Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, November 22, 1913, Image 1

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( itv TTrW
ting at Ashland last week.
DYNAMITE KILLS PIONEER former champion «he is the result of
crossing different breeds in an effort to
Mrs. Joseph Ginet was visiting Mrs.
■ ■
h - I ; j mi
a new breed of heavy proiuc*
Fred Smith at Sterling last week.
Ed Underhill of Medford Sus- Z. Cameron of Medford was up to Burns Guilty of Manslaughter. William Lad ding'on, Aged 88 ers that will breed true.
This line of breeding has been follow­ Apple Day Observed Tuesday.
his ranch on big Applegate the middle
ed up patiently and persistently for the
Horrible D rath.
Verdict Against Titus and
tains Scalp Wound fiom W
of the week.
last six years, with a dist net advance Oregon Hei B eaks Re:crd.
Edwin Taylor accompanied by his
Came to Oregon in
each year. Within the next two years
Eight Six Montis-old P ijs
sister Florence were in Medford Mon­
the Oregon Station expects to present
a new breed having as its first and es­
■ I .•
Sell for $125 00
A jury in the circuit court Thursday
Ed Underhill was shot in the head
J. F. Crump and Fiank Snider were
sential characteristic high egv quali­
returned a verdict of manslaughter
with a .44 Colts revolver Monday morn­ in town Tuesday.
William Laddington, aged 88 years, ties.
ing, at George Hoxey’s home, 132 S.
The most important thing is that
Al Loomus of Kunc.m spent Monday against F. C. Burns, charged with the for half a century a miner and pros­
Portlard, Ore. Nov. 18, 1913(Speci»l)-
murder of Jeff Coldson, a tramp com­
urape street Medford.
The bullet night in Medford.
there are other exceptional layers in
i A short time ago the Oregon Agricul­
panion in country-wide wanderings, at I
plowed its way across the head inflict­
this new strain. The two world beat­
ing nothing more serious than a scalp Mr. and Mrs, Fred Coppie were trad­ Talent a month ago during a quarrel. death in his cabin home Tuesday night. ers are not freaks. Their pedigrees tural College announced the fact that
a cross-bred hen had turned out 291
The jury deliberated for eighteen hours
wound, which dressed by Dr. Porter,
account for their performances, and the
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haney attended i before agreeing on their findings, explosion, and saw the glare of flames. nest five hens in the flock average over eggs in her first twelve months of use-
The first report given out was that Un­
being divided between manslaughter This morning they found his charred 280 eggs each, equaling the former 1 fulness, and stated that no other egg
derhill shot himself because of being the dance at Ruch Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldsby spent Sat­ J and second degree murder. For a time and mangled remains lying in the ash­ world’s record. The new champion machine had ever before reached that
jilted by Miss Vestal Hoxsey, who is
rate of speed. Now, the college an­
separated from her husband. This re­ urday night with Mr. and Mrs. L. 1. it looked as if the jury was hopelessly- es.
an.) four of her full sisters in the same
Death waa probably caused, in the
nounces, the original best hen-in-the-
port was the version given by a broth­ Brown in Jacksonville.
deadlocked, but a compromise was ef­
yard averaged 245 eggs, and the entire
opinion of Coroner A. E. Kellogg, of
world will have to take a back seat, as
er of the woman. Later Underhill, re­
Chester Pursell and Charlie Harland
Gold Hill who went to investigate, by flock of forty averaged 210 eggs per another biddy at trie same instituti» n
leased from the hospital said it was all were in Medford Monday.
Dave Boggs and S. Titus, charged the explosion of four or five sticks of year.
has succeeded in laying 303 eggs in ex­
an accident.
The siza of the egg is also given con­ actly one year This new han, like the
Dave Dorn of big Applegate is on the with contributing to the delinquency of dynamite the aged miner kept in his
After the shooting an ambulance was jury.
Myrtle Hanscom and Beatrice Kava­ cabin. This caused the fire. His arms sideration in the work of breeding. former record-breaker, is a cross be­
called driven by Ed Bostwick of the
David Buckley of Ruch was on the naugh, girls under age, were found and legs were torn from his body by The new champion is from a hen that tween the Barred Rocks and White
West Side livery, and Underhill refus­
guilty by a jury in the circuit court, the force of the explosion. He was laid about the largest and finest eggs Leghorns.
ed to ride. Bostwick was reported as
Thursday, after short deliberation
of any hen at the Station. She has in­
Mr. Mrs. Paul Anderson accompan- A. G. Fuller, a Grants Pass garage op burned to a charred mass. The cabin herited this trait, and her “ggs are of I Professor Dryden, in charge of the
being Underhill’s rival. Underhill ex­
poultry department at thejcollege, says
plains this coincidence by saying that ■ied by Minnie Walters was in Medford erator, accused of a statutory crime in­ was reduced to splinters.
Laddington came to Oregon in 1852, large size, and good shape and color. that no special attempt, outside of ti e
he has always had a dislike of ambu­ Tuesday.
volving the same girls, was heard and was a central figure in the mining The 303 eggs weighed about 42 pounds. breeding, was made to secure high re­
lances, and that that was the reason' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dole of Williams Thursday afternoon.
activities of those days. He won a The weight of the hen is 5 pounds.
cords. The methods followed io feeding
he refused.
creek was in our community last week
“I believe the result of our breeding and general care were such as might he
The girls were the principal witness-' fortune from the earth, but Of recent
In the first report, it was stated that canvasing.
es against the men, and told of the trip
experiments will be of the greatest in­
two shots were fired, one hitting Un­ -Pat Swayne did business in town first to Ashland Throughout they showed years he has received a monthly allow­ terest and encouragement to poultry profitable followed by any farmer or
owner of poultry. The 303 eggs pro­
I an inclination to protect the men.
derhill, the other the ceiling. Later of the week.
breeders throughout the world, “said duced by the record-breaking he weigh­
members of the Hoxrey family main­
Their cwn situation they failed to view the open hills, and his last days were Professor Dryden. “They will show ed 42 pounds, or about eight times the
tained but one shot had been fired.-Sun
very clearly that by proper breeding weight of the hen herself, and were
seriously. The Medford W. C. T. U. those of a hermit.
attended the trial and will help in cor­ The funeral services will be held at the egg yield of the country may b. remarkable uniform in size, shape and
recting the ways of the maids A’ho Gold Hill. No relatives are known. — greatly increased.’’
color. Many requests have been re­
Espee Brakeman Loses Life
have led a somewhat giddy career th e Tribune
ceived at the college to place the hen
C. L. Starr of Portland to Work
on exhibition, but on account of her
Electric Sparks
Grants Pass, Or.. Nov. 18. - E. B.
great value as a breeder it has been
With County Court
McAllister, brakeman on an extra
decided that the risks are greater than
Prefer Work to Marriage.
freight, southbound, was killed at Dim-
If New York mothers are not allow­ the value of the advertising.
mick Siding, three miles from this city
ed to teach, a lot of New York fathers
Widespread observance of ap lleday,
C. C. Starr of Portland, former sec­
at about 4 o’clock this morning, he hav­ retary of the state tax commission was
mav have to go to woik.
November 18, has given o the Or gon
Declaring that they did not come to
ing accidentally fallen beneath one of
The Plince of Monaco is fortunate in apple one of the greati st bits of adv er-
in Medford to confer with the county America for the purpose of getting
Says National Conservation
the moving engines, but slipped and was
havirtg his goverment so regulated tising it has ever received. Apples i nJ
court and assist them in making the married but to work as domestics, Ce­
ground to pieces. He was about 21 tax levy for this year. The present
that he can absent him-ndf without , apple dishes were served in hotels >.nl
cile Diethelma, age 24, in broken Eng­
years old and resided in Roseburg.
| restaurants all over the United States.
fear of a treasury deficit.
state law requires the county court to lish and in behalf of Hulda Kraner, age
Another Roseburg man, W. D. Tur­ make a preliminary estimate of the tax
Mexico’s mem's rs of C ngress are I Scores of menus snJ promises of co-op-
ner, brakeman on a special freight,
I er-ition have been received at the Port­
levy which must be published at least Switzerland for the purpose of wedding
Washington, Nov. 17.—To properly justified in feeling that the id;a of offi-
southbound, lost his left foot last night
20 days before the meeting set for dis­ Herman Young, age 52 and Kasper regulate stream-flow and to protect cial investigation of prison conditions land Commercial Club, even far away
by falling from the top of a car under cussion and protest on the part of the
Alaska having fallen in line, and new -
Wirtz, age 42, two Albany widowers, the soil from washing, not less than is being overworked.
the train near Merlin. He was brought
papers all over the country have boost­
taxpayers. A second notice must be only to change their minds having been from one-fifth to one-third of the total
Dark suspicions continue to arise that
to the hospital in this city/
ed the matter along.
I I published ten days before the meeting. led to believe that their alleged pros­
area of the country should be in forest. the cooking in the household of the
' - »1»)«
At this meeting the county court can pective bridegrooms were considerably This is the recommendation made to­ late Admiral Eaton was far from being
Eight pigs, six months, 1632 pounds,
not raise their estimate by over 10 per older than they had been led to believe day by the forestry committee at the conducted on the lines of the Pure Food $123.00. This is a condensed story of
Buncom Reports.
j what has been accomplished by a farm­
expressed indignation at thesuggestion fifth national conservation congress.
Under the present law every item of of matrimony, when interviewed this
er at Independence, Oregon who re-
Forests must be protected, the com­
Russia having demostrated that it
Dr and Mrs. WarrenCameron and expense must be itemized with a view morning by a Democrat representative mittee adds, not so, much in localities cannot comfortably govern the territi - 1 cently hauled his pork to market and
♦o giving the taxpayers a complete at Young’s home, 717 East Fourth which already suffer from lack of mois­
disposed of it. Each hog wasG m< nths
son Lloyd were in the city last week.
ry under its control, has proceeded to ;
old and averaged 204 pounds, making
A. S. Kleinhammerspent Wednesday knowledge of the purposes for which street.—Albany Democrat
ture as in regions which lie in the path discover more land.
the levy is made.
an average value of $15 38 a head, or
of prevailing winds and are still abun­
night in Medford.
Still railroad trainmen may keep pho­ $2 56 per month per hog. “Never let
This year the state tax will probably
Mrs. J. F. Crump was a last weeks be 3 or 4 times as large as last year
tos in the watch case in order not to- your pigs make hogs of themselves,’’
Cough Medicine for Children.
ter and precipitation. In the Atlantic get their nates niixed.
visitor with Mrs. C. C. Pursell.
Too much c& e con co' be used in selecting
which will bring it between 3 and 4
| is the advice of a prominent farm ex-
William Thurman is working for Mr. mills, which of course will raise the to­ x cough medicine for children. It should plain therefore, and in the southern
pert in urging furriers to lu-ry the
be pleasant to take, contain no harmful sub­ Appalachians, the gateways for the
Bullis at Sterling.
tal tax this extent.—Sun
stance and be most effectual. Chamberlain's prevailing winds from the Gulf of Mex­ ven controversy, ar.d the Eaton case, growth of their pigs and getting thorn
M. R. Buck made a trip up to Ash­
Cough Remedy meets these requirements ico and the Atlantic ocean, forests what chance has our old friend Harry? to market when from 6 te 9 months
and is a favorite with the mothero of young
land and back with a team last week.
Subscribe for the Post. $1.50 per children every where. For sale by all Dea­ must be especially conserved if the hu­ The best offhand explanation of the old.
Wilbur Cameron and wife were visi- year.
midity of the great central basin of rise in beef to £9.75 a hundre I is that | Of great interest to every section < f
the country, the granary of the conti­ the trust is after that surplus of 66 the great Columbia basin is the an­
cents per capita.
nouncement, made by James J. Hill
nent, is to be maintained.
Young Vincent Astoi’s position at himself within the past week, that a
Where the clearing of the forest in
the Atlantic and Gulf coast states is a lhe head of the New York fushionist new line of steamers will be put in op­
necessity, it should be done only under finance committee offers almostasgood eration between the mouth of the riv r
the condition that the cleared land is a chance dying poor as could be found and California points within the ne't
| fifteen months. Two fine combinati -n
to be devoted to intense cultivation, in the free library field.
as, after forests, crops contribute most
Germany’s silence on the naval holi­ I freight and passenger steamers are
to the meisture of toe air. Forests day pl n may be regarded by England now being built at Phila 'elphia, and it
themselves, according to the scientists, as sufficiently ominous to warrant a ra­ ' is said they jvill be the fastest vessels
If you don’t believe it give us a trial. We have
evaporate into the air several times i tio of construction of three to one in 1 ever sailed under the American fla .
I Each will have capacity for 80 I passet -
I more moisture than is given oil by wa- | the future.
the finest and best stock of staple merchandise in
' gers and 1.500 tons of freight, and they
ter surfaces of equal area and these
It is just possible that Mr. Langond-
i southeastern forests act as a moisture Davies, who claims that modern war i are exacted to beat the present best,
Jacksonville, and strictly guarantee everything
I reservoir for the water which falls up­ accomplished nothing, might have a j railroad time between Portland and
on them and is in turn taken up and change of heart if he were to take a I San Francisco by about four hours.
we sell.
passed on again.
l.ttle trip to the Balkans.
By safeguarding the humidity in the
Madison square Garden made Mrs.
Quarry Cabi.i is Burg arized
regions which lie in the path of the
Pankeurst look like a needle in the hay­
i prevailing winds the farm lands furth­
er inland ought to get more ruin. Clear- stack.
Sulzer says he is just beginning to
el land which becomes waste, or poor
The word reached Ashland Saturday
pasture, or grows up to weak vegeta- fight. What’s his hurry?
khat the cabin at th > Pennist .n Gra- -
It costs $13 a ton more to get grapes ite Company's quarry near Ayers Spur
1 tion means so much evaporation lost to
than it used to, so of course you wi.l w'as burglariz' d while the crew wer e
the pugsing air currents.
In dry regions rows of trees or wind­ have to use fewer tons.
down at Arhlnnd last Sunday. Wh<n
breaks surrtunding fields and orchards
The Department of Agricull ure wants the crew returned from spending their
i by preventing the drifting of the snow us to understand that a crow is not as Sunday in town they f>urd all the grub
and increasing the activity of the wind black as it looks.
missing end > Iso a lot of dynamite and
will be more likely to act asconservers
“ON TO WASHINGTON!’’ shout fuse. Whet) er the ro bery was per­
Pure F qoc I Groceries delivered by our own wagon
of moisture in the soil than solid bodies the women. Well, after these many petrated by some fellows who want'd
# ■
■ of timber.
a grub stake and dynamite for pros­
any time you want them from 7 in the morning
investigations, nearly everybody is.
Those politicians in Albany did not I pecting or whether hoboes or criminals
to 6 at night.
wait for someone without sin to cast I took it to use in another burglary will
a question which is hard tosolve. —Tid­
the first stone at Sulzer.
NEW CROP RAISINS—3 Crown Muscatel, London Layer, Thompson
John Bull stands in the terrible
---------- ♦-> «-----------
New Championship Hen Lays dicument of having to be considered a
Bleached Seedless,
New Currants,
White Figs
woman beater or a henpecked individu.
Antitrade a! Ro:eb rg
505 Jggs in Year.
In Fact Everything is Fresh and New.
Wonder what obscure colonel in the
DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR—The kind that makes
Filings made in the Unite) Stales
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­ United States Army is now headed to­
lis, Ore., Nov.—By lhe production of ward the White House, via the City <4 land office in Roseburg this ftei no >n
the housewife smile, makes better bread and more
on about 5000 acres of coal lands in t> is
303 eggs in one year Station hen C.521 Mexico.
Americans are planning to build a county mar s the opening of what
of it than any other flour. A full line of feed,
at the Oregon Agricultural College has
distanced the late champion No. C.543 hotel in Tokyo which will be a repro­ promises to b ■ by far the largest en­
Baled Hay, Etc.
by the liberal margin of 12 eggs. This duction or one of the New York hostel- terprise o»er launched in Douglas conn­
is the first time that official records ries. If they reproduce the New York tv. This land is located about 15 or 20
We Want Your Business and Will Guarantee Satisfaction
have shown that there is such a thing prices the long talked of war with Jap­ miles east of Glide and comprises a
in the world as the 300-egg hen. Her an will probably materialize promptly. vein of anthracite coal said to be fully
record is 21 more eggs than the form­
It is said that every time a woman 12 feet thick. Roseburg Review
er world’s record and 22 more than the carrying a handbag crosses London
Bridge there is a panic in the House of
United States record.
The new world's champion, like the
Good printing costs no more than the
Yes it is a triumph for justice tor
former champion, was reared at the Governor
kind. Leave your orders at thia
Sulzer to be thrown out of
Experiment Station and comer from a office and Boss Murphy put therein his office. We do good work at reasonable
I .ine of heavy producers. And like the piace.
*n a Hurry to Buy. ÏÏ
-UVFL1 V We Can Save You Money it
Men's Work Shoes, Cutter Brand, can't beat them
Buckingham & Hechts Leather Boots for Cowboys and
Farmers, best on earth or any other place.
Ball Brand Rubber Boots for Miners, and listen, we
rubber boots also.
ULRICH’S Pioneer