Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, December 20, 1913, Image 1

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    Oregon H storical Society
C.ty r t;j
NO. 33
piles; corn on stalks some of them FEDERAL POWER SUPREME
tion of any public official.
measuring 12 feet high. There was
That it'was agreed, would include ad­
corn in bulk, yellow corn, white corn,
vocates of sabotage, anarchists or mili­
By Mayor Purdin of Medford’s tant suffragettes who might advocate W. E. PI ipos Wins Case in Cir­ Arrest of John Cooley Recalls red corn and several shades between. On Government Lands, Says Re­
i Prues given by the O. W. K. & N. Co..
destruction of property.
and others amounted $1000. Entries
The committee did not adopt any spe­
cent Decision of Ci. cuit
City Couit
cuit Court Against City
Fatal Pioneer Feud of 1893
from 200 individual exhibitors were re­
cial amendment relating to the exclu­
Court of Appeals.
of Medford.
sion of Asiatics, leaving that to the
Luke Ryan a prominent citizen of general provisions of the bill relating
The exhibit was judged by Profefis-
ments Expected.
this city who had been charged by the to the requirements for naturalization.
ors Scudder, Hyslop and French, of the
The contention of the government
In a decision rendered Tuesday morn­
Merchants Association of Medford with It was stated, however, that questions
Oregon Agricultural College, after
violating the provisions of an ordinance relating to the Asiatic immigration ing in the circuit court in the case of
which the entire exhibit was shipped that power companies cannot secure
of that city regarding “Itinerant Mer­ would be taken up with the State De­ W. E. Phipps vs City of Midford, ■ Salem, Ore , Dec. 15—According to to Portland and displayed for a whole rights of wav across national forests
without complying with the regulations
Judge Calkins declared null and void information emanating from an author week by the railroad.
chants,” was discharged by Mayor partment
the ordinance assessing the cost of a dative source here John Cooley, arres­
Purdin of the city court Monday fore­
In Portland, thousands were aston­ of the secretary of agriculture has
trunk sewer in riigtrict 13, against the ted at San Francisco today, is wanted ished to see corn exhibited in shock, on been completely sustained, according
for the murder of Thomas Van Pelt, a
property alleged to be benefited.
The court in its decision held that no
the ears, in the sack, in the silo and to the officers of the forest service, by
Sand For Filtration Plants
evidence had been introduced to sup­
ground into meal- this being the pro­ the opinion of.the circuit court of ap­
sewer had been constructed and paid in 1898, and possibilities exist that his duct of the state of Oregon, where all peals filed on November 14 in the case
port the charge.
The matter grew out of the sale by
In answer to an inquiry from Minne­ I for by the city prior to ievying the as­ apprehension may lead to arrests of was spread out in convincing profus­ of the United Statps versus the Utah
William Ulrich of goods and merchan­ sota, requesting information cocerning sessment, that the sewer had in fact prominent people in this state and ion. And now, Oregon comes into the Power and Light Company.
In its decision, the court announces
dise which had formerly belonged to sand suitable for filters, the United been in use some 18 months before the Washington, for it is declared that the ranks of corn growing states'
that congress has assumed complete
Mr. Ryan in this city and which had States Geological Survey states that assessment was levied; that no notice crime was the product of a pioneer feud
control of the water-power question, so
been recently moved to Medford.
clear white quartz sand of the proper of any kind had been given to property and that he was employed to commit
Electric Sparks
far as the public lands are affected and
size is the common material used in fil­ owners that the property was not ad­ the crime
Van Pelt was shot from ambush aa
that a state in the exercise of its sov­
ter beds. The specifications for the fil jacent to, nor was it benefited by the
Klamath Ships 555 Cars
There cannot helu being a break in ereign authority cannot interfere with
tration plants at Springfield, Mass., sewer; that the property, owing to the he was returning to his home from
or transcend this constitutional power
and Toronto, Canada, are practically topography cannot ever be drained by Fred Blake’s store. Just a week prior eggs when they fall.
to the'shouting he had been arrested
the sewer in question.
Miss Wilson’s husband says that of congress.
A total of 555 cars of freight, con­ identical with those of the Washing-'
on the charge of killing Al Coolridge,
“getting married is serious.” He is
sisting of produce raised in Klamath ton plant and are as follows:
a relative or the Cooiridges of Silver-
finding it out much sooner than the
county, was shipped from Klamatn
Students at Farmers' Week
ton, and who are engaged in the bank­
most of ’em.
Falls during September, October and with either sharp or rounded grains. It
November, according to figures compil­ shall be entirely free from clay, dust,
General Huerta has had trouble with
however, for the lack of evidence. »
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­
ed by Freight agent Samuel J. Bailey.
Insists That Stale Pay No Tips By the side of the road on which he his Secretary of the Interior. In fact, lis, Ore., Dec. ’7—The first day's regi­
These figures will present a surprise to essary, be washed to remove such ma­
all of his interior arrangements seem I
stration for Farmers’ Week course at
many residents of Klamath county and terials from it. The grains shall, all
to Waiters
and just as he passed it he was fired i to have been giving him trouble.
the Oregon Agricultural College show­
will compare favorable with those of of them, be of hard material which will
upon. A rifle was used by the murder- I Vincent Astor has been a distinct ed an increase of 10 percent over that
not disintegrate. The effective size
other counties in Oregon.
er and three shots were fired, two of
for the corresponding date last year.
The shipments consisted of 30 cars shall not be less than 0.25 millimeter
Salem, Or., Dec. 17—Through his re-1 them taking offect, one passed through [ mas.
While most of the attendants are far­
fusal to audit a claim of 95 cents, giv- the body of Van Pelt and the other |
of barley amounting to 1,050,000 pounds;
The silkworm is a caterpillar that ha* mers there are many women taking the
11 cars of oats, amounting to 357,500 uniformity coefficient shall not be more en by employes of the geological sur- through his head. Jonnie Van Pelt, I
broken into business.
domestic science and art course, and a
43 cars of wheat, amounting to 1,520, than 3.0. The sand shall be free from vey working under a cooperative con- presumed to have been a son, and a
How the world does move! Tho col few yqung people taking special work
000 pounds; 27 cars of potatoes, amoun­
tract between the state and the gov- man by the name of Savage were work­
in ore or more subjects. , The oldest
ting to 8,640,000 pounds; 395 cars of per cent finer than 0.13 millimeter, and ernment, Secretary of State Olcott and ing near where the shooting occurred, ored people are using safety razors.
If Col. Gc ethal’s countrymen desire student is twenty-six years of age and
lumber, amounting to 7,900,000 feet; shall be entirely free from particles George Otis Smith, director of the U- and rushed to the scene tn And Van
to bestow some honorary title upon him the youngest seventeen. One of the
176 cars of box shooks, amounting to over 5 millimeters in diameter. The nited States geological survey, are at Pelt dead.
sand shall not contain more than 2 per loggerheads today. Smith insists that
in recognition of his great service as a most successful farmers is Miss Helen
7,040,000 pounds.
A coroner’s jury with Justice of the
The livestock shipments consisted of cent by weight of lime and magnesia the state is obligated to abide by the Peace John Cooley acting in the capac-1 canal builder, why not call him the King V. Crawford, formerly instructor in
the art of expressior at the Agricul­
34 cars of cattle, 75 cars of sheep and taken together as carbonates. In all regulation of the geological survey, ity of coroner, was called and a verdict | of Spades?
3 cars of horses.—Klamath Northwes­ other respects the sand shall be of a which allows tipping, Olcott declares returned that Van Pelt came to his I Huerta stands about as much chance tural College and at present a Linn
quality satisfactory to the engineer.” otherwise.
county horticulturist. She has been
death from wounds received from two as a Thanksgiving turkey.
Gravel for the floor of filters may be
especially successful in growing fi e
rifle bullets fired by an unknown per­
broken trap rock or gtanite screened
peaches and has one of the largest
Asiatics Not Named in Bill
Some illiterate person will insist on I young peach orchards in this part of
to the proper size, or gravel screened Pioneer Stage Driver at Pass son. Ever since the murder has been
a mystery. Recently District Attorn­ calling the Arachis hypogaea a pea­ I the state. Also, Miss Crawford was
from sand and gravel banks of a sandy
ey Brown of Roseburg and Stevens nut.
nature. Gravel screened from hardpan
I recently elected city treasurer of Li -
Washington^ Dec. 15—With an over­
M. J. Luark, the pioneer stage driv­ Doyle began work on the case and they
Contest for the armor plate plant be­ banon. Another noted student is Mrs.
or clayey material cannot be sufficient­
whelming majority in its favor, the
ly cleaned. The gravel should not con­ er through the Rogue River valley, is have unearthed the evidence which re­ gins to sound like an anvil chorus.
R. C. Morse, a Colorado miner. The
Burnett immigration bill, including a
tain more than a very small amount of in the city taking a look at the country sulted in the arrest of Cooley.
Recipe for Mexican stew. Mix Jua­ class comprises representative farmers
literacy test, such as was vetoed by
Van Pelt crossed the plains with the
shale or limestone and should be wash­ which he’earried the mail in 1858, or
rez, Chihuahua, Popocatepetl, stir in and home-makers from many parts oi
President Taft, was ordered reported
fifty-five years ago. Mr. Luark was Coolridges, it is said, ar..i they were in- I Huerta, Carranza, and Panoho Villa; ¡ the slat'
ed entirely free from fine material.
today by the House immigration com­
only a young man those days, and he terested with him in the sawmill busi­ seive hot.
has interesting tales to tell of the pio­ ness. He was married, it is said, to an
Having waited this long for a report! Remember;¡ Hi$ H „J o/
The committee cleared up its differ­
Subscribe for the Post. $1.50 per neer times, as well as of his experi­ Indian woman. While rumor connect-
the Currency bill, the country was
.— :
ences relating to militant suffragist ad­ year.
ences since. His route was between sd the name of Van Pelt with the mur-
vocates of sabotage and forms of vio­
Oakland, Oregon, Yreka, California, of Al Coolridge, he was released and prepared for two.
The American Bonding Co. of Balti-I and he drove a two-horse wagon from his murderer has never been apprehen­
lence, by adopting an amendment which
Bridegroom Francis B. Sayre has re­
Stevenson, Wash., Dec. 16-Axel
provides for deportation of "any alien more will go on your bond and write l Oakland to Grants Pass, and from here ded. Cooley was a neighbor of the signed his position as assistant District, Smith, a railroad laborer who was shut
who at any time within three years af­ burglary insurance.
Attorney in New York. S.il1, being some months ago by William Bort, and
continued on with pack horses, the wa­ Van Pelts.
D. W. B agshaw . A,gent.
ter entry shall be found in the United
son-in daw to the President will not de­ 1 has since been in the hot pital here, was
gon road ending at this point. The
States advocating or teaching the un­
mand all of his time and energy.
yesterday discharged. Il was feared
Good printing costs no more than the Grants Pass of that time, however,
lawful destruction of property or advo­ poor kind. Leave your orders at this was located somewhat further ud the
If the women again succeed in break-1 that Ins mind was almost a blank as a
cating or teaching the uverihrow of or­ office. We do good work at reasonable river than it is at the present time.—
ing the hold of the egg trust upon the 1 result of the injury, the bullet having
ganized government or the assassins- prices.
Rogue River Courier.
throat of the consumer the first articu­ entered his head, but when the mem­
late yell of the consumer may well be: bers of the Odd Fellows, to which ord­
er Smith belongs, took ebarge of the
World’s Finest at Livestock Ex- “Votes for Women.”
President Wilson is going to have a man and conveyed him to his cabin a
position. Northwest Rival
hard month, with the Currency Bill and few miles east of here, he remembered
things much better than had been ex­
the Dressmaker’s bill.
of “Con. States.”
pected, and at once secured from hiding
About this time of the year the small places about the shack money and rail­
boy is torn between the desire to have road pgy checks he had secreted there
Portland, Ore. Dec. 16, 1913(Sneci»l) - the regular fun and the necessity oi as­
amounting, all tuld, to $640. This with
I The I’aciYi International Livestock Ex- suming pre-Cbi istinas virtue.
over $400 he had on his person when he
positi n flung open its portals at the
According to a Washington Corres­ was shot, gives the man sufficient mo­
Portland Union Stock Yards for the pondent, not one man in 10, DUO under­
ney for present needs. It '» believed
third time last week in its annua) how stands 'he currency problem. But one
now that Smith will recover in part at
with the most brilliant and representa­ seldom meets a man who does not know
least. The local Oddfellows are loot­
tive field of entries in all classes, indi­ ail about it.
ing after him. Bort has been sent to
viduals, herds and carload lots that ha
American children will use up #20, the penitentiary.
ever been assembled in this section oi
000,o0O worth of new toys soon after
the country.
Woman In Jail For Larceny
Stock that has never known what it Christmas, which suggests the thought
is to have their colors lowered in defeat that the rag doll is no longer in vogue.
Militants in London threw hammers
on this continent or in the United Ku g-
Eugene, Or., Defc. 16—Mrs. Elizabeth
dom, animals that have swept every- at the Judge and smashed the furni­ Patrick, aged 57 years, said to have
I thing in the of awards at the Interna­ ture, but perhaps he had provoked been a prominent club woman and lodge
tional Livestock Show at Chicago, the i them in some way.
worker in a suburb of Ghicago up to a
Accounting for the uniform success I
National Dairy Show at Chicago, at
short time ago, is in the county jail
state and district ftiirs without number
i hire, having been convicted of the
1 were represented in that magnificent he did not find a cellar stocked with ch irge of larceny by bailee and fined
I symposium of livestock aristocracy,
(25. She eilhi r was unable or refused
i Portland was the tnecca for ail live­
Emperor William shot only 1,180 I <u pay the tine, and 1» serving a term
stock men last week. The eyes of all pheasants while in Austria, Ail the, of 12,uuys.
‘ stockmen of the west were focused on others may hayf come in and surren-
Mrs. Patrick was arrested in Port­
I Portland. Nearly 1000 enlries-not sii.- dered.
land Saturday, upon a Eugene warrant.
1 gle animals, but individual herds of va­ Owing to the proclivities of the cold Some time ago she made a house-to-
rying sizss and on up tocarloal entries, storage places, the eggnog becomes house canvass in this city, collecting
I were listed with the exposition that more hilarious than it used to be.
hair-combings to make switches in a
made the value run well up into mil
But while Europe raises more to the short time. In some instances she col­
; lions.
acre than the U. S. it has less fun do­ lected JI as part payment: Those who
An aggregate of $15.C00 in premiums
had paid their money became anxious,
! were awarded. No i*k sition of its ing it.
and the matter was laid before the of­
! kind has ever attempted to do so much
ficers Upon investigation it was found
i for its community, tor the country tri—
ttiat she had borrowed umbrellas and
I butary to it, or for the in lustry it un-
Monmouth. Or., Dec. 16-Five stu­ other articles from different people in
■ dertakes to foster. T'ou.iands visited dents of the Oregon Normal School do­ the city and h .d never returned them,
, the yard» to see the world s finest on mestic science class entertained the |t was upon the charge of taking a
i exhibition and closed la t : atuid. y olher members at dinner yesterday.
g >1 lhead ’ 1 umbrella belonging to Mrs.
l where special eutertainm nt had be n 1 he c.ass, which consita of 16 students,
.Sarah Young oi this city, that she was
I provided for the scl ool children and was divided into three groups. The
teachers who witnessed the awarding first group Madeline Bettis, Helen
ot the prize cups.
i hadbourne, Retta Smith, Margaret
I le I.
Caac Ku»Ctl*.
That tho N .rtiiw. st has becen e the N .tlsunand Wdl H. Burton. —coose.I
“When hither was sick about ait vaaraago
r.val ot the "corn state’’ has been de­ tne meal without supervision or instruc­ be read an aileeilirement of < iiamberlaiu a
Phone 71
monstrated by the first Corn Show held tions, and the cost to the 11 guests Wa- Tablets in the papers that fit hi» case er. •
at Pendleton, a week ago last Friday. about $2 50. In the bread-making con nelly," writes U m Margaret Campbell of
The people of Umatilla County had test the loaves of Mr. Burtonwerech - Ft. Smith, Arlr "He purchased a box <>f
them and be has not been sick tinca. My
their tliat view of teal Oregon field sen as among the brat four. He is the sister had »tomai h trouble and was also ben
corn. There was corn of every des-i only man in the Normal School taking efited by them.1* For sale by all dealers.
tription; corn on the cob, in rows and 'domestic science wo.
Merry Christmas
Is the place to do your Christmas Shop­
ping, where you get the full vulue for
your money.
We Have Presents for Everyone
Christmas candy 12 l-2c. lb
Full line of Fancy Groceries, Nuts,
Fruits, Etc. Sole agents for Holeproof
Hosiery, Holiday Boxes.
Shop Early and Avoid the Rush
ULRCH’S Pioneer Store