Historical Society VOL. VI, JACKSONVILLE, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 15, 1913 M. E. Reed, of the firm of Reed & J’VILLE WALLOPS CENTRAL PT. legislature in abolishing district fairs. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING COUNCIL MEETING Chenery, engineers of this city, re- | i The first fair on the Southern Ore­ I turned from Medford yesterday, says j gon circuit will be held at Medford Tuesday was the busiest day of the Salem. losing considerable silverware in the noon. The horse stepped into a hole Geo. N. Lewis reminded the council WEATHER ON TAP gaibage being hauled away daily from and, caught by the enrrent, was swept tnat some seven months ago he resign­ tax paying period, the office of Shei- i. Later in the same year they return­ their premises, Chief of Police Hittson away, while young Walters succeeded ed his position as sexton of the cem­ iff Singler being packed most of th« ed to the Roi^ue river valley, -engaging visited the several garbage men in the in swimming out. Walters, when the etery and has since been holding the day with property holders waiting foi in mining at Jacksonville, at flPal lime city apd recovered over 75 pieces of horse first fell, grabbed the animal by Eleven Weather Stations Now position pending the appointment of a a ceance to give their money to the the population numbering nine men. silver. new officer. Mr. Lewis was informed county. Of the >700,000 assessed in In the fail of 1852 they returned to the neck and it is believed that this the in Jackson County. For a long time the garbage men in reason the animal failed to regain its that he would be relieved from that this county, it is estimated thut one- Michigan with a few thousand dollars the elty made a practice of returning feet. duty within the next thirty days, until third has been collected to date, and it in gold dust, among which was a nug­ the silverware found in the garbage which time he will continue to fill the is thought that two-thirds of the total get weighing $900. Mr. Nye carried The accident was witnessed by Leon amount was in the hands of the county this gold dust on to Philadelphia and but recently none has been coming I Field of this city, who assisted Walters With the fitting of a new weather office. Saturday night, when the three pel had it coined. Fot a number of years back; the collectors saying they had ashore. The horse was washed down station at Central Point Wednesday No other business coming before the cent rebate ended. The delinquent list thereafter he followed watch-making failed to find any. Complaint was, stream several hundred yards. Wal­ Jackson county jumps into the fore­ council, the meeting then adjourned. will be smaller than last year. made to the chief who investigated.— ters resides in the Sams valley district. most rank of counties having estab­ and repairing. Sun. Tribute. lished stations under government sup­ —Tribune. ervision. There are now 11 stations in No More Ragging at Grants Pass --------------------------- Raised Check, Gets into Trouble the county, more than Rhode Island, Presbyterian Church. RAILROAD NEWS Delaware, New Hampshire or the Ashland After Public Market. No more the bunny hug or the tur­ District of Columbia has, and more Charged with having raised a check key trot or the grizzly bear or the Palm Sunday will be observed at the than any other county in the United given him by H. F. Meader, superin­ moonlight glide, for the legislative Railroad Io The Coast Seems Among the most important sugges­ States. Preshyterian Church at 11 o’clock to- | tendent of the Suncrest orchard, for body of the city of Grunts Pass has morrow morning. Mrs. Herbert Han ­ tions made at a council meeting in re­ The stations now established are at M.25 to $42.15, John Walker, a laborer Certain. cent years was that of Mayor Johnson Ashland, Talent (Smith’s), Talent out the ban on these terphischorean na will sing “The Palms,” and Dr. was today bound over to aw ait action a creations, and they have been relegat ­ W. W. Howard of Medford will sing at the meeting Tuesday evening, when (Gardner’s), Medford, Hollywood, ed to the junk pile. “The Holy City, ” the chorus choir will py the grand jury following a hearing The projected railroad from Medford he urged the necessity of the city Hillcrest, Jacksonville, Woodlawn, in the court of Justice of the Peace Not only any of these latter-day render the prelude and give the res­ to Crescent City, on the coast of establishing a public market whereby Table Rock, Prospect and Siskiyou. Glenn O. Taylor. “ rags ” were ever danced by the youth ponses as well as lead in the singing of Medford is the key station and from northern California, appears now quite the producer may sell direct to the The check was given Walker for and beauty of this metropolis, but as a certain. The survey has been com­ consumer. Mayor Johnson cited the this office a line of work will be carried matter of protection against the pos­ the special hymns. The sermon will wages recently. When he presented it pleted and it is understood that much Medford public market, which he on so that the greatest possible care , sible bringing in of the tuneful con­ be drawn from the lessons found in at the bank the atttmpt to raise it of the right of way has been procured. stated had made good.—Ashland Tid­ can be exercised during the frost sea­ tagion from Medford and other near-by the Gospel account of the Triumphal was apparent, the work being very Entry of Christ into Jerusalem. son. The road will furnish an outlet for ings. crude. The bank notified Meader, Samlets did the city dads taken action, The chorus will render special music Professor O'Gara completed the in­ about l,000,0®0 tons of high grade cop­ and by the passage of ordinance No. at the evening service and the sermon who informed Constable Johnson of per ore and about 2,000,000,000 feet of Blue Stone and Seed wheat and oats stallation of instruments Wednesday.— 675 they have put the stopper in good Talent, who took Walker into custody. I will be a further consideration of the Tribune fine timber. Taylor-Williams Co. Walker had no explanation to make and tight.—Grants Pass Courier. Lenten Fast. and was bound over.—Tribune. A cordial invitation is extended to these sermons. COURT HOUSE NEWS Young Akin Out on Probation. ----------- »a» — LITERARY SOCIETY F Delass Akin, the boy who was charg­ ed with criminal assault upon the Savage sisters, aged 14 and 18 years, was put on probation Monday by Judge Tou Velle, and ordered to report to the court once each week. The testimony in the case was ex­ tremely hazy and contradicting. The younger of the two girls told a different story in court than the one she told at first to the officers. Owing to the character of the testi­ mony Judge Ton Velle concluded to deal leniently with the boy and so placed him on pro', .tion. W ÏÏ Mackerel, Codfiish, Salmon Bellies Water Served i t White House Portland, Ore., March 10. —Hard on the heels of Wasb.ngton dispatches to the effect that ‘.ne White House din­ ners will be ‘dry” hereafter comes the information that the salmon day banquet, March 14, at the Commercial club will be a “dry” affair also. “If President Wilson intends to have nothing stronger than water, at the White House banquets, then water is good enough for us in Portland,” said one of the promoters of the dinner. Seattle und Portland salmon enthu­ siasts are cooperating in an endeavor to have salmon day observed nation­ ally. Canned Fish of All Kinds Ul rich B roth e r s I Leading Merchants Jacksonville ♦ Oregon FAIR CIRCUIT FIXED three Counties to be on Same Fair Circuit This Year. A. K. Ware has returned from at­ tending a meeting of the fair officials of Lane, Jackson and Douglas counties who organized what will be known as the Southern Oregon Fair Circuit. Tnis step was taken as the result of ti e recent procedure of the Oregon M. E. Church Notes. items of Interest to Jackson Coun’y Tax Payors Rev. Smith of Ashland had charge MARRIAGE LICENSES of the church services last Sunday. J. Harrison Haight and Ada Saunich- Miss Pearl Gillette is the leader of sen. next Sunday’s League service. Loren L. Damon and Luzella Brown. V. E. Zermivait and Maude M. Curl. The monthly business meeting of J. F. Bogart and Hazd Wood. the Epworth League was held at the PROBATE COURT home of Mrs. Rummell Wednesday evening nearly forty young people be­ Estate of Sarah C. Woody, deceas- ing present. The names of several new M. Order appointing administrator members were proposed and accepted. and appraisers. After the business session refreshments Estate of N. B. Nye, deceased. Or­ of cocoa and cake were served by the der appointing administrator and ap­ hostess. The next meeting will be praisers. held the second Wednesday in April at the home of Mi»s Ora Stout. MUST BELIEVE IT The usual weekly prayer meeting was held Thursday night, Mrs. u. d . DaviB having charge. When Well Known Jacksonville There will be Sunday school but no I People Tell it so Plainly. morning service Palm Sunday, In the evening Presiding Elder R. E. Dunlap will preach. When public endorsement is made by A rehearsal for the Easter song ser­ a representative citizen <>, Jacksonville vice will be held Monday night at 7:30 the proof is positive, You must be- at the church. All the young people lieve it. Read this testimony, Every come. backache sufferer, every man, woman or child with any kidney trouble will profit in the reading. Ladies’ Aid Officers Elected. find Frank Kasshafer, ripplegate Road, Jacksonville, Ore., says: “For years At a well-attended meeting of the 1 was a miner and n; doubt this work Ladies’ Aid Society of this city held al caused mv kidney and bladder trouble. the home of Mrs. J. C. F. Harrington The first symptom was pain and stiff- Thursday afternoon the following ol- i ness in the .small of my back, especial­ ficers were elected to serve for the ly severe when 1 first »rose in the ensuing term; Mrs. M. E. Abbott, morning. I also had mu''h trouble President; Mrs. D. Davis, Vice-presi­ from the kidneys but it did not take dent; Mrs. J. C F. Harrington, secre­ I Doan’s Kidney Pills long to bring mu Wnenever I catch cold ami tary; Mrs. Stewart Epperson, Treas­ : relief. feel any slight recurrence of my old urer. A special meeting to finish up work complaint, I take Doan’s KiJney Pills in hand will be held at Mrs. M. E. and they relieve me.” Abbott’s home. Thursday, March 20. For sale by al) dealers. Price 50 All members of the Ladies’ Aid and cents, Foster- Millburn Co., Buffalo, ladies interested in the work are in- New York, sole agents for the United vited to prepare lunch and as.-enible at States. the Dlace of meeting at 10 a. m.. Remember the name —Doan’s—and 1 Thursday, prepared to spend the nay’ ( take no other.