A. .JACKSONVILLE POST-: Merely Filed by the Governor. H. B. 16—Relating to ballot titles on measures referred to the people. H. B. 17—Repealing sections 3441 Officia. Paper of the City of Jacksonville, Oregon and 3442, relating to terms of office of the secretary of state, state treas­ A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson urer. printer and supreme judges. H. B. 41—Abolishing office of state County, Oregon. D. W. B acshaw , Editor. land agent. H. B. 84—Limiting Indebtedness for Er'ered as second-class matter June 22, 1907, at the post office at Jacksonville, irrigation districts. H. B. 91—Amends sections 513 rela­ Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. tive to maintenance and custody of children affected by divorce. SATURDAY. MARCH 15. 19/3 H. B. 34—Making 100 pounds the standard weight for a sack of potatoes. SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on H. B. 104—Relating to milk inspec­ tors. application. H. B. 130—Authorizing school dis­ tricts of 20,000 population to establish trade schools for dependent glr's. H. H. 169—Widows' pension bill. H. B. 81—Increasing salaries of all circuit Judges to »4000 a year. H. B. 79—Relating to the inspection of railroad track scales. H. B. 173—-Providing for the sus­ pension and investigation of the Inter­ state schedules of railroads before same become effective. H. B. 69—Providing for sterilization of habitual criminals and moral per­ verts. H. B. 185—Repealing sections relat­ ing to road poll tax. H. B. 160—Protecting co-operative I associations in the use of the terms co I operative. H. B. 243—Relating to the sale of I commercial foodstuffs. H. B. 143—Regulating the business of commission merchants. H. B. 210 — Authorizing county courts to establish assessment road districts. H. B. 319—Making county jutfges ex officio fire wardens. H. B. 209—Creating a state board of accountancy. H. B. 258—Consenting to the pur­ chase of the locks and canal at Oregon City. H. B. 433—Creating the Btate board of control. H.B.78—Makes it a crime to threat­ en or advocate the commission of a felony, the penalty running from a »50 fine to three years’ imprisonment in the penitentiary. Aimed especially at persons threatening others' lives and soap-box orators. H. B. 73—Appropriates »50,000 for detailed survey of the water resources of the state. S. B. 117—-Prohibits officers, direct­ ors and stockholders of a bank from an appropriation of »59,090 and ttle receiving a percentage or profit of any governor one of »25.090, while this kind or gift for inducing such bank to make a loan. measure called for only »15,000. H. B. 279—Relieving those author- In relation to appropriations, when ized to perform marriages of the ne­ the standing appropriations of more cesslty of filing evidence of such fact $50,500. than »1,200,000 are deducted from the in more than one county of the state. H. B. 620—Making appropriation H. B. 122—Known as the “loan I for state penitentiary of »216,000. approximately *6,000,000 appropriation bill," prohibits higher rate than | S. B. 149—Relating to publication of Session of 1913 Places 377 the tctal amount of drainuge from the 3 shark per cent as Interest on small sums i stare treasury is reduced to a figure loaned workmen and others in unfor- I delinquent tax list. S. B. 196—Relating to condemning Laws on Statute Books more nearly oommensurate with the tunate circumstances. for countv roads. growth of the state and Its institu­ H. B. 27—This is the workmen's ( S. B. 235—Limiting time for foro- act, for which an appro- ! closing mortgages. THIRTY VETOES OVERRIDDEN tions. There were also certain unusu­ compensation priatlon of »50,000 is made. It has the | S. B. 236—Making uniform ware- i al features calling for large appropri­ elective feature, which is recognized J house receipts. ations. It should be borne in mind as Its main weakness, but a compulso- | S. B. 253—Prescribing duties of par­ W» kmtn'i Compensation — Good also, that the legislators did not pile ry feature, according to the best au- I ents In regard to school census. Reade Law*—Agricultural Exten- S. B. 336—Relating to special taxes up the expenses of the taxpayers ap­ thoritles, would be unconstitutional, i •A« Work—Widow*’ Pension*— preciably by extending the session be­ By the operation of this act It is estl- ; for roads and highways. ni ited that from 20 to 30 per cent of i MJnlmum Wag* for Women and H. B. 205 — Creating bureau of yond regular »0 day limit, as they the damage suits due to personal in­ mf.-.es and geology and appropriating 8'Wior*—Survey of State Resource* draw no salary for tho additional per­ jury will be eliminated. » 540.000. - Investigation of Celllo Power Pro- H. B. 38—Declaring policy of state lod worked and had to pay their own H. B. 265—Creating county sealer J -Ch • as to wageworkers and l.mltitig the of weights and measures. expanses. i hours of certain workmen to 10 hours. H. B. 27S—Making of $30,000 nppro- Ctiem.—The labors of the legisla­ Women Important Factor H. B. 610—For maintenance of East prt.-.tlr i for provision for state fair Tho part played by women at this Oregon asylum; appropriates »284,- grounds. tive assembly of 1913 have added 377 H. B. 375- -Making appropriation of new laws to tho Oregon codes, Of legislative session was remarkable. 329.80. H. B. 102—Giving cities and towns »20,0900 fcr salmon hatcheries. the now laws 10 are due to tho pas- That, the lawmakers have taken them power over public parks. H. B. 44 7- ■Providing tor taxing up tar-- of bills of the 1911 session and into consideration as a political factor H. B. 110—To prevent spread of tu- ostrays. 30 of the recent session over the veto is shewn by tho consideration display­ berculosis. H. i». 530- -Amending law for deter­ H. B. 166—Relating to misbranding mining l.e.rs for estate. of the governor, Including the general ed in the caso of measures peculiarly H. B. 174—.Appropriating $2000 for appropriation bill, while 337 were eith­ affecting their Interests. At the 1911 articles of food. H. B. 177—Columbia southern pro­ Yamhill walnut e-.i eriment station. er »proved by the governor or filed session such bills as now have become Ject appropriation of »450.000. H. B. 211—Providing for use of vot­ laws wero thrown into the scrap heap without bls signature. H. B. 306—Regulating sale of con- ing machines. dor.sed milk. without compunction. 'I roe teiitum marked the final ses I Sub. H. B. 360—To create state high­ H. B. 379—For prompt payment of way commission. As a rule the investigations" made I sail of the legislative assembly prior jurors and witnesses. H. B. 422—-Yo provide for state to r no die adjournment. One was the by the legislature wore perfunctory. 8 B. 41—Amendments relating to printing beard. Relative to killing bad bills, two are roads or gateways for lands not reach­ es. i with which bills were passed over Sub. H. B. 434—Blue sky law. th* veto whenever desired; another worthy of special mention—one which ed by convenient roadways. H. B. 449—Providing for county at­ S. B. 36- Regulating tare for the torneys. the consideration of vetoed measures would have created a plumbers' trust, weight of sacks in the sale of grain H. B. 508—Relating to incorporation on •heir merits, and the third the and another which would have created S. B. 10—Providing froe mooting of citlor. and towns. an electricians' trust, With very few places tor Q. A. R. posts. ■pe 4 shown in the transaction of bus 11. B. 524—-Providing for assess­ exceptions tho record of this legisla la* *. 8. B. 71—Amendment relative to the ment of damages in laying out roads. H. B. Gv4—Interstate bridge bill. V iquestlol.ably many of the meaa- lure as to so-called "hold-up mens- transportation of livestock by rail­ roads. H. D. 4 ’.0—Authorising purchase of irv passed were of first importance, ures" is excellent. S. B. 80—Creating a right of action The following Is a list of the lm- against any person who gives or sells uite for fair grounds. the Het Including the workmen's com­ H. B. 497—For maintenance of U..1- I pensation act. good roads legislation, portant measures which will bocome liquor to an habitual drunkard or an veraity of Oregon. »190.000. intoxicated person. Sub. H. 13. 521—For levying tax for the agricultural collage extension laws: 3. B. 103—Amending sectton 3444 rv ■arch in agricultural problems. wors bill, the minimum wage measure Important Bills of th* 1911 Session relative to the time of meeting of pres­ H. B. 6’.4—Levying tax for mainten- Fail d Over the Veto. for womon and minors, the widows' idential electors. I ar.ee cf O A. C 8. B 6—qulrlng local agent* of pen itoa bill, laws affecting judicial I S. B. 108—Protecting subcontract­ H. B. 428—Cour.ty fair millage bill. railway coinpnnLs to report accurate­ ors. matt-rial mun and laborers and de­ >ro aduro and the aproprlatlons for ly the time of arrival of trains. H. B. 491—For collection of tax on ci; ring eight hours to b* a day's work personnl property. the anaina Pacific Exposition, the Co­ 8. 1!. 43—Creating a livestock sani- 8. B. 77—Minimum ' wage bill for 8. ¡3. 75—Appropriation for board of luir. da Southern Irrigation project. d<>- ' y 11 ..rd ,u..l i.pprupri «ting $50.000 women aud minors; appropriates »3 Im pectors of child labor. »5000. tL -r. for. tall urvey of atate resources and iu I 500. S. B 76—Relating to furnishing 11- 8. 11. 127—Prohibits th* auditing by S B. 47—Requiring electric head wti gatloa of water power at Celllo. qurr to Inmates of institutions. 8. B. 136—To establish Industrial the secretary of «'ate of claims of In­ lights on locomotive engines. till Opvnlng Rsgu* River Fasted S. B. 52—Declaring county roads In ho .io for girls, »50,000. Al-bott's printing turn»lire was de- debtedness agalnrt fund* th* appro- towns and cities to be streets. 8. B. 129—Regulating a business un­ priatlon for which has been exhausted. I «1*1- ily defeated. but the bill opening S. B. 154—Fixing comm encement of dor an assumed name. 3 B 129 Creates an emergenc’ Roy. « river passed easily. S. B. 166—To permit officers to board to deni with deficiencies n«>ccs- the term of office of the governor. 8. B. 24—Requiring goat and kid ride on nr.y car or train. Tl » bill abolishing the office of sitated under the provisions of the meat to I ♦ labeled. 8. B. 298—Making It a miidomcnn- St< Priutlug Kxpcrt Harris was not preceding bill 8 It 35 Making Lincolns birth­ or to deface state beard of health no- 8. B. 151—Providing for the crea­ •ent te the governor after temporary tion and organization of new counties. day, W:.-hlugton's birthday and Co- tlces. •4j< ira aient. of S. B. 133—Increasing number H. it ll’G Providing for the drain­ lut.ibus day legal holidays. 8 1 J2 -To provide for support of justices cf supreme court to seven. J L«for« final adjournment, when age nnd deposition of swamp lands in Ashland '.¡ormsl school. S. B. 204—Relating to issuance of the I ill finally reached Went he veto­ the southeastern part of th* state. S. H. 1'8—Regulating the adminis­ special certificates to teachers. H. H. 119 Amending the law re­ ed It. maklug no report of the veto quiring ronil supervisors to keep H B. 113—Relating to county fruit tering of anesthetics anti! after the legislature had adjourn­ weeds from county reads by Imposing 8. B. 131—Fixing salary of gover­ inr-'oetor such duty on t>i" owners of property. nor's secretary at »3000. H B. Î20—To determine compensa- ed. tloti for cross'ng laid. H. B. 147—To secure interest on Ar regard* bill* Inrrea to.’ snl ring In:;., '--t Pills cf tii* Present Sestion H. B. <94—Requiring fire drills in - er th* Veto. Bounty money and place safeguards I d > >uatt*a, on Jrguinout a ad to ■chooi*. »round deposits. • '.H i r ... creasing salaries •au Ik .s ovsr t'.a va-K-that in .< <3'111111 1. 8 B. 31—Prohibiting saloons in de­ 11. B. 65—To regulate railroad and •vc pots. cas* ike s.unuuts to wbicb ruch li. B. 1C7. cprrlhig th* Initiative bi.'.bnay crossings. S. B 48—Requiring medical certifi­ ■ala os »ora raised were less than i m «losing Ro .;<■ river to commercial IL. B. 249—Fixing standard of seeds. H. B. 269—Relating to display of cates for marriage licenses. th* uea glvou In the Gill bill, the pus- fit hi::-.. 8 B. 130—Relating to testimony of S B. 253.—Providing for a detail goods, wares and merchandise. •ax of which tho governor said in H. B 304—Authorizing cities to op- husband and wife stirv. y nn.l Invcstlustlon of tho Colum­ •ver veto message would make such bia river power project near The Dal­ •rate water works I Il B. 416—Prohibiting bulls run­ Incr'-iaee unnecessary h . n. 328—Providing for state bud- ning at large. les. with i n appropriation of »'5.000. H B. 495—Naming day of primary II B. 829.—The general appropria­ get. A P*w M***ure* Killed H R. 367—Relating to damages in election. A few measure* were killed, the tion bill, aggregating »1.231,216 90. H B. 281—Appropriation for o. A. Important Bills Signed and Filed or opening road*. Veto- being sustained. by request of H H. 419—Making state Insurance C., »82.000. H. B 282—Appropriation for o. A. th* utbors. because of amendments Commissioner state aud county audl- C., »107.000. tor. wbi. i made them worthless. Farrell. H B 2S3—Appropriation for o. A. Straight si St. H. B. 482—Fixing the date for the fur (Stance, asked that the Morals C , »GO.COO There is no use cf our “beating around general election. Cot. bill veto be sustained; Joseph, the bush." We might as well out with it H B 284—For extension wo rk at H B 594—Prohibiting circulation U of O . ,75.000. ILe -all sta.u4m.vnt, Li.tourette, the first as last. We want yon to try Chsml er- of false repons regarding banks. H B 2S7—For building ::t Ü. cf O., H. B. 815—-Appropriation for deaf or court measure, and Carson. Iain's Cough Remedy the n< it time ycu •'• I »’ • . i tl * >1 rslstlug to juditnieuts and d<* lisve a cough or id. There is no rea-os mutes school of $90.000. H B. 259—For additional f. Li tor ro far as we can *••■. why you should not do H B 6'6 Appropriation for feeble- • *t 11.< rrgument» kgali.u the Dey so. This prepara ion bv its ree»! table minded school of $202,243.31. the U of O.. 53C.C90. H. B 289—F?r improvements at U. b.ll « iuiestigate Cslilo waler resour euros bus gained a world wide iv| uiatl. ii. H. B. 617—Appropriation for blind I I Of O.. 1100,000. ••* i.ere nullified by the showing that and people everywhere speak ei it in thr school of »37.235 H B 290—For equipment at O. A. H B. 625—Making appropriations *• ■*to engineer bad recommended highest terms of praise. It is for sale by all dealers.—Advertisement. for Soldiers' home and state fair of R. t«o non 'ï‘ : T.-W. Co. W.B.Corsets 50c, $1, $1.50, $3 Native Daughter Shoes,guaran teed All Wool and Mixed Suitings 50c. to $1 yd. The Medford Sun in its Saturday edition has quite a “spiel” about a proposed robbery of the Beekman Bank­ ing House of this city. The reporter as usual allows his imagination to run wild and a stranger reading the florid account in the Sun would be led to think that “martial” rule existed in Jacksonville. The story about armed men patrolling the streets around the bank, etc., is all bosh and existed only in the imagination of the reporter. Several parties are complaining as to the condition of certain outhouses on property near the center of the city alleging that the closets are in a very insanitary and filthy state. Such reports show the need of a sewer sys- tern, in fact the only remedy for the nuisance is the con- struction of sewers and the enacting of proper sanitary regulations Some people seem to think that Governor West is the “whole thing” not only in Oregon but also in guiding the ship of state at Washington, as evidenced by an aiticle in a recent Medford paper regarding the appoint­ ment of a U. S. marshal for Oregon. caded Silk Waisting - B.ro: 50c. Values, 35c. Yd Silk Ratine and Nouveautés 20c. per yard See Our Line of Stamped and Embroidery Goods Values Offered. Ladies Kimonas and House Dr esses a Specialty A New afid Complete Line Calico, Challies, Etc Scrims and Silkelenes for Your Windows of J ! See Our New Spring Line of Mens' and Boys' Furnishings Taylor - Wiliams Co The People’s Store Groceries and Feed of all kinds Agents for the Famous Flörsheim Shoe Jacksonville, Oregon RESUME OF WORK OF LEGISLATURE I Special BJSiN.il SS CUIDS GUS II. K. HANNA NEWBUftV lawyer Attornej-at-Law Office in Bank of Jacksonville Building' Will Practise in All Courts in the State OREGON. MEDFORD, JACKSONVILLE, Di T. r. SHIV POLK’S— Denti 4. f Business Directory 9 -, R EGON . I D. W. BAGSHAW n 4 OREGON and WASHINGTON office in lfyan Building, California St. Upstairs JACKSONVILLE OREGON I fl A Directory of each City, Town an4 Village, giving descriptive sketch of fl each place, location,, population, tele­ fl graph, shipping and banking point; fl also Classified Directory, compiled by fl business and profession. R. L. POLK * CO- ■wawwfjj « Attorney nt Law llviU Ave A. J, a . . . a. UteAj AA s-kc A ■•• A prominent N.-w York |.iiv,ician says: ' If it were not for the llilu eUx-kiiigs and Office Hours: J Forenoon 9 to 12 ili in soled slo’«a worn by women tho doctors ( Afternoon 1:30 to 5 would probably be bai i rupi.” When you contract a cold do not v. .it for it to develop Bank of Jacksonville Building. mto pneumonia but treat it at one* Chain- JACKSONVILLE. - OREGON l> slain'.: t ough llemeal* is intended especi­ ally for cough* ami «olds, and bus won a irido reputation byiticuresof lliete d!»<-s»*a. I.ook io x I'nuubiug. i It is most elfecttial and is pleasaut and safe You know wlmt .ap- ¡ns in a house in to take. J- ', sale by all dosiers.—Adver­ which tha plumbing is :i or condition— tisement. ■verybody in the house ia ii .bls to contract .yphoid or some other fever. The digcotive vrgr.ua perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing doos for the house, and they should be kept in first class We have on hand for sale the following condition all the time. Ii you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamber­ blanks viz: lain’s Tablets and you are certain to git Lease, quick relief. For sale by all dealers.—Ad­ Mortgages, vertisement. NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER LEGAL BLANKS N Rill of Sale, Agreements. W arrantv Deeds. Quit Claim Deed*. C hattel Mortgage, Ack now ledgemen ts. Real Estate ontract. i Location Notice—Placer, Location Notice Quartz, Satisfaction of Mortgage, Real Estate Agents ontract, S Notice Application for Liquor Lieensa At reasonable prices. We intend adding other blanks as fast as possible until the line is complete. Blanks of special form printed to order at short notice Illirif8 onfvJ F£E. tral k -M ARK4, t ' isi re*l. Spurt ski i nph Remedy, saying a|,e („.j ¡or »r. . 1 bonghi a botti* sud it re- >ere,l my rough the in a "' k I was rid of tl'* cold and soren*»sef uiv I mgs, ’ writes M ìm Marie Gerlwr, Baw- t' de, <’>il. Fur salt by all dealers.—Adwsr- i ¡fuient. « Results