Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, December 06, 1913, Image 3

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■Rrflge Prim wat at Medford' Mon­
Mr. Downing of luch was in town
Mon lay.
T. Vfa’ston of Sterling was in town
tais week.
Ira Dunlap of Phoenix was in town
Benton Poo! of Buncom was in town
Wed mmlay.
Fred Jenkins has returned from
visit at Koseb trg.
C. r.« Jones of Sams Valley was
visitor heri this week.
Dr. T. T. Shaw and Roy Ulrich autc-
ed to Medford Monday.
Christmas postal cards and booklets
at the City Drug Store.
Charles Dunford made a trip to Med­
ford TnursdUy morning;
Wilborn iltisori Of T’alent was
Befit visitor jfi this city. .
Ohailn :ey Florey made atrip to Med
ford yestt hday fhorning.
fe: F. Piatt, Esq. of Medford
the feourt hoiise Tuesday.
t’rof. Reimer of Talent was at the
eoiirt house tVednesday.
j.itrthur bjichols of Eagle Point was
recent visitor in this city.
Hhrry Mills of Butte Falls,
the court house Tuesday.
John Green of Hutttn, Calif, was a
recent visitor in this city.
. F. E. Merrick of Medford transacted
business in this city Tuesday.
W. E. Thompson of Gold Hill was a
visitor in thio city Wednesday.
Geoffery O’Hara, recently appointed The Indians could hardfy grasp the dians sing, in Wfeieti these musical
W. C. Leever of Central Point was by the Interior Department at Wash­ idea at first of how they coU'M sing critics find consideraM» merit. This
ington to record the travel songs and into a tin horn and thereby record is a song descriptive of the Blackfeet
in town several days this week.
music of all American Indians, be­ their music. After the first song had Indians’ love of bls home environ­
Mr. and Mrs. J. Percy Weils were in gan his work in New York City last been sung, however,, the reproduction ment. This is a song which they al­
week by taking his first phonographic was given them in a few minutes and ways ha to sung when they left the
Medford for a few hours Tuesday.
records of the songs of the Blackfeet the magic of the operation was be­ shadows of tlM* Rocky Mountains and
County Treasurer J. M> Cronemiller blflians from Glacier National Park, wildering to them. They thought it rode far over tti« prairies either on
Was a recent visitor at Grants Pass.
Montana. Secretary of the interior was the most wonderful of all the hunting expeditions or to fight the
"Toots” Thompson and Lou Baker Lahe took advantage of the presence wonders they have seen, since their Sioux. Big Top, the Indians’ inter­
t>t the Blackfeet Indians in New York, Invasion of Greater New York. Mr. preter, says, ‘‘His people always ting
I Were iff Medfard Sunday afternoon.
where they came to attend the Travel O’Hara had them sing dally to his this song because when they go away
Vacation show as guests of Louis phonograph, while the Indians were from the mountains their hearts arc
Jbhii Mdtnby bf the Applegate valley
W. Hill, chairman of the Board of in New York and he is arranging to lonely and it makes them think of
was a visitor in this city Wednesday.
Directors of Great Northern Railway. visit Glacier National Park early this “Home, Sweet Home.” Mr. Louis W.
Senator Von uer Hellen of Wellen He sent Mr. O’Hara on to New York, summer and complete his recoTds Of Hill, chairman of the Board of Direc-
tors Of the Great Northern Railway,
from Washington, to begin his labori­ the Blackfeet tribe there.
was a visitor in this city Wednesday,
ous task with these Indians. During
Through the Interior Department who has done much for the Indians
William Lewis and George Larned of . the stay of the red men in New York, arrangements were made to take of the West in an educational way,
K mes rreek were in this city Monday.
Mr. O’Hara had them sing into these records privately In an out both in agriculture and travel, is very
phonographs and the records will be of the way loft, second floor of 61 much interested in Mr. O’Hara'» work
T. L. DeVore purchased of J. W.
sent on to Washington to be put in West 37th Street. Mr. O’Hara is and has arranged to accompany Mm
Rock a lot in Lewis’ Subdivision, Mon
the government archives, therefore a tenor singer and writer of songs personally on his visit to the Glacier
> day.
preserving for all time the music of of some note. Several of his musical National Park reservation In Montana
Miss Irene Plotner, teacher of the the original Americans, who are rap­ friends prominent in the musical during the early summer. Mr. O’Hara
idly passing to the Happy Hunting world in New York City and are very will take his phonograph with him and
Buucoin sceool, was in this city Sun- Ground.
. r
much interested with him, in the make records right in the tepees of
The accompanying picture shows rhythm of the Glacier Park Indians’ these Indians In their own environ­
the Indians singing to the phonographs love songs. There is one song in ment.
A solicitor for the LaSalle Law
under the direction of Mr. O’Hara. particular which the Glacier Park In­
School of ChldUgu, was in town Mon-
. ’ day.
Reuben Pitts was in Medford Sun-
Cha. Dunfor ' has moved tot hiaraneh kat grapes. The giape juice put up
George R* Lindley a Medf >rd banker
the Sterling road.
by this csincerr. is of fine color and de­
transacted bilsiriefiS in thiii city Thurs-
Jess Haniilton Was a raeent visitor
W. H. McGrath of Ashland was a re­ licious fli.Vor and is | rod.unced by ex­
port; to be superior to Welch’s and
at iiedforiii
cent visitor in this city.
johh Blodgett bf Gold Mill was a
other eastern products. Try a few
Fred OwenS and wife were at Met *
busiiifeiiB Visitor iti this city Wednes­ ford Sunday;
bitties for Christmas.
the court house Wednesday.
E; C. Hogsett sf Medford was in
J Thorndike ¡3 having tome plumb­ :dwn Wednesday.
friends at Grunts Pa s this week.
ing put in his house in Sdulh Jackson­
Neil was a visitor nt
Misses Cordelia and Dofa Reuter of
Medford Tuesday;
The Dalles are visiting relatives in this
Gus Newbury of Medford was atten­
T. J. Kenney made a trip to Medford city.
Rogue River Dry by 5 l/ofts.
ding the circuit court several days ibis
Wednesday morning.
Basye Ware
Dry S}mpa!hizers Elected
A. W. Silsby of Ashland was a re­ serving as jurors in the cirduit court
John Offenbacher of Applegate was
cent visitor in this city.
at Eag'e Poi.tf.
transacting business in this city Wed­
C. C. Gall of Gold Hill Is visiting rel­
Earl Bostwick, Chas. Mitchell and
Henry Bostwick were Sunday visitors
Fred W. Mears of Medford was trans­ atives living near tpwn.
In the elections Tuesday Rogue River
W. T. Grieve was a visitor at Med­ at Medford.
acting business at the court house
went dry by a vote of 61 to 36.
Although the wet and dry issue was
Bob Finney and Nellie McIntyre were
J. N. Pace, superintendent of the
not strictly drawn at Eagle Point which
county farm at Talent, was in this city
at the recent election weft wet by a
Mrs. L. A. Stuart left Monday for small majority, J. M. Nichols, a dry
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cantral of Ruch,
her home in Roseburg after spending sympathizer was elected mayor over S.
M. C. Mahoney of Butte Falls, was were visitors in town Tuesday.
in this city.
transacting legal business in this city
B. Holmes by a vote of 64 to 61, Roy
Judge TouVelle has purchased M. M. Ashpole was elected treasurer over F.
were visitors at Medford Monday.
Monday forenoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harper and Misa Welch’s team of Percheon horses and W. Stewart and J. V. McIntyre was
The new safe for the county treasur­
will use them on his fruit ranch.
elected recorder over W. E. Buchanan.
Mee were in Medfqjd Sunday.
er’s office arrived and was inztalled in
A little frost and fog this week, but With the exception of J. V. McIntyre
the vault this week.
Miss Lerna Jorgenson of Medford,
still it is far better than the floods in all these men are aligned with the dry
A solicitor for the Redmen was inter­ visited friends in this city Tuesday.
Texas and the ice arid snow in several force.
viewing our citizens in the interests of
George A. Morse of Talent, was a of the northern states.
In Eagle Point the following members
visitor at tne court nouse thi3 week.
that order this week.
D. W. Bagshaw has had a septic of the council were elected; H. O. Chil-
Mrs. H. L. Young of Medford died
J. W. Opp, the mining man, was a tank constructed and is instilling a dret’ns, Geo. Fisher and .1. W. Smith,
Monday morning. Funeral was held visitor at Medford Tuesday afterno. n. bathroom outfit, kitehen sink, etc., while W. W. P. Holt, Arthur Nichols,
at 11:30 Thursday forenoon.
Dr. W. R. Bagley of TalAit was at with hot and cjfd water, in his resi­ and Chas. A' Baccn were defeated.
Judge Henry G. Dox entertained his
These men are also favorable to a dry
the court house Wednesday afternoon. dence opposite tiie court house.
daugnter, Mrs. Pearl Stuart and Mr.
Rev. H. W. Rummcll, formerly pas-
Misses Emma and Marie Martin and
John Renaulc, at dinner Sunday,
The following three councilmen were
of the M. E. church of this but now 1<- elected in Rogue River: John Owens,
J. Harvey Clayton, who was resi­ Leona Cantrall were in Medford Sun­
c;.ted at Wilbur, Oregon, has sent us 72 votes; Mis. Julia Meyers, 67 votes,
dent of this, city thirty-five years ago, day.
an order for stationery for his person- .
died in Arizona recently, aged 63 years.
Mary Bagshaw and Cliff Dunnington al Use. l he gentleman evidently ap- 1 and L. B. Ellis, 67 votes. Mrs. MeyerB
is the second woman to be 'elected a
The circuit cour) convened Tuesday. were Sunday evening visitors at Med­ preciates good printing.
member of the city council in Jackson
Most of the week was taken up with
A team of horses ran away with a county, Leta Luke being elected to the
the trial of the Kentnercase from Med­
Alice Morgan an 1 Charlie Dunford
were Sunday evening visitors at Med­ load ot meatfrom Durmington’aslaugh- Talent council last year.
ter house Thursday. The wagon struck i
At Talent the following members of
W. I. Vawter of the Jackson County ford.
the railing ou tne bridge near Mclntires the city council were elected: A. An­
Bark at Medford, was transacting busi­
The U. S. pension examiners held a throwing one horse io tne ground and i derson, 51 votes; A. S. Amei, 47 votes
ness st the court house Wednesday af­ session of the board at Medford, Wed­ scattering m ;at galore.
and Peter Vandersluis 40.
According to a report from Rogue
The San Francisco bad players arres­
Monday was "Naturalization Day”
Misses Cordelia and Dora Reuter and ted for killing deer out of season near River there may be some hitch in the
the court house. Six persons of for­ their sister Mrs. Lizzie Vogt, were in
Huttun, Cal., were fined
and costs wet and iry election a< it is reported the
eign birth were made full pledged A- Medford Monday.
Hogan call was not it sued by the county court
merican citizens.
and and no appicatien was nu de to that bo­
Daniel B. Winkle a pioneer of Rogue
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beekman end River valley died at Dunsmuir, Cal , left for the camp. The athletes will dy. According to one man from that
place in Medford Tuesday only a kw
daughter Miss Carrie who had been last week, aged 73 yevrs.
i now hunt bear -i.d prospect.
knew anything about a wet
visiting in San Francisco for the past
Miss Gypsie Johns’on of Victoria, B. and dry election until they saw the
R. D. Hetzel of the O. A. C. at Cor-
two months, returned home Friday.
| vsllis, was in this city Wednesday a*k- C. arrived in Medford Wednesday fore­ question on the ballot. If this irregu­
E A. Hildreth of Butte Falls, was I ing an appropriate by the county noon and Will »pend the winter v>ith larly is substantiated the election will
in town Tuesday, attending a meeting i court for providing information regar- her sister Mrs. Dave Duncan who re- piobably be contested, bun
of the Jackson County Fire Patrol as- 1 ding diversified farming.
; sides near Eagle Point. Miss Johnston
S< iation of which organization be is
---- —
i, the daughter of Rev. Chas. H. Jubn-
ston, formerly in charge of the M. E.
I day stating that his son Ted, had died
l.'u £l< ; ‘.c 4. "1J. tb' V ”!«.
Persona desiring to assist in supply- at'Los Ang les. Cal.
~ '. Later
reports congregation of th.s city.
“My litt!« -in
-i terr • y L .<J I
in. presents for a Christmas tree for I however gtated that th young man
The Jacksonville Conse erving Co. has ihouylit »he v hi U gi ... (.1 ».n ;e. ri* ’ O lie,
Methodist Sunday School children, ' died in Colorado, where he had 1. •. n plac.-d an order with this l offi e for 7J JO Cholera »nd Disrrhocs Remedy ured her
a c requested to han J their cont-ilu- sent for the benefit of h:s heal . labels to b? put on b t 1 s >! gra|« cr i I can truthfully lay tint I ’hink it if the
bent medicine in the world," write» Mr».
l alts to eiiher Mrs. f
~ Abbott. . Teddy was a marine in the U.
M. E.
avy | juice, i r.e labels w ill b printed in co- William Orel», Clare, Mich. For »ale by
K. C. Gallup or Watson Csudell.
I .o s and illustrated wi h a bunch of '1 o- all dealers.—Advertisement.
--------- .
| and was aged about 19 years.
Not R*»m’» fault.
Sam Snedeker. tin..... mnilssnry man
anil belli In tin- . omriunlty to be it
good chnrehiu iii. iitmoyed the minister
extremely by getting up and walking
out of the eLurch while the sermon
was In progress. The preacher s|M>ke
to Sam about it.
"It Isn't my fault, doc.” Sain pro­
tested. "H's a sort of a*1!lotion I cot."
The preacher told S in he'll better
see the camp doctor. A few days Intel
the preacher met the doctor.
"Did Stun Smsleker come to you fol
advice?" asked the preacher.
“Yes." said the doctor, "but I told
Sam I Couldn't do anything for him."
“What was Sam's affliction?"
‘‘Affliction! He didn't sav anything
about that. Sam said he'd been trou­
bling you by walking In Ills sleep.”—
New York Post.
Th» Greeting of Democracy.
The story that Hie knlscr loros nvwt
to toll his Intimates, declare» Mr. Wil-
llffm Armstrong lu the Wom.li>’» Maga­
zine. concerns the visit of Ills brother,
Prince Henry of Prtis-ln. to America.
The Inclient hi on, n-<l lust us I.he
prince was landiur nt New York. Be­
side him on .leek s*o<el id'nlral ton
Tlrplta. On the <lo> k v is a ile’ se
crowd. From Its m'<M i stentorian
voice ralliai. • Tonry. Ilenrv!"
The prince did n *t un<h- stmd t' nt
the hail was meant for Mm iihWThe
admiral, xml'll»:. broadly, said., "V. ur
royal liltnne* s. I think some one wants
to speak to you."
Then Prince llenrv looked over to­
ward thé linninn niejrnplione. who" sHlI
continued to bawl out his mime. Serv­
ing that he bail caught the royal gaze,
the owner of the voice shouted.
"How’s Bill?”
' '
Militant Margaret.
Militant minded women were known
Gahe— Smith Is ail nnsis-table cuss.
In England before the suffragettes, one Isn't he? Steve—Should say so. Why,
of whom lies In Henry Vll.’a chnpel— that guy wouldn't even talk in his
Margaret, countess of Richmond. Its sleep.—Clneiiimitl Enquirer.
builder's mother, with her brass effigy
by Torrlglano. She hated the Turk,
and she made, ns Camden reports, a
OVER «5 Vt* ;
sporting offer to the chivalrous of het
day. "On the condition that primes
of Christendom would combine them­
■' jr
selves and march against the common
el 1
enemy, the Turk, she would most will­
ingly attend them and be their laun­
‘ a
dress in the camp.’’ That position of
laundress to the crusaders would have
» T rade M«Rh-„
»r-'-swuvsw - ‘
been an easy one. for It was the fash
’ 1 7 V V < '
ion to make vows to change no un­
Anrone londti x nnkotch nud ilescriiHion n T
•>’< ly usi urt.T.u oit o| i!ii<Hi free ...
.... h. t .. I
derclothing until the holy sepulcher
r.viMiilun is pf 'iJiiKy p ufciit.ible. Commum
'?................ .-
was regained.—Chicugo News.
“ wn 1 P ki .. t «
1 .ut* r*i n.‘t ly coiiiJ ic".:l:ti. HAliUCOOK
.-.. nt iri'ij < U lOAt itt’cnry lór s - icui ' idr patent.*.
Hiroui’ ‘ li Shunt
i‘ Ud it.
‘ 4 ' h»Kcn
'■....... »¿"co. - ieuoi- j
speci/ti of ice. withoi*
it chnn?<!,
*'------- m **
Labor Saving Postman.
One of the sights to be remembered
in Portugal, said the Itev. II. O. Pen­
ton. lecturing at tile Royal Photograph­
ic society, was that of the postman de­
livering Ills letters among the congre-
gution at church on Sunday, therehy
saving himself many a weary walk. -
Pall Mull Gazette.
The Word Improve.
Improve at first meant to rebuke, to
condemn or disapprove.
In to*
French It means precisely the oppo­
site of the English word. Milton us- <
It in the sense of increase. Only in
the course of ages did ft take on t'«e
present signification of bettering.
• •• ••
A hnnd-nm :<• t'
dilation < ’
-/■l lift
t e ’
• l - : « ?
Business Directory
O A Directory >t each City, Town and ,*
ii Village, giving descriptive sketch or
rach place. I
^population, tele- i
• « Kit.i l., xl.lppinp anti Ls'iitclng point;
alio rias-h...« I>ho< lory, complied by
g* biudnoss and prv.'essi.nu
. K. <„ r<H.ri ¡¡i c.«» -
,-uv. —
The Post management has made ar­
rangements with the Portland Evening
Telegram whereby we can give subscribers
the advantage of a gigantic combination
offer for a limited period. You can get a
Metropolitan evening paper with all the
latest news from all over the world and all
the news of Jackson £ounty and vicinity in
the Post at a remarkably low price.
The Evening Telegram is the best
paper in the state, market reports unexcell­
ed, Saturday edition contains a magazine
and comic section in colors.
The Evening Telegram-
The Jacksonville Post-
$5. per year
1.50 “
$6.50 “
Both papers through
this office if paid in
advance for 1 year,
on or before Dec
ember 31st 1913
Your early
inspection invited
TVow on display,