Oregon Historical Society JACKS OVILLE, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 22, 1913 VOL. VI. MEDFORD MAN ARRESTED George Millar Charged With Selling Liquor to Minors. Councilman George Millar, proprie­ tor of the Manhatten cafe, and social­ ist member from the Third w.«rd, was arrested Thursday afternoon on a war­ rant charging selling liquor to minors. Millar was released upoh his own rec­ ognizance to appear for trial Friday morning at 10:30 o’clock. The principal witness is Menlo F. Davis formerly employed in the Man­ hatten cafe as a dishwasher. Davis is a minor, and it is alleged that while employed by a councilman in his kitch­ en he secured liqur, and that he be- bame intoxicated. A jury trial will likely be demanded by the councilman. Councilman Millar after his arrest reiterated his previous declaration that the present agitation and his arrest for alleged violation of the city ordin­ ance covering the sale of liquor is “persecution” and “a political plot” No specific violation of the ordinance is named in the warrant, the allega­ tion embracing the period between 1911 and the present time, giving the testimony in case a wide leeway and keeping the matter before the present grand jury, which is said to have still under consideration the charges against Millar, which have been in the process of investigation this week.—Sun. PIONEER SUICIDES Early Residents of Jacksonville Hangs Himself at Grai Is Pass. George always showed great devotion FRANCHISE TRANSFERRED to his people and proved himself a faithful and liberal king, neither be nor his family enjoyed great popular­ F. B. Waie and S. S. Bullis o ity. Many times the continuance of the dynasty was seriously threatened, Construct Interurban Ry. but King George maintained his digni­ ty and weathered all storms, even the The franchise fur an interurban critical period of the disastrous war against Turkey. Since Greece declar-1 trolley line granted last January by ed war against Turkey in October, j the city of Medford to the M. T. Min- 1912, King George and his family baveiney company of Oakland, Cal., has grown quite popular. Next to Emper- | been transferred by that company to or Francis Joseph of Austria, King F. B. Waite of Roseburg and associates George is the oldert among the Europ­ Work of construction is to be started within the time limit specified hy the ean rulers. franchise which expires May 10 and rushed to completion. Associated with Mr. Waite is S S. Bullis of New York Parents-Teachers’ Meeting. owner of the S.terjing mine, who an­ nounced his intention ot applying for a The open meeting of the Parents’- franchise before the Minney company Teachers’ Association was held on Fri­ appeared on the scene only to drop it day evening, Mar. 14th in the assembly when their application was made. W. I. Vawter is now at work draw­ room of the Jacksonville public school building. Over sixty parents and ing incorporation papers for the new friends were present. The subject of company and as soon as these are filed the evening was “Industrial Training.” with the secretary of state a formal The opening number on the program transfer of the franchise will be made. was a song, ‘Beautiful Bells,” by lhe Mr. Vawter states that the new com­ eighth grade and high school girls. pany is in position to go ahead immed­ Rev. Bundy and Mr Collins then gave iately and that there will be no further a very interesting discussion on the unnecessary delay. — Tribune. subject. Resolved that “The Introduc­ tion of Industrial Training into the Likes Paper From Home Town. Public Schools is Beneficial.” The eighth grade and high school girls sang a song on "IndustrialTraining,” which The following letter from one of our I they composed. Mr. Harrington fol­ subscribers shows that those who leave lowed with an address on the “Expense Jacksonville, still like to hoar frum of the Introduction of Industrial Train­ the “Old home town.” Mr. Wendt is ing into the Jacksonville school.” a prosperous merchant and proprietor Great credit is due Mr. Harrington for of the opera house in New Pine Creek. his complete and inexpensive plan of New Pine Creek, March 15. 1913. equipment for installing Manual Train­ Mr. D. W. Bagshaw, ing and Domestic Science into the Jacksonville, Oregon. Dear Sir:- school. The program close with a song, We have decided to con- “Peerless Oregon” by the eighth I tinue taking the Post, I have been County Coutt Splits Work on Salem Clerk Robs P. 0 grade and high school. I away from Jacksonville several years Roads Three Ways. After a short business session the 1 but still 1 always like to see a paper Salem, Ore., March 19. —What ia crowd dispersed for a social time and . from my old home town. X. Inclosed find amount due you tod it.. without doubt one of the biggest shop­ light lefreshments were served. Mrs. Respectfully Yours, The county commissioners have di- lifting and postoffice steals that has Harrington the president of the As- | , H eniiy W endt Jr. vided the county up into three districts ever been pulled off in Oregon was sociation deserves much credit for the in order to expedite the work. Judge brought to light here today when Wil­ success of these meetings. The pro­ Tou Velle taking charge of one dis­ liam Martin, assistant mail messenger gram committee of which Miss Hurst trict, Commissioner Smith one, and for the Salem postoflice, was arrested is chairman is also to be commended BUDGET SYSTEM FOR NATION Commissioner Leever one. In thifi , efter clever work by Assistant Post- for the splendid program« which they manner thu luorlc in each district Will ■uuuter J. H- Farrar, Khuviff Esch anil t arraiiK«a on the vital questions of lhe receive personal attention. The road Postoffice Inspectors Durand and Perk­ day. ""x- , Office Seekers ( verrun Wash- supervisors will report to the com mis* ins of Portland. inglon. sieners in charge of that district. The stolen goods consisted of parcel Commissioner Smith gets the nor­ post packages containing all manner of M. E. Church Notes thern tier of road districts which in­ articles and dry goods. The thefts are Washington, March 18.—That the cludes Evans Creek, Sams Valley, believed to have been going on since budget plan of making appropriations Trail, Prospect and Asbestos. the first of the year and will aggregate Rev. R. E. Dunlap preached a very for running Uncle Sam's affairs will Commissioner Leever has the twe a voluation of thousands of dollars. interesting sermon hist Sunday. be adopted by the Wilson administra- Central Point districts, Eagle Point, The goods were packed in 11 large Miss Pearl Gillette lead the Epworth is indicated today in a letter given out Derby and Lake Creek. cases and totaled a weight of more League service last Sunday. There for publication at the White House. Judge Tou Velle has Medford, Ap­ than a ton. will be no League service next Sunday. It was written January 20 last by plegate, Talent Ashland.—Tri­ Martin has a family of a wife and 10 The Ladies Aid Society held an all­ President Wilson to Senator Benjamin bune. children. Most of the children are day session at Mrs. Abbott’s Thursday, Tillman of South Carolina. The letter are step-children, and none, he claims, said: old enough to be self-supporting, He about twenty ladies being presert. “I have always insisted on the ab­ be ­ The Probationer's Class held their said that he bad taken the goods solute necessity of a carefully consid­ cause he needed them for use in ll is weekly meeting Friday evening. ered and a wisely planned budget. One family. The prisoner is about 35 years Extensive preparations have been of the objects I have most in mind old and has been in the employ of the made for the proper observance of when I get to Washington will be con­ office for 14 months. Easter Sunday at this church. The ferences with legislative colleagues usual morning service will doubtless be 1 there with a view of bringing some held. In the evening the story of the j KING GEORGE ASSASSINATED Christ will be read by Mrs. Barring-, budget system into existence. “From early morning until late in ton. During the course of tee story, I the evening pernicious uffice-Beukera approoriate solos, quartets and choruses I my door.” King of Greece Killed While at illustrating phases of His life will be I storm rendered. This service will be well I This concerted wail arose from mem­ bers of President Wilson’s official cab­ Head of Army. worth attending as the committee j inet at the meeting today and plana to have spared no pains to make this pro- | get relief from lhe “pesta” were dis­ London, March 18. —King George of gram different from preceding services. cussed. Greece was assasssinated today at If the Rev. Rummell, who is expected | Secretary McAdoo admitted that Salonisa, where he was at the head of home this week, arrives he will deliver most of his time so fur had been spent a division of the Greek army, News a sermonette. The service will com- hearing requests for jobs. "This thing of his death reached Paris, Berlin, nyence at 7:30. Everyone who can is | is getting u>i my nerves,” he said. “I Rome and other capitals simultaneous­ urged to attend. would like to do a little work once in a ly. King George had been at Salonika while, but the job hunters won’t let since December, when the city sur­ ' me.” rendered to the Balkan forces. Presbyterian Church. President Wilson is determined to Queen Olgo had been in the field appoint applicants to only such jobs much of the time with King George. now as he must. The result will be An attempt to assassinate the king in The services for Easter morning that when congress convenes, if the 1898 failed. will be at 11 o’clock. There will he no lawmakers drip >s • of tbo administra­ The heir to the throne of Greece is regular sermon, but a lecture to those tion’s program, that .the president will Crown Prince Constantine, who now is about to be receive«l|into the church as be able to d*> business with lhe in- at Janina, commanding the Greek well as for those who will partake of I dividunl members. troops there. the Holy Communion benefits, Special Just 50 years ago today George was music has been prepared for this elected king by the Greek national as­ service. Sea. Lane 'lead of Committer sembly. He was a son of King Chris­ In the evening at 7:30 o’clock, will tian IX of Denmark und a brother of | be the special Easter Service, Both Washington, March 15.—Senators Queen Alexandra of England. the mUBic and the sermon will be ap­ Chamberlain an«i Lane of Oregon wcre The Greek legation here admitted it J propriate to the day. had heard rumors of the assassination Bota mo’ning and evening service« assigned to s< veral important commit­ of King George, but declared no con- , are to be made as inspiring and help tees by the d in «c. atic caucus today. Urination had been received. Reuters tul as possible and good attendance is Senator Chamberlain war; nam.-d chair­ News agency, however, carried an un­ desired. You will be cordially wel­ man of the public land« committee and qualified dispatch to the effect that comed by both the members and the was also appointed a member of the following cmnmi: te«*s: the king was assassinated at Salonika. minister of the church. Agriculture ;n 1 forestry, appropri­ ¡'he first report of the assassination ----------- ♦ ---------- - ations, commerce, military affairs, received here came in u telegraphic national banks ai.d territories. Found a Cure for P-lieuiuatiain. dispatch from Vienna. Senator Line was named chairman “1 Buffered with rlieiim»ti«n for two year Queen Oiga bore him six children of of the forest reservations and pro­ whom all put the yuungeai, Prince r.nl could not get my right hand to for that length of time,” write» Le tection of g one committee and appoint­ Christopher, born in 1888, are married. mouth L Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa. “1 Buffered The heir apparent to the throne is terrible pain so 1 could not sleep or he »till ed member of 'he foreign committee, Prince Constantine, Duke of Sparta, at night. Five year» ago 1 begin tiring < claim», expeii'U .,r s in the war de­ who was born in 1868 and in 1889 wus fhamberlain’s Liniment and in two month« partment, fisheries, Indian affairs, ir­ 1 waa well an«l have not suffered with rhtu married tu to ri Princess Sophia, sister of j inatir.m ainct.” For sale by all dealer».-- rigation. the Philippines, public build­ a marrivu ings and grounds and coast defense. Ilium II. Although King ¿JJ Empero.- A 11 Advertisement. weight into it and slowly strangled to GRAND JURY CONVENES ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING death. Had he stood erect the noose would have loosened, but when found he hung with his feet on the ground Of Commercial Club Held ai Number of cases Probed In- and his legs crumpled beneath him. Business misfortunes and the death City Hall. didments Returned. of a son some years ago unbalanced his mind. The recently reorganized Commer­ The grand jury which convened at The decreased leaves a widow and two brothers, one living at Ashland cial Club held its second meeting at the court house in this city Monday and the other ut some point in Cali­ the City Hall Thursday evening, an has put in a very busy week, turn­ increased attendance evidencing the ing their attention mainly to cleaning fornia. fact that our citizens realize the i up the criminal cases where men were necessity of an organized, concerted j bound over to await action. Snow Mantles Northwest effort to improve present conditions; A true bill was returned against Cecil A. Townsend for forgery. Town­ in Jacksonville. Rules and regulations for the gui-. sen! is confined in the county jail. He Portland, March 19. —After snowing has been in trouble several times before for five heurs early this morning, the f dance of the club, prepared by a com-' Three indictments were returned mittee appointed at a previous meet ­ sun broke through the clouds and is rspidly dissipating the two inch fall. ing, were submitted and after con­ agaihst Frank Kelly, who robbed a siderable discussion and one or two ■ large number of stores in Medford and The snow was accompanied by a cold minor changes and additions were kept a complete set of books on hia north wind. burglaries. adopted. John Walker has been indicted The following officers were elected Seattle, March 19.—Snow mantles to serve for a term of one year: Presi­ raising a check given for $2.25 to $42 25. Seattle in white today to a depth vary­ dent, Paul S. Bandy; Vice-President, An indictment was returned against ing from two to three inches. The i Benj. M. Collins; Secretary, T. W. John Doe for pointing a revolver at storm commenced late yesterday after­ Fulton; Treasurer, J. Percy Wells; another. Doe is not yet in custody. noon and continued throughout the Board of Directors; D. W. Bagshaw, Three indictments were returned night, the heaviest fall occuring be­ John M. Williams, Lewis Ulrich, against Henry Lerch, the alleged tween six and eight o’clock this morn­ Chauncey Florey and F. L. TouVelle. “Fagin” of^Medford. Lerch, who is ing, when a cold north wind blew the The president and vice-president of the a second hand dealer, is charged with clouds away. Reports from sound club are also members of the board. buying stolen goods from young boys. points show the snowfall to be general A true bill was returned against It is the intention of the club to throughout western Washington. hold a rousing mass meeting Thurs­ Chas. Crouch, charged with larceny day evening, April 3rd. A committee n a building. The crime was com­ Pendleton, Ore., March 19.—A sleet was appointed by President Bandy to mitted at Ashland. and snow storm began early today and make necessary arrangements and Considerable local excitement was is continuing unabated. No damage is prepare a suitable program. Speeches, created by the grand jury’s action in reported to grain but sheep men will music and refreshments wiil be the probing a recent dance given in this suffer as they are in the midst of lamb features of the evening and a cordial city. Beyond examining a number of ing season. invitation to attenl is extended the witnesses the jury, so far, has taken no steps. public. The present grand jury will adjourn Walla Walla, Wn., March 19.—A today, (Saturday) and the new jury heavy fall of snow began early today will convene at the court house Mon­ and indications are that it will continue ROAD WORK DIVIDED day morning. for some time. Farmers say that no damage will be done to the wheac. j Negro Would Carve Friend. Grants Pass, March 20.—Lou A. Heberlie, aged 62 years, a well known Arthur Johnson, a diminutive colored pioneer resident of Jacksonville, and for more than thirty years a citizen of j gentlemen of Ashland, was arrested Grants Pass, committed suicide at his I Monday evening by Night Officer home here yesterday by hanging in a ; Mego, for attempting to carve the small shed attached to the barn at the l body of a fellow African with his i knife, not having a razor at hand. rear of the house. For more than a year past Heberlie Johnson was told to beat it Tuesday has been possessed of a suicidal mania, morning by the mayor. Johnson showed up in Medford Mon­ on May 1st he having attempted to take his own life Tty slashing his throat day morning and proceeded to get! and wrists with a razor. Since then j drunk. He was a little fellow but he has been closely watched. He took i whiskey made him bad. Monday night advantage of the absence of his wife j he decided to decorate his companion from the home to complete the grue­ I with his knife and was pinched.— i Tribune. some deed. ---------- •«-«----------- The deranged man had tied a rope to a pole in the roof of the shed, the The American Bonding Co. of Balti­ roof being but a few inches higher I more will go on your ,bond and write than his head, and then noosing the burglary insurance. rope about his neck, had settled his t D. W. B agshaw . Agent. li.!l ilj ffl PER Ulrich Broth Leading Merchants in 11 n Jacksonville NO. 46 Oregon JI ÍÍ