Oregon H’-t iricxl Society Citv Hall JACKSONVILLE, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 7, 1913 in red ink “Qualified to vote.............. WENT CRAZY ON 7R.4JN 19.. .’’ No charge shall be made an elector for registering. No person I Atte It p's List of Official Registrars For Lightning Kills Horse. An Un Regular Session Tuesday Evening. shall be allawed to vote ihat has not1 Demented Woman registered. Every person that is re­ Bills Allowed. Sprinkling Dis­ gistered but fails to vote at the next j Suicide Upon Train Salur- usual Occurrence in This the Various Precincts. cussed. Adjourned to Friday or any of the following general elect­ day—Placed in Hospi­ Region ions will have to register again before Precinct Name of Registrar being allowed to vote. If an elector, Night. tal in Ashland. Antioch .............. Mrs. Sarah Gordon desires to change his political affiliation , The heat Sunday evidently stirred up E. Ashland ................... G. H. Billings he may register again, and must re-re­ an unusual quantity or force of elec­ The regular June session of the city gister when he movEs from one pre­ W. Ashland ..................... Susie Allen An unidentified woman became in­ trical current in this vicinity, making council was held Tuesday evening. S. Ashland .......... Mrs. Jessica Potter cinct and gain residece in another, in | sane upon Southern Pacific train No. timid ones sit up and take notice. The Present: Mayor Britt; Councilmen C. Ashland ................... J. A. Lemerv each instance he shall surrender bis i storm began with a high wind from an Fick; Florey, McIntire and Ulrich; Re­ certificate of registration which shall 16 Saturday and was with difficnltv re­ Ashland Boulevard ....... C. L. Loomis easterly direction, accompaMted by corder Stansell; Attorney Hanna; be cancelled and mailed to this office, | strained from throwing herself from Apolegate ................ Miss Gladis Rose several vivid flashes of light and I Marshal Jones. Minutes of previous and in case the certificate has been the window of the moving train with Barron ................. Fred C. Homer Jr. suicidal intent, She was taken from several claps of thunder, one of which meetings read and approved. Big Butte ........................ E. E. Smith lost or destroyed such elector shall pro­ the train at Ashland and taken to was very sharp and loud, indicating to The question as to the dtatus of the duce before you two witnesses who Qranjte City Climax ............................. hospital, where she practised ears that the lightning had water main north df Blocks 69 and 70 shall sign an affidavit under oath that Central Point.................. J. N. Jacobs ' still is. “ struck ” somewhere near. j* wasridiseussed at length, but no definite Eagle Point ................ J. V. McIntyre such is the fact. I will furnish you a E. Hughes, who boarded the train Injfiht the “stroke” was near, a‘ action'' taken in the matter. ’•. j... 4 ■ Flounce Rock .... T. B. Higginbotham j few of the necessary blanks for this at Dunsmuir, states that the woman horse belonging to Mrs. Blackwood, of | Claim of H. S. Bowen for $10.00 on Debenger Gap. Foots Creek ............ G. W. Matthews j purpose later. was, ns nearly as could be learned, en Phoenix, hitched to a tree hear the account of damage to tomato plants Gold Hiil ..................... A. J. T. Smith I At the end of each week you will route from Los Angeles to Portland. residence of Sid Nichol, on California caused by water superintendent blow ­ North and South Jackson­ mail all registrations including the cards By Norman Gage. . , i •streSt1,1 was struck and instantly kill­ ing out fire hydrant on Oregon street, both sheets to this office, one of the She stated that she had left her hus­ ville ................. Register with Clerk band for another man and that the Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Glass and her ed, the electric fluid scorching the was allowed and ordered paid. Lake Creek .... sheets will be mailed from this office latter had left her, taking her boy and I hair along one side of the animal ’ s The matter of street sprinkling was John Mitchell ' 8 > sters Miss Mattie find Ollie Gordon Meadows .......... to the proper person, so you can see L. B Cameron j Beagle spent the latter part of last I neck. No other damage was done so again brought up and discussed at con­ the necessity for the correct address. $100,000 of her money. At one time N. W. Medford . Frankie Edwards ' wee^ with their relatives Mr. and Mrs. | far as could be learned. The occur- I siderable length by the council and I will s*nd blanks for yon to keep the she said the boy was 10 years old and Oakdale Medford at another that he was 16. She at­ S. W. Medford .. W. S. Hammond j Jack Vaughn of Prospect. They also rence, which was a very unusttal one others; the question as to who should names of persons registered so you t tempted several times to leave the for this vicinity, caused considerable . j attended the dance at Prospect Satur- pay for the service being disputed. S. Main Medford ... Miss J. Butler can check up your fee. train and Mr. Hughes states that it N. Main Medford .. Miss H. Yockey : day night and returned home Sunday. excitement, quite a number of people I Mr. Wetterer being present contended Very truly yours was all that three women and himself visiting the scene and viewing the I that it would be unfair to other tax- E. Medford .. W. H. Humphrey G. A. G ardner Jasper Ha.ma of Debenger Gap spent «• could do to keep her fr m jumping stricken animal. J payers of the city if the council should N. Central Medford .... Fred Snedicor ! Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Med­ County Clerk. through the window. The train crew ____4®«_______ ' pay for sprinkling the principal street S. E. Medford................ ford. telegraphed ahead and Dr. Parsons, the alone; that dust is as plenty and just S. Central Medford .... E. C. Hogsett company physician, and the chief of Mrs. Mary Gage of Debenger Gap SENIORS RECEIVE DEGREES as annoying on some of the residence GREEKS PLEAD GUILTY Mound ........................... E. J. Odell police met the train and took her to I _____ ______________ I streets as it is in the business districts Phoenix ........ A. H. Fisher j has been suffering for the past two I Granite City hospital and placed her I and that the private citizen was as Rock Point............ Mrs. I. T. Galliger I weeks from a severe attack of what Commencement much entitled to the service as was the To Hold-Up and Attempted under the care of Dr. Swedenburg. Sams Valley ............ F. H. Hanptman appears to be acute bronchitis, is Program for Mrs. E. A. Hunter, who bourded the j merchant. The matter was continued Sterling................... Mrs. AnsilGilsen slightly improved this week. Week is Announced train at Hornbrook, assister. in caring Robbery. Fined $50. each, i until a future meeting. Talent ........................ Miss Leta Luke Joe Hanna Jr., of Trail made a busi­ for her and offered to have her taken The usual bills for supplies, labor, Trail ........... Mrs. M. E. Middlebusher ness trip to Medford last Monday. by Justice Dox. to her own home, but it was thought Union .............. University of Gregon. Eugene, Mav etc’ were presented, audited and order­ wiser to place her in the hospital. A baseball game was played last arts i ed P aid ’ Watkins ......... ....... John Byrne 28.-Ninety-seven bachelors of Tidings. Sunday between the Beagle Sluggers 1 The recorder ’ s report showing Willow Springs Mrs. N. McNasser Tony Kapianski of Tacoma, Wash., and the Prospect team at the grounds fourteen graduates in engineering j receipt of $8.45 during month of May, Wimer .......... J. E. Smithpeter and Lewis Mannie of Philadelphia, who branches, one master of music, nine! near G. Vincent ’ s house. Prospect Woodville ....... ....... G. F. Wertz won by a score of 24 to 12 but never- masters“of”arts','fifty-five bac“hek>rs“of j waB, Presented and °rderad filed- were arrested by the sheriff of Siski­ Oregon Sidelig'ils. law and fifteen doctors of medicine will The t’ueat'on °f ™>8*™ng the wate- you County, Cal., and brought to the ------- ------- the-less, Beagle Sluggers had a hard be graduated from the University of ^pply at the dam was d.scussed at county jail here by Sherilf Singler, team to play against so don’t get dis­ Oregon at the commencement which Ilength and on motion the water BUPer- Buncom Reports Eugene’s council has placed with a couraged but just practice more and has been set for the week beginning .inlendent was directe plead guilty before Justice Dox at this Newberg Graphic: It is hardly safe fore there isn’t any reason why you Attorney Hanna stated that he had city Monday morning and were each Wednesday. counting the masters of arts, come | to wear a smile when you visit Port­ should’nt make one of the leading several ordinances for the consideration fined $50.00, in default of the payment R. G. Jennings and family were in teams of the valley if you will only within one student of equalling the | I of the council, but consideration of the of which they were placed in the land these days lest you be taken for a banner record of last year, when the town recently. candidate for commissioner. practice. numbers jumped from 76 to 113. _ The same was deferred un il Friday even- county jail. Mrs. J. M. Donahue was in Medford Work is in progress on three busi­ George Stacy and his son, Roy, who senior class, while it is one of the two* , ing, to which time council then ad- It is expected that the father of ness blocks at Lebanon and several Wednesday. journed. have been working at Persist for some largest ever completing the work here, Kapianski, who is said to be a well-to- cement gangs are trimming up Mam Wilbur Cameron and wife were visit­ time spent part of Sunday and Monday ------------- - do resident of Tacoma, will pay his and Sherman streets ahead of is the smallest class now on the cam­ the ing C. C. Pursel and family Sunday. at their home at Beagle. . pus. The indications are that the next son’s fine. The pair »¿cured no money paving operations. ABOUT REGISTRATION Dora Saltmarsh was the guest of from Angelo, for the simple reason three classes, who are now the juniors, A well bored on the Fleishauer gar- Mrs. W. R. Garrett Tuesday evening. that he had none on him. sophomores and freshmen, will each A Good Investment. den tract west of McMinnville was W. L. Barzee and family spent Sat­ come to the. point of graduation with ----- — ------ W. D. Magli, a well known merchant of abandoned at a depth of 450 feet. At urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Harley Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock of Cham­ an increase of nearly twenty per ce nt New Law goes Into Effect June 3. FOR PURE WATER 150 feet basaltic rock was struck, which Hall. berlain’s medicines so as to be able to supply in numbers over the class in each case continued for 40 feet, and the balance immediately preceding. This means Counly Clerk is Sending them to his customers. After receiving The entertainment at the Uniontown of the wav was entirely through shale. them he was himself taken sick and says that the number of graduates will school was enjoyed by a large crowd. that one small bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, again double in numbers in the next Government Will Assist Towns Out Following Letter. In the rush for land the women are Hay cutting has commenced in this Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth five years. Counting in the law and not left out of the excitement. The more to him than the cost of his entire stock medical departments, which are in community. to Maintain a pure Water of these medicines. For sale by all dealers. Portland, this year’s class breaks all Marshfield Record tells of three Coos Jacksonville, Ore., May 31, 1913 The road workers are now working —Advertisement. records. Bay women who have gone to the Fall Supply. To All Official Registrars:- creek country, where thev will locate Under separate cover you will re­ or homesteads. They are Margaret ceive the necessary supplies fer the Fox, Myrtle Miller and Leona Haller. Washington D. C., June 3. — Secre ­ in your purpose of registering voters tary Houston has just approved an : A movement to clean up the ceme­ precinct. agreement between the Department of tery at Klamath Falls has been started All the writing must be with good Agriculture and the town of Safford, by Deputy Sheriff Brewbaker, who ink. black an! of a quality so it will Arizona, by which the Forest Service complains that “stray cattle graze and not fade out. Each voter will be re­ and the town will cooperate toconservi-1 weeds infest the place where grass and quired to sign two sheets and one card, Safford’s water supply, which comes : flowers should grow.’’ The fence is and two witnesses will have to sign each of the sheets but not the card, principally from the Crook National ( down in most places, too, he says. McMinnville News-Reporter: W, D. j When you register an elector be sure Forest. This is the latest one of many such ' Williams, at one time publisher and I that same is a resident of the precinct I for which you have been appointed and agreements. According to the figures I -itor of the Telephone Register, is are registering, as it is against thelatv of the Forest Service there are nearly j now pub|jRh,,r of thp Elwt Tennessee for any one to register in a precinct L200 cities and towns in the West farmer of Knoxville, a journal devot- unless thev area resident of that pre­ which derive their water supply from ed tc the ^1;L.rid fHrming industries of lands within the National Forests. . Tennessee. Mr. Williams is putting cinct at that time. hooMter pHper for that sec- Care should be given to be certain Where these cities desire it the Gov- I out „ that the Post Office address is invaria­ ernment joins hands with the citizens tion of the Unjted Stlltes. bly correct for a person may live in a for the purpose of maintaining a Because a municipality emerges from precinct by the name of a different permanent and pure water supply. the village class and takes on city airs, Stock raising, for example, or any Post Office from which the precinct it does not necessarily follow that the other occupancy of the land, which name is derived, for instance; a person I shade trees should be cut down, in the may live in Central Point precinct and ordinarily would be encouraged would opinion of the Forest Grove Press, ret their mail from Medford Post Office. be inadvisable on a watershed which i which proceeds further to remark! “It Under the new law you may start forms a source of drinking water. The ! was our beHUtifiil shade trees which registering about the 3rd of June and Forest Service recognizes that water I caused the late President Haves to ex­ continue to register until within 30 is as necessary a commodity for wood­ claim: “The prettiest town in Dra­ days of a general election and 15 days ed hillsides to supply as are sawlogs or gon!’ ’’-Journal. next preceding a special election. mine props. A watershed may offer an i Everv citizen and persons having taken opportunity to furnish the greatest 1 TEXTBOOK COMMISSION nut their first papers (if papers have benefit to the largest number through 1 supplying an unpolluted source of 1 een out one year or more) may be registered that are above the age of water for domestic purposes. Contracts like that just made with Some of Hie Works for Use of 21 years’ As to registering married women, you will remember that a mar- j | Safford are now in force with Cascade, High Scools Chosei ried woman takes up the citizenship of Colorado Springs, Durango, and Mani­ tou in Colorado; Salt. Lake in Utah: I her husbar.d, therefore an American at Salem. j born woman that is married to a for- and Baker City and The Dalles, Ore­ | eigner who has not had his first papers gon. The famous Bull Run watershed, Salem, Or.. June 3. After '•onsum- out a year or more is not entitled to which supplies Portland, Oregon is on ing the forenoon in considering the the Oregon National Forest. | vote ' ny more than her husband, so text-books sub nitte l to it, the State The cooperative agreement in each Text-Book Commission today finally a should not be registered; while on the other hand a foreign women married I case provides that the land may not be dopted the f »11-wing books for the high I used without approval by the town, I to an American citizen can vote1 schools in the state: Hopkins’ physi­ Leading Merchants I and should be registered. A foreign i , except for the protection and care of cal geography, new; Hunter’s biology, | the forests. The Government agrees new; Webster V Wells’ high school a- i woman that is unmarried should he con- ‘ to extend and improve the forests b\ rithm itic, re-adopted; Lyons and Carn- sidered the same as a foreign-born mar ' seeding, planting, and forest manave- as long as «he remains unmarried. If h -ati's bookeep ng, re-adoutej; Wilis & j ment, so far as the funda for that Hart’s algebra, re-u lopte I; Forman's . it shou'd occur that an elector will purpose are available, The citv, for civil government, new; Bottsford’s an­ complete hi- residence, or reach the ape of 21 years during the period in its part, assists by paying the salaries cient world history, new Myer's medea- | which the registers are closed, he may of the additional guards necessary to val and modern history, re-adopted; out the agreement, and contracts be registered any time within four carry to bear the greater part of the cost of McPherson's chemistry, readopted. i months next preceding the closing of anv improvement work which it con­ The commission also took tentative I the regi-tration, but you must indorse siders immediately desirable. < i votes on a number of other text-books. i WHERE TO REGISTER S. Klcinhammer spent several days in Medford this week. Fred Coppie was in Medford last week. Ralph Jennings and family took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Gilson Sunday, between Goldsby’s and Parks, They are doing fine work. Lou Stone and family was up Little Applegate Sunday. Frank Crump was in Medford last week. Frank Cameron is busy cultivating and expects to cht hay soon. ’ j T. L. DeVore ftnd Jphn Lyden at­ tended the entertainment at Union­ j ' town. . - THUNDER STORM SUNDAY « DO M Í! I 18 PE I Ulrich Brothe Jacksonville Crea on ii ¡I if COUNCIL MEETING