i b— ------------- --- It Pleasev tne LOCAL NEWS No Scientist* In Burglary. "Scientific burglary absolutely doe» not exist.” says M. Nailer Guichard. _aue. of.the .foremost detective author! ties of Paris. And away nt one sweep of official truth' vanishes the walking wonder of housebreaking and safe cracking against whose miraculous equipment it were vain to set Up or dinary lailts mid liars. Along with the scientific burglar, too. we may plnce in the gallery of the nonexistent the social highwayman, the geiitlemnu bur glar. tlie Arsene Lupins and all their class of gallant. Indomitable offenders "What people do not realize." M. Guichard continues. "Is that burglars lielong to an Inferior grade of human lty mid are very seldom Intelligent." Plain fuets of record have »howu • over and over tliut a career of crime | does not pay. Nor doe* It nppenl to r the Intellect, A mnn with briilus enough to lie a scientific burglar would make an easier mid better living with out risks I11 some honest line. As for the romance of crime, it exists only In books, and the man who write« about it knows better than to seek It through experience.—New York World. TS >r. A curious story is lol-l as to flow row Rothschilds supported Cnriifii. them po-er The latter was fur from rk .1 Ills principal income was Corned trout n snufflHix. An t this was the wav o' it: Tin1 siiunb.ix was glveu to the « thor ot "l a i ,-1-■: d E ’irtI••-urath t I Baron .lames de Rothrchild as n tokt I of esteem < .u.ifa hu . i I ir twenty fm.r hours later for 75 u.ipoleotis to tie same Jeweler from whom it had Issi bonplit. This became known to Rail, (child, who gate it again to the mils clau on the following year The nett day It returned to the Jeweler Tfi » traffic conthr cd till the death of lbw banker and longer still, for his satis kept up the tradition, to the great sat- lafaciiou of Carufa Did you make New Year’s resolu­ tions? MarklFi nney of Medford was in town Monday. j , , James Buckley of Ruch was in town Tudfeday. Miss Alice Hoefs was a Medford visi­ tor Monday. Mrs. Joseph Kitto was a visitor at Medford Friday. Judge Calkins was at the courthous Friday forertoort. The public schools resumed work Monday morning; E. E. Kellv of Medford was in town Reversed the Terms.. Monday morning. zu old negro who .tved on a south«: n plantntion went to the ueurby city (or W. R. Coleman was a visitor in town a visit and while there went to see tr.« Monday morning. young "imirster." who was living t , Joseph McIntire is reported ill at his the city at the time Ou his retiu j hottie in this city. the young man's mother asked If I. was In good sptriis J. A. Lemery of Ashland was at the "Well, mum.'' responded the old ne­ -JT court house Tuesday. gro. “1 reckon I’ll 'sp.-ess P a little dlf Mrs. Ida Wilson who has been quite funt an’ say de good spertlte wui Ju M'lrse Jeeuis ” -Kxehtingp._______ ill is reported better. A Way to Woo Sleep. OVER 66 VtAhs Frank Edwards, postmaster at Hut­ The following method Is described EXPERIENCE its one which is almost certain to woo ton, Calif, has resigned. slumber with success: On golug to Fred W. Mears of Medford bed you nsstinie a comfortable attl- the court house Monday! tude in which every muscle Is relaxed. Walter Merrick of Medford but not the attitude In which you are t -wn Wednesday evening. accustomed to go to sleep, though something resembling it. Every move T rade M irks A. M. Beaver of Ashland was a visi­ D esigns tnent, coughing, yawning, is strictly tor in this city Wednesday. C opyrights A c . repressed, especially the desire to turn A uvone Fending a »ketch and description may c- i )y tu-eeriinn our opinion free whotlier an A. T. Lundgren of Watkins is visit­ over. The same attitude is maintained invention ir probably patentable, (junmunica- i .<-iiB :»u’.et Iy eoMhieiitlul. HANDBOOK ou Entente ing friends in town this week. without change, constantly resisting bi'iit free <)l«lebi aroncy ldr securing patent*. the longing to move or turn over. ratents taken tliroueli Munn A Co. reeeira BORN—' Tuesday evening to Mr. and fpecial notice, without clinruo, in the As a rule, by the end of fifteen o> Mrs. Clyde Shaw, a daughter. twenty minutes of this persistent main /Attorney G. W. Trefren of Ashland tenance of the same attitude you will A handsomely Illustrated weekly, harvest cir. cnlalion of aov > ‘tnlc journal. Terms «las at the Codrt hdiise Wednesday. 8nd yourself growing very drowsy, ami year; tour n.on i? H. Sold by all newsdealers. then, just ns the desire to turn ovei A. Rhoten of Applegate was trans­ MUNfi * Cl Broadway. becomes absolutely uncontrollable, you acting business in this city Monday. r . Washington. D. C. turn with the least possible eftort an 1 G. F. Billings of Ashland was trans­ assume the position In which you h. acting business in this city Tuesday. bltunlly go to-sleep. and natural slee follows nt once. This method. It is OREGON and WASHINGTONJ Sheriff W. H. Singler was a business claimed, seldom falls and should b> Business Directory t visitor at Medford Monday morning. given a thorough trial, at least befon TheoJore Engle of Phoenix was tran­ A Directory of each City, Town and * reso-*f«»,g to a drug to tiring sleep. sacting business in this city Thurs­ ig descriptive sketch ot L »- .lion, population, tele- I The Lion’* Share. day. or und banking point; E Benham—I always do the lion's share ’ ilIrMorr, complied by c Dr. O. N. Nelson of Medford was of the work. Mrs. Benham—Yes: tlr utvs.a.in. I transacting business in this city Mon­ lion'» share is to roar.—Town Topics. LV.WfV J ti uy. ■ / a : Cliff Dunnington and Mary Bagshaw i - L' were Medford visitors Saturday eve­ 1 ning. The county Court was in session for the transaction of county business thig ' week. Miss Alice Morgan who has been vis­ Showing the start of the trail blazing Mitchell “Moose” car. with Frank Zirbes at wheel, leaving Minneapolis. This iting her sister at Yreka returned home car is the forerunner of the national A. A. A. tour which Will terminate at Glac'sr Park. The beauties of tour, Sunday. ■ nd of the park particularly, have attracted a large number of entries^ •’ *- " •“ -*• V W. P. Mealey of Medford was at­ Degeneration of Names. Bob Finney left for Steamboat last tending to legal business at the court COUNCIL MEETING Tlionms JIard.v showed Ills keen eya , week. bouse Thursday. for the characteristic 111 giving his ' Mesdames S. E. Dunnington and D. Charlie Mitchell was a ret'ent Medford lierolne the ilFtiinriilsbed mime of D'Ur- , W; Bagshaw were visitors at Medford visitor. Regular Meeting of City Fathers ' bi ii ille. emrupted by long rustic wear 1 E. E. Oman of Medford was in town Monday aftfetfiooh. to Dnrb.i lit-id. But many stately Eng- The Post management has made ar­ Held Thursday Eiening. Sev­ lisli names Have gone further down I Porter J. Neff of Medford was at­ Monday. bill thill that, for example the mean Mrs. Minnie Kelly wai id Medford rangements with the Portland Evening tending to legal matters at the court ami trivial Snooks, which lias little to 1 eral Ordinances h Reduced. Monday. house Wednesday. recall Seieitoaks. One would suppose . Telegram whereby we can give subscribers Mr. Garber of Roseburg was in this . Alex Norris attended the installation that r.n easy prize winner in it degelier- . BillsAllawed. Reports ation ra rrection. Bills for on English tongues. - • w. R. E. Jenkins and wife of Roseburg, morning. work, material, lights, etc. for month and comic section in colors. Berberine Belief. •on of the pastor has charge of the sing­ Clyde Shaw who is employed at the of December were presemel, audited Everything flint goes wreng is at ­ ing in the special meeting at the Meth­ cement plant near Gold Hill came home and allowed. tributed by the Berberines, n triti» of The Evening Telegram- odist church. Five ordinances pertaining mostly to the Sudan, to tile devil. Ethel S Sto I co see his new daughter Wednesday. Joseph Morcom who had been spend­ 1.50 “ The Jacksonville I’ost- METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH the accounting department and provid­ vens, in "My Sudan Year." quotes a ing the holiday 'easo-> with his family A. S. Jenkins pastor. Sabbath school ing for the segregation of monies be- story told her by Bishop GWynne of in this city returned to California 10 A. M. Sermon 11 A. M. and 7:39 lo ging to di’!, rent f ¡mis, weie intro- his •'boy's" coming to Idin one day and announcing. "Tlie devil is in the where he has employment. Total- $6 50 “ P. M. Young peoples meeting 6:30 P. du ed a d pa- ed final reading. Misses Pauline Grievs, Mary Bagshaw i M. if not attending elsewhere come in Considerable discussion was had on I house." "Oh.” said Jewell Bailey, Mary Newton, and Ada with us. The special services will con­ sev nal topics, pr ncipal of which was Interi sting! Elmer, Toots Thompson and Louis Ba­ tinue throughout the next week. Spe­ retrenchment in municipal expense . "He came lu with tlie cook from the On motim council adjourned. ker drove to Medford Sunday after­ cial music each evening. Be sure a id souk market yesterday evening." noon. "Really?" commented tlie bishop, come. puzzled. Ta'ent Ray Bunch came in contact with JACKSONVILLE PRESBYTERIAN "Vi's, and in the night lie came out ■ome brush while in the woods Sunday, CHURCH-Paul S. Bandy, B. D. Min of the cook and passed Into me." receiving an injury to one eye which ister. Morning worship and sermon at "Oh. and what did lie do’’ Mrs. Frank Mason w at in Medford caused him to wear a shade for sever­ 11 o’clock, Subject: Educational E- "He went to the cupboard and broke Friday. al days. n plate ami the top of the Jam Jar.” vangelism. Evening worship with 1 er- George Sc 'tt was in Medf ,rd 1; st A light broke in on tlie bishop. Subject; The mon at 7:30 o ’ clock, Fred Hoefs and sisters Josephine and Friday on business. “Oil. Ill' was after the Jam! 1 sup­ Agnes, who had been visiting their standard of the true man i. Y. P. S. C. E. George Ager and his little girl went pose he ate some?” A. at 6:30 P. M. Sunday school at 10:00 father and sisters in this city for the “Yes." said the boy. "he did!” to M dfoid Saturd y. past ten days left for Portland Monday M. A cordial welome is extended to The Idea of devil possession Is not BORN— A daughter to Mr. and merely mi elnlmrnte form of excuse: all. evening. Mrs. M rs. Mark Ferns of Ferns Vai the native servant really believes in it Storms to north of us, storms to ley. south of; storms east of us, storms to Parent and Teachers Meeting Married the Fam ly. Miss Margarett Am s went to Med- When i.»tcmlio Hc.irn married hl« west of us; but here in the valley of ford Monday evening. Japanese wife all tils wife's taeiita the Hogue we have pleasant spring­ Mrs. Lou’S Brown a id little daugh a, I’oiiipuuieil him to m» new qmirier. The parent and teacher’s association like weather. will hold the next monthly meeting at ter Beth Were in Ashland Frid y. had nine live« He mentions Hint lie mid Ruth Rebekah Lodge No. 4, of this the auditorium of the Jacksonville wife. wife a Mrs. Way and Miss Dayton left < i le|s*mlent ilfsm turn ivtte. city, at a regular meeting held Mon­ school, Friday nfiernoen at 2:45 P. M. the excursion special for Los Angeles. mother, wltes fntlier wife's adopted ’notber. wife s lathers father, the« day evening installed the following Jan. 16th. All are cordially welcomed. J. W. Kent returned home from a' servants and n Biiddlrst sludent. I'hls Of losing your good money by giving maga- named persons as officers for the ensu­ Following is the program. extended visit in Aberdeen, Washing- wmmln t do In l- nK'inml. but it is nolb High School ing term: P. G.. Fleta Ulrich; N. G., Music tO!V zine subscriptions to st) anger . Ing in Jflpnu - •iaifuidio Hearn- ill» Mrs. Wm. Grieve Martha Abbott; V.G., Alice Ulrich;Rec. “Ventilation” J A. Kane and wife are h ick from Lite nud Work ’ ht Nina li Kennard. Sec M. E. Nelson, Treas.Lizzie Crone- Discussion led by Mrs. Gall. Marking ■ Bullet. Bring them here. We guarantee y >u as When a leaden bullet traverses clotl I mid r; Warden, Mamie Norris; Conduc “Makin” the Child What You Want it a mont t’s projecting at their mine Up Wagner Cieek. Mrs. Thompson tf r, Flora Thompson; Chaplain, Samu­ to be” characteristic marks are left upon ths I low club rates as anyone in United ;'t ite : of Ashland is «or! mg projectile whi. Ditcu sion ha Norris; L. S. V. G. Ella Walsh; not strike a bone. It 1» even possible J. Axel Lundgren. Aft r the ii>- Business » .Ration c-r^mouies were finished an Don t pod«, ui -igiit.y, »■ . awLd uulic- to Identify He nature of the garment }l ,) per es when yuu c M h «ve tn m neatly through "id n rhe bnllel has passed •, »ter supper was served in the lodge Subscribe fur the P »3 by a »‘areftil eiauilns*ii>u of the marks ' (lining room. year. 1 printed at this office fur;«» ..I, charge. on the lead. * x Scientific American. New York POLK’S— \ I S3 V1 Great Combination Offer Both papers thi ough this office if paid in advance for 1 year, on or before Dec-® ember 31st 1913 Don’t Take Chances CITY DRUG STORE í