, 0. C. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking will not cure children of wetting the bed, because it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. 1475, Chicago, Iil., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distrssing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c. package securely wrapped and pre­ paid Absolutely Free to any reader of The Jacksonville Post. This re­ medy also eures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. IL Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tel! your neighbors and friends about this remedy. blanks viz; Lease, « 4 Mortgages, Bill of Sale, Agreements. Warranty Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, ( hattel Mortgage, Ack now ledgements, Real Estate ontract. Location Notice—Placsr, I .oca tion Notice--Quartx, I . Satisfaction of Mortgage, It ill illicit) AfiiU ii^-zjt, Notice Application for Liquor Lice as At reasonable prices. Weintend addiag other blanks as fast as possible anti the line is complete. Blanks of special form printed to order at shert netiaa JACKSONVILLE POS1. U < <« •• u. i. Tnaox M*a«s f, > f’ CopvmcwYi. Ao. .-.»one iding a sketch and dessnetion may if .•»».••.ri äh : . ,r v|»im«. n fry* »su her aa . .. mi, ty prob.)! ly p-i.enlabie. Cosinium»«- ' à ui riel .y toni; jvr i fui. ii'JkDí&Uf vul'sieuu t free Ol iegt »¿fKnj fdi ee<*tt»!i*f tMients. .t< I mo » cu inroueb M wi.n s Cu. retel ve i . «• i nbout chary«, in »b« jfötiiaif, SüíUiíic s i utids» “ . < : J vwfc*i<. Laagse» sSr. ..,/J v H. ..... lore IviM/Hwâ. TteFUia ba > -z; f >- - k- by «t a*wtduaJ«re. ■'.¡14'1, ’ |||> • _______________________ — ..V - . - , POST ADJ. bring