Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, January 17, 1914, Image 1

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    0.0 "'n Historical t-oeiety
NO. 37
I by the employee one-half of 1%.
COUNTY BONDS APPROVED matters should be managed by the
Class B. the employer pays 11..% and
municipality immediately concerned.
the employee one-fourth of 1%. In
The law passed at the last Legislature
Io be Run Ovar S. P. Under Class A, both the employer and work­ Production in 1913 Estimated Money for Highway Will be took the control out of the hands of the Five Ba idits Raid Granite Falls,
men are entitled to exemption when
municipality and put into the hands of
the State Commission.
Auspices of 0. A C.
the individual employer has to his cre­
by United States Geologi­
Wash., Bank. Flee to
Ready Feb. 2. Work Io
dit, 3% of his annual pay roll and no
Time will show whether this rever­
cal Suivey at Over 290
accidents have occurred in his plant,
Commence Next
sion to first principles is going toprove
Under the auspices of the Experi­ hila under Class B, the amount re­
wise or otherwise.—Telegram
ment department of the Oregon Agri­ quired to be maintained by the employ­
Million Barrels
cultural College, and with the co-oper­ er in the accident fund is 1'2% of the
Everett, Wn., Jan. 15—Five armed
ation of the Southern Pacific Company 1 pay roll.
held up the Granite Falls State
The remarkable great output of pe­
Money for the construction of the Pa- I '
Bank, 16 miles northeast of here late
a special dairy demonstration train
• t
The law is elective, both ip its appli- troleum during each year of this cen­ j cific Highway in Jackson County will I
will be run over the latters lines through | cation to the employer and employee, .
today, and escaped with from $1500 to
the Willamette Valley and Southern | either of whom may elect to come in tury was more than maintained in 1913. be available February 2, according to
$2000 after engaging in a running pis­
Oregon in February. The object of or stay out, but employers in any of The amount produced in the past 12 word received Tuesday by the county
tol battle with a citizen’s posse.
the special will be to increase the in­ the hazardous occupations, who elect months exceeded 240,000,000 barrels or court from Caldwell, Masslick and Reed
When the men entered the bank the
terest in dairying everywhere and to not to take advantage of the Act, are about 32,u00,000 metric tuns, according New York attorneys for the syndicate
only employs there were Cashier Ingel-
revive it in those localities where it deprived of the common l»w defenses ' to estimates of David T. Day, of the purchasing. The means that $500 000
soll and Assistant Cashier Stage, Ono
pected in 1915. Men
has been slack in the last year or so. of contributory negligence, fellow ser­ United States Geological Survey, The will be turned into thechannels of busi-1
robber guarded the front door while
Wai t
the ythers forced Ingelsoll and Stage
The operation of these trains is a fac­ vant liability and assumution of risk in production in 1912, which made the re­ ness in this section. Construction work
into a back room.
tor of great importance to the dairy­ any action for damages by their em­ cord up to that time, was 222,113,218 will begin next Monday. Chris Nat-
Mrs. Stella Forest attempted t
men and farmer. The object lesson, ployees. Workmen who reject the Act barrels. The rate of increase in 1913 wick has been named as forman, and
ter the bank but the robber Qn
the lecturer, the personal interview, I lose the benefits provided.
at thte beginning. California increase'! D. Moughmer of Portland.
the answering of questions all of these
Portland, Ore. Jan. 13 1914(Speci»l)- drove her away. She spread the alarm
The Oregon law provides a liberal
-methods are used on the train and each | schedule of compensation for injured at least 10,000,000 barrels over 1912, al­
Expecting a vast number of tourists and Postmaster Turner seized a shot­
has its part and place in the effort to-1 workman and for the beneficiaries of I most reaching 100,000,000 barrels. Tne
and immigrants to come to the Pacific gun and fired through the window. This
ward improving the producing capacity workmen who lose their lives in indus­ consumption in California almost equal­
Coast by way of Oregon during 1915, frightened the robbers who grabbed
ed the production, and the addition to
of Oregon farms.
lhe cities of Eastern Oregon are al­ the money from the cabes and fled
trial accidents. The Act also provides
The agricultural college decided up­ for first aid to injure workmen in an stocks was very slight. Oklahoma also
ready making preparation to do their shooting as they ran and pursued by a
on the dairy special late in December amount net to exceed $250 in any one showed a significant increase, with a- Issued by State Engineer Dui- share in taking care of the visitorsand posse of 15 armed citizens. No one
bout 6 percent addition ro the stocks.
and was assured of the railroad’s sup­ case.
new settlers Tom Richardson, repre­ was injured in the shooting. The rob-
Texas and Louisiana likewise increased
ing 1913, Totals 966.
port and co-operation by General
senting the Portland Commercial Club, bers escaped in the fog to the moun­
Any one interested in the subject 'hnir product. The output of the Gulf
Freight Agent H. A. Hinshaw and Gen­ can obtain a cony of the law by writ-
is making a tour of that part of the tains.
field declined, but this was more than
eral Passenger Agent J. M. Scott. The the Commission at Salem.
state urgi’ g the people in each com­
For the year 1913, a total of 466 per­
offset by the increases in northern Lou­
company will furnish free the stock
munity to unite in an effort to take ad
isiana and Texas. Wyoming showed a
cars to accomodate the hogs and cows;
vantage of an unusual opportunnity to
Electric Spaiks
significant increase from the Salt Creek neer for the appropriation of water. secure large additions to population
a flat car for demonstration purposes;
Forest Notes
field. Other States generally showed Under these permits 442,181 acres will i.nd wealtn. He expects to make ad­
biggage car for exhibits and display-
a decline, which was greatest in Illi- be irrigated, 39,225 horsepower will be dresses, urging organization and co-op
day coach for accomodation of the pub­
developed and 41 reservoirs construct­
Some people take their fruit cake ten
lic at the lectures and Pullman sleep­
eration, in practically every city am
A rancher has applied for the renta1
The following is a estimate of the ed, at a total cost of approximately $7, i town in that part of the state.
ers for the party accompanying the of 320 acres on the Pike national for­
train. The trip will last about ten est, Coloralo, to be used in connection production in 1913, compared with the 000,(100.
A Christmas tree in the Plaza is
As is usually the case in Mil-Winter,
During the quarter ending December
statistics for 1912:
there are now in Portland a large num worth two in the mountains.
with other private land, for raising elk
31, 1913, 88 permits were issued for ,
ber ef unemployed men, idle from ne
Uncle Sam was well pleased at Con-
as a national venture.
86,450,767 t he irrigation of 6,933 acres and the de-1 cessity and not from choice. Some of j grass putting the new currency bill in
lhe government has just sold 45,000 Oklahoma
54,427,071 velopment of 1,956 horsepower. A- | them have had experience on farms. ! his Xmas stocking,
The Compensation Act
cords of cedar wood for shingles from Illinois
28,601,308 mong these permits was one issued to are willing to work and would make |
It is rumored in certain circles that
the Washington national forest. The Texas
11,735,157 F. D. Small of Tillamook and D. C. competent farm hands.
.1__ _ , jo|)n Ljn(j will publish a comprehei -
Many of them
shingles manufactured from this wood, Louisiana
are anxious to go to the country foi I ,
The editor has received from Carl D.
laid six inches to the weather, wouid West Virginia 11,000,000
12,128,962 development of 1,208 horsepower with employment, and if they knew where sive blank book on his re.urn fri m
Babcock, a member ot the State Indus­ cover 2'/, square miles of roof.
8,960,007 the waters of the Trask River in Tilla­ to go wouid be glad to make the trip. Mexico.
trial Accident Commission, a copy of
Congress is beginning to suspicion
7,837,948 mook County.
the. Workmen’s Compensation Act,
Farmers throughout the state desiring that the inly time it can take a rest is
The following are permits issued in
which was passed almost Unanimously forest service to investigate guijo, a ’ Wyoming
help are requested to communicate with
2 000,000
1,592,796 Josephine, Jackson and Curry Coun­ their local commercial club or with th ■ when President Wilson takes one.
by the last Legislature, held up by thi Philippine wood, for possible use in Kansas
A milliner was found stabbed to
referendum and approved by the peo­ decking boats and ships. Longleaf Indiana
commercial club at Portland. The lat­
E. D. Stewart of Rogue River, for
ple on Nov. 4th by a vote of more than pine sugar maple, and beech are the New York
ter organization is in touch with the death in her shop in New York Just
484,378 mining purpoees with the waters of Y. M. C. A. and other clean employ­ find the man with a bill for hie wif< ’ b
two to one. Included with the law, is domestic woods most used for decks.
206,052 Ditch Creek which is diverted in Sec ment bureaus and will refer only such hat in his pocket.
the report of the Con,mission appoint-
20 Tp 34 S R 4 W. J. T. Sullivan of
One contagion tnat nobody wants to
e 1 by Governor West to frame the bill. are to be lumbered under a cooperative Other States
men as appear to be honest, capable
222,113,218 Medford has two permits to supple and deserving. There are some mar­ See suppressed is the contagion of tl e
The law became effective immediately agreement batween the governmens
men. the supply for the irrigation of
after the election in so far as the or­ and state land commission. Arizona it
ried couples who would like a chance Chiistmas spirit.
la ids; one diverting the water from
ganization of the Commission was con­ the first state in the southwest and one
Pittsburgh burglars ignored the sil­
work on farms, also women who
Good printing costs no more than thè Antelope Creek in Sec 30 Tp 35 SRI
cerned. The insurance features of the of few in the country to cut its tim­
would make good domestic servants.
verware and carried away the bacon
Act, however, do not become operative bered lands on forestry principles.
At a recent meeting of the managers and eggs, showing readjustment of
Bear Creek in Sec 19 Tp 37 S R 1 W.
until July 1, 1914.
The annual meeting of the American office. We do good work at reasonable
of the Oregon State Fair, arrange values among precious goods.
The law provides for the creation of Forestry Association will be held in
ments were made for an Eugenic expo­
If a man is to lazy to stand up ai d
the Industrial Accident Fund, to be Washingtou on January 14. A presi­ I FOR SALE at a Bargain—House and gation of 1,000 acres with the waters sition this year. The age l.mit will be tell the truth, he is apt to lie about it.
made up.by contributions from employ­ dent, twenty-one vice presidents, a
lot on Oregon 3tnet, near City Hall.
water in Sec 13 Tp 36 S R 1 E. A. T. the t ame as last year, from 12 to 48
We are told that experience is the
ers, workmen and the State.
Must be sold soon Call on Rogue
treasurer, an auditor and five directors
months, and the boy and girl winning best te. cher-yet some tool men are
Two classes of occupations are defin­ are to be elected and plans made for
Realty River tJo.
of Medford, has a permit to generate the championship prizes will be award­ bigamists.
ed in the Act and are designated as an active campaign for forest conser­
Don’t post unsightly, scrawled notic­ 1515 horsepower for mining, milling ed by a trip to the San Francisco Ex­
Nevertlnless, it might be pushing
Classes A and B. In Class A, the rate vation during 1914. The association es when you can have them neatly
and domesti" purposes. The water is position in 1915, including all expenses the “loyally test,” to far to ark w h< th-
of payment by the employer is 3% and has 8.000 members.
printed at this office for»-—••'i charge. diverted from Howard Creek in Sec 18 for one week. O. M. l’lummer, mana­
er the cabinet membels came awry
Tp 34 S R 8 W. R, V. Martin of Rogue ger of this department, states that he from the last conference sneezing.
River, for the irrigation of 95 acres has served notice on the whole Uniled
According to some views, the fault
and the development of 16 horsepower States that Oregon is going to send to and virtues in currency bills are t< o
with lhe waters of Rogue River which San Francisco two of the finest babies
| is diverted in Sec 20 Tp 36 S R 4 W. and he expects, if the other states ac­ badly mixed for an arrangement of the
deadly parallel.
[ A. M. Clay of Ashland, for domestic cept the challenge, to see there a col- '
At last accounts the rivalry between
use and the irrigation of 1 acre with lection of li>0 of ihe most perfect chil­
North and South for lynching hon­
I the waters of a spring which is located
During the past year Monmouth has ors ended in a draw as usual.
in Sec 23 Tp 36 S R 3 E, The Brook­
Give ’em time enough and these eu­
ings Timber and Lumber Co., of Brook- spent $110,00.1 for local improvements
I ings. for manufacturing and domestic including u $40,000 high school an I genic candidates will take a chance at
any old kind of marriage.
I purposes with waters of Berry Creek, street improvements costing $22,000.
diverting the water in Sec 32 Tp 40 S
Judging by the weather, we must be
Farm prospects in the vicinity of
1 R 13 W. Bessie Andersen of Gold Hill. Stanfield are exceedingly bright for a community of shorn lambs.
| for Hydraulic Mining Co., of Grants 1914. Many of the fa'iners secund
The K nsas City egg boycott has re­
Pass, for mining purposes with waters their first good crop last year, and as sulted in a 1 wering of the price. The
of Johnson Creek in Tp 40 S R 7 W. the land is in fine condition and many eggs couldn’t stand it any longer.
J. II' Groves, of Ashlmd, for the irri­ orchards are just coming into bearing,
We have just had tl e longest Indian
gation of 10 acres with the waters of a bumper crop is expected this season. summer since Hiawatha was a boy.
North Fork of Tyler Creek in Sec 6 Tp 1 Since the completion of the new elec­
Doubtless the relet victories in Mex­
40 S R 3 E. E. C. Dahack of Eagle tric road, giving daily train connecticn
Point, for the irrigation of I acre, in­ I with Portland, the town of Mtn oe is ico will increase w.th their capture of
cluding domestic supply, with the wa- I making a rapid growth. A $5,000 de­ telegraph offices heietofore held by tl e
| ters of a spring which is diverted in Sec pot, a >4,090 schoolhouse and gymnasi­ federals.
Another great advantage of being
Tp 35 S R 1 W. J. C. Smith, of
I 24
" um and a number of fine residences
Rogue River, for the irrigation of 100 have recently been completed, and ti e President of the United States is that
acres with the walers of Ditch Creek, city council is inauguratieg extensive the President does not have to receive
diverted in Sec 20, Tp 34 S it 4 W. A- improvements in the way of better , company when he has had a cold.
gee & Kohlhagen of Steamboat, for stieets, sewers and sidewalks.
Scientists claim to see spots on tl e
the irrigation of 30 acres with the w ri-
sun, but it I ouks first rate t 1 us.
On New Year’s day, forty bunches i
ter of Carberry Creek, diverted in Sec
of roses, the lart of the season, weie
21 Tp 40 S R 4 W.
placed on the Shasta Limited at Eu­
Pleasant Eiithday Party.
-------- 1-------- -♦
gene to be presented to women passen­
gers and to decorate dining car tables.
Sate or Municipal Control
Mure than 12,000 ruses have been pio-
A very enjoyable birthday party was
vided in this way during the last seven given at the Bsgshaw residence Satur­
day evening, the occasion being in hon­
Judge Bean’s decision in the ease aris­ I months.
or lhe nineteenth anriversity of the
ing from the attempt of the City Com­
VIOLATES BLUE SKY LAW I birth of M ss Mary. Gemes,- dancin' ,
mission to fix a six for-a-quarter rate
music, social converse, etc, were in­
for streetcar tickets in Portland makes
manifest that that authority under the Aihland Man Held to Ciaiu dulged in until a late hour. Supper
was served at 1 o’c lock after which
law is now vested solely in the State
7 he Pioneer Store
Jacksonville, Ore
Jury by Justice box
< he guest“ ret ui lied to tbeii homes wi.-.li.
Railroad Commission and that that bo-
ing the young lady many returns of the
dy fas exclusive jurisdiction.
day. Those present were; Mr. and
But the matter goes beyond that, As
Ed P. Hughes of Ashland, a mused of Mrs. H. K 11 iitna, Misses A larel "Hl-
a rule the farther away the seat of au­
thority the poorer the government, le violating »he “Blue Sky Law" by sell- mor, Louise Enrele, ¡ewell Bailey,
old davs the corporate plan always was i g stock of the Metali.' Tie Co. wi h- Ekron Gull, Alice Morgan, Mabel
to throw control of municipal affairs, out a license from the Comm ssion r . Reeve, Paulin ' Grieves, Etta and Mar­
so far as they effected corporate inter­ Corp»,rations, was given a hearing oe garet Morcom, Lplg Williams and
ests, into the hands of state officials or fore Justice H. G. Dox in this city Messrs I). H. Cronerpiller, l’ete Orde,
boards. In this way it was figured the Tuesday afternoon and I eld to the (biff Dunnington, Henry Bostwi k,
o Is Dan Bngshaw, Edwin Beery. Reuben
corporation could always get an inside gi nd jury
deal. That was the way it worked out r«o other esses were he»rJ . y u.d.e Pitt«, Clint Dunnington, Touts Thomp-
I son, Louis I aker and Chester Wenut.
too. The modern belief is that such Dot the same day.
White Star
Hard Wheat