.-JACKSONVILLE POST 1 hat earlv bird story still holds good NEW GOODS EVERY DAY Officio.. Paper of the City of Jacksonville, Oreyon C j v. A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson County, Oregon. D. W. B agshaw , Editor. Entered as second-class matter June 22, 1907, at the post office at Jacksonville, Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY. DECEMBER fi. 1913 Bv MABT’IA PVERSHAM Prepare for Winter and Prosperity $ When I was n girl of seventeen was far older than my years. Youni SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on fellows of my own age seemed to mi ¡application. what they really were—beardless boys They were full of spurts mill nonsense COURT NEWS M’Kinsfry Grants Pass Mayor whereas I was philosophically Inclined I loved to talk with men who knew i great deal more than I did—men wb< Grants Pass, Ore., Dec. 2—E. T. Mc­ could talk learnedly ou a variety o Item« of Interest to Jackson County Kinstry was elected mayor of Grants subjects. Thus I was thrown in witt Tax Payors Pas3 at yesterday’s election by a ma­ those who were usually double my age But my intimacy with such person: jority of three votes over A. A. Port­ MARRIAGE LICENSES was entirely Intellectual. Nothin» er. Only 1,073 of a possible 2,000 votes akin to love was excited by any ol Frank Hammond and Iva Martin. were cast in the city, there being no them Imleed. many of them hat Newton Grant Moore and Elma Irez issue in the campaign. passed middle age and were Incapabl! Matthews. of sympathizing with a girl in he! teens. While It was true that I haf PROBATE COURT Youth’s Companion Calendar intellectual cravings. It was also trm In she matter of the estate of Alex­ tlmt I was still a young girl. There ander D. Graham, deceased. Order were times when I wished for com The publishers of The Youth’s Com­ panionship with young persons. Bui appointing administrator and appprais- panion will,* as always at this season, I was rather inclined to be young witt ers. Bond filed. present to every subscriber whose sub­ them than that they —I refer to th« scription is paid for 1914, a Calendar men— should be young with mi. What for the new year. It is a gem of ca - 1 mean Is Unit there Is n certain dig PRESERVE THE FORESTS endar-making. The decorative moun­ nity in a young man tlmt a girl leftist ting is rich, but it is subordinated to for in one whom she would t-onstdei . 'JT'- * ,^e seriously as a possible life companion Lumbering Greatest Manufac the main purpose to produce a calendar When I was hiim’teeb my father de that is useful. . I. elded tha’t I should finish my edu'-atior luring Industry by a trip abroad. We sailed one Feb WAry morning for Naples, intending Notice of Final Settlement to work our way northward with tb‘e Washington, Dec. 2—According to IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF opening spring, spending thfi M't sum OREGON.IN AND FOR JACKSON COUNtY. E. T. Allen of Portland, Oregon, lum­ tiler months In SwItWrfcVnd. On reach In the Matter of the Estate of Ing Naples, wlivn we were going ashore bering is the greatest American manu­ Jennie Mahoney, a Deceased Person. in the ship’s tender, I noticed a young facturing industry and is exceeded on­ Public Notice is Hereby Given that ly bv agriculture in supplying the es­ M. C. Mahoney, the administ-a or of matt whose hall’ had evidently turned sentials of life. In an address before the estate of Jennie Mahoney, de- prematurely gray. Never have I seen sc striking a contrast between a young the conservation congress today Mr. ceased, has rendered, presented and filed for settlement in the above en- face and white hair. He appeared tc Allen called attention to the compara­ titled court and matter his final ac- be recovering from an illness He sat tive lack of the puclic’B knowledge of count of his administration of the saiil opposite me in the boat, and for the tne economics of subjects which touch estate and that Monday, the 5ch day life of me 1 could not keep my eyes each individual so closely as forestry of January, A.D. 1914. at t|ie hour of off Ills contrasting features, ne knew 10 o’clock A. M. of said dav at the ai d lumbering. court room uf the abuvo entitled court, that I was looking at him. and this Mr. Allen is a forester of the wes- at the court house tn Jacksonville, fixed Ills attention upon me. We drove from the custom house t< tern forestry and conservation associa­ Jackson County. State of Oregon, has tion, an organization of lumbermen been duly appointed and fixed by Order the hotel, our party of three In an ope of the Judge of the above entitled cab loaded down with hnurl baggage whose principal activity to the protec­ I court as the time an i place f-.r hear- Auto- Hall uCinatierii On the way we passed another ent II. K. HANNA Answering tile question "Will you tion of their holdings from fire. A ing of objections to said account and containing the white hailed yntitig large part of the association’s efforls report and for the settlement thereof man Again we exchanged glances nt please explain how n person is lifted by four pel-sous placing their index art direc.ed to making the public real­ and of said estate. he drove by us. and when we brought CVS NEW BL RY All persons interested in said estati Lawyer ize the loss which each individual suf­ I are H--reby Notifie I that all objections up nt the hotel entrance he was get I lingers under liis shoulders and legs by merits of slight lifting force at y. fers, directly and indirectly from for­ , to sai-l final account or any item there ting out of his cab to enter the house j Attonv’y-r.t-L'iw time of Inhaling a lung breath by each est destruction. In this connection he jo- must be fil.d or made on or bef-ri I confess I was secretly pleased that ' pel’s, ii :.:nl by the person about to be Office in Dunk of Jsck»opviile building Will Practise in All Court? i-- the Stai. we would In- nt the same nlddlng place I pointed out tl.at forest preservation! - 'he date and tim apnoinred for su h lifted ’ : " Edgar Lucien Larkin 111 the hearing as set f -rtl herein ahove That very evening an neqmifntiini'« MEDFORD. OREGON. can nut be coducted wholly by business New York Ajjiei-lcnn says: Date of the first t. llication hereof of my father Introduced the youns JACKSONVILLE, OREGON managers ur boards of uirectors. ‘‘It H December C>;b. A D. 913 "I have teen asked this question mnn to ns ns George Caruthers, telllnc is a mutual cooperative enterprise,” I M. C. MAHONEY. mr.ny times. If a person actually has D T. 1... ¿ii itV ns that he had been III mid was trnv been lifted mid those iliing the lifting Admiiti ttator. he said, “requiring daily participation i Dentist. cling for hfs health The Introduce! think Hint the ’law of gravity is par­ H. K. HANNA, Deafness Cannot Be Cured by all concerned. The American for­ Residiu r at Jacksonville, Oregon, wont 1 be gr.-itefitl for ntiv attention Wf Building, California St. I by local application«, as Uiay easaat •Ifice in.Ryan tially suspended' then the lifters are est polity must exist not because a few attorney for the estate. teach the diseased port lea at tka «u, might show ills friend. Mother sympa­ under self hallucination or auto sug­ There is only uue way to «a» CaafaaM ------------ ------------------- Upstairsl say it Bhould, but because a majority thized with Mr Caruthers, n strange! gestion in so fur as their impression of «nd that la by cenaUtuMaaa! raaaadtM. nearness la caused ky aa 4aAaai«d waSMa of citizens understand what is needed tn a strange land .-mil not strong. Slit ACK^ONVil.LE OREGON Notice of Sheriff's Sale lifting Is concerned. They actually lion ot the mucoua Limns ai U and why it is needed arid put the poli­ made quite a pet of him. and before lift fur more than they think, but they ehian Tube. When Uxki taka k> By virtue of an «-xecution and on!er of Halo is­ you hava a nunbUM) « we left Naples, ho having no deflnits will not admit tills, ns they are par­ cy into effect.’’ sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit hearing, and when JI plans, she Invited him to travel with us tially sell’ liallucinnted in the belief Peafnesa Is th« result, Court of the State of Ot’ear-’O for the County o Attorney at Law Hammatlon eaa ba ta A party traveling for pleasure be that the body of the person Will rise. .Tosenhine. in a certain cause therein ptndin.- lube restored te ltd aordhal • J « comes Intimate at once. In these dnv* whqrein L. A Roberts-»n as pluintilf, recovered And If they really succeed In lifting bearing will be destreyed f«r«v NOTARY PUBLiCj2>ND CONVEYANCE!! Nailing The Lie Case« out ot tea are cauaad by judgment awain. t W F. Horn. F. F. Johnson of form the only way of making new the man two Inches they think it it Which !a nothin« but aa tnlaia« and W. S. Wood as defendants for the sum of Office Hours: 5 forenoon 9 to 12 old friends, if I may be allowed the foot. Anin Imllm imilion is a fetnarkfi- tlon of the mueou« aurfaeea. Three hundred und no-100 Dull.* with interest' expression. Is travel In company with ( Afternoon 1: ’ . 0 to 5 We will «I t « Ona HnSra« !>n«M fee a hie mentologli-.il phellem-boh nhd is DeataM« i.. •• i, ?■ >>«fol or I’noto, for Court's judgmeiit, just ny way of trim­ the following deacr hed real property, t« -wit. had. too. a way of falling In with my lost. Giving up the property, he grim­ F.tus repoh Ton ' - ni-ii.t iiy. Pnimtpract* *rï i< .• exclusive ly. $.wF£i«£NÇES. Mortgages, mings. It was proclaimed as part of moods When I wished him serious he ly trudged seven miles to his home The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quart­ Set. I 3 « • f Li s nv a f .r Invaluable bonk Bill of Sale, ¿1 1 . jA/ i > G /. « . I E-.UL FATENTS, the court’s policy that similar appeals er of Section 15 in Township 38 sooth of Range 2. was serious; when I preferred that be Probably his family noticed that lie » i ‘-i ii ori x. i i , 1 t to get. n partner, West of the Willamette M> ridinn in Jackson should be youthful he was youthful had a grouch too. Considered in the .'.rfreeti»--;.. y? ’.Jt L. . f.Ll g ... . a .¿uable îulor.HiHiuE. il would be met with similar results. Countv, Oregon. These persons with young faces and culm, clear, ••old light of pure reason, A Warranty Deeu., Thia case was one of those old-fash* $ Ms V ve ¡¡¡'J* Ö Public Notice is Hereby Given, that I will on white hair nre very deceptive ns tfl the gelitlenmn succeeded In proving Quit Ciaim Deeds, a i i.cd. “all-wool’’ affairs that proved MONDAY, JANUARY. 5th, 19 I, i their age. I angled with Mr. Ciiru himself n near relative to a California H PATENT LAWYERS, < hattel Mortgage, to be half cutton. It fell under the ban at the front door of th-■ Court H ”«•» in Jackson-' ¿>303 Stvcn'.h St., Washington, D. C. thers to draw from him his age. 1 cnnnry—otherwise known ns a donkey. Ack now ledgement«. u! the law ax recently enacted, thanks vilL*. Jackson County. Ore -on, nt the hour of 9:39 I elicited certain bits of Information Ilad lie won the bet tlie result would r.— —'-vw»»»»: i Real Estate ontract, to'lie finer advertising conscience uf o’clock A.M. of said day, sell at public auction, ' from him with the Intention of put have been pretty much tlie same, for all of the right, title, interest and «»state of the Location Notice—Placer, th- time and state; and that which a altove nam* d defendant in smd premies, subject ■ ting them together anil thus deducing betting is not argument, evidence or Location Notice... Quart«, few years ago would have been I inked to redemption as by law p ov.d«s), to the highest ; how old he was. Bnt he soon dhlctd proof of anything. It adds no force, Satisfaction of Mortgage, upon as a harmless, business-like bidder for cash, to satisfy the said iudgnu-nt ami | m.v Intention «id gave his answer In power or dignity to any opinion or set judgment fflt the m >«t bv huresty of paid Absolutely Free to any reader Jacksonville people have found out Fl:' t It mu«t «lightly Increase the light hue. esty wished to write pr lines and yon at.. • .ne.it. Mtri-ugth nn.'t force of the heart beat, It is well tilgh impossible for a young of The Jacksonville Post. This re­ that A SINGLE DOSE of simple buck­ 1 l:e p .b i- will bo pla.l to know thnt «•> i-< Io I .pnne the eliculiitl m ami ■min to travel In i-ompany with a did It so well that you proved that nothing is Impossible to your majesty I” medy also cures frequent desire to thorn bark, glycerine, ete., as com­ tin st.-ti nu-nts it reais in , ....... v w,tll any temleli. \ to sluggish- yming girl without an affair of the pounded in Adler-i-ka, the German c- onus are to h.. > ! I ,i . I c u-a.i In-.' urinate and inability to control urine heart, mid our case was no exception Changea. Lowel and stumach remedy, relieves su' h inform ci • aiwnl-r v du - t-'-.-'ii! It o «t .lightly quicken George Caruthers pnqstsed to me on “You will admit a wise man some- during the night or day in old or constipation, sour stomach or gas «o ' I'eutlilug rate so that Lake Letuan Just before we reached times changes Ids mind ?’’ ie«« u I ■ t is -I .Ido, I’c.u i.-i i, < s nil i. js ii I' young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. the stomach INSANTLY. This simp)« In reply I told him that I nía-i profits hi Hie in i-...sod co link..ce i - ioii > puie air Is drawn Into the lungs Geneva "Yes." replied Senator Sorghum is an Old Reliable House, write to mixture became famous by curing ap­ and le«« impure air I m loft behind. hud Imt one objection to him - that "He also changes i his wnrdrots'. But of ’he public: whereas when the e in Third It must stimulate Into nor- Will ■t> was now an attraction would In doing so he avoids popular attention them today for the free medicine. pendicitis and it draws off a surprising the advertisement went unchallenged innl activity the myrlails of glands tn one day be n detriment. When he lie- ns much as possible."- Washington amount of old foul matter from the the advertiser who t-| i the tr ith wn- I the skin whose duty It Is to rid the Cure the afflicted members of your gan to grow old he would look far old- Star. body. It is wonderful how QUICKLT li'.eiv to s iff .-r the samo as the o lier 1 body of a |xirt of the poisonous sub­ family, then tell your neighbors and er tiiut. he was on account of hts white it helps. City Drug Store. fellow who was utterly indi Terent to , stances constantly being form«! with­ hair. He took off his hat with one friends about this remedy. Storm« of Life. truth. It has been said that the troth in us. / baud atul with flu- oilier pulled off tils As storm foil wing storm and wave Practically any exercise, if carrh-d scalp ami an overlay of white hair, succeeding wave-rive additional hard should not be tul I at ail times, but un der the law. it is well to remember out with tlie correct degree of moder­ displaying a head of short, thick blond ness to the shell that incloses the ation. will accomplish these results hair beneath. pearl, so do th«- storms and waves of ttiat this dues not apply to advertising I anil so deserves tlie term "beneficial "A wig!’ I exclaimed. life add fon-e to the character of man Telegram exercise." The trouble Is that Itululg "A wig." he replied "After leaving •al In past moderation almost every America. In consequence <>f fever, my Flag Bunting Test. form of exorcise can <1< a more harm hair liegan to come out. and Imfurv The United States government's test Congh Medicin-) Ct-v Children. than good. New York \V< .rid. reaching Naples ft was iu-m-l. all gone for color In bunting Is six hours’ Im­ Too muih ca • corro- b n. rd in selecting The unit wig I could get <>n the ship mersion In salt water and six hours' • r--J. h mt-dii w fur .-niidren. It «houli! Vary True. w:i« this one. and «Hi >• Knowing von exposure to the sun. !>., )>!< mani le take, contain no harmful aub- Ihi tint talk slsmt vi.ii cotu­ and i-o tig with »on •-ou-taiitt.« I have itai .-sad be .liuti ilice ual* Chamberlain’« It .-an be done ». Coi -U Ritma» meets thXM requirement« tinny mor« tint liked t<> change It ’’ TTe Is not many who yields to (Its of and *• a favorite with the mothers of young Mtlafni-t.irlly after you Singular that I should have bveq anger, but he who wields comjiosure children everywhere. For aal« by all D m - LlppliKott'». uiggbt bv a wlc Isn't It? and kindness.-Marcus Aurelius. tor«.—AdverttoemenL HOUSE For THE WCRID /S GROWING BETTER Our Great Line' of General Her chandise is Unsurpassed for Variety, Quality and Low Prices and Busi ness is the Best in Our History Just Arrived A Cur Load of the Famous Red Ribbon Fluur---The kind that turns the housewife’s shiile of hope into a laugh of joy and cures all pastry ills. Fair Treatment, Honest Methods and Hearty Good-will to all who come our way Call or phone 144 The People s Store Jacksonville, Ore. D. W. BAGSHAW LEGAL BLANKS fit BETTER THAN SPANKING JACKSONVILLE POST. Bowel '1 rouble In POST ADS. bring Best Results