T* A Tall Story. Weather Report. The long leg! reilest uinn we know is our friend ru Bingham Palmer. He can take steps above five feet long. In Following is the report of U. S. Vol­ sl>lti> oLu hich he is devoted to horse unteer Cooperative Observer, E. Britt; back riding. . Iteceffiv he came into the'office to Jacksonville, for month of ffetobtnT' epnt awhile, and ive noticed that he Latitude 42 deg. 18. min. north; longi­ tude 123 deg. 5 miri. west. By dof . cthea hale “ lllnped. By EDMA WOOLWORTH FC’orti?” was asked sympathetically. DATE MAXI­ MINI­ PRECT-. ICHAR’CTR n MUM MUM TAT'N OF DAY ’’Nope—accident.'' he answered, as Ned Forsythe was tbe son of an in i answers one who doesn ’ t care to talk 1 ......... 82 plear In these days poor gtrls fit them « 2 ......... 81 46 1 helves for a Ilf» of labor because they ventor who bud not the business capac­ ahoiit something' That aroused our 3 ......... 66 4<> ity to reap the profit on his Inventions cu^oHfty, and we couldn't help showing 4 ......... part cloudy 55 38 T expect to bo oblige«! to support them 5 ......... 33 6U clear 6 ......... 37 I .51 .23 cloudy ■elves, and wealthy girls—at least some Perhaps it would be nearer the mark It, probably, for he sighed and con fessed: 7 ......... 44 .54 56 to say that the elder Forsythe had not of them—because they don’t relish a 45 8 ......... .11 55 “I was ridin’ through the park Mon 87 part cloudy .58 choice between matrimony and idleness. tbe capital to put tbe novelties he pro day, and 1 was Just Tidin' along ami 9 10 ......... 64 33 clear dined on the market. At any rate, be I belong to th» latter class. One au­ 11-.... 38 72 rtdfn ’ along and not thinkin ’ of any ­ 41 7’ tumn not many years ago 1, then twen­ died, leaving his widow and her only I thing in particular, and my foot slip­ 13 ....... •loudy T. 40 57 ty years old. thoroughly Imbued with child, Ned. In poverty, as they bad al 14 ......... part cloudy 53 37 ped oht of the stirrup.” 15 ......... 30 cloudy 5Q T. the belief that all men were selfish and ways been. 16 ...... 43 part cloudy “Well?" if 1 wedded the man I married would ...... clear 45 68 But Ne«l understood that Just before “Well,-the darn horse stepped on it!” 17 18 ..j... 40 70 take in« for my fortune and, having —Cleveland Plulir Dealer. 19 ....... his death his father had itiv4irted an 78 42 spent it desert or ill treat me, decided 20 ......... 76 42 21 ....... 71 42 to go to the city and prepare myself explosive that would prove far more 22 ......... I Dirigible Balloons. 42 valuable than any that had yet been 73 for a career. 23 ......... 74 44 The dirigible balloon Is by no means produced, being especially available in 24 ......... 44 I 71 1 belonged to several societies in my a? modern inVenflen, as many people 25 ......... 35 t 71 native town, one of which was devot­ gunnery. lie had offered his inven 26 ......... 39 42 1 71 ed to the cans» of temperance. Our tlon to the government, had given an seenrito think. As a mutter of fact, as 27 ....... 28 ....... 73 long ago ns 1784 General Meusnler pro ­ 37 exhibition of Its working and had re ­ badg« was a bit of blue ribbon tied In 29 ,<.... 72 39 67 39 the butt-iahole of tbe men members ceived an order for a large supply, to posed the construction of an elongated 30 ......... .0? 31 ......... cloudy 47 I 62 balloon which inlght be propelled be followed by other orders at a price and somewhere on the corsage of through the air. Experiments were that would make him rich. Further Temperature—mean max. 66.48;me § the women. I was an enthusiastic advocate of the temperance cause anil more, a company with nn established made with ft by two brothers named mir. 40:06; mean 53.27 Max. 82 on 1, plant capable of manufacturing the Robert, who made several ascents nnd Minimum, 30, on loth. Greatest daily always wore my colors. Tbe day I alighted from the train on stuff hud the contract to produce fbe nttafned a speed of three miles nn hour, range, 41. Total precipitation .90 my quest for a career a young man goods. Nothing remained but to phs> though the method of propulsion was inches, Greatest in 21 hours, .54 in., oiil.v aerial ohrs worked by hand. over the recipe for the explosive when with a pleasing face nnd ns pleasing a on 7th. Number of days with .01 smile on it stepiied up to me and, tak­ the inventor fell on tbe floor of his Nothing further wns attempted until laboratory and died without speaking 1852, when Henri Glffard built dirigi­ inch or more precipitation, 4, clear, ing from me it satchel 1 carried, said: bles which, by means of a light steam 20; partly cloudy, 5; cloudy, 6. a word. “Here you are. Cousin Bess!” After his father's death Ned hunted eifgipe, he propelled nt nearly seven ' ■ ' Now. my uame happened to be Eliza­ beth. Had it not been so I should high and low for the formula, He miles an flour. and since then varlour Summons. experiments l.aVe been made which ul- have probably told tbe young man that first went through the Inborn tory, he was mistaken In the person. As it searching every nook and cranny, ex tijnately ended In the wonderful tri­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY was. I thought for a moment that some amlning every scrap of paper, bu. umph of Zeppelin.—New York Press- -/ —f---------------- r Then he looked Bertha S. Barnum, Plaintiff. of my numerous cousins living In the without success. Borax In the Laundry. VF. city whom 1 had never seen had got through the house In which the family The uses of, refined borax are mani­ Joseph Dame and Annie E. Darr.e, refen Jar ts. wind of my coming and had concluded lived, u little frame dwelling on th« outskirts of a city, with no better sue fold. It Is infinitely better than soda Suit in Equity to Quiet Title. to meet me. To Joseph Dame and Annie E. Dame his wife, cess. There wns no other place to look, for washing purposes. It may be used the above named defendants: “You are"— I asked. “I’m Ned Olcott. We received your nnd Ned ami Ills mother, from a pros In the proportion of a large handful Yoo and each of you are hereby requiredto ap­ letter mentioning the blue ribbon. Ev­ pect of stepping from poverty Into at to ten gallons of boiling water, nnd pear in the above entitled Court and cause and will effect a great saving In soap. If erything Is prepared • for you. We fluence, found themselves worse ot1 there answer the complaint of the plaintiff on you are about to wash delicate laces file therein against you within ten days from the hav« succeeded In getting a position than they had ever been before. for you In tbe high school. You're to But Ned did not give the matter up or cauibrie use an extra quantity of date of the service of this summons upon you. teach history. I believe that’s wbat He had heard Ills father tell his moth powder. The effect of borax is to sof­ if served within Jackson County. Oregon, or if yon wanted. Isn't it?" er that he was puzzled how to keep hlij ten the hardest water, and. being a neu­ served within any ether County of Oregon, then We were moving with the throng secret till he had made all his cqi^ tral salt, it dims not In the slightest de­ within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, or if served by pub­ and by tills time had reached the sta­ tracts and must give It to the manu gree Injure the texture of linen or any lication or out of the state after an order of pub­ other delicate material washed with It. lication then on or before the last day prescribed tion exit. There was something so In­ facturer. genuous, so kindly, as well ns dignified, Forsythe knew that should he be — New York Globe. in the order for the publication of the said sum­ • — ■ .... ■ --- — in tbe young mau’s face and manner suddenly taken away his wife aiyl mons, which last day is the 20th day of Decem­ ber, 1913. and you will take notice that if you that my heart went right out to him. child would be cut off from tbe benefits The Youths Companion in 1914 fail to appear and answer said complaint plaintiff I was «rtzed with n curiosity to know of hts Invention. He had once parted, will apply to the Court above named for a decree whirl he would do with me. 1 hesltat- with the secret of an invention and in favor of plaintiff decreeing tliat she is the ed a few aicxnviits whether I would in- thereby made another person ri<;l»i Seven college presidents and a num­ owner of lots seventeen and eighteen in block form Mtn of bln ndstake or delay. without reaping any benefit himself^ ber of college instructors, including ex- twenty-three in the City of Medford, Jackson Mcaawlille he called a cab, and the He had then vowed that he would nev­ President Taft, will contribute to The' County. Orejron, and that arid defen,lants and driver came dsshlng up to the curb. er part with another such secret until Youth’s Companion during 1914. each of them be forever enjoined and' debarred "Are you sure?" I begun and stopped. the last moment. He told his wife from asserting any claim whatsoever in or to any Then there is Gene Stratton Porter of the said property so owned by plaintiff or any “Quite so Mother said I was to shortly before bls death flint he had whose stories of Indian« woods swamps part thereof adverse to plaintiff and for such bring you straight home. Get In.” decided to put the recipe for the 1 yielded. After all. was not thia manufacture of his explosive Into ci­ have made her famous, find Kate Doug other and further relief as to the Court shall just and equitable. a relstlve? At any rate. I would act pher. But us to what he was to do las Wiggin, who never wrote a dull line seem This summons is published in the Jacksonville for awhile ss if be were. Perhaps he with the cipher or tbe key he said in her life, and Mrs. Burton Harrison, Poet, a weekly newspaper published and of gen­ wre« He drove me to n modest dwell­ nothing. who remembers when conversation was eral circulation in Jackson County. Oregon, by ing standing well tmek from the street, A month passed after the Inventor's really an art as practised in Washing­ order of the Hon. F. M. Calkins, Judge of the with very whit» curtains anil some dentil when Mrs. Forsythe received n ton and in the manor houses of Virgin­ above entitled Court, dated November 3rd, 1913, well isillwlied brass nt the front door letter nddressed to her In the well ia. And this is just a beginning of the which order directs this summons to be served upon you by publication thereof in said news­ An old Indy, with a lovable face nnd known hand of l»i’ lute husband. On list. paper once a weak for six consecutive weeks snow wtilte hslr, bnekeil by two young the envelope was written "Via San If you know The Companion, you from and after the date of the first publication, girts. rec»4red me. welcoming me with Francisco, Hongkong. Aden. Naples, have a pretty Near idea of what is in which first date of publication is the 8th day of a klan. New York." The letter bore the post­ November. 1913. said last date of publication be- store for next year’s readers. If you ng the 20th day of December, 1913. And said “Why, CouMn Bess.” exclaimed the marks of these cities and had evidently elder girl, "how you've changed! You been around the world. The recipient do not know, ask us to send you sam­ order requires you and each of you to answer on don't look nt ntl »» you did when ive tore off tile envelope, and there, on the ple copies —for instance, ’hose contain­ or before he last dav prescribed in the order for played together ten years ago.’’ paper Inclosed, wns written a Jumble of ing the opening chapters of Arthur the publication of said summons and that in de­ fault thereof a decree will be entered as prayed "Etlzalictb must be tired and hungry. words. Below was written: Stanwood Pier’s fine si rial—“His Fath­ for. Helen, »tiow her to her room. Dinner Before you receive this 1 shall have told er’s Son.” Full Announcement for CHARLES PRIM. you where the kAy Is to te found. will be ready In half hour.” 1914 will be sent with the sample Cep, Attorney for Plaintiff 1 was glad to escape, for that time The poor woman hail received an­ ies. nt least, from my equivocal position other dlsiipisilntiiient. Her husband For the year’s subscription of $2.00 Summons for Publication in Lore- Helen lefl me to think over what I had. nailer fear of losing his secret, there is included The Companion Prac- cl a ure of Tax Lien. shontd do. I had gone so far that any deprlvetl Ills wife of that which he course 1 mtrht pursne would result in di'slred her to possess. What was tical Home Calendar for 1914, and alt IN THE CIRC UIT COURT OF THE STATE OF the issues of the paper for the remain ­ niortlfl« atloti I would not tie able to then- In tli«‘s«> liieolu rent words of nay OREGON. FOR JACKSON COUNTV. make these kind persons believe that vWlue without the key? The letter. ing weeks of 1913, dating from the Geo. W. Stevens. Plaintiff. vs, • I lurtl Iweti drawu Into their brother's Iioiveve;'. hud a different effect upon , time the subscription is received. mistirtie I was sure there was a nils The Youth’s Companion, 144 Berke­ D, R. Hunt. Defendant. her soli He foiveil that he would de take, for just before gulug upstairs I cipher the recipe If he spent his ley St., Boston, M iss. New subscrip­ To D. R. Hunt, the above named defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hntl been linked bow I had left my whole Ilf«* In doing so. tions received at this offie. hereby notified that Geo. W. Stevens, the holder Rte|Mnotb<«r. uuij I bad no stepmother. Several montlis passed, anil It seem- of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 134. is­ I wile too ion fused to make mix’ll «1 that the receipt of the letter had sued on the second day of November. 1910. by the Tax Collector of the County of Jackson. of n toilet I employed my time try been for worse instead of lietter. Ned , State of Oregon, for the amount of Four and lug to think of a ivuy out of my dllem made no headway In deciphering tbe 13-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then ma Not finding uuy way to suit mo. I word puzzle. Having Ids father's fear due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1909. resolv«>d to uwnlt u favorable opportu of giving unity the secret, lie would | together with penalty, interest and costs thereon nity to iixtl e It appi-nr that I bad been not Intrust any one else with it und i upon the real property assessed »o you. of which tnkini tip by relatives that I had never spent so much of Ids time on It that be you are the owner as appears of record, situated seen hhi'ii the Milf hour had passed was useless nt anything else, lie and in said County and State, and particularly I winit <1ov riHtiifrs mid there III trill bounded and described as follows to-wit: 33’4 his mother were near the point of December 8 to 13, 1913 acres in north-prest quarter of north-east quarter ellng dress sV-’.id rhe real Hess, the starvation when a brother of th«* Into This will be a notable event in the of Section 7 in Township 36 south of mother. I1ie non and the two (laughters Inventor was suiumoned nnd naked for east of the Willamette Meridian, in reuarfilng hit as if not knowing what the wherewithal to purchase something ' educational hiatory of Oregon. Farmers’ Co-operation will be the County. Oregon. to make «if her As I entered the room to ent You are further notified that snld Geo. they looked at me. equally ihimfoiind II«« was told nlHiiit the Invention nnd | leading topic of a stimulatieg series ot Stevens has paid taxes on said prem'ses eu U Kllxubcth?** ub I uh I lighted with Interest. of the farmer and home maker. 1910 Nov. 1. 1911 168 63 57 15 per ct. til» hm M ii «'. "Your father." lie said to Ned. 1911 Oct. 14. 1912 6010 Si 28 15 per ct. “Mtr.a ln«h wIiatY" I asked. during tin* war for the L'nlon a mem WINTER SHORTCOURSE 1912 Oct. 16. 1913 13559 Si 54 15 per ct Si U ut ou, of « olirne.' "KHaytnali her of the staff of a general officer Said D. R. Hunt as the owner of the leiral January' 5 to 30, 19U "I am l.dvabeth A'lllot." I said. This you know ns well ns I. but you The College has spared no effort to title of the above described property as the "And I am E'lniboth Htniiton,” Ha hl may not know what your fattier told .me aopeare of record, and each of the other make this the most complete short persona above named are hereby notified that the rwweotuv«' in«* that iv!'«»n telegrams were sent by A very wide Geo. W. Stevens will apply to the Circuit Court For a mou’viH I affected to be milch his commander It wns his duty to put course in its history. pugzled. ttien said "I had my doubts them Into cipher nnd when they were range of courses will be offered in of the County and State aforesaid for a decree 'oreckadnsr the lien against the property above nlwmt the gmtlrnian lieln? mv roes Vo rolvo-l to decipher them He kept General Agriculture, Horticulture, Ani­ i.-o-ribed. and mentions»! in said certificate And 111. Imt I hare ml it • in iti a I dlspntibes for awhile mal Husbandry, Dairying. Poultry you are hereby summoned to appear within •■««’ -how.nl them to me Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domestic sty days after the first publication . f this sum­ have * • -i ,”1 "* ■ **d h • if . t o II t i ' iv r e on which they were Science and Art, Commerce, Forestri mers exclusive of the day of said first publics- might • n* ’ • t •••► e c arrlinl I b.i rr mi r to be leie a in. • blillL I think hi- his used that prln anil Music. Numerous lectures ami ' ion. end defend this action or pay the amount take ItV'si null-" clple In this ease The recipe has. I discussions on FARMERS’ CO-OPER due as above shown together with cost« and Be­ •’Yow lo.tber leading feature. Make this .« pleasant so. a decree will be rendered foreclosing the of said taxes and costs against ti.e land been olxltgi-d to ilnd in) i« >y here proceeding till every column 1« filial ami profitable w inter outing. Nu tuition pr, mines above named. alone. I soe you mu . ii tbe blue ill.bou Here nre die k word« having no menu This summons is published by order of Ing. thrown In i|i>i:bth*ss to make the Accommodation« reasonable. Rmloced Honorable F M. Calkins Judas of the Circuit agreed llpoll ” rates on all railroads. For further in­ Court of the State of Oreiron for the County of “Tbut la a Ms lety de oration.’• I tn mutter more complli-nted ” Jackson, and said order was n.ade nnd dated Sitting down Ned's uuele wrote out formation address for4il«*d her this 3tHh day of October. 1913. and the date of H. M TENNANT, Registrar, "Young Indie«." siild the mother, n message In columns nnd gave Ned Corvallis, Oregon. the first publication of this summons is the 23th “dlnuei la u .iMilig t unic and partake the plan What had been a Jumble of day of October. 1913. word« became a perfectlj coherent of tt. tmth of you." Farmers' Rusim ss Courses by Cor­ All process and papers In this proceeding may That nna not the last dinner I took m««ssnge Nisi gratified the Idea, and respondence without tuitibn. be served upon the undersigned residing within In that bonne l»y nni inrun«. I ndi'ed. this two went to work to d< the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. I now rr» there frei ivrntly las mise the recipe. M. PURDIN They failed at the finn n’d Indi la in« n»o| |«<*r In la a and her If you want to buy, or sell anything, Addrvea MedfenL Or«, Attorney fur Plaintiff III law . The real work'll on nnd nt ln«t priai diuiiriitera m.i «drier» ' advertise in the Post -------------- The r liens la iilan un friend She tine fol telllglble ro i ' a ? lowed tile .ii’i-or of a I, •u ber and I Hgnlli taken •I with fin* i majrap îl* H s’I,a 20J FOR SALE at a Ha'gain--House and wiim turne.1 rni i mi liilentlou. to be er. the recipe pl. dll I'll, nnd Ned and lot on Oregon street, near City Hail. pi.w u^joq ) *31(03 « tits mother me now rich come s ivlie .«nd luulber. Must be sold soon Call on Rogue Oq U«0 1. )tiq ‘'WV'Miip 8tl(M^UV| 1 River Realty '3o. * us^o pas noUM SA«j»[e st ¿laïujï-cl Adv. My Career AN INVENTION LOST- OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE FARMERS' WEEK IF 1 you are i in need of\ j Good Printing (hange in Southern Pacific Time Table. ^Effective November ß,1913. ' ur j ' Ri, NORTH BOUND TRAINS 14 Portland Passenger.........8:27 A.M. 24 Granfa Pass Motor....... ,10:224A-M. 32 Grants Pass Motor........... 4:27 P. M 16 Oregon Express....... ;.;.5:20 P.M. 12 Shasta Limited (Mail only)2:44A.M Extra fare train. « SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. O« Ashland Motor.............. -.8:85 A.'M. California Express .....10ïS2 À.BÌ, Ashland Motor.............. ‘..2:24 P.M San Francisco Express...4:00 P.M. Shasta LimitedfMail only) 5:22 A.M. Extia fare train. Wall Paper! We have it in all th« very latest and most up-to-date de­ signs and shades, at price« that will appeal to you. Make your selection while the stock is complete. Headquarters for Jacksonville I I 'h Where All Kinds of Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Etc. To brighten up your dingy old ‘ furniture try ~Tr -9-1 best work low prices Chi-Namel at Fred J. Fick’s Sell lour ... r o p e r t y By listing it w ith us We are revising our lists ready for the spring trade. If you have real estate to dis­ pose of at a fair price, place it in our hand« for sale, we have a number of prospective buyers who expect value for their money. We can sell your property at a price equal-to its full value but do not want any listed at fictitious or “Boom” price. Rogue River Realty Co R. R. R. OFF1CE:-Bank of Jack­ sonville Bldg. Upstairs Jacksonvil/e, Ore Charles F. Dunford DRAY AGE Express, Freight, General Delivery. Teaming to all Parts of the Country. Nothing too Heavy or too Light. Agents for Colestin Mineral Water. JACKSONVILLE OREGON Jacksonville Meal Market JOHN’ DVN’N’IN’GTOX. Prop --------- Dealer» tn-------- All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meat». Poultry, Choice lard. Etc I JACKSONVILLE, I OREGO