Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, March 15, 1913, Image 4

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    • *•
Ordinance No. 189.
and propel cars over railways now in and freight and to make at least seven
Notice of Sheriff’» Sale.
Notice of
Sheriff’s Sale Under
Notice of Final Settlement
operation or which may be hereafter round trips each day between said
constructed in pursuance with the cities, unless prevented by mobs,
duly issued by the clerk of the c’rcuit court of
An Ordinance granting to the Rogue terms of this Ordinance, by means of i | strikes, fires or other irremedial In the Matter of the Estate of Nelson Hosmer, the County of Jackson. State of Orexon. dated By virtue of an execution and order of •’ale
dulyissued by the clerk of the Ciruit Court of
the 27th day of February. 1913. in a certain action
r ver Valley Railway Company, its steam,'gas, overhead or underground causes." The said grantee further deceased.
the County of Jackson, State of Oregon dated
f iccesBors and assigns, a franchise for | electric power, storage batteries, com­ agrees <o accept for transportation be­ Notice is hereby given. That Grant Mathews, wherein J. Frank Nichols as plaintiff recovers the 18th day of-Pebruary, 1913. in a certain action
the construction, operation, use and pressed air, cables or any other mech­ tween the cities above named, subject the Executor of the last will and of the estate of judgment against J. W. Hoysett and Mary C. in the Circuit Court for said County and State,
Nelson Hosmer, deceased, has filed his final ac­
wherein James W. Gillette and Eliza H, Gillett«
r aintaining of a railway or railways, anical power, and the motive power to reasonable rules and regulations, all count
Hoirsett his wife. Samuel Kautz and Lizzie Kautz
In the above entitled court and cause, anti
as Plaintiffs recovers Judgment against Emory
a ong, in, over and across certain and mode of propelling cars over said passengers, goods, packages and that Monday. April 7. 1913. at the hour of ten his wife, and W. R. Crihfield. for the sum of B. Waterman and Mabel B. Waterman his wife,
sireets, alleys and highways within the railway or railways may at any .time freight offered and to’convey the same o’clock A. M.. at the County Court Room in the Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy for the sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred Nine­
Five and 65-100 Dollars, and the further sum of
corporate limits of the City of Jack­ be changed by said grantee, its 8UC- to the proper destination upon its car Court House at Jacksonville, in Jaekson County. $216.50 taxes and expenses, with interest thereon ty Three Dollars and Thirty Eight Cunts.
has. by order of the judge of the above
<$2693 38) with interest thereon at the rate of fl
sonville, Oregon; fixing u maximum cessors and assigns to any more im- or cars at a rate or charge for such Oregon,
from the 3rd day of December. 1912. at the rate
entitled court, been designated as the time and
per cent per annum, from the 18th day of
schedule of rates, fares and charges proved, economical, convenient and transportation not to exceed the rates place for the hearing of said final account and of 6 per cent per annum and One Thousand February
1913, And the further sum of Two
for the transportation of passengers, desirable method, subject to the rea- or charges given in the following table the settlement of the same, and all persons huving ($1000.00) Dollars attorney’s fee. and the further Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars attorney's fee
sum of Twenty five Dollars costs and disburse,
and disbursements taxed therein.
goods, packages and freight, over such sonable regulations of the city coun­
ments taxed therein.
Notice is hereby given that I will on,
The maximum fare for passengers the same at said time and place.
railway or railways between the cities cil of this Citv.
Notice is hereby given that I will on
Dated this 7th day of March. 1913.
march 29, 1913.
of Jacksonville and Medford; specify­
APRIL 4TH, 1913
Section III. For the purpose of shall be, one way 25 cents.
At the front door of the Court House in Jack­ At the front door of the Court House in Jackson­
ing the minimum number of round operating said railway or railways and
The maximum fare for passengers
sonville in said County at 10 o’clock in the fore­ ville. in said County and State at 10 o'clock In the
tripe to be made each day; permitting having convenient power and electrical shall be, round trip 35 cents.
noon of said day sell at Public Auction to the forenoon of said day. sell at Public auction to the
Commutation tickets good for ten
the construction of telephone and tele­ current for such use, the grantee, its
highest bidder for cash the following described
Notice For Publication.
highest bidder for cash the following described
real property, to-wit.*-
graph lines along streets occupied by successors and assigns shall have the (10) round trips, to be used within
real property, to-wit:-
All the right, title and interest, of the said
the said railway or railways and limit­ right to put up, erect, construct, use sixty days from date of sale, shall be
All the right, title, and interest of said defend­
U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon.
Emory B. Waterman and Mabel B. Waterman,
ants J. W. Hogsett. and Mary C. Hogsett his
ing the use thereof to the transmis­ and maintain poles and overhead wires, sold at a price not to exceed $2.50
February 11. 1913.
his wife, in and to the North half of lot number­
Notice is hereby given that William I. Chase, wife, Samuel Kautz and Lizzie Kautz his wife, ed 5 in Block numbered 4 Park addition to the
sion of messages for use in operating and may lay down, construct, use and each.
and W. R. Crihfield. in and to the Southwest
Jacksonville. Oregon, who. on June 22, 1911.
City of Medford. Oregon.
Baggage not exceeding 150 pounds
s id railways or railways; providing maintain underground conduits, wires,
quarter of Section Twenty Four (24) in Township
made Homestead Entry Serial. No. 07299. for W
fra filing of a written acceptance of conductors and cables in and along, for each full fare shall be carried free. H NE ’> NEV., NW'i NE X. and the N'q NW ' , Thirty Five (3.5) South of Range One (1) West of Taken and levied upon as the property of the
said Emory B Waterman and Mabel B. Wil«.
this franchise by the grantee and pro­ through, over or across the streets,
The maximum charge for freight Section 8. Township 39 S.. Range 2, west Wil­ the Willamette Meridian.
man his wife or so much thereof as may be
Taken and levied upon as the property of the
viding for a revocation of the fran­ alleys and highways or parts thereof between said cities shall be:
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to
necessary to satisfy said judgment in favor of
said J. W. Hogsett and Mary C, Hoy-sett his wife.
chise, rights and privileges herein upon which said railway or railways
On shipments not exceeding 50 pounds make Commutation Proof, to establish claim to Samuel Kautz and Lizzie Kautz his wife and W. said James W. Gillette and Eliza H, Gillette hia
the land above described, before W. H. Canon,
wife, against the said Emory B, Waterman and
granted, upon a violation by the are or may be laid down, and in, along, in weight, 15 cents,
R. Crihfield, or so much thereof as may be neces­
United States Commissioner, at Medford. Oregon
Mabel B. Waterman his wife, with interest there­
sary to satisfy said judgment in favor of J
grantee of the provisions of this Or­ ovei or across such other streets, al­
On shipments over 50 and not ex­ on the 28 day of March 1913.
on together with all costs and disbursements that
Frank Nichols, against the said J. W. Hogsett
have or may accrue.
leys and highways of the City of Jaok- ceeding 250 pounds. 25 cents.
and Mary C. Hogsett his wife. Samuel Kautz and
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon this 20th day ef
On shipments over 250 pounds in Fred Smith, of Jacksonville. Oregon.
sonville, Oregon, as the city council of
Lizzie Kautz his wife and W. R. Crihfield with
Anna Smith, of Jacksonville. Oregon.
February, A. D. 1913.
weight, 10 cents per hundred pounds.
interest thereon together with all costs and dis­
said City may direct.
Whereas: The Town of Jacksonville
bursements that have or mav accrue.
The said grantee, its successors and Provided: that furniture, household Joe A. Thomas, of Medford. Oregon.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
Oregon, by its Board of Trustees, on
Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon on this 21st
assigns, subject to the reasonable reg­
February, 1913.
the 2nd day of December, 1890, by
ulations of the city council, may erect, charged Cpr according to classification
AUG. D. SINGLER. Sheriff.
Oi finance No. 104, entitled “An Or­
construct, equip, operate and maintain and the table of tariffs filed with the
dinance granting franchise and right
telegraph and telephone lines along or State Railway Commission.
Notice of Sheriff Sale.
oi way for the Medford and Jackson­
On shipments in car load 1 lots, »c- IN THE
across those parts of streets, alleys
By virtue of an execution and order of sale
ville Railway Company within the
and highways upon which said railway cording to classification and at rates Sarah Wilcox, Plaintiff.
duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court of
c< porate limits of the Town of Jack­
Spanking will not cure children of
or railways may be constructed, for filed with the State Railway Commis-
the County of Jackson. State of Oregon dated
sonville, Jackson County, Oregon, and
Charles Wilcox, Defendant. Suit in Equity the 28th day of February, 1913. in a certain action
the purpose of transmitting messages sion.
the bed, because it is not a
tl rough the streets of said Town,” did
in the Circuit Court for said County an! State,
Nothing contained in this Section for a Divorce.
necessary for the convenient operation
habit but a dangerous disease. The
giant permission and authority for a
To Charles Wilcox, the above named defen­ wherein M. O. Carton as plaintiff recovered
of said railway or railways. Provided: shall be taken or held to prevent the dant: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You judgment against Sarah J. E-dman. Oscar
' period of twenty-five (25) years unto
C. H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. 1475,
that nothing herein shall be so con­ said grantee, its successors and assigns are hereby notified that you are required to ap­ Holmquist, Arvid Holmquist. Edna T. Lux.
th j said Medford and Jacksonville
strued as to permit the said grantee, from ch.trg ing a less rate for the pear in the above entitled court and cause and Minnie A. Townsend. Frank X. Goulet Louise Chicago, Iil., have discovered a
K ilway Company, a corporation or-
its successors or assigns to transmit transportation of passengers or freight answer the complaint of plaintiff therein on file D. Goulet. W. J. Hills and Kate Hills, for the strictly harmless remedy for this
g. nixed and existing under the laws of
you within ten days from the date of sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy
messages for persons not engaged in than the rates given herein, and pro­ against
distressing disease and to make
the service of this summons upon you if served Six and 00-100 ($3776.) Dollars with interest
the State of Oregon, the right of way
the operation of said railway or rail­ vided: that if the city council of Jack­ within Jackson County, State of Oreyon, or if thereon from said 21st day of February, 1913. at known its merits they will send a 50c.
fo- a line of railroad thtough and over
ways or to assign the franchise and sonville, Oregon, shall deem it neces­ served within any other county of the State of the rate of 6 per cent per annum.
po tions of E street, 7th street, D
package securely wrapped and pre­
right of way for su<h telegraph and sary for the convenience of the travel­ Oregon, then within twenty days from the date« f Notice is Hereby given that I will on
st eet, 6th street and C street, within
such service upon you. or if served by publica­
Absolutely Free to any reader
telephone line or lines to any person or
tion, or out of the state, after an order of publi­ At the front door of the Court House in Jackson­
the corporate limits of the Town of
persons, firm or corporation other than habitants of said city that the number cation, then on or before the last day so pre­ ville Oregon in said County at 10 o’clock in the of The Jacksonville Post. This re­
Jacksonville, etc.
the actual owner or owners of the said I of trips between the aforesaid cities scribed in the order for publication of said sum­ forenoon of said day sell at Public Auction to the medy also cures frequent desire to
tnd whereas; the said grantee, its
railway or railways unless the city t bu increased, the said grantee, its mons. which last day is April 2dth, 1913; and you highest bidder for cash the following described urinate and inability to control urine
sn'cessors and assigns did in good
successor or assigns shall upon proper will take notice that if you fail to so appear and real property; subject however to the rights and
council shall by ordinance so direct.
answer said complaint within said time, plaintiff interest, of Jane Carroll whose rights and in­
fa th accept the franchise granted by
during the night or day in old or
Section IV. The track or cracks of notice thereof by the city council, will apply to the above entitled court for an or­ terests therein are of the amount of $7001.00:-
si' J Ordinance No. 104, and relying
the railway or railways to be operated I make an additional trip each day, at der of default and for a decree against you for Commencing Twenty (20) feet North and six young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co.
th reon and acting in good faith did
under the provisions of this ordinance s such hour as directed by said city the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: hundred and sixty (660) feet West of the South­ is an Old Reliable House, write to
construct, operate and are now oper­
a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony east corner of Donation Land Claim No. 69.
shall be laid flush with the grade of • council. The City Council of Jackson- for
ating a railroad over and through the the street where the street has an i ville, Oregon, may by ordinance make heretofore and now existing between you and Township 37 South of Range two (2) west of the them today for the free medicine.
I I the plaintiff herein, and for such othur, further Willamette Meridian and from said beginning
Cure the afflicted members of your
streets named in said Ordinance No.
established grade and when the traca such other and further re gulations re- and different relief as to the Court may seem point running thence North one thousand four
lOt. And whereas; grave doubts as to
family, then tell your neighbors and
hundred and ninety-five (1495) feet, thence East
is laid upon a street where no grade ; garding rates and fares, and times of equitable.
th. validity of said Ordinance No. 104,
This summons is published in the Jacksonville one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight (1188)
friends about this remedy.
has been established the track shall be
Post by order of the Hon. F. L. TouVelle, Judge fett. thence South one thousand, four hundred
having recently arisen, in consequence
brought to grade by said grantee, its i car3 as from time to time may be just of the County Court of Jackson County, State of and
ninety-five (1495) feet, thence west one
of «aid doubts, the present owner and
successors or assigns whenever the and reasonable.
Oregon, and which order was made and dated thousand one hundred and eighty-eight (1188)
operator of the railroad hereinbefore
Section VIII. That all the provi- on the 13th day of March, A. D. 1913, and it is feet to the place of beginning, containing 40.50 Change in Southern Pacific Time
grade shall be established by the city.
mentioned, has applied to the City of
therein ordered that you appear and answer the acres, reserving and excepting therefrom 20 acres
When any established grade shall be , sions of this ordinanoe shall inure to, complaint
of plaintiff on file herein on or before heretofore sold to A. H. Miller off the Northern
Ju ksunville, for a franchise for said
change;! by the city the tracks or • apply to and bind the successors and the expiration of six weeks from the «late pre­ portion
of said premises, as above described.
railroad upon, along, over and across
Effective January 1st, 1910.
tracks of said railway or railways shall assigns of the Rogue River Valley scribed in said order as the date of the first pub­ Taken and le.lod upon as the property of said
certain of the streets of said city: be changed by the said grantee so as Railway Company, and that all of the lication of this summons.
Sar.ih J. Erdn.an, Oscar Holmquist. Arvid Holm­
N< «, therefore:
The date of the first publication of this sum­ quist, Edna T. Lux. Minnie A. Townsend. Frank
to conform thereto. It is further pro­ rights, privileges, immunities and mons
and the date prescribed in the aforesaid X. Goulet. Louise D. Goulet. W. J. Hillsand Kate 20 Portland Passenger..........7:30 A.M.
vided, that the said grantee, its 8UC- franchises herein mentioned and here- order for the first publication of this summons is Hills, or so much thereof as may be necessary to 24 Grants Pass Motor..........10:31 A.M.
cessors and assigns shall improve and by granted shall continue and be in Mareh 1.5, 1913, and the date of the last publica­ satisfy said judgment in favor of M. O, Carton
Section I. That there be and here­ keep in repair that portion of the full force and effect for a period of tion thereof and on or before which date you are against the above named defendants, with in­ 32 Grants Pass Motor........... 4:58 P.M.
by is granted to the Rogue River street or streets between the rails of twenty (20) years from and alter the required to answer suiti complaint is April 26ih. terest thereon together with all costs and dis­ 14 Oregon Express................ 5:45 P. M.
Vi Iley Railway Company, a corpora­ said railway tracks, also those por­ date of the acceptance of this Ordin­ 1313.
bursements that have or may accrue.
16 Oregon Express............... 5:58 P. M.
Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon on this 28th day
te n organized and existing under the tions of the street or streets lying ance and the rights and franchise here­ At Jacksonvillle. Oregon. H. Attorney
l'or the
Shasta Limited (Mail only)2:35 A.M
of I*’ ebruary. 1913.
laws of the State of Oregon, and to along and outside the rails of said rail in granted, by said grantee.
AUG. D. SINGLER. Sheriff.
iu> successors in interest and its as­ way track or tracks and within a dis­
Section IX. The said grantee shall
Motor.................. 8:45 A.M.
signs, the franchise, right and priv­ tance oi two (2) feet thereof,
Notice of Executors’ Sale.
l'ound a Cure for Ttheumutism.
The within fifteen (15) days from and after
ilege to erect, lay down, re-lay, con word ’‘improve’ as Used herein shall the passage of this ordinance (unless IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF
Express ........ 10:52 A.M.
“I suflered with iheunialbin for two years
struct, re-construct, purchase, acquire, be taken and held to include grading, the same shall have been referred) file FRANK ENNIS. DECEASED.
.uid could not get my right hand to my 31 Ashland Motor.................. 2:24 P.M.
month for that length of time,” writes Lee
lease, repair, maintain, equip, operate,
macadamizing and paving the portion in the office of the City Recorder of Notice iw hereby given that the undersigned L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa. “I suffered 15 San Francisco Express.. .3:35 P.M.
have, hold, use and enjoy a line of rail-
executors of the estate of Frank Ennis, deceased,
terrible pain so 1 could not sleep or lie still 11 Shasta Limited (Mail only) 5:47 A.M.
or portions of the street specified, in
under and by virtue of an order of the County.
wi y or railways, single track, with
the same manner that the remainder written acceptance of this ordinance Court for Jackson County, Oregon, duly made' at night. Five years ago I began using
ne essary and convenient switches,
Liniment anil in two months
of the street is graded, macadamized and the lianehise, rights and privileges and entered of record on the l(lth day of March. ’ Chamberlain's
1 was well and have not suffered with rheu­
turn-outs, turn tables, connections and
See Taylor-Williams Co. for your
or paved bv or under the authority of granted thereby, subject to the terms | 1913, will ut Jacksonville. Oregon, oa and after:- matism since.” For sale by ail dealers.—
ways, and to run and operate thereon
Monday, the 14th day of April. 1913. at the hoih <
red clover, timothy and rye grass seeds
the city council and subject to the of this ordinance. Failure of the said of
10 o'clock A. M. of said April 14th, sell at
passenger cars and to carry passengers; reasonable regulations thereof.
grantee to file its acceptance as herein private
sale to the highest bidder for cash all
to run and operate freight, mail, bag
Section V. The said grantee, its provided, within the time specified, I the right, title and interest of said decedent in
ga ;e, express and funeral cars; to
successors and assigns shall have shall be taken as a rejection of the and to the following described real property in
carry freight, gcods, parcels, express
Jackson County, Oregon, to-wit:
authority to make all needful and con­ ordinance and franchise by said gran­ Jacksonville,
All that portion of Lot 8 in Block 7 as laid down I
packages and United States Mail there­
venient excavations in any of said streets
on the official plat of the Town (now City) of
on subject to the provisions of this
under the conditions herein named, for time herein allowed for the filing of Jacksonville. Oregon, described as beginning at
Ordiance and the reasonable regula­
the purpose of constructing, establish­ said acceptance, the same not having the South East corner of said Lot 8 and running
tions of the Council of the City of
Northerly 100 feet more or less to the
ing, repairing and maintaining said been filed, this ordinance shall become thence
North East corner of said Lot 8; thence Wester­
Jacksonville, Oregon; to do all things
said railway or railways and the tele­
ly along the North boundary of said Lot 8. 25 feet
nei .wary to the successful operation
graph, telephone and power lines fi cre­ no effect. Provided: that if this ordin- more or less to a post and board fence between
of said railway or railways, (operated
inbeture mentioned, provided: mai ance shall be referred to a vote of the the property of the said Ennis and Eleanor Jane
partly within said City of Jacksonville,
Kubii; thence Southerly with the said post and i
whenever the said grantee, its succes
lees- ­ people of Jacksonville, then, in that board
fence as the west boundary of said Lot
Origon, and partly without the City ol
Express, Freight, General Delivery. Teaming to
sors and assigns shall disturb any of event, the time allowed the said gran­ 100 feet more or less to the South boundary of
Jui ksonville, Oregon,) along hiu ! upon,
said streets, alleys or highways, it or
said Lot 8; thence Easterly along the South line
Parts of the Country. Nothing too Heavy or
through, over or across that part ot
they shall restore the same to good of this ordinance and the terms there­ of said Lot 8, 50 feet more or less to the point of
Light. Agents for Colestin Mineral Water.
puna of E street. Seventh street, D
the above described property being
order as soon as practical and without of shall begin to run upon the day of beginning,
the same property heretofore conveyed by deed
street, Sixth street, C street and all
any unnecessary delay, and provided
to Frank Ennis by T. J. Kenney. Administrator
other other strests, alleys and high­
further: the city council shall have the the mayor or city recorder declaring of James Elliott Estate, Eleanor Jane Kubii, A.
ways within the said City now oc-
E. Reames and others Excepting only there­
right to prescribe by ordinance or that the ordinance is in effect.
cu; :ed by the track or tracks of th«
Section X. The City Council of the from the property heretofore conveye«i by Frank
resolution a reasonable lime within
Ennis to Eleanor Jane Kubii by deed dated Sept.
R ) ue River Valley Railway Conipay,
which su ’ll repairs of restoration ol City of Jacksonville. Oregon, may af- 2'tth. 1912 recorded in Vol. 97 Page 273 Deed
wi. . in the corporate limits of the said
proper hearing and upon satis­ Records of Jackson Countv. Oregon.
such street, alley or highway shall be
Cic of Jacksonville, Orego as shown completed and upon failure of said factory evidence of a violation of the
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this 15th day
on ie profile map of said Rogue River grantee, its successors and assigns to provisions of this ordinance by the said of March. 1913.
H. K. HANNA and
Va .cy Railway Company, to be filed complete said repairs or restoration grantee, its successors or assigns, re­
in t .e office of the Recorder of the
John Dunnington
within the time prescribed in such
Executors of the Estate of Frank Ennis,
city of Jacksonville, as hereinafter
ordinance or resolution, the street leges herein granted, or may proceed Deceased.
pr> ded.
commissioner shall place the same in by suit for other legal or equitable
1 is Ordinance nn I the franebis .
Notice to Creditors.
good con.at.on and repair at the ex­ relief.
rig’ is an«* privil. gca herein me iti ne pen e ,.i
Section XI All ordinances or parts IN THE COUNTY COURT OF OREGON, IN
holier of ths franchise
an .ereb> giaui.-d ,|. h ||
d l>
of ordinances heretofore passed and in
gnu.led by tms ordinance.
con ■ vohi and ut no effect ut the ex
Section VI. Nothing in thia ordinance conflict with the provisions of this
matter of the estate of John .4
pi i ion of thirty days from Rnd aftei
' shall be so construed as to prevent the ordinance are hereby repe aled.
Facklarn, deceased.
its | aesage and approval, unless the proper authorities ef the City of Jack­
Notice is hereby giver, that the
sai. grantee shall have within the said
County Court of Jackson County.
.. Ore­
sonville constructing sewers, laying or
thir y days, filed or caused to be filed
has appointed William Facklarn
re, airing water mains er laterals, was presented to the council of the ' gon,
in t e office of the City Recorder of
grading, paving, macadamizing, plank­ City of Jacksonville, Oregon, on tl*’ Facklarn, deceased and that the said
•aid Citv of Jacksonville. Oregon, a
William Facklarn has duly qualified as
ing, improving, repairing or altering 6th day of March 1913.
map or plat of that part of the citv any of said streets, alleys or highways,
of said estate.
All persons
The foresting Ordinance No. 18J WHS 1 executor
trai ersed or to be traversed by said
having claims against said estate are
but all such work shall be done, if published in the Jacksonville Post in hereby notified and required to present
rail'. *y or railways and accurately in­ possible, so as not to disturb, injure,
-------- Dealera In--------
the regular editions thereof, dated the same properly verified, to the un-
dies mg the streets, alleys and high-
’ dersigned executor at his residence
delay or prevent the operation of said March 15, 1913, and March 22, la’3.
way > or the portions now occupied or
: near Central Point, Jackson County.
railway or railways.
All Kith of F.'jth at I Cured Meats
to I. occupies! by the track or tracks
I Oregon, or at the office of D. W. Rag-
Section VII. The said grantee for
sh iw. in Jacksonville, Oregon, on or ■
Cough M in I lei no fbr Children.
of ne railway now owned by said
itself, its successors and assigns, j Too much care cermet be n«ed in selecting be fore six months from and after the
grat eg, and to be operated bv said
Poultry, Choice lard, Etc
agrees to operate its cars upon and over j * cugh medh inc for children. It should date of the first publication of this
gra tea, its aucce s >rs or >.s i ns, over
raid railway or iailwaya on a regular be pleasant to tab«., coots',n no hzrr.tfitl sub­ i notice.
whi h streets, alleys and Ingiiwos a
Date of first 'publication of this
stance and be m >»t < licet ml. Chamberlain's
fra bile and right of way is fit al e.1. schedule between the eil.es of Jack- Cough Remedy meets l! o» requirements notice, is February 22, 19'3.
W illiam F acklam .
S' tion li. The said grantee, its '•oitvilie, Oregon, and Medford, Oregon, and 1.« a favorite will» th? mothers of youag
Executor of the estate of Ju n Fack-
children everywhere, l or sale by all Dea­
MKceMor* and aaaigna may operate (fur the transportation of passengers ler».—Advertisement.
I lum, deceased.
Charles F-. Dunford
Meat Market